The first sale of pre-seed stocks pays off
BTO is selling stocks in Rock Physics Technology, on behalf of Innovation Norway. This is the first sale of stocks that has been invested through the pre-seed scheme.
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Western Norway in world class
We will create a “Silicon Valley” here in Western Norway. That is the introduction of a feature article at Sysla today, written by the Managing Director of BTO, Anders Haugland, together with Torger Reve (BI Norwegian Business School), Owe Hagesæther (GCE Subsea) and Tanja Hoel (NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster).
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Opening of Mediekuben
Mediekuben is the first incubator in Norway for startup companies in the media industry. Harald Schjelderup, Chief Commissioner in Bergen, opened Mediekuben on Monday 25. September in front of a full audience in Media City Bergen.
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Opening of OPP Innovation Week
Julie Andersland, Commissioner for Climate, Culture and Business Development in Bergen, officially opened the OPP Innovation Week. In front of a full audience at Østre, she praised the initiators of the week and revealed her confidence in Bergen as an innovation city.
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Media coverage
- 22.10.2017Bergensavisen: Gir studenter titusener til prøving og feiling
- 08.09.2017Innovasjon Norge: Første salg av presåkornaksjer gir gevinst
- 06.09.2017Sunnhordland: Frå null til hundre (+)
- 05.09.2017Bergensavisen: Bergensfestivaler vil skape nordisk gigant
- 24.07.2017
- 19.10.2017
- 09.10.2017
- 29.09.2017
- 25.09.2017Bergensavisen: Billettselskapet fra Bergen flakser fremover
- 08.09.2017Bergensavisen: Fikk heder og pris for dyremat
- 20.10.2017
- 20.10.2017
- 17.10.2017Dagens Næringsliv: Oppskriften som gir rundt 50 gründerselskaper i året
- 16.10.2017
- 15.09.2017Bergens Tidende: Skal eksportere finansteknologi fra Bergen
Clinical studies
- 16.10.2017Dagens Medisin: BerGenBio presenterer melanom-studie
- 16.10.2017Dagens Medisin: Targovax med overlevelsesdata for kreftvaksine-kandidat
- 14.10.2017
- 12.10.2017Folkehelseinstituttet: Nitrogendioksid – luftkvalitetskriterier
- 12.10.2017Legemiddelindustrien: Forsetter satsingen på HO21
Featured projects supported by BTO
3D Scaffolds in bone regeneration
3D printing of scaffold is a method to replace or regenerate damaged bone fragments. The 3D printed scaffolds can be combined with stem cells to obtain optimal system for effective healing of even large fragments of defected or injured bones.
Read moreWant to develop salmon without germ cells
Virgin Salmon is a project aiming to develop salmon without germ cells for farming. If this project succeeds, it will represent a solution to several aquaculture challenges.
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