Department of Physics and Technology, UoB |
This is the last ordinary edition of
IFT-posten this year. The Department of Physics and Technology would like to
wish all of its partners within and outside UoB (Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year) with this great picture recently taken by our
space physics students on Svalbard (see the below travel log). We would like to thank for the collaboration
in 2010 and look forward to exciting opportunities together in 2011. |
Important deadlines
and dates
á The registration deadline for the Christmas lunch on December 22 is Wednesday December 15. A registration list is available at the expedition.
á The deadline for submitting forms
regarding transfer or advance payment of vacation is December 31, see below.
á The absolute deadline for submitting
invoices for 2010 is Tuesday, January 4
at 09:00 am. We would, on the other hand, like to receive these before the
given date.
á The registration deadline for
courses is Thursday, January 13. The
list of courses will be published December 13.
á The regular subject teaching will
start on Monday, January 17.
Power cut during Christmas
As announced
earlier, all power at AllŽgaten 55 will be cut Tuesday, December 28 and
Thursday December 30 2010 in connection with the construction work. We are
announcing this already now so that everybody can take this into consideration
when planning their activities during Christmas. We will come back with more
detailed information on this before the construction work begins, but IT, heating,
ongoing experiments and many other things will be affected by the activity. Everyone
should consider the fact that there will be no electricity at the department
when planning their activities.
As a result
of this we encourage all employees to work from home during this period. Those
who cannot work from home are allowed to take time off on Tuesday, December 28
and Thursday December 30 without having to use any of their vacation days.
However, these two off work days then include the usual day off during
Christmas. Electricity and heating will be turned back on, on Wednesday but
will be turned off again on Thursday. However, we cannot guarantee that all
IT-services will up and running on Wednesday. Please take this into account.
We would
like to ask everyone to switch off their PCs, printers etc. and unplug them
before Christmas holidays. Gjert will be available at the department on these
days and in case any of you must have electricity due to experiments etc., do
not hesitate to contact Gjert.
The Atomic Microscope on NRK2
In the TV
program Kunnskapskanalen/ Vitenskapshvelvet (Knowledge channel / Science vault)
broadcasted on NRK2 tomorrow, Saturday December
11. at 15:45 pm, there will be an interview about the atomic
microscope at IFT.
The program is a collection of interviews
regarding research and science.
The IFT Technical Department will be
established January 1 2011
As of January 1 2011, all technical
departments at our department, E-lab, IT and the machine shop will be merged together
to form the Technical Department (TA) that will be led by KŒre Nj¿ten. As a
result of this KŒre Nj¿ten has been promoted to the senior engineer position. KŒre will have the supervisor
responsibilities for TA, but will be assisted by Magne HŒvŒg and Roald Lang¿en
as the technical managers of IT and the machine shop, respectively.
There are
many reasons for this, but as one the most important ones, in this way we will
be able to best facilitate a good and an inspiring working environment for all
of our technical employees as many of them were newly employed during the last
few years. Furthermore, it is also important to secure a best possible
management of the competence and resources that are available to us. Dedicated
leadership is then decisive since the departmentÕs need for technical
competence has become broader or more multi-disciplinary within the last few
years so that the current technical staff covers a greater area in which no one
has equal competence. This is also important for proper operation of an
increasingly more advanced equipment park.
We would
like to wish the Technical Department and KŒre all the best in a very important
task for the department.
Invitation to take part in
pedagogical training for group leaders in 2011
Every semester, the University of
Bergen arranges a pedagogical course for the group leaders
(colloquium leaders, seminar leaders) who will be working with teaching duties in the course of the semester
. For more
information and registration see here.
Transfer of vacation to the following year /advance
payment of vacation
Those who
would like to benefit from the scheme regarding transfer of vacation to the
following year or advance payment of vacation, must have a written agreement. This
can be done by filling out this form and returning the signed form
to Karen-Margrete Hovland within December 31 2010.
Christmas tree party
The Welfare Committee will be arranging the traditional Christmas tree party on Saturday, January 8. The place will be, as usual, the Grand banquet facilities, time from 15:00 pm to 17:00 pm. As usual there will be hot-dogs, Christmas cakes, entertainment and Santa Claus. Participation requires registration.
Application for residence permit for new foreign
UDI has introduced (from October 1 2010) the new solution "Application
on the internet" which makes it possible to apply for residence permit,
visa and citizenship on the Internet. Earlier it was possible to apply for
visas via internet at many of the Norwegian embassies/consulates. However, this
fall, the procedure was expanded so as to include all Norwegian
embassies/conculates and all types of residence permits. More information from
UDI on the new "Application on the internet"-scheme is available in Norwegian and
The FacultyÕs study board has accepted some changes in the FacultyÕs
supplementary regulations in the course of 2010. These are now incorporated in
the regulations and published on both Externalweb and on the FacultyÕs Wiki-pages for Study Administration:
Changes in
the supplementary regulations for
graduate studies:
¤ 8a Common M.Sc. thesis
¤ 8b Confidentiality of M.Sc. theses
Changes in
the supplementary regulations for
¤ 1 Entitlement to a new examination, 3. section – about early
examination for students with valid absence.
¤ 7 Change between oral and written
examination, last section
– about the form of examination in early examinations.
¤ 8 Use of sensor in oral examinations.
addition, some linguistic changes were made.
remains is to update the corresponding English translation of the supplementary
regulations. This will be done as soon as possible.
log from Svalbard: Substorm course and Physics show
by Ragnhild S.
Hansen and Jone Peter Reistad
The last 5
weeks, two students from the space physics research group have been so lucky to
participate in a course in Svalbard which was realized as collaboration between
the University of Bergen, The University Center in Svalbard and the Finnish
Meteorological Institute (FMI). The course was held at UNIS in Longyearbyen where
subjects related to substorms, which lead to northern lights outbreak, were
taught. There were a total of 8 participants from the University of Oslo, Troms¿,
Los Angeles, Aberystwyth University
and us two from UoB. The first two weeks were filled with classes and tasks
during the day, but also with a lot of going out in the weekends and afternoons.
Among other things we also had the opportunity to take a tour in the ice caves
in Larsbreen and a tour to Trollsteinen. The third week was reserved for field
work. On that Monday we took a trip to the Kjell Henriksen observatory (northern
lights observatory). This is located approximately 15 km from Longyearbyen in
order to avoid light contamination from the city, and at this time off the year
the all-terrain carrier is the only vehicle that can get you there. After a
quick tour of the building, we also had the opportunity to observe the northern
lights although they were somewhat diffuse.
having so much luck on the first day of observation it was decided to drop the
field work on Tuesday. This turned out to be a great idea as it was a day
without any northern light activities. We were in principal satisfied with our
observations, but anyway took a trip to EISCAT radar since we were so lucky to
get funds from FMI to pay a few hours of measurements for us. After turning on
the facility, it did not take more than 15 minutes before the northern lights
were in place again; the nature was really on our side. We went out to see and
this turned out to be a great experience with a lot of motion and colors in the
northern lights. We were lying down on our backs and really enjoying the life; one
forgets that it is -15 degrees outside when the sky is this nice. The attached
picture was taken at the radar facility in the middle of the northern lights
activity. We were very satisfied with these measurements, even more so than the
previous ones. Nearly all cameras and facilities in Svalbard registered data
that evening.
As we students are a part of the
Physics Show Bergen, we decided to take with us some of our equipment. Among
other things we were allowed to borrow Rolf EckhoffÕs dust explosion chamber. This
was appreciated very much at the Longyearbyen School and in total we held 4
shows for the students in the secondary and high school level. When the mining
company in Svalbard, Store Norske Spitsbergen Kullkompani, heard that we had a
dust explosion chamber with us they were very much so interested in seeing it. We
were thereby able to make a demonstration in Longyearbyen, at Mine 7 and in the
mining community in Svea. This was a great joy for both the mine workers and
students; the picture was taken during our visit at Mine 7.
together we had 5 nice weeks in the dark north, but it was of course great to
come back to the day light. We also hope that many students will have the
opportunity to experience the same. It will perhaps take a little to have as
much luck as we did with the weather and the observations, but nevertheless
this is something that should absolutely be repeated.
Trial Lecture
MSc. ¯yvind Jensen will be giving the
following trial lecture for his PhD degree:
"Antihydrogen - fremstilling
og egenskaper"
("Antihydrogen - fabrication and
New time!
Friday December 17 2010, at 10:15 am in Room 546, IFT
All are
welcome to listen!
Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Wednesday December
15 2010 at 10:15 am, room 292
Candidate |
Field – Thesis Title |
Advisor(s) |
Fredrik Solheim |
technology – Safety technology: ÒAn Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Mechanical Damage,
Rust and Dust on the Ability of Flame Gaps to Prevent Gas Explosion
TransmissionÓ |
Rolf K. Eckhoff Bj¿rn J.
Arntzen |
Final M.Sc. presentation at the Department of Chemistry Monday
December 20 2010 at 09:15 am, room 4060 (Realfagbygget)
Candidate |
Field – Thesis Title |
Advisor(s) |
Maria Nordli |
Petroleum technology – Reservoir chemistry: ÒKryssbundet polymerl¿sning (LPS) for anvendelse i saltholdige reservoarÓ (ÒCross-linked
polymer solution (LPS) for use in reservoirs
containing saltÓ) |
Harald H¿iland,
Uni CIPR Tormaod Skauge,
Uni CIPR |
Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Tuesday December 21
2010 at 13:00 pm, room 4060 (Realfagbygget)
Candidate |
Field – Thesis Title |
Advisor(s) |
Eivind Norheim |
technology – Reservoir physics: ÒNetwork Modelling of Linked Polymer Solution: A New EOR MethodÓ |
Arne Skauge,
Uni CIPR |
á Eigen G, Stugu B, Sun L, et al.: Measurement of the absolute branching
fractions for D-s(-) -> l(-) (nu)over-bar(l) and extraction of the decay
constant f(Ds) PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Volume: 82 Issue:
9 Article Number: 091103
á Rohrich D, Yang H, Yin Z et al.: The BRAHMS Collaboration (vol 830, pg 941c,
Volume: 847 Issue:
1-2 Pages: 118-11
á Juusola L, Andreeova K, Amm O et al.:
Effects of a solar wind dynamic pressure
increase in the magnetosphere and in the ionosphere, ANNALES
GEOPHYSICAE Volume: 28 Issue: 10 Pages: 1945-1959
á Eigen G, Stugu B, Sun L, et al.: Correlated leading baryon-antibaryon
production in e(+)e(-) -> c(c)over-bar ->
Lambda(+)(c)(Lambda)over-bar(c)(-)X, PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 82 Issue: 9 Article Number: 091102