UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology
IFT-posten October 15. 2010



From the Head of Department

Western-Norways only Center for research based innovation (SFI), Michelsensenteret, had on Tuesday last week a so-called site visit from the international committee who is responsible for the mid-term evaluation of the center. The decision regarding the continuation of the second period will be made by the Executive Board of The Research Council of Norway in January 2011. The committee had individual meetings with the researchers, students and the management of the center. This was an interesting event clearly characterized by what the Norwegian Research Council was looking for when the SFIs (and other centers) were established: What is the added value of a center in relation to get a number of larger projects. Both the industrial partners and research and educational institutions agreed that it is about volume, cohesion and long-term operation.

This is worth some reflections: The volume is closely related to funding that has cohesion as a prerequisite. Cohesion leads to increased funding beyond the Norwegian Research Councils grants to the center and in turn, to increased volume. This is a self-reinforcing effect. We could maybe get more used to the idea that this does not need to start with funding, but cohesion? There is a great potential at out diverse department, also to increase the volume by employing researchers. Permanent positions should not be the only things that lead to glory!

Other than that this is a good opportunity to congratulate Prof. Lars Egil Helseth for his outstanding efforts in establishing Research School associated with Michelsensenteret: Bergens forskerskole i mlevitenskap (Bergen Research School in Measurement Science) which was accepted in case 74 during the Faculty Management meeting October 6.

News and General Information

Open meeting at NTVA

o   Bill Schjelderup, adm.dir., Bergen Energi:
Act local - think global - ingen dum id

Tuesday October 19. at 19:00 in Bergen Energis auditorium in Fantoft, Fantoftvegen 38 (earlier CMR/CMI).


New time:
The candidates for the vacant position in the space physics will be presenting their research activities

Three of the four applicants selected by the responsible committee have now been in Bergen for interviews during which they have also given trial lectures and presented their respective research activities. There will be a change of time for the last candidate such that the presentation of the research activity, which is open for everyone, will be in the periodical room:

o   Monday October 18. at 13:00: Geophysicist Arne snes, Bergen Oilfield Services


How much can you afford to loose?

As a student you may experience fire, theft and loss of valuable data both at your student housing and lecture halls. Fire and safety engineer Tore Reigstad at the Property Department will, in cooperation with the Bergen Fire Department, give you useful tips on what you can do to have a safer student life.

o   Date and time: Thursday October 21. at 14:15 Aud 1, Realfagbygget


Studia - Syllabus Spring 2011

Studias goal is to have correct syllabus in the shelves at all times. We are therefore dependent on help from the individual lecturers in order to achieve this goal. We would like to receive feedback from the lecturers even though there will not be any changes in the syllabus. In such cases, we would like you to notify us that there will not be any changes compared to the earlier lists.

Syllabus lists can be sent to Studia, Parkveien 1 or via e-mail to the pertinent person, Erna Egeland. The deadline is November 5 2010. In case there are more students than expected please let us know by the beginning of the semester so that we can order more copies of the relevant books as soon as possible. We can then avoid being sold-out for books. The lecturers who submit their lists before the deadline will participate in a lottery in which 5 gift cards, each worth 1000 NOK, from Studia will be given away.


Applications to the Meltzer Funds (Meltzerfondet) and the Bergen University Funds (Bergen Universitetsfond)

The application deadline for these funds is December 1, but it can be a good idea to already work on applications now.

Meltzerfondet: Project and travel funds for researchers. These are funds for scientific projects that are confirmed by the supervisor and associated with studies or research fellow positions.

Bergen Universitetsfond: Researchers can apply for funding dissemination or publishing scientific results, as well as for holding scientific conferences, workshops.


First-year students: P VEI (ON THE WAY) October 19 2010

In week 42, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the departments will arrange an event called P VEI. The goal of this arrangement is to make first-year students think long-term in terms of M.Sc. degrees and choice of profession, and to make them set long-term goals during their studies. Read more on P VEI here and see here for schedule and program.


Workshop for applicants

The deadline for Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) is on December 7 2010 and in connection with this the Norwegian Research Council will be arranging a workshop on November 8. The purpose of this meeting is to contribute to general knowledge about the scheme, and mainly to give applicants insight in to an evaluators standpoint during evaluation of Marie Curie IAPP-applications. This will hopefully give the applicants a possibility to improve their applications in the course of the month before the deadline, so that the project proposal can be found worthy of support.

Information on IAPP, the workshop, contact persons and registration details can be found here.


Trial Lecture

o   MSc. Olav Erlend Torheim will be holding the following trial lecture for his PhD degree:
Er elektromagnetiske felter farlige? (Are the electromagnetic fields dangerous?)

Friday October 22 at 13:15 in room 292, IFT. All are welcome to listen!

Publications (ISI)                                                                 

o   Bruvik EM, Hjertaker BT, Hallanger A: Gamma-ray tomography applied to hydro-carbon multi-phase sampling and slip measurements FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION   Volume: 21   Issue: 3   Pages: 240-248