UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology, UiB
IFT-posten 11. February 2011


A Word from Departmen Administration

At the end of this week we would like to remind our scholarly staff of two things we would like you to prioritize:

1.     The first thing is your registration with Cristin (Frida’s successor), see below. It is particularly important to check whether all journal articles published at the end of 2010 have been transferred. The second thing you have to do is store all other recent lectures and publications. These things are also very important because they constitute the department’s documented history. Go through your 2010 calender and check whether your articles and lectures have been transferred.

2.     The second thing is that we have already received many excellent descriptions of learning benefits, but some of them are still missing. In order for the process to reach its goal by March 1, it would be very good if these would be sent to our programme committee leaders  as soon as possible. Read the e-mail from Bjarne, dated February 8.

News and general information                               

Today’s open seminar

  • Professor Bjarne Stugu, Department of Physics and Technology:
    Radon: What is it? What are its health risks

Friday, February 11 at 14:15, Auditorium B. Coffee, tea and cake from 14:00

Over the last few weeks there has been much talk about the radon concentration problems in the Kinsarvik area. Radon measurements are a part of the laboratory work for the students at IFT, and therefore it is of great interest to us to keep ourselves updated on all issues taking place in the field. This seminar will try to give a general overview over radon and radon measurements, as well as presenting all the issues surrounding it, with discussion of the measurements in Ullensvang. Over the last couple of years, some new insights on radon and related health risks have become more apparent. This has resulted, among other things, with Norwegian State Radiation Committee to revise its previously defined limits. We also intend to discuss the results from a selection of radon studies.


NB: registration in Cristin -  final deadline 15. February

Many of you have probably already noticed that the old Frida for research documentation has been replaced by Cristin which requires of you to log in as UoB-employees. It is important for accessing all quality assured information already stored there (the data has been transferred from Frida and the ITAR-database – the latter is slightly delayed, which means that all publications sent in 2010 have to be entered manually), as well as for storing new information. In addition to scientific articles, this also refers to chronicles, debates, mediation – including those taking place on radio, TV, etc. One of the advantages of this system is that in cases of several UoB authors signed under the same article, the first mentioned author is responsible for entering the data.


Promotional film on Bergen

If you know somebody who is planning to move to Bergen for a shorter or longer period of time, or someone who would like to know more about the town and the region, recommend them to watch this film created by NCE Subsea.


Norwegian Course for the Employees

Level 1 Norwegian course for the employees (and their spouses/partners) starts in April. You can find more information on this both in Norwegian and English.


Project Establishment Support (PES) 2011 from the Research Council of Norway (NFR) UoB; current announcement

English text here.

You can now apply for the project establishment support from the Norwegian Research Council, University of Bergen for researchers intending to apply for the announcement of the 7th frame programme, the deadline being 2011/ beginning of 2012. There is a continual application procedure going on for project establishment support with the following dates for collecting the applications: 1. March, 15. June, 1. September and 15. November 2011. Some changes have been introduced to the participation criteria for the PES-funds, primarily focused on the following type of funds:

·      Funds from the EU’s 7th Frame Programme

·      Activities related to the Frame Programme (for example JTIs and European Institute of Innovation & Technology, EIT)

·      Article 185-initiative

·      Funding announcements under ERA-NET

·      EUREKA

·      Research announcements connected to EEA-funding schemes such as Polish-Norwegian research fund.

·      The IKT-part of CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme)

No support will be given to general positioning tasks that cannot be linked to a concrete announcement. It is possible to apply for funds up to 150.000,- NOK. The funds can be used in connection with organization/ participation in workshops/seminars, travels, assistance in writing applications. Travels for potential consortium partners will not be approved. Any grant should be used in 2011 (NFR-condition). The upper limit for individual applications is set to 25.000,- NOK (ERC).

The amount of the grant will be dependent upon the role of the researchers in question in the process of developing applications to FP7-programmes, independently of whether the researcher is a partner or coordinator. All researchers are encouraged to take the initiative in the project planning phase in order to affect the final shape of the project application and/or in order to affect any FP7-announcements in the future.

Applications for positioning funds must be sent using a special form to Mary Helle at Research Administration Department. The applications must be signed by the administrative staff of respective departments. The applications will be prioritized in consultation with the respective Faculty. Further information on FP7 will be available upon contacting the Research Administration Department.


Subject Meeting – Permanent reservoir and the subsea monitoring

NCE Subsea invites you to their open subject meeting, which will be focused on the significance of a holistic and integrated monitoring system, for subsea marine environment monitoring, in addition to the monitoring of reservoirs and the ovelaying rocks.

Location: Solheimsviken Næringspark - Motorhallen Entrance A
Time: 18. February 2011, 09:00 - 12:00

You can find information on programme and registration details here.

From idea to the finished product

NCE Subsea and research institutions SINTEF, Christian Michelsen Research and UniResearch invite you to a seminar on innovation and technology development. The purpose is to inspire you to do some idea regenering and inform you about the possibilities and available instruments.

Place: Radisson Blu Hotell Norge, Nedre Ole Bulls Plass 4, Bergen
Time: 10. March 2011, 09:00 - 13:30

Programme information and registration details can be obtained from here.


The most recent newsletter from Energi Rike could be read here