UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology
IFT-posten September 24. 2010



From the Head of Department

iss197_optThis week we would like to congratulate the space physics group and Nikolai with a new contract on the ASIM-project worth Û 2.885,- which equals around 35 mill NOK! This, without going into too much detail, is funding from ESA for the development of the MXGS (Modular X-ray and Gamma Sensor) that will be deployed in the International Space Station. Traditionally the space physicists have to build their own instruments in order to collect the necessary data for their research. MXGS will be able to map the so-called Transient Luminous Events (Red Sprites, Blue Jets, and Elves) and Terrestrial Gamma Flashes. It is possible to read through the space physics groupÕs web-pages in case you would like to know more about their activities.

News and General Information

Exciting seminars today, Friday September 24.

Mini-seminar - Kjell Br¿nstad 70 years

Part 1: 13:00 – 13:50 at the journal room (room 359)

o   Welcome, Kjartan Olafsson

o   Studies of auroral X-rays, Johan Stadsnes

o   Heisan and the master, Halvor Hob¾k

o   The Viking satellite – Ion composition measurements in the magnetosphere, Finn S¿raas

Part 2: 15:15 – 16:00 at the journal room (room 359)

o   IBIS – Integral, Egidio Quadrini

o   IBIS time – some nice remaining, Piotr OrleanÕski

o   SIR-2 and Chandrayaan, Kjetil Ullaland


Open seminar: at 14:15 in auditorium B (cake and coffee from 14:00)

Recent development of spectroscopy at MAX-lab and the MAX IV project by Svante Svensson, Department Director at MAX-lab


Nomination of candidates for Meltzer prizes

The Meltzer-fund awards young researchers and excellent research disseminations on a yearly basis. All professors and department managers at the University of Bergen have the right to nominate candidates for the prizes. This has to be done by November 1.

More information on the nomination of candidates, as well as information on delivery and check-list for proposers, can be found in the fundÕs guidelines for the prizes.


News from the Health-, Environment- and Safety Section at the Staff- and Organization Department, University of Bergen:

o   HES-course fall 2010

o   Glass waste shall be delivered as normal waste

o   Why and how to switch materials that are harmful to the health and the environment with lower-risk alternatives?

o   Pregnancy and work environment

o   Project position at the HES-section

o   Walk, cycle or use public transport to get to work


Download the newsletter from here for more information

M.Sc. and PhD News

M.Sc. presentations at the department Friday October 1, 2010, at 09:15 (room 546):


Field – Title


Jan Thore Vassdal

Process Technology – Separation:

ÒMolekyl¾rdynamiske studier av vann-adsorpsjon pŒ hematittÓ

Bj¿rn Kvamme


o   PŒ H¿yden about Endre Rieber SommestenÕs PhD-project Finds mole cancer with photos . Malignant mole cancer is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, and also one of the cancer forms that spread rapidly. The disease can now be detected in a quicker and safer way with the new technology developed at UoB.

Publications (ISI)

o   Bergfjord C, Holst B: A procedure for identifying textile bast fibres using microscopy: Flax, nettle/ramie, hemp and jute ULTRAMICROSCOPY Volume: 110 Issue: 9 Pages: 1192-1197

o   Haaland S, Kronberg EA, Daly PW, Fraenz M, Degener L, Georgescu E, Dandouras I: Spectral characteristics of protons in the Earth's plasmasheet: statistical results from Cluster CIS and RAPID ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE Volume: 28 Issue: 8 Pages: 1483-1498

o   Zahl MG, Myrseth V, Andersen TH, Harnes J, Borg A, Saethre LJ, Borve KJ: Molecular Spectra As a Tool in Assigning Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Physisorbed Overlayers JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C  Volume: 114 Issue: 36 Pages: 15383-15393