UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten November 6. 2011


A Word from the Head of Department

Open or locked IFT? UoB is, as you may have read in P Hyden, now considering locking all university facilities so that everyone would need to use a keycard to obtain access to these facilities. This will not be a problem for the students and the employees, but the challenge will then be all other visitors as one will need a receptionist who will let the visitors inside the facilities. At IFT video-surveillance was installed nearly three years ago as an alternative to provide better security. This has led to a significant reduction in the number of break-ins.

IFT will be expressing its opinion on this case. Students or employees with strong opinions regarding this issue are kindly asked to contact Grete or me during this week.

Geir Anton

News and General Information

The application database for Meltzerfondet and Universitetsfondet is now open.

  • Meltzerfondet is providing funds for research projects, research prizes, travel funds for researchers, and project scholarships to students and PhD candidates.
  • Universitetsfondet is providing funds for projects regarding mediation and publishing research results, as well as funds for scientific conference and workshop arrangements.

Applications should be sent electronically, see here for Meltzerfondet and here for Universitetsfondet. The application deadline is December 1.

The Meltzerprizes

Meltzerfondet provides annual prizes for younger researchers and for excellent research mediation. Professors and department heads at UoB can suggest candidates for Meltzerfondets prizes. Suggestions with explanations should be sent to the fondet within December 1. For more information and answers to the frequently asked questions about the prizes and procedures, please see here for guidelines and here for checklist for proposers. For further questions, contact Bente Krossy (55582023) at the University Directors Office.


The November edition of FunderFinder is ready for download – obligatory reading for all scientific employees!


 Description: Description: 4

Breakfast meeting on interaction between the industry and academia in Bergen

The Norwegian Technical Science Academy, NTVA, invites, in cooperation with Bergen Chamber of Commerce, to a breakfast meeting

  • Tuesday November 22 2011 at 08.30
  • Place: Grand Selskapslokaler, Ole Bulls plass 1, Bergen
  • Interaction between the industry and academia in Bergen

Lecture by:

  • Adm. dir. Per Heum, SNF
  • Professor Dag Rune Olsen, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UoB
  • Adm. dir. Arvid Nttvedt, CMR

More information on the breakfast meeting can be obtained from NTVA. The meeting is open for everyone.


The theme series from the IT-dept., nr. 4: Print-out services

At a scientific institution as the University of Bergen, the print-out services are important for both students and employees. The development was focused on, among others, better quality and more flexible services. Environment and economical concerns have also led to the fact that these services are now being changed.

Print-out, copying, scanning and optical character recognition are among those services that are now under our print-out services. In the IT-departments new number in the theme series you can read more on these services. You may perhaps find something you did not know you were wondering.


Trial Lecture

  • MSc. Ingjald Pilskog will be holding the following trial lecture for his Ph.D.-degree

"Kan vi varsle romvret?"

Thursday November 10 at 13.15 in Room 292, IFT

All are welcome!

IFT in the media

smund Haugen: Millionsatsing over dammen, Dagens Nringsliv October 28.

Publications (ISI)

      ATLAS Collaboration: Buanes T, Burgess T, Eigen G, Johansen LG, Kastanas A, Leibig W, Lipniacka A, Mohn B, Oye OK, Rosendahl PL, Sandaker H, Sjursen TB, Stugu B, Tonyan A, Ugland M et al.: Measurement of inclusive jet and dijet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy with the ATLAS detector EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C  Volume: 71   Issue: 2     Article Number: 1512   DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1512-2