regulations and ethics
LAS update module for persons that have
taken lab animal science training outside Norway and plan to do animal studies
at MED-UiB.
Persons with a course, for example a FELASA-C-accredited
course from another county less than 5 years ago, or that can document minimum
training according to EU directive 2010/63 article 23, Annex V for function A/B-
will get their training approved at UiB-MED.
There is still a demand to go
through a training program regarding Norwegian regulations and ethics and
institutional rules.
There might also be a
need to document practical skills depending on which procedures are relevant
for the upcoming study.
The theoretical training program consists of 2 steps,
self-study, and a test.
Evaluation: passing the test with 90% correct
Send you training certificate to for
Use the subject
"National LAS course - Norway".
The course participants must study on their own the
material to be found on this
As well as familiarizing yourself with the local The
Animal welfare body at UiB, the step-by-step
to do animal studies at UiB and the express guide
to the animal facility
After finishing the preparation material, you must pass a test in 60
You need 90% correct to pass the test.
for the test.
For a more comprehensive understanding of Laboratory Animal
Science in Norway we recommend you follow one of our LAS 301 or CAREIN course.
Persons with a FELASA B
course outside Norway must attend LAS 301 to be allowed to work with animals at
------------ *
Persons performing procedures in animals
Practical training and skills must be documented
for persons performing procedures.
If not persons performing procedures must be
supervised when they perform tasks until they have demonstrated that they
master the necessary skills, for further information.
Training must be relevant both with regards to species and procedures for the project application