IFT POSTEN – 21.05.2010


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A Word from Head of the Department

It is a pleasure for us to announce that Dr. Michiel Postema has accepted our offer of a professor position in experimental acoustics. He is currently the leader of the Emmy-Noether research group at the Ruhr- Universität Bochum in Germany. His main interest and experience is in the field of agitating micro-bubbles and drops in different media using sound field, and characterization of the bubbles and/or the medium by utilizing high-speed photography. This has several applications and Postema is especially interested in the use of this method in medicine. In addition, he also has experience in the oil and gas industry and is aware of the possibilities within hydro/fishery acoustics. His first day of work at UoB is tentatively November 1st.


News and General Information

Find external examiner for M.Sc. degree exams!


Many of the M.Sc. students at the department will be delivering their reports during June. The supervisors should therefore find an external examiner and decide on a date for examination as early as possible in order to avoid problems that might arise. When this is done, name of the student, name of the external examiner and the examination date should be sent to Professor Jakob J. Stamnes (Jakob.Stamnes@ift.uib.no) who is the leader of the examination committee.


First Aid Course


There are still a few available places in the spring semester first aid course, especially the ones taught in English. See IFT-posten week 18 for more information.


Strike among the cleaning staff


As of May 20. some of the cleaning staff at UoB went on strike. This also applies to employees of ”Metode renhold”, the company that is responsible for the cleaning of  IFT. Practically, this will mean that, initially, the entire 1. and 2. floors as well as the middle and southern wings of the 3. floor will neither be cleaned nor disposed of garbage. The rest of the 3. floor as well as 4. and 5. floors will be cleaned as usual.


The unions stress that this is a legal labour conflict/strike and that they fully support the striking staff. We would still like to ask everyone to take their own precautions especially in connection with the toilets and garbage so as to avoid dealing with unnecessarily bad hygienic conditions.



Debate on "Protection of the civilians in todays conflicts"

Humanitarian Forum invites hereby to a debate on the subject ”Protection of the civilians in todays conflicts” on Friday, May 28. from 10:00 till 11:30 in the auditorium ”Egget” at Studentsenteret (The Student Center). The president of the Norwegian Red Cross, Sven Mollekleiv will launch the debate and the president of the Committee of the International Red Cross, Jakob Kellenberger and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre are the main speakers. More information at http://www.folk.uib.no/ngfge/2010/sivile.pdf.


UoB-membership in the Ulriken Cable Car


The welfare committee has on behalf of UoB purchased membership in the Ulriken Cable Car :) The Ulriken Cable Car can therefore give an offer to all employees at UoB and their families. This is a fantastic experience for the employees, guests at UoB and families all year round! Read more about this offer here: http://www.folk.uib.no/ngfge/2010/Ulriken.doc


The Research Department informs

COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology)

Seminar room A, VilVite Friday May 28. at 14:00

Program of the information meeting: http://wab.aksis.uib.no/wab_cost-a32-Bergen2010.pdf

Registration until May 21. to Alois.Pichler@uni.no


More information about COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) here. Some of the areas covered by COST are:


·      Materials, Physical and Nanosciences

·      Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technologies

·      Information and Communication Technologies




Seminar on self-chosen topic


Tuesday 25.05.2010, at13:15 in Room 546, IFT

MSc. Dag Toppe Larsen is holding a seminar on a self-chosen topic:
"Fusion as energy source: Status of tokamak-experiments"


Thursday 27.05.2010, at10:15 in Aud. 4, Realfagbygget

Msc Saeed Fallah Bolandtab’a is holding a seminar on a self-chosen topic:
Advances of network modelling - with examples from physics

Trial lecture


Tuesday 25.05.2010, at14:15 in Rom 366, IFT. Civ.eng. Leiv Anfin Drange will be holding the following trial lecture for his PhD-degree:

"Methods for CO2-removal in gas power plants"


All are welcome!


Staff – Vacancies at IFT


Postdoctor in astro-particle physics, application deadline 01.07.10


PhD fellow (2 vacancies) in particle physics, application deadline: 01.07.10



Publications (ISI)


·      Zetenyi M, Csernai LP Freeze-out and hadronization in the Landau hydrodynamical model PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Volume: 81, Issue: 4, Article Number: 044908