Friday March 7, 2014


From the head of department

Christian Michelsen Research has taken a highly valuable initiative by proposing the establishment of a new state-owned renewable energy company, Greenstat, which will create projects within renewable energy. This subject has received a lot of attention lately. The latest is the article in Teknisk Ukeblad from Wednesday last week. On Monday, the project leader Vegard Laukhammer will present the concept to the Committee of Energy and Envorinment at the Parliament. This could actually be what is needed to ensure funding for R&D and business development within renewable energy. At UoB, this initiative should be understood as a constructive contribution to the debate on the Akademia agreement. I think that the establishment of such a company is more realistic than expecting a petroleum company such as Statoil to provide more funding for renewable energy than the amount provided at the moment.


Have a good one,
Geir Anton

News and general information


Contents for IFT-posten

It is now Stine Haugsb¿ at the expedition who will be publishing IFT-posten. This means that everyone who would like to publish material in IFT-posten, must send an email to her latest by Thursdays at 12:00 in order these to be published in the same week.


  Interesting article on Dark Matter

Many of you know that we have a center named DAMARA (Norwegian Centre for Dark Matter Analysis, Research and Applications) at IFT. The center is managed by BFS-researcher Heidi Sandaker. DAMARA is also involved in the CTA-initiative (Cherenkov Telescope Array) which was recently mentioned in an article in Nature. Those of you who would like to know more about dark matter and the future research on dark matter are encouraged to read this article.

  Open Meeting at the Norwegian Technical Science Academy

NTVA invites to a meeting in Bergen with researcher Ove Daae Lampe, Christian Michelsen Research

á       Visualisering og visuell analyse (Visualization and Visual Analysis)

Tuesday, March 18, 19:00 at Nansensenteret in Marineholmen, Thorm¿hlens gate 47. After the meeting there will be a simple meal consisting of fish soup and a social gathering. The price is 100,- NOK per person. Registration until 15.00 on Thursday, March 13. Registration is required only for those who would like to join the dinner.

Meeting Studentersamfunnet

Welcome to Studentersamfunnet in Bergen where J¿rgen Randers will be giving a lecture:

á       2052 – Eit klimapessimistisk eventyr, (2052 – A climate pessimistic adventure) on Facebook

Monday, March 10, 18.00 in Egget, Studentsenteret

The event is open to all members of Studentersamfunnet in Bergen, membership costs 50 NOK and can be purchased at the door. Membership gives free entrance to all meetings and arrangements by Studentersamfunnet for the rest of the semester.

The lecture will be held in Norwegian, and marks the end of the 80th anniversary week of Studentersamfunnet.


We are happy to wish new colleagues welcome to the department:

Jose Carlos Reyes Guerrero is employed as a Postdoc in electromagnetism as of February 24, 2014 until 23.02.2016.


Bilal Hasan Qureshi is employed as senior engineer in the Space Physics Instrumentation Group at the Birkeland Center (BCSS). Validity of employment: 5 years.


Kjetil Vedelden Heimann is employed as senior engineer (IT) as of 27.2.2014. Since 2012 he has worked as department engineer at the IT-services while he completed his Master's degree in Information Science. Before that (since 2009) Kjetil has had a part-time job as PC-support (now this is called as IT-assistant) besides his studies.




National Ph.D Course in Nanostructuring with Electron Beam Lithography

24-28 February UiB Nanostructures Laboratory here at IFT hosted the National  Ph.D Course in Nanostructuring with Electron Beam Lithography for the second time. 7 Ph.D Students attended the course, 6 students from NTNU an one local candidate. The course is  conducted in the framework of the NFR financed Ph.D Research School on Nanotechnology for Microsystems.




H-bar is open every Friday 19.00-01.00.

On Tuesdays, every even numbered week, pub-lectures are held at H-bar. More information on H-bar's facebook page.

H-bar is run by the Scientific Committee and is primarily for students – employees are also welcome!

Publications registered in ISI Web of Science

á       Moen, Joran; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Alfonsi, Lucilla; et al.: Space weather challenges of the polar cap ionosphere JOURNAL OF SPACE WEATHER AND SPACE CLIMATE  Volume: 3  Article Number: A02





Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
AllŽgaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redakt¿r: Instituttleder


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