UiB ugle.tif

Department of Physics and Technology, UoB
IFT-posten 18. February 2011


A Word from Department Administration


Jan R Lien turned 70 this Friday

Our warmest wishes for his birthday which he already celebrated in advance with a seminar which took place on January 21!

Jan harvested there much well-deserved praise for his efforts regarding UoB over the past 44 years, especially for his pioneer efforts in the field of petroleum research and PTEK .

We are eternally grateful, Jan – you have been and still are a highly valued colleague, and we wish you all the best as emeriti!

News and General Information


Gexcon invites you to a seminar on gas and dust explosions

Date: 12.-14. April 2011


  • Theory
  • Prevention
  • Protection
  • Regulations


Place: Fantoftvegen 38 (CMR), Bergen

Registration deadline: March 25 2011

Course fee:

One day: 4400,- NOK

Two days: 7100,- NOK

Three days: 9800,- NOK

Included lunch and course materials

If cancelled until 25.03, 800,- NOK will not be refunded due to administrative work. If cancelled after 25.03, the course fees will not be refunded.


Email to kurs@gexcon.com

- Names of participants

- Company name

- Which days you would like to participate

- Billing address (and possibly marking of the bill)

Contact Person:

Kjetil F. Larsen

Tel: 909 14 910

Email: kjetilf@gexcon.com



Announcement of project subsidies for establishing/strengthening of educational cooperation between higher education institutions in Norway and North America. 


Information on this announcement and the application process is available from ePhorte no. 2010/762, as well as from SIU's website:

http://siu.no/nor/Hoeyere-utdanning-og-forskning/Nord-Amerika/Prosjektmidler. The announcement and the programme documents are attached.

Application deadline is April 6. The applications should be sent directly to SIU via Expresso search system. One copy of your application should be submitted to ePhorte.


All questions concerning the application process should be directed to Jan Bjarne Mo of the Study Administrative Department, UoB.



Next week, the atomic physics and particle physics groups will be arranging a workshop on anti-matter in which the AEgIS experiment will be the theme. AEgIS is one of the current anti-matter experiments which are being constructed at CERN. The workshop will take place next week on Tuesday and Wednesday (February 22 and 23). There will be two seminars of general interest:

Seminar 1:

22.2.2011 at 9:00 am

The AEgIS experiment (seminar) - General overview of the HW side of the experiment (including boundary conditions/cryogenics) 1h00'

Speaker:    Michael Doser (CERN)

Seminar 2:

22.2.2011 at 9:00 am

Antimatter Physics (seminar): Overview of the experiment with emphasis on open atomic physics questions that needed to be solved 1h00'

Speaker:    Gemma Testera (INFN, Genova)

The detailed programme can be found here:

As you perhaps already know, the anti-matter research is a hot topic with several recent great breakthroughs:




Dear Nordlys-Partners,

 We are pleased to welcome your students at AU Summer University in July and August 2011 in Denmark. The programme is divided into two consecutive terms running from 4-29 July and 1-26 August.

 During the summer, Aarhus University offers more than 80 courses within Business and Social Science, IT and Media, Art, Language and Communication as well as courses within other focus areas such as Health Science, Agricultural Science, Environmental research and Technical Engineering.

Find information about the courses here and housing here.

The enrolment process for the new programme has now started and students can apply until 15th March 2011. Find information regarding admission for students with bilateral agreements here and for other international students here.
We also have a varied social programme connected to AU Summer University which gives students a chance of meeting other Danish and International students.

We will send you a sample of the marketing material for AU Summer University to be distributed among your students.

Please contact us if you would like more posters or postcards, or if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Dorte Fns Srensen

Head of AU Summer University

Dorte dfs@adm.au.dk


International Centre

Aarhus University
Hegh-Guldbergs Gade 4, bldg. 1650
DK-8000 rhus C




+45 2134 3366


+45 8942 6839






The Norwegian Technical Science Academy (Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi), NTVA, and TEKNA invite everyone to a seminar in connection with the International Year of Chemistry 2011

Place: The Norwegian Science Academys, DNVA, premises, Drammensveien 78, Oslo

Date: Thursday March 24 2011, from 14:00 to 18:00



More information on our web-pages (here)

The seminar is open for everyone – no admission fee.
The dinner after the seminar will cost 300,- NOK

For registration send an email to  ntvamail@ntva.ntnu.no or
call 73595463. Please indicate whether or not you will be attending the dinner

Registration deadline: Monday March 21

Trondheim/Oslo 15.2.2011

Hein Johnson                                                                         Terje Olav Moen
NTVA                                                                                       TEKNA






Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, NTVA, and The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research, NVP, invite to an open seminar on:

Technologies for Development of the High Arctic



15:30 - 16:00  Refreshments and registration

16:00 - 18:15  Presentations:

  • Challenges of the High Arctic, Gunnar Sand, Managing Director of UNIS
  • Sustainable Arctic and Coastal Marine Technology, Sveinung Lset, Professor at NTNU and Head of SACME
  • Perspectives of Norwegian-Russian Scientific Cooperation for Sustainable Development of Arctic Technology, Aleksey Marchenko, Professor at UNIS
  • Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure in Arctic Areas, Svein-Willy Danielsen, Project Director at SINTEF

18:15 - 19:00  Discussion


Please find more information on www.ntva.no

The seminar is open for everyone – there is no admission fee

Sign up for seminar by:
E-mail: ntvamail@ntva.ntnu.no   
or Telephone 73 59 54 63.

Please sign up before  Monday March 14th

Trondheim/ Longyearbyen February 2011

Hein Johnson

General Secretary NTVA

Gunnar Sand

General Secretary NVP


Seminar on self-chosen topic


Tuesday 22.02.2011, at 10.15 in Room 366, IFT

MSc. Shunping Liu will be holding a seminar on a self-chosen topic:
"Sensitivity study on Snorre B-Lunde reservoir simulation model"


All are welcome to listen!