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Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten 7. October 2011


A Word from Department Administration

The state budget has been presented and the comments from the university and higher education sector sound as follows: ÓSad and lacking in ambitionÓ, ÓResearch budget which Lacks visionÓ, ÓFrom resting place to a complete breakdown?Ó to name but a few. And if Norway would like to become and remain a nation of better knowledge, we must find another way. But it is great that the budget matches universitiesÕ challenge on strengthening independent research by contributing personally with 100 million kroner, which in turn means that several of the good applications which come to our department annually, can be financed.

We now notice that the awarding of PhD-scholarships has gradually been transferred from Norwegian Research Council to the Ministry of Education. Norwegian Research Council followed this transfer and the number of scholarships has thus decreased. But it is a huge problem that the Ministry does not recognize that the budget does not include a single new recruitment position. The facultyÕs director confirms as discussed in the facultyÕs budget draft, that the number of PhDs at the faculty decreases, and consequently the number of completed doctoral degrees at our faculty are also on the way down – even though 2011 is going to be a top year and a great number of externally-financed PhDs will compensate for some of the loss. We can only hope that the work group established by the Ministry will see the seriousness of this for those fields which have the supervision capacities and in which the candidates are in demand.

Have a great weekend,
Geir Anton

News and general information                               

Physics on Studentersamfunnet: Mysteries of Quantum Physics

  • Time: 11. October at 19:00
  • Place: Teglverket, Kvarteret
  • Meeting host: Thomas Sekkelsten
  • Lecturer: Sigurd Askeland, research assistant at IFT

Quantum physics is a relatively young branch of science, hardly a hundred years old. Following the publication of the relativity theory by Einstein it was thought that one was very close to a complete understanding of the laws of nature. However, several experiments were carried out whose results could not explained by classical physics. When one studies particles, natureÕs smallest building blocks, the laws of classical physics will no longer be valid. New, advanced mathematics had to be introduced in order to describe the behavior of particles. This again led to unexpected phenomena. Today, mathematics is used to describe these phenomena and this knowledge is used in modern science and technology. However, this reality is so much more different than our own that it is very difficult for humans to understand quantum physics. One then has to re-evaluate his/her understanding of how the world functions.


Anja Hegen and co has made the October number of FunderFinder ready for downloading – obligatory reading for all scientific staff!


NTVA would like to invite to a theme meeting in Bergen:

  • Global ocean research and surveillance under the direction of IOC (UN) .
  • Lecture by Peter M. Haugan, Professor of Oceanography at the Gephysics Department, UoB, Vice Chairman of Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), also affiliated with the Nansen Center for Environmental and Remote Measurement.
  • Relevance for Norway? Commentary/ Introduction to discussion by Dr. ¯yvind Paasche, Leader of Bergen Marine Research Cluster.

Tuesday, October 18 2011 at 19:00, Nansensenteret on Marineholmen, Thorm¿hlens gate 47. Fish soup will be served after the meeting. The price is 100,- NOK per place. Registration within 15:00 on Thursday, October 13, registration is required only for those who will be joining the dinner.


The Research InstitutesÕ Joint Arena – FFA

The University- and University College Council (UHR) and FFA – The Research InstitutesÕ Joint Arena invite to an open day seminar on October 18 2011 at HŒndverkeren in Oslo. The arrangement is a part of the Science Year and will be focusing on the collaboration across institutional boundaries. What sort of collaboration among universities, university colleges and research institutes can promote the Norwegian research?

The seminar will consist of lectures, short presentations and conversations. The contributions and discussions will be a part in the preparations of the new research report. Extra time for comments and questions will be allocated. Among the speakers and debaters one may find the Minister Tora Aasland, the State Secretary Kyrre Lekve, Director of the Research Council Arvid HallŽn and President of Tekna, Marianne Harg.

More information on the program and registration within October 10. The participant fee is 500,- NOK (invoice will be sent).


Resilient Proposal on Space Research from Commercial Satellites.

A UiB based team has proposed a multi satellite mission to be funded by ESA and flown on the commercial Iridium NEXT constellation.  The instrumentation is based on UiB's successful science and engineering record with X-ray imagers.  The TErrestrial GAmma- and X-ray (TEGAX) mission will position Norway in a key role in international space weather monitoring and enable closure to compelling science objectives as identified by NASA's decadal report.  Feel free to contact the PI Dr. Jesper W Gjerloev.


New Staff

Ketil R¿ed was employed as a Postdoc in radiation physics for 4 years from October 1.

Description: IMG_0509

Bianca Ross was employed temporarily as a senior consultant at IFT as of October 3 2011. Her tasks are associated with SFI Michelsensenteret including Bergensskolen i mŒlevitenskap (The Bergen School of Measurement Science) and Nasjonal forskerskolen i petroleumsfag (The Nationa Researcher School of Petroleum Science).


We wish Ketil and Bianca welcome to our department!

IFT in the media           

á      Jakob Stamnes and ¯yvind Frette: Bedre klima med Kina (Better Climate with China) PŒ H¿yden September 30.

á      Heidi Sandaker: Brutt lyshastigheten. Hva sŒ? (Broke the speed of light. So what?) Forskning.no September 24.

Publications (ISI)

á      Hjertaker B. T.; Maad R.; Johansen G. A.: Dual-mode capacitance and gamma-ray tomography using the Landweber reconstruction algorithm MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY  Volume: 22 Issue: 10 Article Number: 104002   DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/22/10/

á      Bomark Nils-Erik; Choudhury Debajyoti; Lola Smaragda; Osland, Per: Flavour structure of R-violating neutralino decays at the LHC JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS  Issue: 7  Article Number: 070 DOI: 10.1007/ JHEP07(2011)070

á      Olaussen K.; Osland P.; Solberg M. Aa: Symmetry and mass degeneration in multi-Higgs-doublet models JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS  Issue: 7     Article Number: 020 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2011)020