UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten 28. October 2011


A Word from Department Administration

I am glad to inform you that the department council last Thursday finalized and adopted departments strategic plan for the period 2011-15. It has been a long, but good process with great contribution from all department employees, several students, as well as some smart heads from outside the department. A big thank you to each and every one of them!

We have placed an emphasis on the fact that this plan should be operative in the sense that all suggestions can easily be put in action. We have taken into consideration the challenges set before us, as well as the possibilities, and how these can be put into practice in such a way that we can work even more efficiently. And now all we have to do is roll up our sleeves and make sure that todays brand new print-out of this strategic plan will look like a well-used and faded treasure map at the end of 2015.

Have a great weekend!
Geir Anton

News and general information                               

Announcement of Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences fonds and scholarships for 2012

The Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences fond and scholarships for 2012 has now been announced. The current ones within the field of physics and technology include:

Read here for more information and application forms. Application deadline is 1. December.

Students of the University of Bergen are encouraged to apply for student scholarships, the application deadline being also 1. December.

Remember that December 1st is also the application deadline for the Meltzerfond and Bergen University Fond


ERC Advanced Grants - national information and proposal writing event in Bergen November 8th

Professors and administrators: ERC Advanced grants offer established researchers the possibility to do potentially ground-breaking, yet risky projects for 5 years. The ERC stipend offers up to 2,5 million for the principal investigator and his/her team (activities are financed 100%).

Find out how to write a competitive proposal at the national information event at Vilvite Auditorium on Tuesday, 8th November from 9:00-15:00 in collaboration with the Research Council of Norway and Yellow Research. Hear about the experiences of one of UiBs grant winners (Professor Kenneth Hugdahl, Faculty of psychology) and meet one of Norway's national experts for ERC, Mr. Per Magnus Kommandantvold, NFR. A more detailed program can be found here. Participation is free of charge and includes course material and lunch. Please register here by November 3rd and tell your colleagues about the event.


FROM STUDIA: Curriculum for Spring 2012

STUDIAs aim is to have at all times the right curriculum books on their shelves. In order to achieve this, we depend on each and every lecturer. Even if there is no change in the existing curriculum list, we would like to get feedback, perhaps just with a statement claiming that there are no changes regarding the previously submitted list.

The curriculum lists can be sent to Studia, Parkveien 1 or via e-mail to Erna Egeland. Use this form. We would also like to remind you of the feedback deadline, which is Friday, 4. November 2011. Please let us know with the course start in case there are more students than expected, so that we can order more books as soon as possible, thus avoiding the possibility of the book being sold out.

The lecturers who deliver their lists within the deadline will participate in the lottery for winning 5 gift vouchers from Studia worth 1.000,- NOK each


FROM STUDIA: Compendium production for Spring 2012

It is again time to think about the compendium production for the next semester. Here you will find form C for orders and information about the rules for compendium production. It is allowed to copy up to 15 % from one book or a complete chapter even though it may exceed 15%. In case the book has been sold out and no longer printed by the publisher, you are allowed to copy 30 %. When it comes to scientific magazines, it is allowed to print out 2 articles, but not more than 25 % of the issues total number of pages.

In case the manus is delivered to STUDIA (to Elna Nilsen) in paper format, make sure that all of the text is readable, since the copy wont be any better than the original. Please also make sure that all the texts come with margines on both sides. Please also make sure that there is not too many of those black edges on each of the pages, as that tends to use up our toners and blocks our machines. In addition, students find it ugly (p.s. we have received quite a few complaints due to bad copies).

You may choose the type of binding yourself: pin, map, tape or binder. The size of your compendium may reflect on the type of binding you can choose from, but just for your orientation, the pin costs 30 re, map or tape kr. 15, binder kr. 26 and spiral kr 16,-. As specified in the appendix, you are the one deciding on the number of ordered copies. STUDIA can be helpful with looking at the sales in the corresponding previous semester.

STUDIA s deadline for compendium production is 7. November. If you have any problems delivering the manuscript within the deadline, please send the table of contents so that STUDIA can find out whether we need to apply for printing permission. Foreign publishers often take a long time to reply. Considering the printers capacities, it would be of great help to send in your application within the deadline. Important note: STUDIA must obtain the manuscript either as paper copy, pdf-format or books for scanning. It is not enough just to send the contents list. In case there are no changes regarding the previously used compendium, it is enough to send the ordering form C.

STUDIA greatly values receiving feedback on all courses to be taught next semester, regardless of whether you are planning to use a compendium or not. Your feedback will be noted in STUDIAs statistics used by the sales department in order to provide the best possible information to students. Please contact Elna Nilsen in STUDIA if you have any additional questions. Thank you for all the information we receive.


Changing of fire escape doors in the main corridors

Next week the work on changing the remaining fire escape doors in the main corridors. The old doors do not satisfy the standards of fire safety, and UoB has therefore received an order from fire fighting department to change them.

  • Start: week 44        
  • Finish: week 50-51

The work may cause some noise and inconvenience in the rooms/corridors where the changing will take place. Therefore one must count on some noise in shorter periods. In case there are some activities scheduled for that period which do not tolerate any noise, you should inform Gjert. The work will be conducted by the construction contractor Snekkermester Birger Morstl as.

  • Contact person EIA: Morten Storheim, phone: 909 85 213
  • Contact person Department of Physics and Technology: Gjert Furhovden, phone: 82761


Conference on Research Unicersities and Global Challenges



      Time: 29. November 2011, from 09:00 – 15:30

      Place: Egget in the UoBs Student Centre

Would you like to join the discussion on the future global challenges and how to meet these challenges with new knowledge? In connection with the Science Year, UoB, in cooperation with Norwegian Ministry of Education, invites you all to the national conference on basic researchs role in our continually more globalized world.

The perspective of this conference is: "The significance of the independent basic science in meeting the global challenges – how can Norway become the pioneer country in providing good terms for independent and basic science?"

The conference will be opened by the Norwegian Minister of Science and Higher Education, Tora Aasland, and it will include lectures by both Norwegian and international groundbreaking scientists, such as Geoffrey Boulton and Merle Jacob.

The conference will focus on presenting good examples of basic research which had significant impact on meeting the various global challenges. In addition, the participants, contributors and the conference panel will be invited to draft a proposal on which ways the universities should and can contribute with when it comes to new knowledge in developing our common future.

More information on programme, registration and The Science Year.


Master thesis presentations

Monday, 31. October 2011, at 13:00 (room 316):


Subject – Thesis title


Henrik Foss

Physics – Accoustics:

Ultrasound Phantom for Myocardium

Per Lunde (IFT) and Knut Matre (IFI)


Friday, 4. November 2011, at 11:30 (room 292):


Subject – Thesis Title


Eivind Eidsnes Johannessen

Physics – Measurement Science and Instrumentation:

Field ionization detection of molecules

Bodil Holst


Friday, 4. November 2011, at 13:30 (room 546):


Subject – Thesis Title


Arun Kumar Sharma

Physics – Micro-electronics:

Designing and development of readout and configuration program for the MXGS-instrument

Kjetil Ullaland

IFT in the media

      Kjellmar Oksavik: Nordlys over Hordaland, NRK Vestlandsrevyen, 25. October, 19:40, also shown at NRK Hordalands afternoon broadcast on the radio 25. October, 17:03, 12 minutes into the broadcast.

      Renate Grner: Bedre bilder av kroppens indre, forskning.no, 22. October.