Friday November 1, 2013

From the head of department

This week we can be happy! The Research Council decided to award half a billion to 16 different research infrastructures, or equipment as we would like to call it. The list of accepted infrastructure shows among others the NMR-platform of the Department of Chemistry which is planned in an EnTek-building and SFF GeoBio for a new ROV/ remotely operated vehicle. We would like to congratulate all with the results and last but not least with the effort!

Have a good one,

Geir Anton

News and general information


  IFT open seminar

All are welcome to an open seminar where Professor Emeritus Per Osland will be giving a lecture:

Friday November 8 at 14:15, Auditorium B. Coffee, tea and cake from 14:00.

Per Osland has participated in a group which has evaluated the Swedish MSc education and will tell us about the process and the results.

  On the changes this weekend, Saturday November 2 – All IT-services are out of order

We would like to remind you about the stop of IT-services on November 2.

FS, Studentweb, Søknadsweb and Evuweb will not be available on Saturday November 2. As a result of the upgrades on Saturday, there may be instabilities on Sunday November 3. 


  Announcement of funds from the Meltzerfondet for 2014.

The funds are announced for the following:

·       Students and P.h.d.-candidates can apply for project funds.

·       Employees (researchers) can apply for support for sabbaticals or scientific travels.


All professors and department heads at the UoB have the right to nominate candidates for the fund's prizes. Note that one can nominate candidates for the prize of honour in 2013.


Employees can also apply to the Bergen Universitetsfond for support for dissemination and publishing of research results, as well as organizing scientific conferences etc.


The application deadline is on December 1 2013. The application system opens on Friday, October 24.


L. Meltzer Høyskolefond in English. Bergen University Fund in English.



MSc Martin Møller Greve will be defending his dissertation with the following title:

Friday November 8 at 13:15 in Auditorium 2, Realfagbygget. Thesis supervisors are Bodil Holst and Philip Denby, Ensol AS.


H-bar is open every Friday 19.00-01.00.

On Tuesdays, every even numbered week, pub-lectures are held at H-bar. More info on H-bar's facebook page.

H-bar is run by the Scientific Committee and is primarily for students – employees are also welcome!

Publications registered in ISI Web of Science


o   Haugan, E; Holst, B: Determining the fibrillar orientation of bast fibres with polarized light microscopy: the modified Herzog test (red plate test) explained. Journal of microscopy  Volume: 252   Issue: 2   Pages: 159-68   DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12079   

o   Eder, S D; Samelin, B; Bracco, G; Ansperger, K; Holst, B: A free jet (supersonic), molecular beam source with automatized, 50 nm precision nozzle-skimmer positioning. The Review of scientific instruments  Volume: 84   Issue: 9   Pages: 093303   DOI: 10.1063/1.4821147  

o   Skoglund, G; Nockert, M; Holst, B: Viking and Early Middle Ages Northern Scandinavian Textiles Proven to be made with Hemp. Scientific reports  Volume: 3   Pages: 2686   DOI: 10.1038/srep02686  





Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder


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