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Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten November 12 2010


A Word from the Head of Department

Heavy collisions at CERN – a great milestone is reached

Joakim Nystrand is reporting that, after approximately 20 years of preparations and waiting, and almost a year after the first proton-proton collisions; lead nuclei (Pb+Pb) were successfully collided in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN for the first time!


This means an increase of energy in the center of mass with more than one order of magnitude compared to the earlier record at RHIC at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The first collisions took place Sunday morning without the declaration of "Stable Beams". This, however, happened on Monday morning (November 8) and thereby it is safe to record the high voltage on all detectors in the ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) experiment and take data with the entire experiment. The first central collisions in which the entire detector is filled with tracks, were registered online in the course of a few minutes, see the above figure. So far ALICE has collected more than 5 million Pb+Pb collisions and the analyses of these are being carried out. Visit ALICE-page for more information and more pictures like the one above. In addition, CMS and ATLAS experiments are also participating in the data collection from the heavy ion run.

The Subatomic physics group in Bergen has been involved in the ALICE experiments since the beginning, and here, the focus is exactly on studying collisions between heavy nuclei. We would like to congratulate the Subatomic physics group with this milestone!

News and General Information                               

YearÕs mini winter-school at CERN

Heidi Sandaker has sent us pictures from this yearÕs mini winter-school at CERN. Students involved in the PHYS115 course were also present at the school that we arrange together with students from the University of Oslo every year (see the picture below). This time there were 18 participants from Bergen. This year, as in the previous years, there were many especially good lecturers, including Lyn Evans (project leader for the construction of LHC), Peter Jenni (spokesman for the ATLAS experiment for over 15 years), and the theoreticians Gian Giudice and John Ellis (see the picture below – with Korean TV-team). Also a visit and a tour of the ALICE experiments and the IT-department were arranged.


Last reminder: applications to Meltzerfondet (Meltzer Funds) and Bergen Universitetsfond (Bergen University Funds)

The application deadline for these funds is just around the corner: December 1.

Meltzerfondet: Project and travel funds for researchers. Funds for scientific projects which are approved by the advisor and connected to studies or PhD positions.

Bergen Universitetsfond: Researchers can apply for funding of dissemination of projects and publication of research results, as well as funding for holding scientific conferences, workshops.


Application for parking permit in Dokkeveien

It is now possible to apply for parking permits in UoBÕs parking lot in Dokkeveien.


Budget 2010

We would like to recall what was said before; it is not a matter of course to transfer assets from the 2010 budget to the budget of 2011.

Publications (ISI)       

o   Eigen G, Stugu B, Sun L, et al.: Search for f(J)(2220) in Radiative J/psi Decays PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 105 Issue: 17 Article Number: 172001