Fredag 20. april 2012

A word from the head of department

Tuesday and Wednesday this week the faculty’s annual spring seminar was held down on the Sotra island. The first topic was publishing in which the University Director talked about UoB’s operational grants for research (20 kkr to all with more than three publication points over 3 years). The participants were unanimous in claiming that this is a good principle, but that the manner in which these operational advances are awarded should be tackled by individual faculties in order to take into consideration the differences in publishing strategies and traditions. The issue regarding UoB’s increased contributions was discussed by the Chief Financial Officer Kjell Bernstrøm and the Faculty Director Bjørn Åge Tømmerås. Here it can be stated that UoB has a different view of the issue in comparison with the MN-faculty and the departments. IFT was also represented by Jesper Gjerløv who held an exciting lecture on space physics and on what is needed in order to build a successful research career.

Have a nice weekend,
Geir Anton

NEWS AND generAL informaTIon


  Seminar on the Rector’s role as an academic leader

All are welcome to the seminar in Forum for Science and Democracy:

·      Rector’s Role as Academic Leader

Friday, April 27, from 14:15-16:00 at Studia, Student Centre.

Rector Sigmund Grønmo introduces a debate on rector’s role as academic leader. Professor Jan Petter Hansen of IFT and associate professor Jan Heiret of the Department of Archeology, history, cultural and religious science comment on rector’s article.

  Ordering food and similar from the canteen

The department is lucky to have Tran working in the canteen and offering us good and cheap food for lunch, meetings and some special events after working hours. This can at times be quite challenging for her when the orders come at the last moment. The kitchen is small and has only one person working there, so this can be quite problematic both in terms of getting the supplies and preparing the food. Therefore please try to come with your orders WELL IN ADVANCE, preferably 2 or more days before the event – depending on the size and type of event.

  Sabbatical applications

Now is the time to apply for sabbaticals in 2013 or the period autumn 2013 – spring 2014, and for the financial support for doing your sabbatical abroad. The applications should be delivered latest by May 29. More information on applying.

  Information meeting on the last announcement in EU FP7

  • Information meeting on the last announcement in FP7 at the University of Bergen, Student Centre (Egget)
  • 10.05.2012 from 09:30 - 14:30 with lunch

In July there will be the last announcement within the EU FP7. In cooperation with the University of Bergen, Norwegian Research Council invites to an event with useful information, see the preliminary programme. Reserve Thursday, May 10 and register until May 7 (participation free of charge).

International cooperation is important for Norwegian research, and participation in EU’s frame programmes holds high priority. Participation offers valuable knowledge, reseaerch-networks and funding.

Norwegian researchers participating in EU-research secure Norway the valuable access to results and knowledge. The way towards research results crosses both subject and national borders. Researchers who were lucky to get their EU-applications granted emphasize the value of being a part of an international research network.

  The Gas Conference in Bergen May 23.- 24.

This conference is being arranged for the 19th time and has become the most important meeting place for Norwegfian national gas industry. Here you will get all the updates on the use of gas for industrial purposes and as fuel for ships and vehicles. This is a great place to meet others interested in gas, including Norsk Energigassforenings gas meeting in the evening on May 22 and a joint reception and the following gas meeting at Galleri Nygaten in the evening of May 23.

This year’s programme covers a number of interesting topics with top international lecturers at a very high professional level. On May 22, a field trip will be organized to Bergen Engines factory for gas-driven engines at Hordvikneset, new gas stasjon for gas-powered buses at Haukås, as well as to a coffee-roasting factory Friele which uses natural gas. More information and registration.

  Women in Academia

Centre for Women and Gender Research  (SKOK) invites to a seminar on "Women in Academia". Women born before WWII, who chose academia, came to a mostly male setting. How did they experience this meeting of genders? 16 pensionists tell their story.

·      Lecturer is Kari Gaarder Losnedahl, professor emerita at the University Museum in Bergen

·      Wednesday, 25.4.2012 from 14:15 – 16:00

·      Ida Bloms house, Allégt. 34, 3rd floor

This seminar is open for all who are interested!


We are happy to wish our new colleague a heartly welcome to our department:

Andrii Sofiienko is employed as research-assistant in the research group of Subatomic Physics (Measurement Science and Instrumentation) from 2. April 2012 until 01. April 2015. He will work on a project within experimental imaging with x-ray in close cooperation with the company Visuray in Stavanger. Andrii has his degrees from Kiew National Taras Shevchenko University, Department of Nuclear Physics in Ukraine. The last 6 years he worked as the head physicist and leader of the research laboratory at Ukratominstruments Corporation in Kiew.




Hanna Tikkanen

MSc Hanna Tikkanen will hold a PhD-disputation with the following title:

Friday, 27. April, at 13:15 in Auditorium 2, Realfagbygget.
Supervisors have been Alex C. Hoffmann
and Crina Ilea, CMR Prototech.




We would like to remind you that h-bar is open every Friday from 19:00-01:00. There is also a quiy with nice prizes every even-numbered week.

H-bar is run by the department’s Fagutvalget and is primarily aimed at department’s students – but the employees are also very welcome!


Publications registered in ISI Web of Science


o   BaBar Collaboration: Eigen G, Stugu B, Sun L et al.: Amplitude analysis and measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry of B-0 -> (KSKSKS0)-K-0-K-0 decays PHYSICAL REVIEW D  Volume: 85   Issue: 5 Article Number: 054023 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.054023

o   Ostgaard N.; Gjesteland T.; Hansen R. S.; Collier A. B.; Carlson B.: The true fluence distribution of terrestrial gamma flashes at satellite altitude JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS  Volume: 117 Article Number: A03327 DOI: 10.1029/2011JA017365

o   Helseth Lars Egil: Simultaneous measurements of absorption spectrum and refractive index in a microfluidic system OPTICS EXPRESS  Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Pages: 4653-4662



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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder