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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi, UiB
IFT-posten 3. september 2010



A Word from the Department Administration

We would like to encourage all employees and students to come and listen to today’s talk which will be about one of the biggest unanswered questions in physics, ”The dark energy of the universe”.

We would like to congratulate Laszlo Csernai for the research co-operation agreement between UoB and GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research.

News and General Information

Today’s seminar

Professor Øyvind Grøn, The University College of Oslo and The University of Oslo:  "The dark energy of the universe"

In the lecture the connection between the observations and the conclusion, that 70% of the universe consists of dark energy which, in turn, causes repulsive gravitation, will be explained. Furthermore, the conclusions regarding the properties of the dark energy based on the general theory of relativity combined with some simple assumptions will be presented. These are: the universe is homogeneous in a bigger scale and thus, is expanding adiabatically, the dark energy has the properties of a perfect fluid, and that one cannot measure velocity with respect to the dark energy.



The Dean Blog

Dean Dag Rune Olsen at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Co-operation agreement between UoB and GSI, Darmstadt, signed

Professor Laszlo Csernai has played an important role in establishing a research co-operation agreement between UoB and GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research.

The agreement was signed in Berlin on August 24. The co-operation includes experimental and theoretical research within atomic and nuclear physics, heavy ions, applications within cancer treatment and technological development.

Thanks to professor Csernai who has made this agreement possible.

The agreement is signed by Prof. Horst Stöcker, Scientific Director GSI, Dr. Boris Sharkov, Scientific Director FAIR, and Dean Dag Rune Olsen, UoB.



Open Strategy Day Wednesday, September 22. - Welcome!

To the departments, the faculty management, Information- and Discussion Committee, Scientists’ Student Committee, Faculty’s PhD committee and many more


In 2010 a new strategic plan for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is being designed. The new plan will be valid for the period 2011-2015.

Contributions to the new strategic plan and/or to the process itself are desired from both employees and students. A draft of a new strategic plan was prepared before the summer holidays. All employees and students were invited to contribute to this.

On Wednesday, September 22. an open seminar will be held at the faculty in connection with the strategy plan work for all interested students and employees.

Among others, the current draft and the contributions to this will be discussed. We will also go through the current strategic plans, discuss recently performed evaluations of our scientific fields as well as the evaluations from the previous ”round”.

More information can be found on: http://www.uib.no/matnat/ressurser/aktuelt/intern-strategiprosess-ved-matnat

...and this will be updated eventually (with respect to time, place and final program for September 22.).

The departments are kindly asked to distribute this information to all students and employees, but also asked to draw researcher group leaders’ and council and committee members’, especially department council members’ attention on the seminar.

Kristin Bakken

Assistant Faculty Director




Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of Bergen, please subscribe


Dear colleagues,

If you are interested in informations about Nanoscience and Nanotechnology activities at the University of Bergen, please subscribe to our mailing list by sending an email with "subscribe" in the header to nano@uib.no.

We send out informations concerning relevant seminars, funding possibilites etc. We only send out  crucial information and you will not recieve more than about two emails a month or less. 

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly on bodil.holst@uib.no. You can also contact me if you need to use nanorelated equipment for your research which is not available in your own lab or if you just generally think that "nano" perhaps might be able to provide some answers to a research question in your own field.

The mailing list is open for everybody.

best wishes

Bodil Holst



Courses in Health, Environment and Safety (HES) at UoB fall 2010

The HES-section at the Staff- and Organization Department and the Property Department at the University of Bergen (UoB) would like to invite employees at UoB to HES-courses in the fall of 2010. Some of the courses are relevant for PhD- and M.Sc. students.


The primary audience for the courses includes all employees with laboratories as their primary work places. Newly employed are especially encouraged to follow the courses.

The course ”Radiation protection – ionizing radiation” is obligatory for all who work with ionizing radiation sources and those who have not attended a course on radiation protection at UoB earlier. This includes PhD- and M.Sc. students as well. The course is offered both in Norwegian and English.

The course ”Systematic HES-work” is relevant for HES-coordinators, members of HES- committee and employees with HES-tasks at all units.


 Courses that are offered

Ergonomy at the Laboratory

Tuesday 19.10.10, from 09.00 to 13.00

First aid at the Laboratory

Monday 25.10.10, from 09.00 to 15.00

Biological Hazard

Wednesday 27.10.10, from 09.00 to 15.00

Waste management

Monday 01.11.10, from 09.00 to 15.00

Radiation Protection – Ionizing Radiation

Tuesday 02.11.10, from 09.00 to 15.00

Radiation Protection – Ionizing Radiation

Wednesday 03.11.10, from 09.00 to 15.00

Safe Use of Chemicals

Tuesday 16.11.10, from 09.00 to 15.00

Systematic HES-work

Monday 22.11.10, from 09.00 to 15.00

Management of Flammable Materials

Tuesday 25.11.10, from 09.00 to 15.00


Course Description and Registration

For descriptions of the courses, the specific audiences, the teaching goals, place and registration info, please see the HES-portal under menu point HES-competence (www.uib.no/poa/hms-portalen).

Registration deadline September 24.

Questions regarding the course offer should be addressed to the HES-section: post@hms.uib.no/ 55 58 20 54.

Master- and PhD-News


Seminar on Self-Chosen Topic


Wednesday 15.09.2010, at 10.15 in Room 546, IFT


MSc. Szabolcs Endre Horvat will be holding a seminar on a self-chosen topic:
"What can we learn from the study of complex networks?"


M.Sc. presentations at the department Friday, September 17. 2010, at 12.15 (room 292 ):


Field – Thesis Title


Per Ivar Lønne


Physics – Nuclear Physics:

Characterization of the MAPD3-N

Multipixel Avalanche Photodiode

Dieter Röhrich




Publications (ISI)

Ferno, MA; Torsvik, M; Haugland, S, et al.

ENERGY & FUELS   Volume: 24   Pages: 3950-3958

Sanchez, PD; Lees, JP; Poireau, V, et al.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 105   Issue: 8   Article Number: 081803

Lummen, N

COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE   Volume: 49   Issue: 2   Pages: 243-252