Friday November 8, 2013 |
From the
head of department
We would like thank Øystein
Olsen who recently retired from his position, for his years long efforts as
the leader of examination committee at the department. This is an important
and meticulous work that requires all members in the committee to respond
promptly to all requests. At the same time, we would like to thank Bjørn
Arntzen for taking over this important task as the leader of the examination
committee. Have a good weekend, News and general information
IFT open seminar
All are welcome to an
open seminar where Dieter Röhrich will be giving a lecture:
Friday, November 15 at 14:15, Auditorium B. Coffee, tea and cakes from 14:00. Remember also
this week's open seminar with Per Osland! New leader of the examination
Bjørn J. Arntzen
is the new leader of the examination committee at the department, and has
taken over Øystein Olsen's duties. When planning an MSc thesis examination, all
thesis supervisors need to send an email to Bjørn J. Arntzen with the following information: -
Name of the
candidate -
Title of the MSc
thesis -
Name of external
examiners and the examiners' email-addresses -
Planned exam
date -
Information on
co-supervisors Phasing out of «Windows
XP» at UiB
During the fall
of 2014, Microsoft will stop providing support on the Windows XP OS. This
means that the IT-department can no longer offer XP-driven client machines. All
existing XP machines must be replaced or reinstalled with Windows 7. You can
read more on this here. Secret services from the
Some of the
services offered by the IT-department are not very well known. Here you can
find information about some of these services that are offered to both
students and employees: ·
Forms - you can create your own online-forms (registration forms, feedback forms, evaluation
forms) ·
Wordpress (blog)
– you can get your own Wordpress instance, often referred to as «blog» where you simply publish information on
the web. ·
Wiki – you get a
Wiki, where you can write
text based articles together with others, the same as in Wikipedia. The
information can be open or closed. ·
HTML web pages –
you can create an area to publish your webpages on: FOLK, ORG, and KURS. (html, CSS, JavaScript) ·
LAMP (also
called «self hosted solution») LAMP = Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP: This is for advanced users who also
know what they need. We create an area and MySQL database. The rest is done
by you. We set requirements for both security and protection against email
spam. PhD
On Tuesdays, every even
numbered week, there will be pub-lectures at the H-bar. More info on H-bar's facebook pages. H-bar is run by the
Scientific Committee and is primarily for students – employees are also
welcome! |
Institutt for fysikk og
teknologi |