Friday November 30, 2012 |
A word from the head of
Thanks to everyone who
contributed with good debates and many constructive suggestions in the
strategy and HMS seminar that took place last Monday. These suggestions will
be pursued and naturally, the program management in physics will first look
at the suggestions regarding changes in lower degree teaching. Otherwise, I
would like to remind all employees and students as well as earlier students
to register in the IFT-alumni (see the bottom of the page). Have a great week, Geir Anton News and general information
Open meeting in the
Martin Fernø is employed as Assoc. Prof. In experimental
resevoir physics from December 1, 2012. Previously, he has been employed as a PhD-scholar at IFT during the
period 05.06.05-14.06.08 and as a postdoctoral research fellow during the
period 01.12.08- 30.11.12. Fernø has recently built a micro-lab in
reservoir physics, following a 6-month visit at Stanford. His research in
reservoir physics will in addition cover further work on imaging techniques
within EOR research. |
Ersland is employed as Assoc. Prof. in experimental reservoir physics as
of 15.11.2012. Previously, he has been employed as research assistant at
IFT during the period 01.03-31.07.04, as a PhD-scholar during the period
01.04.05 -31.03.08 and as a postdoctoral research fellow during the period
15.11.08-14.11.12. Ersland has mainly worked with hydrate research and NMR
technology and will continue his work in the same field. He will also
continue his work within EOR research, where the focus was on heterogeneous
and fractured resevoirs. |
o Simonsen
S I , Sorngard S A, Forre
M, Hansen J P:Femtosecond-pulse-train
ionization of Rydberg wave packets PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 86
Issue: 4 Article Number:
043423 DOI:
o Brekke N, Roehrich D, Ullaland
K, Gruner R:Trigger Performance
Simulation of a High Speed ADC-Based TOF-PET Read-Out System IEEE
Volume: 59 Issue: 5 Pages: 1910-1914 DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2012.2197413 Part: Part 1
for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder
Are you or have you been a MSc or PhD-student at the
Department of Physics and Technology? In that case, please register for the IFT
Alumni, so that we may have the possibility of keeping in touch. See here for more information.