UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten 27. May 2011


A Word from Department Administration

We are nearing June 8 and one of the main deadlines for applications to the Norwegian Research Council. The characteristic of this year is that IFT will send as many as 4 proposals to the Centre for Groundbreaking Research (SFF) for the prequalifications round.  There they will be met with the sharp competition from many other departments in order to pass on to the next rounds (February 2012) for the final selection (September 2012).  The new centres will be established as of January 2013. In addition to  the four applications, IFT is also participating in 6 other SFF-proposals which will be sent by other faculty departments or research institutions in Bergen.

The next issue of IFT-posten will appear in two weeks, on Friday, June 10

News and general information                               

Research presentation – applying for reservoir physics position

We are inviting the applicants to the availabnle position in reservoir physics to an interview where they will hold a trial lecture and present their research acitivities. This research presentation is open for everyone to attend, and the presenter will be Martin Fern¿, Postdoc at IFT:

  • Monday, June 6, at 08:30 in room 366 at IFT.


 University of Bergen strategy 2011-15

The University Council adopted the universityÕs new strategy for 2011-2015 at the meeting held on 14 April 2011 (case 16/11). At the CouncilÕs meeting in December (case 70/11), the relationship between the universityÕs parent strategy and the facultiesÕ strategic documents have been addressed. The Council asked for feedback regarding the strategic plans for various faculties with emphasis on getting an overview on how these will be concretized and in which ways they prioritize the goals of the institutionÕs strategic plan (jf point 4 of the decision related to case 70/10). UoBÕs management will return to this issue, with the aim of presenting a case for the Council at the meeting in September.

The management will return to the Council with the issue of how various action plans, the annual reports and other plans may contribute to concretizing the priorities regarding the new strategy. The strategy document will be printed and distributed. UoBÕs management would like to thank all for their contribution in the process of formulating the universityÕs strategy for the forthcoming years.


Announcement of UoB guest researcher funding and seed funding for strategic partnerships

Seed funding for strategic partnerships. You can apply for financial support regarding your contact travels, meetings or other activities which promote the building of stable international connections and which will take place during the fall semester of 2011 or spring 2012.

Guest researcher funding. You can apply for financial support for inviting international guest researchers currently at least at the Postdoc level for a guest stay at UoB for a period of minimum 1 to maximum 3 months. The stay must take place during the fall semester 2011 or spring 2012. You may apply for funding up to 15.000 NOK per month to cover the expenses related to the visit (such as the cost of travel and accommodation).

The deadline for submitting your applications to IFT is Thursday, 16. June 2011.


Norwegian Research Council Prize 2011

The Norwegian Research Council annually awards two prizes to particularly deserving researchers, the prize for groundbreaking research and the prize for outstanding media presentation. Both prizes may be awarded to one or more researchers.

The deadline for sending proposals for good candidates for this yearÕs prizes to the Norwegian Research Council in paper mail is June 24.

Master Student News

Master thesis presentation at the department on Wednesday, 1. June 2011, at 12:15, room 546


Subject area – thesis title


Lars Petter ¯ren Hauge


Petroleum technology – Reservoir physics:

ÒResistivity Measurements during Gas Hydrate Formation and Subsequent CO2 Exchange in Porous SandstoneÓ

Geir Ersland

Arne Graue


Master thesis presentation at the department on Thursday, 9. June 2011, at 08:15, room 368


Subject area – thesis title


Ida Istre


Process technology – Safety technology:

ÒThe Analysis and Improvement of H2S Treatment – Direct Injection of Triazine-Based H2S-Solutions  in Gas FlowsÓ

Bj¿rn J. Arntzen


Master Thesis Presentation at the department on Thursday, 9. June 2011, at 10:15, room 368


Subject area – thesis title


Frode Himle Halrynjo


Process technology – Safety technology:

ÒKorleis kan ein gjenskapa brann-bildet frŒ forbrenning av flybensinen Jet A-1 i veskeform ved forbrenning av gass, utan at flammen blir vekke under sl¿kking og kva gass er best egna til detteÓ

Bjarne Christian Hagen, HSH

Bjarne Paulsen Husted, HSH

Bj¿rn J. Arntzen


Master thesis presentation at the department on Thursday, 9. June 2011, at 12:15, room 368


Subject area – thesis title


Angunn Eikeland


Process technology – Safety technology:

ÒThe probability of a vehicle igniting gas leakages at a process plantÓ

Sanjay Kumar Khattri, HSH



Master thesis presentation at the department on Thursday, 9. June 2011, at 14:15, room 368


Subject area – thesis title


Renathe Falch Gjone


Process technology – Safety technology:

ÒEvaluation of Requirements Regulating Installations of Equipment in Hazardous Areas with Flammable GasesÓ

Bjarne Paulsen Husted, HSH



Master thesis presentation at the department on Friday, 10. June 2011, at 09:15, room 368


Subject area – thesis title


Marte Johanne Hagenes Henden


Process technology – Safety technology:

ÒMinimum Ignition Energy of Propane and Ethylene in Atmospheres of Various O2/N2 RatiosÓ

Rolf K. Eckhoff

Pawel Kosinski


Master thesis presentation at the department on Friday, 10. June 2011, at 12:15, room 368


Subject area – thesis title


Tor Ivar Sellevold


Process technology – Safety technology:

ÒAn Experimental Study of the Influence of Particle Size Distribution in Flame Inhibitors on Flame PropagationÓ

Bj¿rn J. Arntzen


Seminar on a self-chosen topic

MSc Lijiao Liu will hold a seminar on the self-chosen topic:

"Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN): Definitions, applications, features, composition, challenges and future"

  • Monday, 30. May 2011 at 10:15 in room 546, IFT

All are welcome to attend!


Seminar on a self-chosen topic

MSc Ingjald Pilskog will hold a seminar on a self-chosen topic:

"Nuclear Power Plants: Are Alternative Technologies a Part of FutureÕs Energy Supply?"

  • Tuesday, 07. June 2011, at 10:15 in room 546, IFT

All are welcome to attend!


Erik Mannseth has been employed as Research Assistant in nano-physics for a period of 4 years, starting from 1. May 2011.



¯ystein Grutle has been permanently employed as Senior Research Technician at our mechanical workshop, starting from 1. May 2011.


IFT in media                 

á      We would like to remind you that video footages on Van de Graaff-generator, One of a kind, and on atomic microscope, Cautious atomic glance, will be shown on NRK2 on 28. May at 16:30 as part of the programme called ÒVitenskapshvelvetÓ (The Science Vault).