Fredag 15. februar 2013 |
From the head of department
Ladislav Kocbach is the
first APS referee from
UoB who will be given the title tittelen
"Outstanding Referee". The only Norwegian nominated in 2013. In
total, 6 Norwegians have received the title (out of approximately 60 000
referees) Congratulations! Have a great weekend, Geir Anton News and general information
We have received a request
from the Department of Mathematics on encouraging all users of MATLAB who are
not actively using the programme to remember to log
out, so that one does not "occupy" the license without actual need.
The University of Bergen is paying for MATLAB-license which allows up to 150 simultaneous
users. Late last Tuesday a situation occurred that several users were denied access
to MATLAB since all of the licenses were registered as in use. This problem
has, among other things, occurred due to MATLAB-course MAT102 which has the following groups. Renewable energy conference 2013
(previously known as the 7-mountain conference)
For the third
year in a row a number of key actors, with Norsk Industri at the top, come together to organize a meeting
place for supply industry, power producers, researchers and the academia. ·
Energy Conference 2013 April 22-23, at
Radisson Bryggen Hotel in Bergen. Full-time
students registered in spring semester 2013 can participate free of charge in
the daily programme of the Renewable Energy
Conference. Information on the conference programme
and registration can be obtained here. The Nordic
Physics days 12-14 June 2013
Dear colleague, This is an invitation
for the joint Nordic Physics Days, held in Lund 12-14 June 2013. In the spirit of earlier
Nordic Physics Days, the meeting will include plenary talks and parallel
sessions in the areas covered by the different sections of the Nordic
Physical Societes. In addition, there will be a
panel discussion on large-scale facilities during the first evening and a
laser show before the conference dinner during the second evening. And of course
we will have a poster session in the exhibit area, which will also be available
during coffee and lunch breaks. PhD students and teachers are encouraged to
share their work! A presentation of the program and of the invited speakers
is available at the conference
website where you can now register for the conference. Please see more information
about Registration and
important dates. Bergen Summer
Research School 2013: Food as a Global Development Challenge
The BSRS 2013 will resume its ordinary activities and is dedicated to
the theme "Food as a Global Development Challenge''. The event will take
place in the period 17th - 29th June, 2013. We offer 5 parallel doctoral
/research courses, which will be bound together by joint lectures by
high-profile keynote speakers, plenary discussions, and activities that
promote societal involvement. In addition
to the doctoral courses, a set of plenary sessions and public meetings will
reach out to the wider community in the overall perspective of global
challenges. For more information about
these, please visit our link. The online application form
is now open and the deadline for application is 1st March 2013. For full
information please visit our website. BTO & Sparebanken
Vest invite researchers and employees to participate in our Idea Competition
for 2013
They seek ideas with
potential to solve real challenges in today’s society, big or small. The
winning idea will receive a total sum of 300 000 NOK, to be awarded at
the Grow Conference, 21 March. The winning idea will be selected by an
external jury. To participate in the contest, please fill out the simple idea
description form (no more than 2-3 pages) and send it in by 20th of February to idea@bergento.no. For more information and
how to participate, see
here. If you have any questions please contact Steffen Boga
(414 59 203) Laboratory
course for the new employees
The HMS-section of the Staff and
Organization Department arranges ·
Laboratory course for the new employees. Thursday, 7. March 2013, from 09:00 - 15:00 in Christiesgate
18, room 3.43 - 3.44. The course is held by professional hygienists Anne Kristin Johannessen and Bente-Lise P. Lillebø of the Health Environment Security section. The course will provide the newly employed
with the information on the relevant laes, regulations
and guidelines. There will be emphasis on the importance of safe handling of
chemicals, radioactive materials and biological hazards. Protective clothing items, protection
devices, and the handling of the waste are also among the central topics. Risk
evaluation, exceptions and systematic HES-work will also be emphasized. Those who
want to participate in the course, should register
with the UoB username and password via electronic
registration, which is available in course description at the HMS-portal, latest by February
25. Questions about the course should be directed to the HMS-section’s senior
consultant Torunn Saunes (55 58 87 35). PhD
Funding for doctoral training activities
accepted to the PhD-study at the Department of Physics and Technology may
apply for funding for research education activities. The applicants must be
registered as PhD-student the present semester in order to apply. Applicants
without any external economic support (Quota, University scholarships,
Self-financing PhD-students) will be prioritized. Maximum amount is 15.000NOK,
during the dr.scient.-/Ph.D-study. Funding for the following activities can be
applied for: A) Research
stay at a foreign University or research institution B) Participation
at advanced courses, workshops, symposia, conferences etc. (we don't cover
the conference fee) C) Purchase
of training/teaching at the Ph.D.-level D) Participation
in courses/subjects/field courses resulting in credits and that are part of
the individual study. E) Research
courses in science subjects. The
doctoral training activity must be completed within 01.08.2012. Download the application form and send
the application to Kristine Indahl
Helle (room 348)
by the deadline, 1st of march 2013. Trial Lectures
M.Phil. Muhammad Qasim will hold a PhD trial lecture by the following
Tuesday, February 19, at 14:15 in room 292, IFT Bachelor
H-bar is run by the
department’s Fagutvalget and is primarily aimed at
department’s students – but the employees are also welcome! Tuesday, February
19, at 19:00,
Professor Bjørn Dundas will hold a Pub Lecture entitled “Topology of the
messy attic”, in h-bar. Every even-number week
there will be a pub lecture at H-bar. More info at H-bars facebookside. Publications registered in ISI Web of Science
o Anchishkin, D.; Vovchenko, V.;
Csernai, L. P.: Pionic freeze-out hypersurfaces
in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions PHYSICAL REVIEW C Volume: 87
Issue: 1 Article Number:
014906 DOI:
10.1103/PhysRevC.87.014906 |
for fysikk og teknologi |