Friday February 7, 2014


From the head of department

Today, I have nothing other than reminding all scientific employees to register publications, presentations etc... from 2013 in Cristin since the deadline is approaching.

Have a good one,

Geir Anton

News and general information


  Upgrade and downtime for accounting systems at UiB


In collaboration with UiO and NTNU, UiB is working with upgrading the Oracle accounting system.

This is a significant upgrade which is important in order to ensure support and security in the system.


The upgrade means that the Oracle accounting system will be unavailable for a period prior to the production date. The system will be down as of Thursday February 13 12.00 and according to the plan, will be ready for use by Monday February 24.


For employees this has the following consequences:


        The procurement system (Basware PM) will be available, but new vendors will not be added

        As of Monday February 17 until Friday February 23 accounting reports cannot be printed out

        Incoming bills cannot be processed from 13.2 until 19.2.

        Payments cannot be executed. Last possible payment date before the downtime is on February 7 for foreign payments, and Monday February 10 for domestic payments. First possible date to execute domestic payments is on Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday February 26 for foreign payments

        Outgoing bills cannot be created

        The project module will be unavailable


Payment of salaries will continue normally.


  Horizon Lecture

All are welcome to a new Horizon lecture by Prof. Henrik Glenner, Marine Biodiversity, Department of Biology, UiB and Prof. Andreas Hejnol, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, UiB:

·        The Evolving Tree of Life

Friday February 20 at 18:00, Egget, Studentsenteret.

Registration in Cristin

The deadline, February 15, is approaching for all who would like to register their achievements from last year in Cristin where one has to sign in as UiB-employee. In addition to scientific articles, one can register newspaper articles,debates, dissemination – also on radio and TV and so on. A good scheme is that if a contribution has several authors from UiB, the first author has the responsibility of registering the relevant data.




Åpent møte i Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi

NTVA invites to a meeting in Bergen with Helge Dahle, Professor and Dean, The Facuty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen and Anders Elverhøi, Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oslo:

·        Et energilandskap i endring


Tuesday, February 18 at 19:00, Nansensenteret at Marineholmen, Thormøhlens gate 47. The meeting will be followed by a simple meal with fish soup and social gathering. The price is 100,- NOK per person. Registration until 15.00 on Thursday February 13. The registration is only required for those who would like to join the meal.


We are happy to wish a new colleague welcome to the department:


Stephen E. Milan is employed as Professor-II at the Birkeland Center for a period of 3 years starting February 1. He is otherwise a Professor in heliospheric physics at the University of  Leicester in the UK. Stephen E. Milan has managed the application process of KuaFu, a European-Chinese satellite which will image the northern lights in both hemispheres. With approximately 200 scientific publications Milan is an expert on sun-earth coupling and magnetic reconnection during substorms. Milan has also worked as the editor in many scientific journals, and in 2013 he received the Chapman-medal from the Royal Astronomical Society, UK.

  Application deadline for travel- and seminar support for Msc students, spring 2014

Have you had or do you have plans of a field trip, conference/seminar in 2014? You can apply for support (max. 7500,- NOK for the entire Msc-study). See more information and download the application form fo travel or seminar. It is a requirement that the funded travel/field trip must take place between December 1, 2013 and September 1, 2014. The application forms can be delivered to Kristine until Friday, February 21.



Funding for doctoral training activities

Candidates accepted to the PhD-study at the Department of Physics and Technology may apply for funding for research education activities. The applicants must be registered as PhD-student the present semester in order to apply. Applicants without any external economic support (Quota, University scholarships, Self-financing PhD-students) will be prioritized. Maximum amount is 15.000 NOK, during the dr.scient.-/Ph.D-study.  Funding for the following activities can be applied for:


A)   Research stay at a foreign University or research institution


B)   Participation at advanced courses, workshops, symposia, conferences etc. (we don't cover the conference fee)


C)   Purchase of training/teaching at the Ph.D.-level


D)  Participation in courses/subjects/field courses resulting in credits and that are part of the individual study.


E)   Research courses in science subjects.


The doctoral training activity must be completed within 01.09.2014. Download the application form and send the application to Kristine Indahl Helle by the deadline, 21st of February 2014.




H-bar is open every Friday 19.00-01.00.

On Tuesdays, every even numbered week, pub-lectures are held at H-bar. More information on H-bar's facebook page.

H-bar is run by the Scientific Committee and is primarily for students – employees are also welcome!





Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder


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