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Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten 21. October 2011


A Word from Department Administration

I do not have much to say this Friday except to wish you all a great weekend. Here is a bit of creative mathematics for those who want to have a mild transfer towards the weekend.

Geir Anton

News and general information                               

Research on detectorsystems for PET at IFT

Associate Professor II Renate GrŸner explains in this video produced by Univisjon, on interdisciplinary research on detectorsystems for PET (Positron­ Emission Tomography).  This is a project financed by Helse Vest aimed at further improvement of pictures of the bodyÕs inside – and thus ensuring more precise diagnoses. PhD-student NjŒl Brekke who is also included in the film is doing his PhD on this subject.


Linux operative system

IT-department will as of beginning of 2012 go over from Fedora to Ubuntu when it comes to operativ ystems for linux. Check out the letter about this sent to respective departmens. Our department has the deadline until 31.10. to come up with their comments. If somebody has any views on this, they can send it to Magne HŒvŒg who is in charge of coordinating the project.


Open lecture in PHYS 328 Selected topics in measurement science

The head of business development in Roxar Emerson Process Management, Eivind Dykesteen, holds a lecture in PHYS 328 which all interested students and employees are welcome to   attend:

  • Industrial Instrumentation Development? From Idea to Product
  • Wednesday, 26. October 12:15-13:45 in room 292, IFT.

Dykesteen will outline the numerous challenges underlying the process of taking up an idea and following it to its final commercial product. He has, in his long career as head of development and commercialization of multiphase flow measurement devices, gathered a lot of first hand knowledge and experience with this topic.


Tekna invites to a lunch seminar

  • Wednesday, 26. October at 12:15 in auditorium 4 on the 4th floor of Realfagbygget.
  • Egil Lillest¿l: Energy for the future
  • Registration

Over the last few years he had been concerned with global energy issues and a possible solution to the global energy problems in the form of an accelerator-powered nuclear reactor based on Thorium. This project has lead to numerous debates and media exposure for Lillest¿l, with strong discussions for and against the nuclear power possibilities in Norway. More information available internally at Mi side.


Subsea outlook 2011

  • In Grand Selskapslokaler, Nedre Ole Bullsplass 1, Bergen
  • 10. November 17:00 - 20:00

NCE Subsea invites bachelor and master students interested in underwater technology, innovation and entrepreneurship to a seminar with technical presentations and an opportunity for network building. Programme and registration (until 8. November).


Magne Espedal honored with memorial professorship

Professor Magne Espedal (1942-2010) was one of the pioneers in petroleum research at UoB. This year we have created Magne Espedal professorship, a professor II position financed by UoBÕs Academic Agreement with Statoil, in honor of his efforts. Professor Margot Gerritsen from Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University, California and Director of the Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering at Stanford since 2001, has been employed in this position for the period 2011-2013. More information from Interpore FlashNews.




Register research – Consistent with research ethics? 

  • Place:  Student Centre "Egget"
  • Date:  7. December 2011
  • Time:    08:00 – 10:00    

Invitation to the seminar on ethics which includes free breakfast! 

Programme and registration.

BSc and MSc

Subsea outlook 2011

  • In Grand Selskapslokaler, Nedre Ole Bullsplass 1, Bergen
  • 10. November 17:00 - 20:00

NCE Subsea invites bachelor and master students interested in underwater technology, innovation and entrepreneurship to a seminar with technical presentations and an opportunity for network building. Programme and registration (until 8. November).


Seminar on a self-chosen topic

MSc. Gleb Pisarev holds a seminar on a self-chosen topic:

  • Industrial aspects of membrane technology
  • Monday, 24. October at 10:15 in room 368, IFT

All are welcome to attend!

Publications (ISI)

á      Askeland S.; Sorngard S. A.; Pilskog I.; Nepstad, R.; Forre, M.: Stabilization of circular Rydberg atoms by circularly polarized infrared laser fields PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Article Number: 033423 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.033423.

á      ATLAS Collaboration: Buanes T, Burgess T, Eigen G, Johansen LG, Kastanas A, Leibig W, Lipniacka A, Mohn B, Oye OK, Rosendahl PL, Sandaker H, Sjursen TB, Stugu B, Tonyan A, Ugland M et al.: Search for heavy long-lived charged particles with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume: 703 Issue: 4 Pages: 428-446 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.08.042.

á      Cheng Yun; Yan Yu-Liang; Zhou Dai-Mei; Csernai, Laszlo P. et al.: Longitudinal fluctuations in the partonic and hadronic initial state PHYSICAL REVIEW C Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Article Number: 034911 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.034911.