UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology
IFT-posten October 1. 2010



A Word from the Head of Department

An era is over at the Department of Physics and Technology.

Yesterday we thanked Kjell Br¿nstad for his prolonged efforts at our department. He began as a student in 1959 and since then he has done a formidable job within experimental space physics and more generally for the department.

Kjell is the last one of the scientific pioneers within the field of space physics in Bergen. The activity in space physics, which is previously known as cosmic geophysics, has been one of cornerstones at the department from which many other groups bloomed. This must be one of UoBÕs important examples on scientific restructuring with regards to both process and result.

Kjell was today called as the last of the Mohicans with regards to Arne BendiksenÕs song  in which the lyrics go Óthe wild west is not the same as beforeÓ ( Óville vesten er ikke som f¿rÓ).  There is no doubt that this is also valid for experimental physics with respect to science and methods. In space physics, it has been a journey from experiments with huge balloons via rockets to satellites, from soldering iron with discrete components to computers and programmable circuits, and of course from data analysis with limited equipments to modeling with todayÕs computer power. But scientifically, this development in space physics has made it possible to acquire new and important knowledge. There is also no doubt about the fact that Bergen conducts excellent research in the field of space physics. It is our purpose to continue the activity by strengthening the space physics staff.

The fact that much is not the same as before was more of a reference to frames and conditions. It is a significant challenge to continually unify making efforts on experimental fields and a compressed economy, but it is necessary. One can get annoyed by the Norwegian Research Policy and wish to put an effort for changes, however, one has to relate himself/herself to the reality and try to do the best out of it. This requires research management and co-operation among researchers and among departments as it is pointed out in the recent evaluation of the Norwegian basic research in physics.  Here we are talking about real co-operation, not only co-operation on paper. I think that we can learn a lot from the space physics group and their collective approach to both scientific and practical challenges. We will then be successful when all these challenges are dealt with.

News and General Information

Research ethics seminar at the University of Bergen

Time: October 14. 08:00-12:05
Place: Aud. Student Center, ÓEggetÓ University of Bergen

REGISTRATION within October 11.
The seminar is free of charge and open to everyone.



WUN Research Development Fund

Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) invites researchers from member universities to apply for seed funding from WUN Research Development Fund for initiation of new WUN research co-operation projects with connection to the thematic Global Challenges fields. The five thematic WUN Global Challenges fields are:

o   Adapting to Climate Change

o   Furthering the Frontiers of Cultural Understanding

o   Opportunities and Challenges of Globalisation

o   Global Public Health

o   Information and Communications Technology

An application must include participation of researchers from at least three WUN member universities where the UoB researcher shall be Óprincipal investigatorÓ and coordinator of the research co-operation. More information can be found here.



The Educational Board at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences decided on the following guidelines for use of censorship in oral evaluations on September 29.:

o   External censor shall normally be present at all oral evaluations of ordinary 100- and 200- level courses.

o   External censor needs only to be present at final oral evaluations and not at evaluation of obligatory parts/tasks which do not affect the final grade or where the obligatory part/task constitutes  less than 30 % of the final grade.

o   An external censor shall normally be present at oral evaluations of 300-level and PhD level courses, as well as at evaluations of special topics for PhD, M.Sc. , joint degree or ERASMUS-project  for individual students. In cases where it is not possible to find a scientifically qualified external censor, the Program Board can choose an (internal) censor who has not participated in the teaching activities and is considered as scientifically qualified and is impartial with respect to the students who are to be evaluated.

o   Use of web-based solutions (such as video conferences, Skype) to ensure participation of external censor will also be authorized as long as safe accomplishment of the evaluation is ensured.


Offshore Technology Days October 13. and 14. 2010

Offshore Technology Days is NorwayÕs largest annual oil fair which is arranged for the 10. time in Arenum fair center. In this event, the students get the opportunity to establish a network within the most significant actors in the oil industry.

A technical seminar will also be arranged where the senior students will have the opportunity to meet junior staff from companies and participate in technical lectures. This event will be arranged in Kranen at Arenum Fair Center October 13. and 14.  at 09:00 - 15:30

OTD Consert is a social arrangement where Postgirobygget will be giving a concert. The tickets can be collected at PSW GROUPÕs stand in hall B. There are 200 available tickets and these will be given away based on the Ófirst come first servedÓ principal. The age limit is 20 years. The concert will be held at Banco Rotto October 14.  at 20:00.

There will be free lunch, sponsored by Statoil, for all students who visit the fair in SPE Bergen Student ChapterÕs stand in Hall B at Arenum Fair Center at 11:00 - 13:00 both days. Registration can be done here.


Funding for doctoral training activities

Candidates accepted to the PhD-study at the Department of Physics and Technology may apply for funding for research education activities in 2010.

The applicants must be registered as PhD-student the present semester in order to apply. Applicants without any external economical support (Quota, University scholarships, Self-financing PhD-students) will be prioritized.

Funding for the following activities can be applied for:

A)   Research stay at a foreign University or research institution

B)   Participation at advanced courses, workshops, symposia, conferences etc.

C)   Purchase of training/teaching at the Ph.D.-level

D)  Participation in courses/subjects/field courses resulting in credits and that are part of the individual study.

E)   Research courses in science subjects.

The doctoral training activity must be completed within 31.12.2010.  See more information and find the application form here. Deadline is 14.10.2010. Please fill out the application form and return it to one of the student advisors at the department.


S¿knadsfrist for felt- og seminarst¿tte for masterstudenter 2010

Har du reist eller planlegger du Œ reise pŒ feltarbeid, konferanse/seminar i 2010? Da kan du s¿ke om st¿tte (maks. kr. 5000,-). Du finner informasjon og s¿knadsskjema her. Reisen det s¿kes st¿tte for mŒ avsluttes innen 31.12.2010. Ferdig utfylt s¿knad kan leveres til en av studiekonsulentene ved instituttet innen torsdag 14. oktober.

Economic support for field work or seminar/conference for master students 2010

Have you done or are you planning field work or travelling to a seminar/conference in 2010? Then you can apply for economical support (max. kr. 5000,-). You find guidelines and application forms here (only in Norwegian). The activity must be completed within 31.12.2010. The application form can be returned to one of the student advisors at the department at the latest 14.10.2010.


Suggestions regarding purchase of books

This year, the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Library has set aside 57.000 NOK for purchase of physics books. So far 37.000 NOK has been used. Therefore, 20.000 NOK still remain to be spent. If you have any suggestions regarding purchase of books, I would like to ask you to send these to me as soon as possible, preferably as an answer to this message. In case you wish to be the first to loan the book(s), you should also let us know about that.

Best Regards
Dag Vaula (


Newsletter from Energirike

Newsletter NCE Subsea 


We would like to thank the Nano-Physics Group for their great efforts on the Research Days 2010. PŒ H¿yden is reporting from the event in the article Curious Tora.