Friday March 8 2013

From the head of department

Last week’s big event took place on Thursday when rector declared SFF Birkeland Centre for Space Science open – followed by several enthusiastic lectures on scientific research in the centre. We invite all the employees and students to the White Laday and Champagne in order to celebrate the opening of the centre in advance of Friday’s exciting open seminar on space physics. We can look forward to hear more on scientific research in the centre at the open seminars to take place throughout the year.

Have a nice weekend,
Geir Anton

News and general information


  IFT open seminar March 8 – celebrating the opening of the Birkeland Center

On Friday, March 8, we replace ethe usual pastries with the White Lady cake, and the usual coffee with Champagne, and invite you all to the open seminar with Dr. MargaTret W. Chen , Space Sciences Department , The Aerospace Corporation, USA – also a member of scientific advisory board in Birkelandsenteret:

·        Dynamics of the Earth Ring Current: Recent Understanding through Self-Consistent Simulations 

Friday, March 8, at 14:15, Auditorium B. Coffee, White Lady cake and Champagne from 14:00.

The ring current consists of oppositely drifting ions and electrons with energies of ~ 10 to 200 keV in the same region of the Earth’s magnetosphere that the radiation belts occupy. During geomagnetic storms, these particle populations at ring current energies are significantly increased.  Associated with the storm-time ring current is a perturbation magnetic field that distorts the inner magnetospheric magnetic field, thereby affecting radiation-belt dynamics. In this seminar I will first briefly discuss early idealizations of ring current formation and then focus on recent advances in understanding ring current dynamics using more realistic self-consistent guiding-center drift and loss simulations. A magnetically and electrically self-consistent treatment of particle transport tends to limit the formation of the ring current as compared to simpler treatments.  The ring current intensity and spatial distribution are also significantly affected by variations in the plasma sheet, the major source to the ring current.  I will show comparisons of in-situ magnetic field and plasma data and energetic neutral atom (ENA) intensity with corresponding quantities from our self-consistent ring current simulation model during storm events.  Such comparisons test the ability of our model to characterize the ring current plasma environment and magnetic field and challenge further our understanding of ring current dynamics.

  IFT open seminar next friday

All are welcome to an open seminar where Sabrine Hossenfelder, Nordita, will hold the following lecture:

·        News from Quantum Gravity Phenomenology

Friday, March 15, at 14:15, Auditorium B. Coffee, tea and cake from 14:00.

The talk will be on recent developments in the search for experimental signatures for quantum gravitational effects. Some of the topics that will be covered are the prospects of finding Planck scale effects in gamma ray bursts, in neutral Kaon oscillations, or with massive quantum oscillators. Further, the prospect of finding holographic noise and on Bekenstein's proposed table top experiment will be commented. This is not a review talk; it is a hand selected assortment of interesting topics.

 Master Week 2013

In week 11, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences arranges Master Week 2013. The aim is to present the scope of the various master programmes and which possibilities students have after completing their bachelor degree. All interested students and employees are invited to the informative meetings for the various master programmes. At IFT, we arrange the following meetings at room 359, Allégaten 55 "bachelor room":


·        Petroleum TechnologyTuesday, March 12, 10:15-12:00

·        PhysicsWednesday, March 13, 10:15-12:00

·        Process TechnologyThursday, March 14, 14:15-16:00


In addition, we also arrange informative meetings for several relevant master programs at other departments.


  Lecture during the Master Week

All interested in natural sciences, education and teaching, are invited to a lecture with Håvard Tjora, known from the TV-program "Blanke ark" (Blank Pages):

·        "Mathematics Around us – Bringing Mathematics to Life"

Friday, March 15, at 13:00, Auditorium Pi, Autogården, Johannes Bruns gate 12.

The lecture is meant to inspire and motivate students and employees for the teaching profession.

  Trainee Vest: 16 trainee positions in the Bergen region

All master students should take a look at this year’s Trainee-vest positions. Applications deadline is March 20.


We have the pleasure of wishing two new colleagues a warm welcome to our department:




H-bar is open on Fridays from 19:00-01:00.

On Tuesdays, every even-numbered week, there are pub lectures taking place at the H-bar. More info at H-bar’s facebook page.

H-bar is run by department’s Fagutvalget, and is primarily aimed at department’s students – but employees are also welcome!

IFT iN the media

·        About the opening of Birkeland Centre for Space Science: På Høyden 7. mars, Bergens Tidende 7.mars, Forskningsrådet 7. mars, På Høyden 4. mars, UiB news 5. mars, Politikkavisen 4. mars, Europaportalen 4. mars.

·        Kjetil Ullaland: Skal jakte jordnære gammaglimt, Elektronikk 2/2013 pp.10-12

·        Nikolai Østgaard: Gammakilder i nærmiljøet, Elektronikk 2/2013 p.12

·        Kjellmar Oksavik: Romvær: Nordlys og plasmaskyer truer GPS Elektronikk 2/2013 pp. 37-38

Publications registered in ISI Web of Science


o   Foerster, M.; et al.; Haaland, S. E.: Some aspects of modelling the high-latitude ionospheric convection from Cluster/Edi data GEOMAGNETISM AND AERONOMY  Volume: 53   Issue: 1   Pages: 85-95   DOI: 10.1134/S001679321301009X  





Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder


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