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Update course in LAS - Seminar

Study material

Here is the link to the study material

After the self-study part participant assemble for a seminar focusing on:

•             Legislation and ethics

•             Health and safety

•             Responsibility of the researcher

•             Pain recognition

•             Severity classification

ther questions and answers from participants


A quiz is also made available for participants.

You find it on Socrative using UPDATECOURSE as room name.

You can do the quiz as many times as you want.


A following timetable for the seminar is suggested:

·       1000 -1130 Discussion and clarifications (Norwegian legislation and regulations, Ethics, Pro and against animal experiments, Public Project summary, The animal welfare body and Health and safety)

·       1130-1200 Lunch-break

·       1200-1345 Pain recognition

·       1400-1500 MCQ EXAM – use a smartphone, tablet or laptop and notes.

Participants are expected to actively participate in the discussion in the seminar.

Evaluation: active participation in the seminar and passing the MCQ-test after the seminar

