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Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten June 20 2011


A Word from the Department Administration

This is the second last issue of IFT-posten before the summer holidays. Contents of the last issue which will be published on Friday this week must be submitted latest within Thursday.

We hope that everyone had a nice weekend and recommend a short visit to Youtube for beautiful physics such as pendulum waves, chain reaction with mousetraps or possibly other scientific experiments.

News and General Information                               

We would like to congratulate Stein Dankert Kolst¿ with his new book!

The book presents examples on use of exploratory ways of working in natural sciences for the 8.-10. and 11. year. The practical experiences are, all the time based on central, didactic theories, used to identify methods and provide good advice.

In addition to the editors, the book received contributions from the following: Birgitte Bj¿nness, Anne Kristine Byhring, Ola Erstad, Gerd Johansen, Bente Klevenberg and Idar Mestad who is a PhD student at IFT.

More information is available on the bookÕs webpage at Universitetsforlaget (the University Publishing House).


 Do you wish to have an influence on the development of technology?

Student competition: Join and show what visions students have in connection with the applications of nano-technology in the future! The winner will get free assistance for further commercialization of her/his idea, as well as a travel scholarship of up to 20 000 NOK.

The Norwegian Research CouncilÕs program for nanotechnology and new materials, NANOMAT, will be arranging a student competition in connection with the CouncilÕs closing seminar ÒJobb smŒtt- tenk stort(ÒWork little – think big!Ó) on November 2 2011 in Oslo. For this occasion, students (M.Sc. and PhD) are invited to prepare a product (exhibition, film, film montage or other visual presentation) which shows how they anticipate nanotechnology in use in about 5-10 years. Initial round deadline is August 1. See here for more information.


Summer closure of the canteen

The canteen is now closed in connection with the summer holidays and will be open again on Monday, August 22. We would like to thank Tran for her good and important contribution to our departmentÕs welfare and wish her a pleasant summer holidays.


Important information to all lecturers

The curriculum lists on our external webpage are outdated. It is the responsibility of the lecturers to update these lists every semester on Mi Side (My Page). It is more important to publish these on Mi Side than in the file storage or your personal webpage. Here is a short guideline:

  • Log in to Mi Side
  • Click on the subject you will be teaching
  • Click on the Admin tab
  • Scroll until you find a field with the title Curriculum and click on Óupload curriculum listÓ

Here is a link to an external webpage from the Department of Mathematics with a representative curriculum list.


 The 3. Nordic Conference on the Implementation of Knowledge

The Nordic Academic Organizations will, for the third time, be arranging a seminar on academicians and businesses, the 3. Nordic Conference on the Implementation of Knowledge in Helsinki September 27.

The aim of the conference is to discuss and exchange experiences as to how one can increase the number of knowledge-intensive businesses in the Nordic countries. The conference is open to and targets all who are interested in entrepreneurship. See the AcademiciansÕ webpage for more information.


Post delivery to and pick up from the Department of Physics and Technology

The post will now be picked up and delivered all weekdays at 09.00. Remember the DepartmentÕs address: Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen – not the street address.

M.Sc. News

Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Monday June 20 2011, at 10.00 (room 546):


Field – Thesis Title


Hilde Tokheim Nistov


Petroleum Technology – Reservoir Physics:

ÓEn eksperimentell studie av ¿kt oljeutvinning i oppsprukne reservoar ved bruk av polymergelŽ og surfaktanterÓ (ÓAn experimental study of increased oil recovery in fractured resevoirs by using polymer gel and surfactantsÓ)

Arne Graue


Final M.Sc. presentation at the Department Monday June 20 2011, at 13.00 (room 546):


Field – Thesis Title


Bjarte B¿rve


Petroleum Technology – Reservoir Physics:

Ó¯kt oljeutvinning i kalk basert pŒ potensialbestemmende ioner for endring av fuktÓ (ÓIncreased Oil Recovery in Lime based on Potential Determining Ions for Change of HumidityÓ)

Arne Graue

Martin Fern¿


Final M.Sc. presentation at the Department Tuesday June 21 2011, at 10.00 (room 546):


Field – Thesis Title


Kjell-Rune Hoff


Petroleum Technology – Reservoir Physics:

ÓEksperimentell og numerisk studie av CO2 injeksjon for ¿kt oljeutvinningÓ (ÓExperimental and Numerical Study of CO2 for increased oil recoveryÓ)

Arne Graue

Geir Ersland


Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Tuesday June 21 2011, at 13.00 (room 546):


Field – Thesis Title


Sigurd Nyb¿


Petroleum Technology – Reservoir Physics:

ÓSkaleringskriterier for vannfl¿mming i sandstein og terti¾r oljeutvinning ved bruk av CO2Ó (ÓScaling Criteria for Water Flooding in Sandstone and Tertiary Oil Recovery by using CO2Ó)

Arne Graue

Martin Fern¿


Final M.Sc. presentation  at the Department of Chemistry Wednesday June 22 2011, at 10.15 (room 4060, Realfagbygget):


Field – Thesis Title


Sigbj¿rn Fitjar Lunestad


Petroleum Technology – Reservoir Chemistry:

ÓCharacterization of Linked Polymer Solutions (LPS) – Influence of salinity and divalent ionsÓ

Harald H¿iland, CIPR

Arne Skauge, CIPR


Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Thursday June 23 2011, at 10.15 (room 316):


Field – Thesis Title


Anders Haarr


Fysikk – Teoretisk partikkelfysikk:

ÓA Golden–Channel Higgs DecayÓ

Per Osland


Final M.Sc. presentation at the Department of Chemistry Thursday June23 2011, at 11.15 (room 4060, Realfagbygget):


Field – Thesis Title


Sargol Kavian


Petroleum Technology – Reservoir Chemistry:

ÓKompetitiv adsorpsjon av TTAB og benyl-alkohol pŒ kaolinoverflateÓ (ÓCompetitive Adsorption of TTAB and benyl-alcohol on Kaolin SurfaceÓ)

Harald H¿iland, CIPR



Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Thursday June 23 2011, at 13.15 (room 316):


Field – Thesis Title


Anders Kvellestad


Physics – Theoretical Particle Physics:

ÒInvariant Mass Distributions of SUSY Cascade DecaysÓ

Per Osland


Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Friday June 24 2011, at 10.00 (room 366):


Field – Thesis Title


¯yvind Berge Sunnarvik


Process Technology – Separation:

ÓThe effect of calcite mineral on hydrate stability and CO2 adsorptionÓ

Tatiana Kuznetsova

Bj¿rn Kvamme


Final M.Sc. presentation at the department Friday June 24 2011, at 13.00 (room 366):


Field – Thesis Title


Christian Anders B¿e


Process Technology – Separation:

ÓCondensation of water on rust surfaces, and possible implications for hydrate formation in pipelinesÓ

Tatiana Kuznetsova

Bj¿rn Kvamme

IFT in the Media            

á      Nikolai ¯stgaard: Bergensk jakt pŒ superenergi (The Bergenese chase for super energy), BTMagasinet Saturday June 11 2011

Publications (ISI)

á      Tikkanen H, Suciu C, Waernhus I, Hoffmann AC: Examination of the co-sintering process of thin 8YSZ films obtained by dip-coating on in-house produced NiO-YSZ JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY   Volume: 31   Issue: 9   Pages: 1733-1739

á      Bracco G: Comparison of quadrupole mass filters with hyperbolic and cylindrical rods working in the third stability zone INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY   Volume: 303   Issue: 2-3   Pages: 212-219