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Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten Jaunary 7 2011


A Word from the Department Administration

Dear Colleagues and students,

In this yearÕs first edition of IFT-posten we would like to wish all of you a happy new year. We would like to welcome Bj¿rn Tore back from a year of sabbatical leave at Victoria University in Melbourne and also wish Jakob all the best during his sabbatical leave at Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA.

News and General Information                               

Important deadlines and dates

á      Deadline for registration for courses is Thursday January 13. The course list is published on December 13.

á      The classes and the regular course teaching begin on Monday January 17.


New issue of the Department of Research AdministrationÕs FunderFinder

¥       The Department of Research AdministrationÕs December edition of FunderFinder  is ready and should be downloaded and checked by all of the researchers of the department!


The Norwegian Research CouncilÕs Information Meetings in Bergen

If you have research collaboration with a company, then you should be aware of the possibility of having Industrial PhDs which involves 50% sharing of the salaries between the company and the Research Council of Norway, preferably in connection with a fresh employment in the company. The person in question should apply for admission to the PhD-program in the usual way. The percentage of acceptance is relatively high in this scheme, if the project proposal that is worked out by the company in partnership with UoB is of a satisfactory quality.


 Bergen Summer Research School

Bergen Summer Research School on Global Development Challenges (BSRS) that is a multi-disciplinary, international summer research school at PhD-level will be arranged for the 4. time at the University of Bergen from June 20 until July 1 2011. This time the theme will be   ÓNorms, values, language and cultureÓ. The application deadline is March 1 2011. For more information, go to BSRS 2011s webpage.


The Eurasia Program.

For educational collaboration with the Eurasia, a new program through SIU is currently being established. The program will consist of three measures:


2.     SEED FUNDING for establishment of contact/partnership (i.e. contact travels).

3.     SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS from Eurasia to receive education at collaborating Norwegian institutions (both full degree education and part studies).

More information can be found on SIUÕs Eurasia web pages. The application deadline is January 20 2011/ continuous application processing.


Flexible Time

The new flexible time forms for 2011 can be downloaded from the intranet. Completed forms should be sent electronically to Elin.


NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010: Perspectives of Nuclear Physics in Europe

The Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee is an Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation and has newly published the NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010: Perspectives of Nuclear Physics in Europe. The report is downloadable both as a summary and a full report.


Roald Hanquist Larsen who was employed at the department as an engineer from 01.09.87 until 31.12.01, died on December 24 2010. His funeral took place at Johanneskirken on December 31.



Wednesday January 19th a representative from Research Council of Norway (NFR) and UiBÕs Department of Research Management (FA) will come and talk about research mobility and how to apply for funding. More information here.


Idar Mestad: Kvifor sp¿r alle fireŒringar sŒ mykje? (Why do four year olds ask so many questions?)  Chronicle in Bergens Tidende  22.12.10.

Joakim Nystrand: Kopierte Big Bang, (Copied Big Bang) H¿yden 03.01.11.

Kjartan Olafsson: About the solar eclipse on NRK HordalandÕs morning program 04.01.11, approximately 46 minutes into the broadcast.

More from UoB: Skal finne siste rest av det svarte gullet (Will find the last of the black gold), Bergen Chamber of CommerceÕs Interaction nr. 6 2010 – special issue on oil and gas (page 28 and 29).

Publications (ISI)                                                    

á      Laundal KM; Ostgaard N; Frey HU, Weygand JM: Seasonal and interplanetary magnetic field-dependent polar cap contraction during substorm expansion phase JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS Volume: 115, Article Number: A11224, 2010