IFT POSTEN – 04.06.2010
and general information
We are pleased to invite
applications for activities related to petroleum research through the
"Akademia" agreement between UiB and Statoil. You can apply for:
Travel to conferences etc. related to petroleum research for
up to NOK 25 000 (Funds are not for educational purposes. Conference
participation including presentation will be given priority).
Visiting guest researchers (travel and stay).
The activity must take place in 2010. Scientific staff and PhD students
can apply. To be evaluated the application MUST include a specification of
purpose, information regarding supervisor/research group, total budget ,
whether you also have applied other funding, and also whether you have received
money through the Akademia mobility scheme before. The accepted applications
are fixed to the requested travel plans and can not be transferred. Applications
and travel claim forms must be marked "SH2010" and sent by email to katrine.kristiansen@uni.no (Katrine
is located at CIPR, Allegt. 41., tel. 83645)
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 15 JUNE. The committee will use approximately
two weeks to evaluate the applications. All applicants will be informed as soon
as the evaluations are ready.
The economy department is currently working on improving the routines for buying and ordering goods and services. At Innkjøpsportalen one will find most of the information on buying and ordering, and below follows a brief summary of the most important things IFT employees (and students!) must be aware of and act accordingly:
1. Nobody has the right to order things of their own accord. All orders should be processed by persons who are officially in charge of ordering goods, and in the case of Department of Physics and Technology, these persons are:
· Karen-Margrete for office materials
· Magne for computer equipment
· Roald for workshop supplies
· Margun for e-lab
· Gjert for research equipment
2. For goods and services stated in UoB’s agreement, we are obliged to act according to that agreement. A list of the agreed suppliers and providers can be found at Innkjøpsportalen.
3. All purchases over kr. 500.000 (excluding VAT) should be handled by the Purchasing Office and published on open tender. For purchases between 100.000 and 500.000, there will be a simplified version of the public tender. All documentation on such purchases should be submitted. This applies also to all bigger events / conferences.
4. All travels should be arranged via Berg-Hansen travel agency. The travel should be paid individually, and then included in the travel expense form. The bill should not be addressed to UoB, but to the person travelling.
5. The use of personal bills should be avoided (i.e. personal expense refunds). Whenever possible, all purchase of goods should be conducted via official ordering procedure, or via requisition with an accompanying bill.
On June 9 and September 8 there will be yet another city walk with Gunnar Staalesen in the area of Nøstet and Nygårdshøyden. More information and registration to be found here.
– available positions at IFT
· Postdoctor in process technology – deadline: 18.06.10
· Researcher in process technology – deadline
· Postdoctor in astro-particle physics, deadline 01.07.10
· Research assistant (2 positions) in particle physics, deadline: 01.07.10
· Research assistant in atomic/molecular/optical physics – deadline 01.08.10
· Postdoctor in atomic/molecular/optical physics – deadline 01.08.10
A new issue of PhD-news has been published. Check it out at Utgave 4/ 2010.
MSc Boris Viktorovich Balakin will hold his PhD trial lecture of the following title: Petroleum refining, methods and processes. The lecture will take place on Monday, June 7, at14:15 in room 292, IFT. All are welcome to attend!
· Lotsberg JK, Stamnes JJ, Impact of particulate oceanic
composition on the radiance and polarization of underwater and backscattered
light, OPTICS
EXPRESS, Volume: 18, Issue:
10, 10432-10445