IFT POSTEN – 14.05.2010


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A Word from Department Head


We are now starting the work on updating the strategic plans for the Department of Physics and Technology. The first step is an informal meeting of department council and the research group leaders, to take place at the end of May/beginning of June. Department council’s members will be invited as required. The physics evaluation report will be important for this work. We will come up with more information later as the work progresses.


Wishing you a lovely 17th May weekend,

Geir Anton


News and general information

Encouragement to propose candidates for the Research Council’s prizes in 2010

Norwegian Research Council annually awards two prizes to excellent scholars, the prize for groundbreaking research and the prize for best mediation. Both prizes can be awarded to one or more researchers. The prize for groundbreaking research amounts to one million kroner and is given to scholars of the highest scientific quality, both on the national and international levels. The prize can be given to all academic fields and disciplines, including the multidisciplinary areas. The prize should inspire further efforts. The mediation prize amounts to 250 000 kroner and is given to scholars with great achievements in live and creative communication from their own academic field. The prize should stimulate the mediation of research to the general public, and all types of mediation can be awarded. Deadline is June 25, read the brev from Norwegian Research Council for more information.


Sabbaticals in 2011 or in the period autumn 2011 – spring 2012

Another reminder of the application deadline for sabbatical leaves. Department’s deadline for submitting the sabbatical applications to the faculty is June 1. The deadline for applications to the department is therefore 25. May 2010, no later than 12:00.


The criteria, official regulations and the application form can be downloaded from: http://www.uib.no/matnat/om-fakultetet/organisasjon/internt/forskningstermin.


Researcher exchange with France and Germany in 2011


Norwegian Research Council announces the researcher exchange programmes with France and Germany in 2011. More information here: http://www.folk.uib.no/ngfge/2010/Forskerutv_Frankrike_Tyskland.pdf




News from the Health, environment and safety (HMS) section


·      Walk, cycle or share a car to work

·      HMS annual report of individual units

·      HMS action plan, risky working environment – ”better chemistry”

·      HMS prize to the Department of information science

·      New ia-agreement

·      Action plan for the external environment

·      New central radiation protection coordinator

·      HMS section got a new associate

·      The HSE-gateway


More information on each of the points available from here.



Guest lectures at Nansen Centre


Tuesday, May 18, at 13:00: The sound of climate change Prize lecture


Prof. Walter Munk, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, La Jolla, CA, USA, Winner of the Crafoord Prize for 2010 – which he will receive by the King of Sweden on May 12th. in Stockholm, http://www.crafoordprize.se/


Tuesday, May 18, at 14:30: Transdisciplinary journeys Orthogonal Prize lecture


Prof. Klaus Hasselmann, Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany

Winner of the Spanish BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards for 2009, which he will receive on June 23rd by the Presidency of Honor in Madrid, http://www.fbbva.es/TLFU/tlfu/ing/microsites/premios/fronteras/galardonados/2009/cambioclimatico.jsp


UoB’s membership at Ulriksbanen


The Welfare Committee has purchased on behalf of UoB a membership at Ulriksbanen :) Thus all UoB employees and their families have a special offer on using the Ulriksbanen. This means a fantastic experience for the employees, UoB guests and their families all year round! Read more on this fantastic offer: http://www.folk.uib.no/ngfge/2010/Ulriken.doc


Research Department informs

Marie Curie scholarships

Seminar Room A, VilVite Centre, Wednesday, May 19, from 10:00-12:00:

Individual scholarships for young researchers (Postdoc-level) and the recruitment of Postdoc-candidates and PhD-students via Marie Curie scholarships:


More information and registration:  Anja.Hegen@fa.uib.no

COST(Cooperation in Science and Technology)

Seminar Room A, VilVite Centre, Friday, May 28, at 14:00

Information meeting programme: http://wab.aksis.uib.no/wab_cost-a32-Bergen2010.pdf

Registration deadline is May 21, contact Alois.Pichler@uni.no


More information on COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) here. Some of the areas covered by COST include:


·      Materials, Physical and Nanosciences

·      Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technologies

·      Information and Communication Technologies



Staff – job vacancies at IFT


Postdoc in astro-particle physics, deadline: 01.07.10


Research assistant (2 positions) in particle physics, deadline: 01.07.10



Publications (ISI)


·      Birkeland T, Nepstad R, Forre M Stabilization of Helium in Intense xuv Laser Fields PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume: 104, Issue: 16, Article Number: 163002


·      Flere forfattere, fra UiB: Eigen G, Stugu B, Sun L Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation in Narrow Gamma Decays PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume: 104, Issue: 15, Article Number: 151802


·      Balakin BV, Hoffmann AC, Kosinski P, Rhyne LD Eulerian-Eulerian Cfd Model For The Sedimentation Of Spherical Particles In Suspension With High Particle Concentrations Engineering Applications Of Computational Fluid Mechanics, Volume: 4, Issue: 1, 116-126