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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
IFT-posten 26. november 2010


A Word from the Head of Department

Norwegian Research Council is planning a new announcement of the SFF-arrangement (Centre for Groundbreaking Research) in the forthcoming year, and has evaluated the possible adjustments of the existing arrangement based on the recent evaluation, see the article in H¿yden. According to Svenn-ge Dahl, head of the Research Administrative Department, the NRC has the annual 155 million kroner to be distributed among 8-10 new SFF candidates in the next round of applications.

This autumn, the Department of Physics and Technology has come up with two possible applications, along with several other possibilities that are being evaluated. As is the case with application processes, and especially for larger funds such as this one, it is of utmost importance to proceed in accord with the valid conditions which will be specified in the announcement. Until then, it may be wise to read the NRC's requirements and guidelines Krav og retningslinjer for SFF. It would be great if all of you planning on participating in SFF-applications inform us at the Department Administration about your plans.

News and general information                               

Invitation - Developing a Masters' Week

The joined administrative forces of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences arrange on 8 December 2010 a new Seminar on the topic of Developing a Masters' Week fagseminar med tema Utvikling av en masteruke.

The aimed audiences are primarily those employed in the administrative positions, as well as all working on improving the learning environment for students in higher education.

Best regards

Administration of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


TEKNA Vest and NTVA invite to an open meeting in Bergen

o   Professor Ole Didrik L¾rum, Section for Pathology of the Gades Institute, UoB:
"Developing the microscope – When natural sciences and technology generate advances in medicine"

Tuesday, 30. November 2010, at 19:00 (NB! date change) at Nansensenteret at Marineholmen, Thorm¿hlens gate 47.


New application deadlines for future master students

Deadline for applications to the regular master studies programme at UoB, with the semester start in autumn 2011, has been changed to April 15. This gives more time for application handling, as well as the deadline being more in accord with deadlines in other colleges and universities around Norway. An informative meeting with details on our master study programmes will be arranged some time in mid-March, where all study groups will present their programmes for potential applicants.

Deadline for international self-financed students applying for our master programmes has also been changed to 1 December 2010.


Nomination of Candidates - Fridtjof Nansen's Award for groundbreaking research and for younger scientists

Professors at universities and colleges can nominate candidates for Fridtjof Nansen's Award for groundbreaking research and for younger scientists. Deadline for innsending av forslag is 10 February 2011.

Publications (ISI)       

á      Tyssoy HN, Stadsnes J, Sorbo M, Mertens CJ, Evans DS: Changes in upper mesospheric and lower thermospheric temperatures caused by energetic particle precipitation JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS   Volume: 115   Article Number: A10323

á      Eigen G, Stugu B, Sun L et. al: Search for B+ meson decay to a(1)(+)(1260)K*(0)(892): PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 82   Issue: 9 Article Number: 091101

á      Hellevang H, Declercq J, Kvamme B, Aagaard P: The dissolution rates of dawsonite at pH 0.9 to 5 and temperatures of 22, 60 and 77 degrees C APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY   Volume: 25   Issue: 10Pages: 1575-1586