Monday January 16. 2012


Long-time budgeting has been and still is important for our activities in order to be able to plan and fulfill the job we are set to do. Although a large part of our department’s framework within the faculty is now dependent on various tenders, predictability is still an important factor in making the long-term financing possible. But it is not easy to relate to and deal with the long-term planning and financing of department’s activities unless the university council in a later meeting gives clearer guidelines on how the income from and the expenses for externally financed activities will be divided between the various levels of UoB. The way things are functioning now, we see to a large extent which extra expenses we have to cover in this forthcoming year, but it is very difficult to see the consequences of this over the next couple of years. If it all adds up to a policy where the departments are bound to cover the negative gap between the income from and the expenses of externally financed positions, then that is indeed a very bad message sent to the research groups. It is particularly challenging for IFT which has relatively ’’many” externally financed annual projects in relation to the number of permanent scientific positions. This means that it is often important that there is a sufficient financial contribution named in the project proposals we intend to send out.

NEWS AND generell informasjon


  Registration of absence from the department

We would like to remind you that ALL employees with a position of over 20% working hours should ALWAYS announce their absence from the department if it is to be 1 day or more. For these purposes you SHOULD use the department’s absence form – and that does not take too much time to fill out. This refers to all types of absence such as holidays, business travels, illness, work from home or other locations in town. When possible, you should also leave a phone number through which you may be reached, except in case of holidays or illness. Mobile phone number is preferable, although the hotel phone is an acceptable alternative, as well as the number of the institution you are visiting. This is just in case the department has to contact you or forward to you the matters of utmost importance or urgency. This also means that it is important to name your travel destination, so as to keep in mind the time-zone differences.

  The start of work on the new computer network

The start of work on the new computer network in Bjørn Trumpys building is now just around the corner. Phase 1 of this work includes the entire north wing, while the central and south wing will be dealt with in phase 2. The date for the start of these works is set for January 23, with some preparatory works set for January 18. Due to budget limitations, the work has to be dividedinto two phases, the first phase covering only the north wing. We still haven’t received the finances for phase 2. This work will provide new network for  for computers and telephones, including new outlets and conduits (cables, installation cables and shafts), along with new terminal room (on the 4th floor) with cooling devices. The existing network will be dismounted after the new network is installed for use.

Related to this work there might be some  drilling of the concrete constructions and walls. The noisy work will be conducted before 08:00 a.m. or after 03:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. In case you intend to do some special work in the period between 08:00-15:00 which does not tolerate noise (e.g. exams and similar) you need to inform the administrative staff about it, so that it can be taken into consideration.

The work is planned to be conducted in sub-phases (where each floor forms a sub-phase), and we will try to inform the affected parties right before the start of each sub-phase. (The level of intervention / disturbance will vary from room to room, but all rooms with  in some way affected). Clearing of access (to the facade canals) will have to be done in close cooperation with the user. The preliminary plan for this work is: 6th floor: week 5-6, 5th floor: week 7-8, 4th floor: week 8-13, 3rd floor: week 13-19, 2nd floor: week 19-23, 1st floor: week 23-25 and ground floor: week 25-26.

  Enforcement of routines regarding procurement and reimbursement

As most of you know, UoB is obliged to follow the Norwegian State’s regulations regarding procurement. Since the last year, the accounting department has been enforcing the routines regarding procurement and personal refunds, and this can have direct economical consequences for the individuals in case they do not comply with the regulations. To summarize, the most important points are:

·       All procurement shall be made by the employee who has the bookkeeper role at the relevant department. The framework agreement shall be used in case there exits one. All orders shall be made through UoB’s electronic procurement system. Use of personal refunds should, if possible, be avoided.

·       As an example, all computer supplies (not only computer equipment) must be ordered by Magne (or another bookkeeper) via the procurement system. In case individuals purchase necessary equipment or supplies using their private funds and request a refund, in the worst case they may risk not being able to receive the requested refund. Equivalently, all books should be ordered from Studia, and not from, for example, Amazon.

·       We would especially like to bring personal reimbursement issue to your attention. We have, within the last year, been receiving several reimbursement claims back from the accounting department. The message from the accounting department was that one cannot expect to receive this type of reimbursement in the future.

We are aware of the fact that the new regulations could be experienced as cumbersome in many cases; however, we must make sure that the procurement regulations of UoB are complied with. In case of questions regarding this issue, please contact Harald or Grete. See also the letter from the accounting department on this issue.

  Open meeting at the Norwegian Technical Science Academy

NTVA invites to a meeting in Bergen with the previous director Ola M Johannessen, The Nansen Center for environmental and remote measurements:

  • Nansen and Johannessen in the policy
    • Eventyrlyst – A sense of adventure:
Picture show on Fridtjof Nansen’s life and work
    • Fridtjof Nansen’s contribution to modern Oceanography

Tuesday, January 25. at 19:00 in the Nansen Center at Marineholmen, Thormøhlens gate 47. After the meeting fish soup will be served, and this will be followed by a social gathering. 
The price is 100,- NOK per person. Registration within 15:00 on Thursday January 19. Registration is, however, only necessary if you would like to joint he dinner.

  Announcement of funds under UoB’s Akademia agreement with Statoil

 We are pleased to invite applications for funding of activities related to petroleum research, through the “Akademia” agreement between UiB and Statoil. You can apply for:

1)   Travel to conferences etc. related to petroleum research for up to NOK 25 000 (Funds are not for educational purposes - participation with presentation will be given priority)

2)   Visiting guest researchers (travel and stay)

The activity must take place in 2012.

Scientific staff and PhD-students can apply. To be evaluated the application MUST include:

      Your name and position and where you are employed

      A specification of purpose /aim

      Conference participation

      Oral Presentation/Poster

      The title of the presentation/ lecture

      Information regarding supervisor/research group  (name, position)

      Estimated expenses with details including travel budget, conference fee etc.

      Whether you have applied other funding 

      Whether you have received money through the Akademia mobility scheme before.

Everyone must give acknowledgment to Statoil on the talks or posters that are made to the conferences funded by “Akademia” agreement. Regarding visiting scientists UiB applicant should ensure that the guest is introduced in the relevant Statoil environment.
You are encouraged to propose guest lecture at Statoil, in addition to guest lecture at the University of Bergen will be announced for Statoil.

 Scientific staff and PhD students can apply.
Applications and travel claim forms must be marked "SH2011" and sent by email to Katrine Kristiansen (Katrine is located at CIPR Unifob, Allegt. 41., tel. 83645). APPLICATION DEADLINE: 26. JANUAR 2012. The committee will use approximately two weeks to evaluate the applications. All applicants will be informed as soon as the evaluations are ready.

  Announcement of research funds under VISTA

The Norwegian Science Academy and Statoil are collaborating on the basic research program VISTA. At any time, approximately 25 projects, within the fields of exploration , increased oil-recovery, oil and gas processing, environment and bio-technology, are financed. Relevant academic environments at Norwegian universities are invited to apply for project support to PhD studies or Post doc. candidates. Also, it is now possible for individual researchers to apply for project funds through the VISTA program.

Annually there will be four announcements and the first application deadline is February 1. 2012. See here for information and application form. Otherwise the VISTA coordinator Trine Gerlyng can give you more detailed information about the funds through email or by calling 22 12 10 93.

  International day at the faculty

On Wednesday, January 18 an international day will be arranged at the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences. This arrangement is a part of UoB’s international week 2012. On this day, our focus will be on studies abroad as an exchange student and the related application process.

We will have a very dense program on this day. The arrangement will start in Auditorium 2 at Realfagbygget with a musical performance. The day’s first lecture will be on: "Are the foreign experiences important for employers?" We will be visited by a representative from an international company who will be talking about the importance of international thinking and global understanding and experience. There will be lecture about and presentations of universities and university colleges abroad from 12:15 until 15:00. Previous exchange students will tell about their experiences and will provide useful recommendations and tips.

In the common area in the first floor, an application workshop will be arranged between 11:00 and 13:00 where it will also be possible to ask questions. Here you will be able to meet study supervisors from your study program in case you have questions regarding exchange during your studies. You can also get an answer to everything you may be wondering regarding the application process. Also, you may find useful information on approval and financial support schemes from Lånekassen in regards to studying abroad.

At 11:45, spring rolls will be served to all participants of the international day.

In the canteen, between 15:00-17:00, there will be COFFEE and EXCHANGE. Here you will be able to meet students who have been abroad as exchange students as well as foreign exchange students who are currently studying at UoB. You will be able to get lots of good advice and tips on being a student in another country.

For more information and details on the program, see our web pages.

 Hearing: New electives on research and technology in secondary school

The Norwegian Education Agency has now suggestions regarding electives on research and technology in secondary school. These will be presented during an open hearing. All are welcome to share their thoughts/comments on the matter. Study plans for eight new electives will be ready to be offered to students as of fall 2012. Among others, there will be an elective on technology in practice and another one on research in practice. The subjects are thought to promote motivation and mastering and support theory weary students as well as providing competence.

  The University Library has purchased backfiles from Springer Publishing

UB has purchased backfiles (earlier editions) of the following series from Springer:

·      Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology        Chemistry and Materials Science

·      Advances in Polymer Science                                       Chemistry and Materials Science

·      Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science                       Chemistry and Materials Science

·      Structure & Bonding                                                    Chemistry and Materials Science

·      Topics in Current Chemistry                                        Chemistry and Materials Science       


·      Advances in Solid State Physics + Halbleiterprobleme     Physics and Astronomy           

·      Lecture Notes in Physics                                     Physics and Astronomy           

·      Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs                   Physics and Astronomy  

·      Springer Tracts in Modern Physics                                Physics and Astronomy  

·      Topics in Applied Physics                                    Physics and Astronomy           


·      Lecture Notes in Computer Science                               Computer Science                  

·      Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences                  Engineering                  

·      Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences                           Earth and Environmental Science      

·      Lecture Notes in Mathematics                             Mathematics and Statistics      

·      Mathematical Programming Studies                             Mathematics and Statistics               

·      Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology       Biomedical and Life Sciences   

IFT iN THE media


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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
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