UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology
IFT-posten 9. September 2011


A word from Department Administration

This week the Oil and Energy Minister Ola Borten Moe visited UoB. We are now one week away from elections with lots of uncertainty hanging in the air – yet it is right to say that the minister was unusually clear on a number of important premises for Norwegian energy policies. There was a lot of praise for and confirmation of departmentÕs, facultyÕs and UoBÕs continually heavier investment in research and teaching within the field of energy. Borten Moe emphasized the necessity of bearing two things in mind, i.e. both the renewable energy and fossil resources, although many people with particularly strong opinions on the latter. In the field of renewable energy there is a multitude of important solutions – some of which the faculty had claimed for many years. Within the fossil field, one of the crucial points is the recovery of Norwegian shelf, also with respect to global environmental benefits, which means that the need for enhanced oil recovery will have high priority in many years to come. Read more in PŒ H¿yden.

But political promises, just like energy resources, should be converted, magnified and made available for users in order to achieve some effect, which is also what research is about. We are ready for the effort.

Have a great weekend,
Geir Anton

News and general information                               

Announcement of funds for employer mobility via Erasmus programme 2011/12

University of Bergen has received a reply to their application for mobility funds via Erasmus – the LLP programme. The programme includes, in addition to student scholarships, funds for university staffÕs mobility (ansattmobilitet).

Staff mobility includes all types of employer categories, both technical-administrative and research-teaching employees. For 2011/ 2012 UoB has received funds for implementing 12 weeks of staff mobility, to be divided among the number of applicants.

The deadlines for applying for staff mobility scholarships are 15. September and 15. February. Both deadlines refer to applications for the academic year 2011/2012.

The application should be sent in ePhorte and approved by the head of department. Check the UoB newsletter for more information.


NTVA invites to a meeting in Bergen:

Tuesday, 13. September 2011 at 19:00 at Nansen Centre at Marineholmen, Thorm¿hlens gate 47.

Staff news

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Professor promotion

We congratulate Pawel Kosinski on his promotion to professorship! The faculty board had their final say in this formality last Thursday.


MSc. Shunping Liu will have his PhD disputation with the following title

Modelling CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers with Reactive Transport Simulator RCB

On Friday, 09. September, at 13:15 in Auditorium 2, Realfagbygget


Seminar on a self-chosen topic

MSc. Ilker Meric will hold a seminar on a self-chosen topic:

"Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation with Special Emphasis on Radiotherapy Physics"

Thursday, 15. September 2011 at 11:15 in room 546, IFT

All are welcome to attend!

IFT in media                 

á      Jesper Tveit: Vil ha mer kraft fra peltonturbinene Teknisk Ukeblad, 5. September
Vil forbedre BKKs pengemaskiner Europower, 2. September

Publications (ISI)

á      Csernai L. P.; Magas V. K.; Stoecker H.; Strottman, D. D.: Fluid dynamical prediction of changed v(1) flow at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider PHYSICAL REVIEW C  Volume: 84 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024914 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.024914

á      Jensen Bjornar; Kuznetsova Tatiana; Kvamme Bjorn; Oterhals, Age: Molecular dynamics study of selective adsorption of PCB on activated carbon FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA  Volume: 307   Issue: 1   Pages: 58-65   DOI: 10.1016/j.fluid.2011.05.001

á      Kotopoulis Spiros; Wang Han; Cochran Sandy; Postema, Michiel: Lithium Niobate Transducers for MRI-Guided Ultrasonic Microsurgery IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL  Volume: 58   Issue: 8   Pages: 1570-1576   DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2011.1984