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Department of Physics and Technology, UiB
IFT-posten 25. February 2011


A Word from Department Administration

Invitation to bachelor students and the Department of Physics and Technology

Department of Physics and Technology produces 25% of facultyÕs graduated master candidates each year, and we keep receiving positive feedback from our master students, both in terms of their academic development and the overall satisfaction with job opportunities. We are very pleased to hear that!

However, we do know that the situation is not exactly the same for our bachelor students. We need to do something about that. We therefore invite all bachelor students, in cooperation with our Student Council, to join our department during the Subject Evaluation Day in order for us to find out more about the current burning issues of the following topic:

á      ÓHow can the bachelor students prosper with IFT?Ó
Friday, March 4, at 13:00 in Auditorium building

We will start off with a late lunch offered and paid by the department (pizza and soft drinks). We will proceed with an account of departmentÕs research and educational possibilities. All this will take place in Auditorium B.  We intend to round up with an informal gathering, hoping to hear some comments both from our students and our staff.

We would like to encourage all of our bachelor students to come join us!

News and General Information                               

Jan R. Lien receives the emeriti status

This Monday, February 28, is Jan R. LienÕs last working day as IFT employee. On that occasion, we would like to invite everyone from our department to join us for coffee and cake at 14:00 in the canteen.


 Description: Langbanner_7fjellskonf_FornybarEnergi_2011

University of Bergen, in cooperation with Norwegian Industries, Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Norwegian Climate Foundation, organize the 7-Mountains Conference on Renewable Energy  in Grieghallen on March 31 and April 1. The conference will be an important professional and social meeting place for researchers, politicians,  suppliers, entrepreneurs and developers working with renewable energy. Conference lecturers from both Norway and abroad will broach many relevant and interesting topics. The chosen lecturers are groundbreaking actors within the renewable energy field.

Visit the conference webpage for more information on the programme and registration. Full-time students of spring 2011 can participate free of charge in the conferenceÕs daytime programme.

This conference is a follow-up of the earlier ECT-conferences (Energy Climate Technology), but with stronger emphasis on business developments. This conference is to take place annually, aiming to become one of the most important meeting points for actors within the renewable energy field in Norway.


Programme for the BFS-day: From the smallest to the largest

On March 9, IFT will be, in co-operation with Bergen Research Foundation, arranging the BFS-day in the periodical room. We will be presenting three of our research projects which have been granted financial support by Bergen Research Foundation under the motto ÒFrom the smallest to the largestÓ. This is an expression for the span of these projects: from Morten F¿rre and the interaction between ultra-short laser pulses and atoms, to Bodil Holst and atomic optics with nanotechnology and further to Heidi SandakerÕs search for the dark matter in the universe. We will also use this opportunity for the opening of the new Nanostructure laboratory. The programme will be as follows:

10.00  Welcome by the Head of Department Professor Geir Anton Johansen

10.05  Professor Bodil Holst: Atoms as light, archeological textiles and rock crystals: A short overview over results from my Bergen Research Foundation Project.

10.30  Head of Department Rolf Reed, Department of Biomedicine: Researcher recruitment: Challenges and Possibilities

10.45  Professor Knut B¿rve, Department of Chemistry, Leader of Programme Management: Nanotechnology Education at UoB

11.00  Professor Bodil Holst: The path to E-beam-lab at IFT

11.10  Professor Karl Berggren, Director for MIT Nanostructures Laboratory: Electron-Beam Lithography: Harnessing Nature at the Nanoscale

11.40  Director KŒre Rommetveit, Bergen Research Foundation:  BFS- What have we managed?

12.00  Special advisor Dag H¿vik, The Norwegian Research Council

12.10  Opening of the E-beam-lab, Trond Mohn

12.30  Lunch in IFT cafeteria, Physics Show Bergen will be performing

13.15  Dr. Morten F¿rre: Super strong laser-molecule interactions

13.45  Dr. Heidi Sandaker: Dark Matter news and plans for LHC

14.30  Pause

14.45  Invited speaker: Professor Subir Sarkar (Oxford University): Darkness visible

16.00  End

Together with BFS we would like to wish everyone welcome to an exciting arrangement.

Section of Nanostructured Zoneplate written in Bergen February 2011


The Norwegian Physics Students Conference

We would like to remind you about the Norwegian Physics Students conference which will be held at UoB from March 11 to March 13 by the Student Council/ NoFFo.


Seminar: The Life after the PhD

The Research Fellow Organizations in Norway (SiN) invites to the national seminar on "The Life after the PhD":

á      Egget at the Student Center at UoB Monday, March 7 at 10.00-16.00.

Both nationally and generally in Europe it is stated that the society needs more individuals with PhD education. But at the same time one does not always receive satisfactory insight into how one shall move further after completing a PhD degree. What possibilities exist to apply for academic positions or to apply for research funds in Norway and abroad? What types of jobs require individuals at PhD-level in the rest of the society? Is it a myth that many employers hesitate to employ individuals with PhD education? What do the employers expect from newly employed individuals with PhD degrees? How can the society best benefit from the skills of those who hold PhD degrees?

The seminar is meant for current PhD students, those who have completed their PhD degrees, those who consider pursuing a PhD degree, those who work with PhD education and other who are interested in the subject.

More information about the programme and complete invitation can be found at SiNÕs webpages. The seminar is free of charge for everyone, but since lunch is included registration is required from those who intend to attend the entire seminar. Register as soon as possible and latest by February 28 by sending an email to stipendiatene@gmail.com.



You want to have your PhD disputation before the summer? Here is the final deadline for submitting your thesis:

The last deadline for submitting your thesis if you want to have your disputation before the end of this semester is Wednesday, April 27. Your supervisor should have the opponent suggestions ready by the time you submit your thesis.

The very last PhD disputation date before the summer is Thursday, June 30.


Master thesis presentation at the department on Monday, 28. February 2011 at 12:30, room 368


Subject area / Thesis title


Selda Ekiz


Physics – Measurement Science and Instrumentation:

ÒA new approach to compound specific gas detectionÓ

Bodil Holst

IFT in media                                                           

 Heidi Sandaker: Skyter med antistrŒler, Interview iN PŒ H¿yden, February 24.

Publications (ISI)           

á      Postema M, Gilja OH: Contrast-enhanced and targeted ultrasound , WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Pages: 28-41

á      Aad G, Abbott B, Abdallah J, Buanes T, Burgess T, Eigen G, Kastanas A, Lipniacka A, Mohn B, Sandaker H, Sjursen TB, Stugu B, Tonyan A, Ugland M et al.: Performance of the ATLAS detector using first collision data JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS Issue: 9 Article Number: 056