UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten November 18 2011


A Word from the Department Administration

On October 1., The Central Bureau of Statistics published an education statistics which, among other things, shows that the percentage of people in our society who pursue a long higher education (> 4 years) has increased by 2% within the last 10 years. This is no big surprise, but it confirms the pressure we are experiencing in our M.Sc. programs in which the capacity in several fields is exhausted. At the same time, we are always being reminded the need for more engineers and science graduates. The last time we were reminded of this by the NHO-chief John G. Bernander during the annual conference of the Bergen Chamber of Commerce that took place on Thursday.

The business and social environments expect us to increase the capacity in M.Sc. programs that experience heavy pressure. The challenge regarding this issue is that in those projects it is the supervision capacity which needs strengthening – the teaching part is less problematic. Either we will have to do something ourselves regarding this issue or the other possibility is to utilize external supervision. Then the collaboration within relevant fields with the University Colleges in the region is of special interest. Gradually more of the scientific employees at the University Colleges have researcher education and are able to contribute with good supervision. This can in turn lead to the University Colleges to be accredited, especially with a strong profession profile of the education. We have examples of this such as the TeknoVest-collaboration, but it is perhaps time to start working even more systematic with this? It is not solely about more candidates within certain fields, but also more candidates at the M.Sc. level.

Geir Anton

News and General Information                               

Christmas Celebration  2011

PhD-students, employees & emeriti are hereby invited to this year’s IFT-Christmas Celebration and are at the same time encouraged to attend this year’s event.

  • Friday December 9 at 17:00 in the Bachelorrommet/canteen.

Please register within December 2 in the expedition. The price is 200 NOK per person for traditional Christmas dishes including some drinks, coffee, cake and entertainment. Extra drinks (wine, beer and mineral water) can be purchased. There will be entertainment and live acoustic music.


Seminar on SuperMAG: Global observations of the coupling between the earth and space

This summer, Professor Jesper W Gjerløv moved away from his longtime employer Applied Physics Lab at John Hopkins University in Maryland to the Department of Physics and Technology. In his baggage he had a unique research tool within space physics. He would like to give an introduction to this tool to everyone who is interested:

  • Friday November 25. at 14:15, Auditorium B, Allégaten 66. Cake and coffee will be served from 14:00.

 SuperMag is a worldwide collaboration among institutions and national organizations which operate more than 300 magnetometers placed on ground level. This comprehensive data network is really unique because it gives continuous and approximate measurements of an important and fundamental parameter, the magnetic field on ground level. The magnetometer’s root dates back to Gauss in the 1800s, but has never been in use in the network with coordinated data in this way. The coordination makes it possible to conduct studies of not only local conditions, but also the global electrical current system in the magnetosphere and its coupling to the immediate space around the earth. SuperMAG is for the time being financed by NASA, NSF and ESA and is now also operated by UoB.

In the presentation Gjerløv will give a general introduction to SuperMAG, explain how it received worldwide support and give examples on scientific questions that could be answered through SuperMAG. SuperMAG is not a closed club. It is open to all who would like to join and promote new science for the benefit of researchers, teachers, students and people. This presentation will mark the start-up of the new UoB-based SuperMAG-server.


Underwater Technology Conference 2012 - call for papers

The first Underwater Technology Conference was held in 1980. It was an immediate success and the Conference in 2012 will be the 18th annual UTC. The Conference has become one of the largest international forums and meeting grounds for the Subsea environment. UTC is a widely recognized conference which attracts participants from all parts of the international petroleum community. More than 700 delegates and 50 exhibitors are expected to attend the event in Bergen, Norway 13-14th of June 2012. Delegates at UTC are Executives, Managers, Engineers and other strategic and planning personnel related to the subsea field of the petroleum industry. Fore more information see here or send an e-mail to Possibility. Submission deadline is 1 December 2011.


Rental of parking spaces

Parking spaces for rent in the parking garage in Dokkeveien will be rented again every year. The parking spaces can be rented to the employees and students with medical or similar needs, or who are dependent on bringing children to kindergarten. The remaining places can be rented to the employees by seniority. The application deadline for 2012 is November 25 2011. Rules and application form.


New routines for the welfare offer

As of January 1 2012, the welfare offer will be sent to everyone who would like to have the offer directly by email. Registrations and cancellations for offers such as theater tickets, concerts, city tours, cabins and ongoing welfare offers such as Ulriken and training offers, can be done here.


Trial Lectures

MSc Lijiao Liu will giving the following trial lecture for the PhD-degree:

The use of NMR in cancer research

Tuesday November 22 2011, at 10:15 in Aud. B, Allegt. 66


MSc Gleb Pisarev will be giving the following trial lecture for the PhD-degree:

The stability of the bicycle

Tuesday November 22 2011, at 11:15 in Aud. B, Allegt. 66


All are welcome!

Publications (ISI)

·      Meric Ilker; Johansen Geir A.; Holstad Marie B.; Lee, Kyoung O.; Calderon, Adan F; Wang, Jiaxin; Gardner, Robin P.: A single scatter electron Monte Carlo approach for simulating gamma-ray stopping efficiencies of Geiger-Muller counters NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 654 Issue: 1 Pages: 279-287 DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.06.065

·      Kosinski Pawel; Hoffmann Alex C: Extended hard-sphere model and collisions of cohesive particles PHYSICAL REVIEW E  Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Article Number: 031303 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.031303