Friday October 25 2013

From the head of department

We would like to congratulate Thomas Gjesteland who this week was mentioned in Bergens Tidende's list of 47 young and promising who they think will affect Bergen's future. Not bad at all. In addition, we can find another space scientist, Beate Krøvel Humberset, in an extended list with additional 70 young and promising people. Congratulations!

You should also be aware of the fact that the department administration will be closed from Tuesday 11:00 until Wednesday 13:00 this week, you can find more information in the following.

Have a good one,
Geir Anton

News and general information


  IFT's administration will be closed for a day this week

From Tuesday 29/10 11:00 until Wednesday 20/10 13:00 the department administration will be closed. Contact the administration as soon as possible in case you have an issue that needs attention before Thursday.

The reason for this is that all administrative employees will be at a collaboration seminar in Fjordslottet, Osterøy together with representatives from the faculty administration. The theme of the seminar is on an evaluation of our own work situation, how our services can be delivered to employees and students in the best possible way, and last but not least look at the possibilities for how we can collaborate even better with the faculty administration.

The last year has been hectic as a result of the growth of our department in terms of the number of employees as well as students. The answer is not only increasing the number of employees at the administration but also reconsidering the sharing of the work load and collaboration forms. HMS is an important part of this.

Perhaps some of you have some ideas in this context – praise and criticism? If that is the case, an email to the head of department before Tuesday 10:00 would be appreciated.

  Horizon Lecture

All are welcome to the Horizon lecture where Professor David Kaplan, Hopkins University, will be giving a lecture:

Monday October 28 16.00 in Egget, Studentsenteret

  IFT Christmas celebration

The date for this year's Christmas celebration is Friday, November 22 starting right after working hours. This year we will arrange a celebration for both students and employees. We will be back with more information about the event and the registration. Remember to reserve the date!

  Seminar: Physics and radiotherapy

We would like to remind you about the seminar on Monday and encourage especially the members of the department board to prioritize the two-hour seminar:

  • Monday October 28 12:00-13:40
  • Bachelorrommet (359), Institutt for fysikk og teknologi, Allégaten 55


12:00 Welcome and lunch

12:20 Dag Rune Olsen: Particle therapy and its advantages
12:40 Dieter Röhrich: Ion therapy - a research field for physicists
13:00 Ludvig Paul Muren: Medical physics challenges in proton- and particle therapy
13:20 Olav Dahl: Proton- and particle therapy: clinical status and potential


All are welcome to an exciting and highly relevant seminar! You all probably know by now about the news that Helse Vest has been given a task of planning a proton therapy center in Bergen. Our rector who is also a professor of medical physics wrote a great article on this issue in På Høyden: Partikkelfysikk i kamp mot kreft. Establishment of such a center in Bergen will have consequences for our department both within research and education. Therefore we are having this seminar in order to illustrate the possibilities.


Studia would like to have all reading lists on time for the correct number of students in Bergen.


In order to achieve this we are dependent on receiving reading lists from you well in advance.

Although the reading list is unchanged, we would like a feedback – for instance «no changes with respect to earlier reading lists.»


We hope that you could be a good ambassador for us to the students, and support our academic bookshop on campus in Bergen. Studia is naturally the students' own bookshop, owned by the students through Studentsamskipnaden i Bergen.


By delivering reading lists within the deadline you will help us with maintaining good student welfare in Bergen. We would appreciate that you inform your students that we have all the books they need.


We would like feedback on:


·     Course code / subject code

·     Unchanged readling list with respect to earlier semesters.

·     Obligatory reading lists – which books do the students HAVE TO read?

·     Optional reading lists – which books CAN the students read?

·     Supporting literature – Books which you strongly recommend for the course?

·     Compendia of the subject?

·     E-books?



Reading lists can be sent by email to until Monday November 4, 2013.


Thank you very much for your help!


Studia as

  Open meeting at the Norwegian Technical Science Academy

NTVA invites to a meeting in Bergen with Michiel Postema, professor, Department of physics and technology, University of Bergen:

Tuesday, November 12 at 19:00 at Nansensenteret in Marineholmen, Thormøhlens gate 47. After the meeting, fish soup will be served. The price is 100 NOK per person. Registration until 15.00 Thursday, November 7. This is required only for those who wish to join the dinner.


We would like to wish a new colleague welcome to the department:


Vårin Renate Andvik Holm is employed as a research assistant in nano-physics for a period of 4 years starting from 01.09.2013.




H-bar is open every Friday 19:00-01:00.

On Tuesdays, every even numbered week, there will be pub-lectures at H-bar. More information on H-bar's facebook page.

H-bar is run by the Scientific Committee and is primarily for students. However, employees are also welcome!

IFT in the media

Publications registered in ISI Web of Science


o   Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Gruner, Renate; Husby, Jenny A.; et al.: Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in endometrial carcinoma identifies patients at increased risk of recurrence EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY  Volume: 23   Issue: 10   Pages: 2916-2925   DOI: 10.1007/s00330-013-2901-3  

o   Basso, L.; Lipniacka, A.; Osland, P.; Purmohammadi, M.; et al.: Probing the charged Higgs boson at the LHC in the CP-violating type-II 2HDM JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS  Issue: 11     Article Number: 011   DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2012)011  





Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder


Er eller har du vært master eller PhD-student ved Institutt for fysikk og teknologi? Registrer deg på IFT Alumni, så har vi muligheten for å holde kontakt,
se her for mer informasjon.