UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten 14. October 2011


A Word from Department Administration

One of the many ways to get more cooperation between various research groups at the department, is to have regular meetings between the groups. Several groups had such established common research areas and new cooperation possibilities after the process  we had with working committees in the spring and a similar meeting we had in Voss in May.

There will be several similar events organized this fall: the annual Christmas party will take place on Friday, 9. December – mark this date in your calenders – where this year we will facilitate a better balance between the respective number of employees and students. There are also open seminars on chosen Fridays, as you can see in the list below. I would like to encourage all to participate in these seminars, which arealso  contributing to an improved department environment, not to mention the broadening of our knowledge horizons. This Friday (October 14), Ingunn Vehus from the University of Oslo will hold a lecture on This yearÕs Nobel Prize in Physics – do show up at 14:00! Merk ogsŒ at det er en Óstilling ledigÓ i seminarkomiteen.

Geir Anton

News and general information                               

Open seminars - fall 2011

The scheduled open seminars for this fall semester are listed below, and these seminars are arranged, according to the good old tradition, on selected Fridays at 14:15 in Auditorium B. The Seminar Committee is looking for suggestions on interesting lecturers for still available Fridays in this or next semester. And we guarantee that the lecturers will be instructed to hold general lectures which all can profit from – from first year students via employees, all the way to the emeriti.

The fall schedule is as follows:








Trygve Buanes, IFT "Faster than the light"  

Ingunn Vehus, UoO "The 2011 Nobel Prize: The accelerating universe"          

Ludvig Muren, rhus University (topic within the field of biophysics)              

Helge Holden, NTNU "Great problems in mathematics: Solved and unsolved"

Cecilia Jarlskog, Stockholm University, "On Curie and Rutherford... (TBA)"

Kjell Aleklett, Uppsala University, "Peeking at Peak Oil in Norway and around the world."

Karl W. Tšrnroos, Department of Chemistry, UoB "Prohibited phases in solids – Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011"

Catering in the vestibule from 14:00.

The Seminar Committee also lacks one member, perhaps a younger representative. If there is somebody who wishes to participate in this committee, please contact Per Osland and Jan Petter Hansen and make their day.


What can Bergen learn from the Silicon Valley?


Welcome to the showing of the movie Something Ventured and NHHÕs anniversary seminar

TIME: MONDAY 24. OCTOBER FROM 18:00 – 21:00

Place: Magnus Barfot cinema. Registration.


Have you got some interesting results from a research project?


The Best New Ideas from Research in Bergen awards 100 000,- NOK

BTO invites researchers and employees of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty to participate in BTO/ Sparebanken Vest Idea Competition where the winner will be awarded a scholarship of 100 000,- NOK. The Idea Competition is now arranged for the third time, and the scholarship will be awarded to the best new idea or research result with commercial potential. The winner can decide himself what he wants to use the scholarship for.

á      How to apply? Fill out the form and send it via e-mail. Application deadline is 17. October. All applications will be processed in full confidentially.

á      Who can apply? Researchers and employees (including PhD-students and Postdocs) at UoB, Helse Bergen, Department of Marine Research and H¿yskolen in Bergen.

á      The award giving will take place on 17. November at Bergen Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference.

á      Read more information   here or contact BTO at 55 58 30 50, 900 69 645 or by e-mail if you need additional clarifications.


Final seminar in NANOMAT

NANOMAT arranges a final seminar on 2. November in Oslo, with focus on research results and with a view of the future possibilities within the field of nanotechnology. Registration deadline is 26.


The Norwegian Research CouncilÕs programme funding for nanotechnology and new materials (NANOMAT) has entered its final year. In this respect they are planning an open seminar with emphasis on results and effects from NANOMAT-programme.

The seminar is open for all and is arranged on 2. November 2011 at Felix Kino at Aker Brygge in Oslo. Follow the link for registration and programe which is constantly being updated.



New lift for anti-matter research

CERN has recently (28.9.2011) adopted the decision to build a whole new decelerator, ELENA (Extra Low Energy Antiproton Ring), to deliver anti-protons to CERNÕs anti-matter experiments at lower energies than ever achieved before. ELENA will be installed in the same building which houses the existing decelerator, AD (Antiproton Decelerator). The plan is that the first anti-protons from this new ring shall be delivered in 2016 with one fiftieth part of the energy that AD delivers today. Thus one hopes to receive an improvement in joint effectiveness up to 10-100 times. This opens up a whole series of new possibilities for international anti-matter research which includes researchers at IFT. Both thr groups for atomic physics  (Jan Petter Hansen et al.) and the group for experimental particle physics (Heidi Sandaker et al.) are involved in this work via the AEgIS experiment which will be built in the course of the next years for measuring the gravitational constant of anti-Hydrogen. Activities within the theoretical File written by Adobe Photoshopš 5.2calculations of Anti-Hydrogen atoms are already in progress, and one PhD-student (Angela Gligorova) is currently preparing the detector studies of anti-proton annihilation to be done with AD testbeam in November this year. Here you may find more information on ELENA and AEgIS, as well as a press release from CERN.

The figure shows a reconstructed anti-hydrogen event in the ATHENA detector, the predecessor of the AEgIS experiment.


P VEI 2011 for new students

What will you become? What is the goal of your studies? How to reach that goal? What are the relevant things one should bear in mind throughout the studies?

MN-faculty arranges every fall an informative week called P VEI in order to help students set clear goals. This is a good opportunity to ask questions and come closer to the actual answer as to where you are and where you want to go. The main event takes place on Tuesday 18. October of week 42. See the entire programme here.


Seminar on self-chosen topic

MSc Abdul Waheed will hold a seminar on self-chosen topic entitled:

  • "Terawatt laser and its medical and industrial applications"

On Monday 17. October 2011 at 13:15 in room 546, IFT. All are welcome to attend!

IFT in the media

á      Per Osland, Anna Lipniacka, Heidi Sandaker: Hektisk blant verdens fysikere Forskning.no 10. October

á      Thea K. rrestad: Vis oss fysikkens skj¿nnhet PŒ H¿yden 12. October

á      Per Osland: Uenige om n¿ytrino-publisering Forskning.no 13. October

Publications (ISI)

á      Cheng Yun; Yan Yu-Liang; Zhou Dai-Mei; Csernai Laszlo P. et al.: Longitudinal fluctuations in the partonic and hadronic initial state PHYSICAL REVIEW C  Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Article Number: 034911 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.034911