
Norwegian Citizen Panel

Fast Track 2 COVID-19

v-101 - 2023-11-08

Produced by ideas2evidence


Primary investigators

Name Affiliation
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten UiB
Bjørn Sætrevik UiB
Erla Løvseth UiB


Name Affiliation Role
Øivind Skjervheim ideas2evidence Coordinator
Olav Bjørnebekk ideas2evidence Project team member
Amund Eikrem ideas2evidence Project team member
Asle Høgestøl ideas2evidence Quality assurance

Study Description


The Norwegian Citizen Panel is a platform for internet surveys of public opinion in important areas of society and politics in Norway. Participants are randomly recruited from the Norwegian population register, and they are encouraged to participate over time. The panel was fielded for the first time in the fall of 2013, and as of 2017 the survey is carried out three times a year. The University of Bergen owns and is responsible for the Citizen panel. The company ideas2evidence recruits respondents, produces the survey, and provides documentation of the data. Data is stored and shared by the Norwegian Social Science Data services (NSD). The Norwegian Citizen Panel welcomes research proposals for survey content. More information about calls and other updates are available at


Geographic coverage: National geographic coverage. Counties as geographic coding.
Unit of analysis: Individuals
Univers: Norwegian Citizens above the age of 18.


Sampling procedure

Members of the Norwegian Citizen Panel have been recruited in seven waves:
In wave 1, 4 870 panel members were recruited (gross sample: 25 000).
In wave 3, 5 623 members were recruited (gross sample: 25 000).
In wave 8, 4 245 new members were recruited (gross sample: 22 000).
In wave 11, 2 069 panel members were recruited (gross sample: 14 000).
In wave 14, 2 036 panel members were recruited (gross sample: 14 000).
In wave 16, 5 163 panel members were recruited (gross sample: 34 000).
In wave 18, 2 048 panel members were recruited (gross sample: 15 000).

For every wave with recruitment a sample has been randomly drawn from the Norwegian National Population Registry. The size of the gross sample has varied somewhat over time. For more details on recruitment we refer you to the documentation for each respective wave.

This National Population Registry includes everyone born in Norway as well as former and current inhabitants. The Norwegian Tax Administration is responsible for the register, but the administration is partly outsourced to the private IT-company Evry. Evry drew the sample on behalf of the Citizen Panel after the necessary permissions were acquired from the Norwegian Tax Administration.

The extracted data was a) last name, b) first name, c) address, d) gender, e) age, and f) phone number. The sample excluded people with no current home address in Norway.

NCP Fast Track 2 COVID-19 was sent out to a selection of the panels members whom belonged to certain sub-groups in the first “Fast Track” study (carried out in the spring of 2020). Se documentation for more information.

Mode of Data Collection

The survey is based on a web-based questionnaire.

This survey was sent out as a “Fast Track” study in connection with the corona pandemic in Norway, late summer/fall 2020. For this reason, both the content of the study and the implementation phase are somewhat different from ordinary rounds of the Norwegian Citizens’ Panel. This is the second “Fast Track” study dedicated to the topic of the ongoing pandemic.

In NCP Fast Track 2 COVID-19, invitation emails were sent out on August 26th, 2020.

Reminder emails were sent twice, on August 28th and 31st, respectively, to respondents who a) had not logged in to the survey, or b) had not completed the survey.

NCP Fast Track 2 COVID-19 was completed on September 3rd 2020.


To compensate for observed bias, a set of weights has been calculated. The weights equal the relation between a given strata in the population and the total population, divided by the relation between a given strata in the net sample and the total net sample. This procedure returns values around 1, but above 0. Respondents who are underrepresented will receive a weight above 1 and respondents who are overrepresented a weight below 1. The weights of the different stratums are listed in the documentation report. When calculating the weights, the information regarding the respondent’s geographical location, gender and age are based on registry data. These attributes were included in the sample file we received from the Norwegian Population Register. Information regarding the level of education is provided by the respondents when answering the questionnaire.

Two different weights have been calculated:

When applied, both weights will provide a weighted N equal to the number of cases in the dataset.

We will strongly recommend using weight 2 in any statistical analysis, as this weight provides the most accurate compensation for the various sources of bias in the net sample.

Note: In 2018 NCP changed the age variables in the datasets in order to make the respondents less identifiable. The weights are calculated with the old age variables, which no longer are publically available.

Change Log

Version Release date / Date changed Variable Changes and notes
v-101 2023-11-08 NA Revised release of round ft2
NA 2023-11-08 ft2Weight4 New variable: Added ft2Weight4
v-100 2020-09-11 NA Initial release of round ft2

Dataset contents

File name Norwegian Citizen Panel - Fast Track 2 - COVID-19 v-101-L.sav
Distribution type Privileged
# Cases 5531
# Variables 51

Variable Documentation


Variable label: responseid
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent first opened the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent completed the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5417] [Invalid:114] [Range:-]


Variable label: [The wave the respondent was recruited. ]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-16]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Round 1 834 15.1% 0.15078648
3 Round 3 901 16.3% 0.16290002
8 Round 8 893 16.1% 0.16145363
11 Round 11 531 9.6% 0.09600434
14 Round 14 578 10.5% 0.10450190
16 Round 16 1794 32.4% 0.32435364
18 Round 18 0 0.0% 0.00000000


Variable label: [Browsertype used by respondent]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Browser version used by respondent]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Determines if the respondents uses mobile ]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Other 2973 53.8% 0.5375158
1 Mobile 2558 46.2% 0.4624842


Variable label: [Screen resolution of the applied device]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Determines respondents device type.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 PC 3042 55.0% 0.549990960
2 Touch 2472 44.7% 0.446935455
3 Generic 17 0.3% 0.003073585


Variable label: [Determine whether the respondent’s browser supports Advanced WI Features that require client side scripts, such as sliders, drag-n-drop ranking, images instead of radio-buttons/check-boxes etc.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Detects the browsers rendering mode]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Assesment of risk: you will become infected by the coronavirus (in 2020)
Pre-question text: How high do you consider the risk that during 2020…
Literal question: … you will become infected by the coronavirus?
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very low 1375 24.9% 0.248598807
2 Somewhat low 2279 41.2% 0.412041222
3 Medium 1557 28.2% 0.281504249
4 Somewhat high 262 4.7% 0.047369373
5 Very high 40 0.7% 0.007231965
97 Not answered 18 0.3% 0.003254384


Variable label: Assesment of risk: an average adult in Norway will become infected (in 2020)
Pre-question text: How high do you consider the risk that during 2020…
Literal question: … an average adult in Norway will become infected?
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very low 577 10.4% 0.10432110
2 Somewhat low 2149 38.9% 0.38853734
3 Medium 2226 40.2% 0.40245887
4 Somewhat high 412 7.4% 0.07448924
5 Very high 100 1.8% 0.01807991
97 Not answered 67 1.2% 0.01211354


Variable label: Assesment of risk: you will become seriously ill (in 2020)
Pre-question text: How high do you consider the risk that during 2020…
Literal question: … you will become seriously ill?
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very low 2000 36.2% 0.36159826
2 Somewhat low 2055 37.2% 0.37154222
3 Medium 993 18.0% 0.17953354
4 Somewhat high 340 6.1% 0.06147170
5 Very high 68 1.2% 0.01229434
97 Not answered 75 1.4% 0.01355993


Variable label: Assesment of risk: your everyday life will change a lot from the way it is today (in 2020)
Pre-question text: How high do you consider the risk that during 2020…
Literal question: … your everyday life will change a lot from the way it is today?
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very low 1088 19.7% 0.19670946
2 Somewhat low 1876 33.9% 0.33917917
3 Medium 1644 29.7% 0.29723377
4 Somewhat high 721 13.0% 0.13035617
5 Very high 137 2.5% 0.02476948
97 Not answered 65 1.2% 0.01175194


Variable label: Have you been abroad during the last three months?
Literal question: Have you been abroad during the last three months?
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 567 10.3% 0.102513108
2 No 4957 89.6% 0.896221298
97 Not answered 7 0.1% 0.001265594


Variable label: Did you stay at home for 10 days after your trip?
Literal question: Did you stay at home for 10 days after your trip?
Technical description: [Asked if ft2covid2 = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 I was in a red list country and complied with the quarantine regulations 99 17.5% 0.174603175
2 I was in a red list country and did not comply with the quarantine regulations 3 0.5% 0.005291005
3 I was in a green or yellow list country and did not self-isolate 423 74.6% 0.746031746
4 I was in a green or yellow list country, but nevertheless decided to self-isolate 34 6.0% 0.059964727
97 Not answered 8 1.4% 0.014109347
98 Not asked 4964 NA


Variable label: The last two weeks I have: been close to others in connection with work/school
Pre-question text: The last two weeks I have…
Literal question: been close to others in connection with work, school, or studies (for example in public transport to work/school, customer contact, open-plan office, lunch room, classroom, reading room)
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Several times a day 888 16.1% 0.160549629
2 Daily 962 17.4% 0.173928765
3 Less than daily 1079 19.5% 0.195082264
4 Almost never 1260 22.8% 0.227806907
5 Never 1306 23.6% 0.236123667
97 Not answered 36 0.7% 0.006508769


Variable label: The last two weeks I have: been close to others during leisure time
Pre-question text: The last two weeks I have…
Literal question: been close to others during leisure time (such as buying groceries, other shops, restaurants or pubs, visiting the doctor, dentist, hairdresser or similar)
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Several times a day 157 2.8% 0.028385464
2 Daily 965 17.4% 0.174471163
3 Less than daily 3315 59.9% 0.599349123
4 Almost never 973 17.6% 0.175917556
5 Never 104 1.9% 0.018803110
97 Not answered 17 0.3% 0.003073585


Variable label: The last two weeks I have: generally been in situations that expose me to infection
Pre-question text: The last two weeks I have…
Literal question: generally been in situations that expose me to infection
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Several times a day 313 5.7% 0.056590128
2 Daily 979 17.7% 0.177002350
3 Less than daily 2002 36.2% 0.361959863
4 Almost never 1922 34.7% 0.347495932
5 Never 271 4.9% 0.048996565
97 Not answered 44 0.8% 0.007955162


Variable label: The last two weeks I have: washed my hands every time I have been out
Pre-question text: The last two weeks I have…
Literal question: washed my hands every time I have been out
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Always 3624 65.5% 0.655216055
2 Often 1619 29.3% 0.292713795
3 Sometimes 221 4.0% 0.039956608
4 Rarely 43 0.8% 0.007774363
5 Never 6 0.1% 0.001084795
97 Not answered 18 0.3% 0.003254384


Variable label: The last two weeks I have: kept a distance of 1 metre from all strangers
Pre-question text: The last two weeks I have…
Literal question: kept a distance of 1 metre from all strangers
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Always 1896 34.3% 0.342795155
2 Often 3386 61.2% 0.612185862
3 Sometimes 178 3.2% 0.032182246
4 Rarely 53 1.0% 0.009582354
5 Never 0 0.0% 0.000000000
97 Not answered 18 0.3% 0.003254384


Variable label: The last two weeks I have: avoided all social situations with strangers
Pre-question text: The last two weeks I have…
Literal question: avoided all social situations with strangers
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Always 1669 30.2% 0.301753752
2 Often 2559 46.3% 0.462664979
3 Sometimes 803 14.5% 0.145181703
4 Rarely 377 6.8% 0.068161273
5 Never 101 1.8% 0.018260712
97 Not answered 22 0.4% 0.003977581


Variable label: Dealing with stress: When a stressful situation does not improve, I try to think of other ways of dealing with it
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: When a stressful situation does not improve, I try to think of other ways of dealing with it
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 1191 21.5% 0.21533177
2 Applies 2539 45.9% 0.45904900
3 Partly applies 1427 25.8% 0.25800036
4 Does not apply 283 5.1% 0.05116615
97 Not answered 91 1.6% 0.01645272


Variable label: Dealing with stress: I have a few fixed methods for dealing with stress
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: I have a few fixed methods for dealing with stress
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 513 9.3% 0.09274995
2 Applies 1981 35.8% 0.35816308
3 Partly applies 2146 38.8% 0.38799494
4 Does not apply 789 14.3% 0.14265052
97 Not answered 102 1.8% 0.01844151


Variable label: Dealing with stress: When I am stressed, I use different approaches for dealing with and improving the situation
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: When I am stressed, I use different approaches for dealing with and improving the situation
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 654 11.8% 0.11824263
2 Applies 2407 43.5% 0.43518351
3 Partly applies 1955 35.3% 0.35346230
4 Does not apply 390 7.1% 0.07051166
97 Not answered 125 2.3% 0.02259989


Variable label: Dealing with stress: When I have not dealt well with a stressful situation, I find other ways of dealing with it
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: When I have not dealt well with a stressful situation, I find other ways of dealing with it
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 594 10.7% 0.10739468
2 Applies 2334 42.2% 0.42198517
3 Partly applies 2034 36.8% 0.36774543
4 Does not apply 438 7.9% 0.07919002
97 Not answered 131 2.4% 0.02368469


Variable label: Dealing with stress: If a stressful situation does not improve, I find other ways of dealing with it
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: If a stressful situation does not improve, I find other ways of dealing with it
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 696 12.6% 0.12583620
2 Applies 2589 46.8% 0.46808895
3 Partly applies 1802 32.6% 0.32580004
4 Does not apply 313 5.7% 0.05659013
97 Not answered 131 2.4% 0.02368469


Variable label: Dealing with stress: I am aware of how successful or unsuccessful my attempts at dealing with stress have been
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: I am aware of how successful or unsuccessful my attempts at dealing with stress have been
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 850 15.4% 0.15367926
2 Applies 2720 49.2% 0.49177364
3 Partly applies 1468 26.5% 0.26541313
4 Does not apply 346 6.3% 0.06255650
97 Not answered 147 2.7% 0.02657747


Variable label: Dealing with stress: I do not notice it when I have not dealt well with stress
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: I do not notice it when I have not dealt well with stress
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 177 3.2% 0.03200145
2 Applies 783 14.2% 0.14156572
3 Partly applies 1949 35.2% 0.35237751
4 Does not apply 2471 44.7% 0.44675466
97 Not answered 151 2.7% 0.02730067


Variable label: Dealing with stress: If I feel that I have not been able to deal with stress, I change the way in which I deal with it
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: If I feel that I have not been able to deal with stress, I change the way in which I deal with it
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 374 6.8% 0.06761888
2 Applies 1877 33.9% 0.33935997
3 Partly applies 2505 45.3% 0.45290183
4 Does not apply 593 10.7% 0.10721389
97 Not answered 182 3.3% 0.03290544


Variable label: Dealing with stress: When I have experienced something stressful, I think about how well my way of dealing with it worked or did not work
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: When I have experienced something stressful, I think about how well my way of dealing with it worked or did not work
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 502 9.1% 0.09076116
2 Applies 1930 34.9% 0.34894233
3 Partly applies 2177 39.4% 0.39359971
4 Does not apply 766 13.8% 0.13849214
97 Not answered 156 2.8% 0.02820466


Variable label: Dealing with stress: If I have not been able to deal with stress, I think about other ways of dealing with it
Pre-question text: To what extent do the following statements apply to how you deal with stress?
Literal question: If I have not been able to deal with stress, I think about other ways of dealing with it
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Applies very well 522 9.4% 0.09437715
2 Applies 2319 41.9% 0.41927319
3 Partly applies 2005 36.3% 0.36250226
4 Does not apply 503 9.1% 0.09094196
97 Not answered 182 3.3% 0.03290544


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly selects among alternatives for ft2covid7]
Technical description: [Experiment. Randomly selects among alternatives for ft2covid7]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5481] [Invalid:50] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The vaccine provides effective protection against the disease and will help you to stay healthy. Therefore, it is an advantage if individuals like you are vaccinated. 1346 24.6% 0.2455756
2 The vaccine provides effective protection against the disease and will help you to stay healthy. Therefore, it is important that as many people as possible are vaccinated. 1347 24.6% 0.2457581
3 Some people will be unable to take the vaccine for medical reasons, and in order to prevent them from being infected, as many other people as possible must take the vaccine. Therefore, it is an advantage if individuals like you are vaccinated. 1379 25.2% 0.2515964
4 Some people will be unable to take the vaccine for medical reasons, and in order to prevent them from being infected, as many other people as possible must take the vaccine. Therefore, it is important that as many people as possible are vaccinated. 1409 25.7% 0.2570699
Sysmiss 50 NA


Variable label: Would take a vaccine against Covid-19 som have not been tested for long-term side effects?
Pre-question text: Imagine that a vaccine against Covid-19 has been developed that has not been tested for its long-term side effects. 

Literal question: Would you take such a vaccine if you were offered it?
Technical description: [Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized values in ft2covid7_ran]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 I would definitely have taken the vaccine 907 16.4% 0.163984813
2 I would probably have taken the vaccine 1787 32.3% 0.323088049
3 I'm not sure if I would have taken the vaccine 1695 30.6% 0.306454529
4 I would probably not have taken the vaccine 698 12.6% 0.126197794
5 I would definitely not have taken the vaccine 391 7.1% 0.070692461
97 Not answered 53 1.0% 0.009582354


Variable label: Statement: I worry that I will get infected by the coronavirus
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Literal question: I worry that I will get infected by the coronavirus.
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely disagree 696 12.6% 0.12583620
2 Disagree 1679 30.4% 0.30356174
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1481 26.8% 0.26776351
4 Agree 1380 25.0% 0.24950280
5 Completely agree 232 4.2% 0.04194540
97 Not answered 63 1.1% 0.01139035


Variable label: Statement: I worry that someone in my family will get infected by the coronavirus
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Literal question: I worry that someone in my family will get infected by the coronavirus.
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely disagree 297 5.4% 0.05369734
2 Disagree 886 16.0% 0.16018803
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1056 19.1% 0.19092388
4 Agree 2348 42.5% 0.42451636
5 Completely agree 881 15.9% 0.15928404
97 Not answered 63 1.1% 0.01139035


Variable label: Statement: I am optimistic that I will deal with the challenges that I will face due to the coronavirus outbreak
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Literal question: I am optimistic that I will deal with the challenges that I will face due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely disagree 103 1.9% 0.01862231
2 Disagree 153 2.8% 0.02766227
3 Neither agree nor disagree 936 16.9% 0.16922799
4 Agree 3269 59.1% 0.59103236
5 Completely agree 1001 18.1% 0.18097993
97 Not answered 69 1.2% 0.01247514


Variable label: Statement: Being infected by the virus would be very serious for me
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Literal question: Being infected by the virus would be very serious for me.
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely disagree 315 5.7% 0.05695173
2 Disagree 1124 20.3% 0.20321822
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1837 33.2% 0.33212801
4 Agree 1448 26.2% 0.26179714
5 Completely agree 695 12.6% 0.12565540
97 Not answered 112 2.0% 0.02024950


Variable label: Statement: I do my best to follow the health authorities’ advice to limit the risk of infection
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Literal question: I do my best to follow the health authorities’ advice to limit the risk of infection (wash hands frequently, avoid travel and situations involving contact with other people, keep distance and avoid touching things).
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely disagree 119 2.2% 0.021515097
2 Disagree 30 0.5% 0.005423974
3 Neither agree nor disagree 177 3.2% 0.032001446
4 Agree 2335 42.2% 0.422165974
5 Completely agree 2794 50.5% 0.505152775
97 Not answered 76 1.4% 0.013740734


Variable label: Feedback about the survey
Literal question:

Thank you for your participation in The Norwegian Citizen Panel! The answers you have provided today can contribute to imporantant knowledge that our society need to handle the Corona pandemic. We are greatful for your efforts. Your data will as always be treated confidentially.

The winners of the 5000 NOK gift cards will be contacted shortly after the survey has been closed.

Is there anything you wish to give feedback on in connection with the survey? If so you may write it here. If you have any questions about your participation, privacy policy and such, contact us at
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:integer] [Valid:0] [Invalid:5531] [Range:-]


Variable label: Gender
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Male 2704 48.9% 0.4888809
2 Female 2827 51.1% 0.5111191


Variable label: Region
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Oslo 867 15.7% 0.15675285
2 Østlandet 2015 36.4% 0.36431025
3 Sørlandet 302 5.5% 0.05460134
4 Vestlandet 1466 26.5% 0.26505153
5 Trøndelag 471 8.5% 0.08515639
6 Nord-Norge 410 7.4% 0.07412764


Variable label: County
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:3-54]

Value Label Cases Percentage
3 Oslo 867 15.7% 0.15675285
11 Rogaland 497 9.0% 0.08985717
15 Møre og Romsdal 204 3.7% 0.03688302
18 Nordland 195 3.5% 0.03525583
30 Viken 1308 23.6% 0.23648526
34 Innlandet 283 5.1% 0.05116615
38 Vestfold og Telemark 424 7.7% 0.07665883
42 Agder 302 5.5% 0.05460134
46 Vestland 765 13.8% 0.13831134
50 Trøndelag 471 8.5% 0.08515639
54 Troms og Finnmark 215 3.9% 0.03887181


Variable label: Highest completed education
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No education/elementary school 262 4.7% 0.04736937
2 Upper secondary education 1675 30.3% 0.30283855
3 University/University college 3479 62.9% 0.62900018
97 Not answered 115 2.1% 0.02079190


Variable label: Highest completed education
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No completed education 5 0.1% 0.0009039957
2 Primary and lower secondary school (completed either the first part of compulsory education (elementary school), primary and lower secondary school, 7-year elementary school, secondary modern school or lower secondary school) 257 4.6% 0.0464653770
3 Secondary education-general studies/programme for general studies, one-year supplementary study for university and college admission certification (VK2, VG3, High School) 487 8.8% 0.0880491774
4 Secondary education-vocational line of study/education programme (VK2, VK3, VG3, apprenticeship examination, apprentices’ final exam ) 673 12.2% 0.1216778159
5 Diploma from supplementary programme for general university and college admissions certification (tertiary vocational education, vocational technical college) 514 9.3% 0.0929307539
6 University/College, less than 3 years, but at least 2 years (university college graduate 2 and 2½ years) 454 8.2% 0.0820828060
7 College-3-4 year education (Bachelor-, cand.mag., teacher training college, school of nursing, preschool teacher, engineer, business graduate, etc.) 1226 22.2% 0.2216597360
8 University-3-4 year education (Bachelor, cand.mag.) 379 6.9% 0.0685228711
9 College-5-6 year education (Master, major) 372 6.7% 0.0672572772
10 University 5-6 year education (Master, majors (longer professional education (MA in Theology., MA in Psychology., Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, chartered engineer, graduate in architecture, Master of Science in Business and Economic 900 16.3% 0.1627192189
11 Researcher level (Doctorate, Ph.d.) 148 2.7% 0.0267582716
12 None of the above (please enter): 65 1.2% 0.0117519436
97 Not answered 51 0.9% 0.0092207557


Variable label: Year of birth
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1939 or earlier 137 2.5% 0.02476948
2 1940-1949 980 17.7% 0.17718315
3 1950-1959 1391 25.1% 0.25149159
4 1960-1969 1240 22.4% 0.22419092
5 1970-1979 842 15.2% 0.15223287
6 1980-1989 560 10.1% 0.10124751
7 1990 or later 381 6.9% 0.06888447


Variable label: Year of birth
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1959 or earlier 2508 45.3% 0.45344422
2 1960-1989 2642 47.8% 0.47767131
3 1990 or later 381 6.9% 0.06888447


Variable label: Weight based on variables P2, P5_2, and P1. See documentation report.
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-6]


Variable label: Weight based on variables P2, P5_2, P4, and P1. See documentation report.
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-44]


Variable label: Weight based on variables P1, P2, P4_1 (Note! recoded to two-level: 1) upper secondary and lower, and 2) University/University college), and age. Similiar to Weight2 only with capped weight value (x is >= .2 and x <= 5).
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:5531] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-5]