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Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten 18. March 2011


A Word from Department Administration

Many people have shared their thoughts on the tragedy in Japan over the past ten days. This catastrophe has shaken the very depths of our hearts, seeing all the misery and its casualties presented via numerous video clips. However – there might be another catastrophe waiting around the corner if the environment minister’s views published in Dagbladet last Thursday come true. He said he ”can see one positive side of the nuclear crisis in Japan. – This will mean the end of nuclear power plants in Europe and North America”. And his view is shared by many others.

Naturally, one should use more time before coming up with such firm conclusios, and when they finally arrive, they should be based on facts to which we have very little access at the time, and not just pure emotions. Nils August Andersen has offered a very interesting and relevant analysis in his debate column  in Dagbladet last Thursday, and a more detailed account can also be found at Minerva’s web pages. The world needs more energy, and the idea that something like that could be possible without nuclear energy is an illusion. Various forms of renewable energy are an important contribution, but will not be able to cover the growing demand. Therefore, it would be much better if this incident would contribute to research and development of safer nuclear power plants, especially in the field of accelerator-­based reactors (Thorium) which cannot go wrong. There are certainly quite a few of you familiar with Aker Solutions’ prize-winning efforts in this area.

News and General Information                               

Breakfast with Frank

On Tuesday, March 22, Jan S. Vaagen will be the guest at “Breakfast with Frank” where they discuss the hottest subjects filling up the news sections, and this time the topic will be atomic energy and what is currently happening in Japan.

Come to Studia bookstore at Student Centre on Tuesday, March 22, at 9:00 a.m. - see here for more information.

The concept of this meeting is that Frank Aarebrot holds a discussion with one guest, and on this particular occasion the guest will be Jan S. Vaagen.


 Description: Langbanner_7fjellskonf_FornybarEnergi_2011

The 7-Mountains Conference on Renewable Energy, arranged by University of Bergen, in cooperation with Norwegian Industry, Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Norwegian Climate Foundation, will take place on March 31 and April 1. The conference will be an important professional and social meeting place for researchers, politicians,  suppliers, founders and developers dealing with renewable energy. At the conference, exciting lecturers from Norway and the international community will hold interesting and relevant lectures on the above mentioned topic. These lecturers are distinguished actors within the field.

Visit the conference webpage for more information on its programme and registration. Full-time students enrolled in the spring 2011 semester have the opportunity of free of charge participation in the daily conference programme.


The Free Thinkers of Research

The Student Society in Bergen will be holding a meeting with the title “The Free Thinkers of Research” on Tuesday, March 22. Jan S. Vaagen and Per Arne Bjørkum will be the speakers. Per Arne Bjørkum’s speech will be based on his book “Annerledestenkerne” (“Those thinking differently”) on which the meeting is based. The topic of the meeting will be on how those who had ideas outside the established paradigms were also the ones who came up with the new theories and contributed to scientific advancement. Many of them were ahaed of their time and their theories and work were not accepted by the scientific society of their time. Only later one could see the logic and the elegance in their work. What made them be able to think outside the box and find new theories which questioned the already established theories?

Tuesday March 22. at 19:15 at Kvarteret – look here for more information.


Competence 2020 and the Bachelor Degree Profile

The National Educational Quality Conference for scientific employees, and especially for  educational deans/scientific leaders of education, teaching and research,  leaders of educational- and research departments, national councils and faculty meetings and students.

  • Friday April 8. 2011, at 10.00–16.30, VilVite, Bergen

Registration deadline March 28. 2011. The conference fee is 975.- NOK, and includes lunch and service during breaks. For more information see the program in which there is also a link for signing up. Questions can be directed to consultant Hilde Haaland-Kramer.


Income tax return and taxation in Norway

Department of Human Resources, University of Bergen, invites you to an information meeting for English speaking employees where Dalana-Michelle Hill, adviser at Skatt vest - Bergen, will give a presentation of the taxation system in Norway, and practical information regarding the income tax return.

  • Venue : Auditorium Egget, Student centre Visiting address : Parkveien 1
  • Time : Wednesday 13. of April 2011 From 15:00 – 16:00/30

Contact the organiser Signe Knappskog for questions about the meeting?

IFT in the Media                                                     

·      Egil Lillestøl answered to the readers’ questions in a net meeting in Bergens Tidende March 14:
Atomekspert svarte leserne, (Atom expert answered to the readers’ questions), as well as several other interviews
Folk ikke la seg skremme, (People must not be scared), BT March 14
Nedsmelting truer tre reaktorer, (The meltdown is threatening three reactors),BT March14
Dette blir ingen ny Tsjernobyl, (This will not be another Chernobyl), BT March15
Helt utenkelig med et nytt Tsjernobyl, (Another Chernobyl is unimaginable) Teknisk Ukeblad tu.no March 15
innsiden: Katastrofefrykt, (Fear of catastrophy) Dagens Næringsliv dn.no March 16
Bør Norge satse thoriumkraft? (Should Norway pursue thorium power), NRK Hordaland March 16
plus many more…

Publications (ISI)           

·      Sanchez PD, Lees JP, Poireau V, Eigen G, Stugu B, Sun L et al.: Dalitz plot analysis of D-s(+) -> K+ K- pi(+) PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 83   Issue: 5 Article Number: 052001

·      Wang D, Liu LJ, Huang GM, Rohrich D, Ullaland K et al.: Level-0 trigger algorithms for the ALICE PHOS detector NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 629   Issue: 1 Pages: 80-8

·      Frey HU, Amm O, Chaston CC, Juusola L, Ostgaard N et al. Small and meso-scale properties of a substorm onset auroral arc JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS   Volume: 115 Article Number: A10209