Friday November 23, 2012

a word from the head of department

It is a great pleasure to read in På Høyden that the Research Foundation of Bergen and UiB have agreed upon a new arrangement which allows the announcement of recruitment-stipends. Through this, the departments at UiB will again have a great, available tool in order to ensure recruitment of younger and promising researchers for permanent positions in areas where this is desired.

Have a great week,

Geir Anton

News and general information


   The Physicists’ Meeting 2013

Next year, the Physicists Meeting 2013 will be arranged by the University of Bergen and University College of Bergen in cooperation with the Norwegian Physics Society and the Norwegian Physics Teachers Association. The meeting will take place between August 7 and 10 at UiB’s and HiB’s facilities. The meeting will consist of plenary lectures which are of multi-disciplinary and general interest, and parallel sessions which will account for the scientific depth within each of the represented areas.  

The preliminary plan for the plenary lectures includes:

        The Nobel Prize in physics 2012

        The possible Nobel Prize in physics 2013 (the discovery of the Higgs- boson and the way forward)

        Medical physics


        Presentation of the program for the Birkeland Center for space physics

The Physicists Meeting 2013’s committee members are Geir Ersland, Håvard Helstrup, Anna Lipniacka (Chair) and Kjellmar Oksavik.

  Christmas meeting at the Norwegian Technical Science Academy

NTVA invites to a Christmas meeting in Bergen with senior researcher Erik Slinde, The Marine Research Institute / UMB:

Tuesday, December 4 at 19:00, Nansensenteret at Marineholmen, Thormøhlens gate 47.

Nice outfit – ”Christmas plates” will be served after the lecture. The price per person is 250, NOK. The payment can be done in cash after the meal or by requesting an invoice of 250,- NOK plus 50,- NOK invoice fee. Remember to give complete name and mailing address during registration if you choose to pay by invoice. Registration must be done within Thursday, November 29 15.00. Registration is required only for those who would like to participate in the dinner.

  Announcement of funds – Torske Klubben Fellowships for Norwegian Citizens

Torske Klubben Fellowships, worth more than $37,000, (academic year stipend of $15,000, plus full non-resident tuition for the academic year of approximately $22,500) help support Norwegian citizens for one year of study at the University of Minnesota. Torske Klubben, founded in 1933, is a Minneapolis luncheon club of men of Norwegian heritage who are deeply interested in Norway and Norwegian-American history and relationships.  The organization funds University of Minnesota graduate fellowships for Norwegian citizens.

Torske Klubben applicants must meet admission requirements of the University of Minnesota Graduate School.  They can apply to pursue a degree or apply for Professional Development Coursework (PDC). Those electing PDC will take courses or conduct research at Minnesota but will receive their degree from a Norwegian University.

Information on the Torske Klubben Fellowship and the UM admission process is available at  Students are encouraged to apply early for admission. The Torske Klubben Fellowship deadline is March 1. 

  Invitation to education quality seminar

The Education Administration Department invites to

  • Education quality seminar

Thursday, December 13 between 09.00 – 15.45 at Egget, Studentsenteret. 

The topic that will be discussed is the choice of teaching and evaluation methods. How can we make sure that the three competency forms in the qualification framework are achieved ? The target group is firstly teaching and department heads, program management leaders, teachers, students and education administrative personnel. The program and registration forms can be found here.


We are happy to wish a new guest welcome at the department:


Evgeniy Andreev Yoggdrasil is a guest researcher (NFR) in atomic physics for a period of one year, starting as of 15.11.2012.



  Trial lectures

Cand.scient. Peter Lundgaard Rosendahl will be giving the following trial lecture:

  • What Happened in Tsjernobyl?

Friday, November 30 at 10.15 in room 292, IFT




H-bar is open every Friday between 19.00-01.00.

On Tuesdays, every even numbered week, pub-lectures are held at H-bar. More information on H-bar’s facebook page.

H-bar is run by the Scientific Committee at the department and is primarily for the department’s students, but employees are also very welcome!

IFT iN the media

Publications registered in ISI Web of Science


o   Graue A, Ferno M , Aspenes E, Needham R: Wettability effects on water mixing during waterflood oil recovery JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING  Volume: 94-95   Pages: 89-99   DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2012.06.020  

o   ATLAS Collaboration: Buanes T, Burgess T, Eigen G, Johansen LG, Kastanas A, Leibig W, Lipniacka A, Mohn B, Rosendahl PL, Sandaker H, Sjursen TB, Stugu B, Tonyan A, Ugland M et al.: ATLAS measurements of the properties of jets for boosted particle searches PHYSICAL REVIEW D  Volume: 86   Issue: 7     Article Number: 072006   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.072006  




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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
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Redaktør: Instituttleder


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