Friday February 17 2012

A Word from the head of department

It is a great joy to be able to start this issue of IFT-posten with some well-deserved congratulations to our good colleagues:

We congratulate Bodil Holst and Heidi Sandaker on their attribution of funds from FriNaTek in joint effort, with their respective project proposals entitled  Quartz and Glass: Revealing the Atomic Surface Structures of Silica (6.5 million kroner) and A Position Detector for AEGIS - Anti-matter Experiment for Gravity, Interferometry and Spectroscopy (10.2 million kroner). It is also a great joy to register that Joint Effort (Fellesløftet) has contributed to the fact that the total grant percentage for FriNaTek has increased from 5 to 14% and is thus more like the one we get for thematic programmes. This is an important step for basic reseaerch in Norway and we sincerely hope this practice will be continued.

We also congratulate Sigrid Ina Simonsen, Ladislav Kocbach and Jan Petter Hansen who learned from the editor of Journal of Physics B that their article Long-range interactions and state characteristics of interacting Rydberg atoms has been "highlighted" as one of the 30 "most important" in 2011, and is considered among the 3 of the most significant within the field of nuclear physics! This evaluation is done based on the criteria of groundbreaking research and its influence in the particular scientific field.

We also congratulate the former master student in micro-electronics, Arild Velure, who under the annual conference FPGA Forum has been awarded the prize for the best master thesis within FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Arild, who had Kjetil Ullaland as his supervisor and had his defence on 27. June 2011, received the prize for his thesis entitled Application of FPGA as pre-processor in a SRAM-based neutron detector.

Have a great weekend,
Geir Anton

News and general information


  The Christie Conference 2012

The programme for this year’s Christie Conference held on April 25th is now ready for download. The perspective for this year’s conference is: Our common global challenges and their possibilities. Which skills need to be developed in the future? What is the universities’ roles and assignments within this perspective? Also check out the review in På Høyden.

  Ethics for breakfast


Cheating - How researchers manage to swindle – and why this is not so dangerous.

The ethics committee of the University of Bergen invites to a morning seminar on ethics:

  • 14. March 2012, from 08:00-10:00
  • Student centre – ”Egget”

”Question: What have toads with painted oestrus warts, cold fusion, Piltdown man and N-rays and the cloned dog Snuppy in common?

 Answer: They are all a result of scientific swindle”.


Erik Tunstad is coming to this spring’s first breakfast seminar to hold a lecture based on his own book Cheating. ”The book is a cavalcade of modest and grand research swindles from 18th century onwards until the present times – from Johann Beringers fossil frogs, complete with skin, eyes and meat on their legs (and about to copulate!), to our own Jon Sudbø, who for a fleeting moment made us believe that we are all going to die if we take one Paracet pill. Erik Tunstad discusses the greats such as Darwin, Einstein, Mendel and Pasteur – and asks if one can apply today’s rules on probity to the research of the past. For, where would the science be today if we now and then, throughout the history, have not had a couple of rotten apples or «eager lab assistant» follow the Jenks law?” (Ref. Humanistisk forlag). Matthias Kaiser will give his comments on the lecture.


08:00 – 08:30      Free breakfast in SiB-cafe
08:30 – 08:35      Welcome word by the prorector Berit Rokne
08:35 – 09:15     
"Cheating – How researchers manage to swindle - and why this is not so dangerous” w/Erik Tunstad, high school teacher at Høgskolen in Vestfold.
09:15 – 09:30      "Commentary” w/Matthias Kaiser, head of the Centre for scientific theory, UoB
09:30 – 10:00      Debate

New card-readers


UoB has started a project with changing the existing card-readers to the touch-free readers. The project is planned to be completed by July 2013. Many have access cards which won’t function on the new card readers. It is therefore important that you check your card on the test reader. The test reader is located at:

  • Student centre, Parkveien 1. Placed on a stand by the ledge of the main staircase.
  • Mobile reader – shifts between the areas based on the project progress.

The card reader is ”touch free”. Place your card in front of the keys of the card reader. It is not necessary to type in your PIN-code. The green light at the side of the card reader means that the card works on the new card readers, and you don’t need to do anything. If notlight does not appear, this means that you will need to register your card again. If the card is in addition produced before 2009, you need to order a new card. The employees should contact those responsible for issuing new cards at their department, and at IFT that is Karen-Margrete Hovland. The test card reader is not continually updated. The card will therefore not work on the test card reader immediately after you re-register your card, or receive a new one.


  What is quality in education?

University of Bergen invites to a national study quality conference with quality of ecucation as the main topic. Some of the questions we wish to illuminate are:

·      What are the characteristics of a good education?

·      How to adjust for quality?

·      Can the quality of education be measured?

·      Have teachers/researchers, students, authorities and other societal actors different concepts of what quality in education means?

All who are concerned with the quality of education are encouraged to reserve Monday, 14. May 2012. Invitation, programme and registration will be sent out in mid-March. Feel free to contact us via e-mail.



  Active emeritus 2012  

As a continuation of department’s strategic plan, we have comprised guidelines for our emeritus politics. All scientific employees at our department who are about to retire will be considered as emeriti. Many of them continue their work in research, teaching, supervising, innovation or publication and are an important resource highly valued by our department. The purpose of these guidelines is to clarify the department’s emeriti-politics for predictability and agreed understanding. We have three categories of emeriti, those who:

1.   still want to be active and who will be referred to as active emeriti,

2.   wish to keep their ties to the department and prefer to drop by sporadically and work at the department,

3.   wish to completely freeze their work for the department.

Category 1 as active emeriti require work which is relevant for the department and which on average amounts to more than oneday of each working week in order to:

·      conduct their own research and publications,

·      contribute to teaching,

·      contribute in terms of supervision,

·      contribute in media exposure,

·      conduct other activities previously agreed with the head of the department

The short version is that all in category 2 can have access to shared offices and keep their IT-user account after an oral agreement with department administration. All who wish to have the status of active emeritus, must apply for it annually in consultation with the group leader. Active emeriti keep their IT-accounts, have the right to be given an office place if required, and can also receive their own annual allocation via their research group, depending on the type and scope of their work. The teaching will be paid based on the number of hours (timelister). For 2012 we have signed contracts with the following emeriti:

·      Kjell Brønstad (space physics)

·      Rolf Eckhoff (petroleum and process technology)

·      Arvid Erdal (subatomic physics)

·      Erling Hammer (nano physics and electronics)

·      Halvor Hobæk (acoustics)

·      Egil Lillestøl (subatomic physics)

·      Johan Stadsnes (space physics)

·      Finn Søraas (space physics)

·      Kjell Aarsnes (space physics)

Our department has in addition several other emeriti who come to the department only sporadically.



  Seminar on a self-chosen topic

MSc Jef Snoeys will hold a seminar on the self-chosen topic entitled:

  • Radiation and Life

Tuesday, 21. February 2012, at 13:15 in room 366, Department of Physics and Technology

  Trial Lecture

MSc. Abdul Waheed will hold a PhD trial lecture of the following title:

  • Michael Faraday and his experiments on induction

Thursday, 23. February 2012, at 13:15 in room 292, Department of Physics and Technology


Iryna Notøy will hold a presentation of her master thesis in multiphase systems of the following title:

  • Experimental and simulational study of particle deposition and initial plugging in pipeline flow using model particles

Thursday, 23. February 2012, at 10:15 in room 546, Department of Physics and Technology. Her supervisors were Boris Balakin and Alex C. Hoffmann

IFT in the media

Publications registered in ISI Web of Science


o   ATLAS Collaboration: Buanes T, Burgess T, Eigen G, Johansen LG, Kastanas A, Leibig W, Lipniacka A, Mohn B, Oye OK, Rosendahl PL, Sandaker H, Sjursen TB, Stugu B, Tonyan A, Ugland M et al.: Measurement of the transverse momentum distribution of W bosons in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Article Number: 012005 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.012005

o   ATLAS Collaboration: Buanes T, Burgess T, Eigen G, Johansen LG, Kastanas A, Leibig W, Lipniacka A, Mohn B, Oye OK, Rosendahl PL, Sandaker H, Sjursen TB, Stugu B, Tonyan A, Ugland M et al.: Search for supersymmetry in final states with jets, missing transverse momentum and one isolated lepton in root s=7 TeV pp collisions using 1 fb(-1) of ATLAS data PHYSICAL REVIEW D Volume: 85 Issue: 1 Article Number: 012006 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.012006



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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder