
The Panel of Elected Representatives

Round 5

v-100 - 2021-10-04

Produced by ideas2evidence


Primary investigators

Name Affiliaton
Yvette Peters Coordinator, University of Bergen
Troy Saghaug Broderstad University of Bergen
Arjan Schakel University of Bergen


Name Affiliation Role
Øivind Skjervheim ideas2evidence Coordinator
Olav Bjørnebekk ideas2evidence Project team member
Amund Eikrem ideas2evidence Project team member
Joachim Wettergreen ideas2evidence Project team member

Study Description


The Panel of Elected Representatives is an internet-based survey of elected representatives, at all political levels, in Norway. The survey deals with matters that are important to society, representation and democracy. All elected politicians are invited to participate.

The Panel of Elected Representatives is part of the Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) at the University of Bergen (UiB). The Panel of elected Representatives is also affiliated with the Norwegian citizen Panel, the Norwegian Journalist Panel, and the Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators. The University of Bergen is the owner and treatment manager of the Panel of Elected Representatives. Ideas2Evidence executes the practical implementation of the survey, and are responsible for recruting participants, as well as sending and receiving surveys to and from respondents. The data is stored encrypted and secure in UiB's infrastructure for for safe processing of sensitive personal data in research, ‘SAFE’. The panel has been reported to and processed by the Data Protection Official for Research at the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) pursuant to the Personal Data Act. More information can be found at


Geographic coverage: National.
Unit of analysis: Elected representatives.
Universe: All elected representatives in Norway.


Sampling procedure

Elected representatives at all political levels in Norway - municipal councils, county councils, the Storting (parliament) and the Sami Parliament of Norway - are invited to participate in the Panel of Elected Representatives. Contact information has been collected through Kommuneforlaget AS' registers, as well as public information from websites of municipalities, county municipalitites, the Storting, and the Sami Parliament of Norway.

Mode of Data Collection

The survey is based on a online questionnaire where the panel members are invited by email. The panel members were recruited to the panel in wave 1, 3 and 5. Note that recruitment in wave 3 was due to the 2019 municipal election. Representatives who where not re-elected was omitted from the panel, while newly elected and re-elected representatives where invited to participate.

For a more detailed description of how the members were recruited, please see the documentation report from wave 1, 3 and 5.

Wave 5 was fielded from 15th of Feburary 2021 to 15th of March 2021.

Change Log

No changes registred.

Dataset contents

File name The Panel of Elected Representatives - round 5 - v-100-L.sav
Distribution type Privileged
# Cases 2351
# Variables 143

Variable Documentation


Variable label: responseid
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [The wave the respondent was recruited]
Technical description: [The wave the respondent was recruited]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Recruited round 1 865 36.8% 0.3679285
3 Recruited round 3 1079 45.9% 0.4589536
5 Recruited round 5 407 17.3% 0.1731178


Variable label: [Randomised subgroup]
Technical description:

[Randomized for all respondents]

[Group 1 consists of a combination of respondents from all levels given in ‘p5P6’. Group 2 consists of municipal representatives.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 gr1 - p5p6 in 1, 2, 3, 4 1213 51.6% 0.5159507
2 gr2 - p5p6 == 1 1138 48.4% 0.4840493


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent first opened the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent completed the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:2230] [Invalid:121] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Browertype used by respondent]
Technical description: [Browsertype used by respondent]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Browser version used by respondent]
Technical description: [Browser version used by respondent]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Determines if the respondents uses mobile ]
Technical description: [Determines if the respondents uses mobile ]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Mobile 692 29.4% 0.2943428
0 Other 1659 70.6% 0.7056572


Variable label: [Screen resolution of the applied device]
Technical description: [Screen resolution of the applied device]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Determines respondents device type]
Technical description: [Determines respondents device type]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 PC 1666 70.9% 0.708634624
2 Touch 670 28.5% 0.284985113
3 Generic 15 0.6% 0.006380264


Variable label: [Determine whether the respondent’s browser supports Advanced WI Features that require client side scripts, such as sliders, drag-n-drop ranking, images instead of radio-buttons/check-boxes etc.]
Technical description: [Determine whether the respondent’s browser supports Advanced WI Features that require client side scripts, such as sliders, drag-n-drop ranking, images instead of radio-buttons/check-boxes etc.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Detects the browsers rendering mode]
Technical description: [Detects the browsers rendering mode]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Elected representative for how many years?
Literal question: For how many years have you been an elected representative (regardless of where and when you were elected)?
Technical description: [Only respondents who participated in wave 4 were expossed to the question. It was ment to be posed to respondents who did not participate in wave 4.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 0 - 3 years 362 24.1% 0.24053156
2 4 – 7 years 338 22.5% 0.22458472
3 8 – 11 years 244 16.2% 0.16212625
4 12 – 15 years 168 11.2% 0.11162791
5 16 – 19 years 126 8.4% 0.08372093
6 20 or more 247 16.4% 0.16411960
97 Not answered 20 1.3% 0.01328904
98 Not asked 846 NA


Variable label: Which party do you represent?
Literal question: Which party do you represent?
Technical description: [Only respondents who participated in wave 4 were expossed to the question. It was ment to be posed to respondents who did not participate in wave 4. Data on party affiliation has been manually collected where missing. See p5per40_manual and p5per40_combined.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-15]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Labour Party 423 28.1% 0.281063123
2 Democrats in Norway 2 0.1% 0.001328904
3 The People's Movement - No to More Road Tolls (or similar road toll initiative) 7 0.5% 0.004651163
4 The Progress Party 92 6.1% 0.061129568
5 The Conservative Party 261 17.3% 0.173421927
6 The Christian Democrats 77 5.1% 0.051162791
7 The Coastal Party 0 0% 0.000000000
8 The Green Party 61 4.1% 0.040531561
9 The Christians 2 0.1% 0.001328904
10 Pensioners' Party 14 0.9% 0.009302326
11 The Red Party 43 2.9% 0.028571429
12 The Centre Party 285 18.9% 0.189368771
13 The Socialist Left Party 107 7.1% 0.071096346
14 The Liberal Party 56 3.7% 0.037209302
15 Other 65 4.3% 0.043189369
97 Not answered 10 0.7% 0.006644518
98 Not asked 846 NA


Variable label: Other: Which party do you represent?
Pre-question text: Which party do you represent?
Literal question: Other:
Technical description:

[Posed to respondents who participated in wave 4.]

[Text data will not be distributed due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting the University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:2351] [Range:-]


Variable label: Manual data collection of partyaffiliation
Technical description: [Data on party affiliation has been manually collected for respondents who did not participate in wave 4 of the survey. They were by accident not exposed for p5per40. A combination of data from p5per40 and p5per40_manual can be found in p5per40_combined.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:835] [Invalid:1516] [Range:1-15]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Labour Party 223 26.7% 0.267065868
2 Democrats in Norway 1 0.1% 0.001197605
3 The People's Movement - No to More Road Tolls (or similar road toll initiative) 7 0.8% 0.008383234
4 The Progress Party 58 6.9% 0.069461078
5 The Conservative Party 151 18.1% 0.180838323
6 The Christian Democrats 42 5% 0.050299401
7 The Coastal Party 0 0% 0.000000000
8 The Green Party 25 3% 0.029940120
9 The Christians 0 0% 0.000000000
10 Pensioners' Party 9 1.1% 0.010778443
11 The Red Party 19 2.3% 0.022754491
12 The Centre Party 196 23.5% 0.234730539
13 The Socialist Left Party 36 4.3% 0.043113772
14 The Liberal Party 30 3.6% 0.035928144
15 Other 38 4.6% 0.045508982
Sysmiss 1516 NA


Variable label: Combination of p5per40 and p5per40_manual
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2330] [Invalid:21] [Range:1-15]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Labour Party 646 27.7% 0.2772532189
2 Democrats in Norway 3 0.1% 0.0012875536
3 The People's Movement - No to More Road Tolls (or similar road toll initiative) 14 0.6% 0.0060085837
4 The Progress Party 150 6.4% 0.0643776824
5 The Conservative Party 412 17.7% 0.1768240343
6 The Christian Democrats 119 5.1% 0.0510729614
7 The Coastal Party 0 0% 0.0000000000
8 The Green Party 86 3.7% 0.0369098712
9 The Christians 2 0.1% 0.0008583691
10 Pensioners' Party 23 1% 0.0098712446
11 The Red Party 62 2.7% 0.0266094421
12 The Centre Party 481 20.6% 0.2064377682
13 The Socialist Left Party 143 6.1% 0.0613733906
14 The Liberal Party 86 3.7% 0.0369098712
15 Other 103 4.4% 0.0442060086
Sysmiss 21 NA


Variable label: Is your party in government or opposition?
Literal question: Is your party currently in government or in opposition at your level of government?
Technical description: [Only respondents who participated in wave 4 were expossed to the question. It was ment to be posed to respondents who did not participate in wave 4.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Government 853 56.7% 0.566777409
2 Opposition 649 43.1% 0.431229236
97 Not answered 3 0.2% 0.001993355
98 Not asked 846 NA


Variable label: In the local council, how important for you to promote: All who voted for you personally
Pre-question text: We would like to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you are acting in the local council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question: All voters who voted for you personally (personal votes).
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 81 7.5% 0.07493062
2 Not very important 170 15.7% 0.15726179
3 Somewhat important 263 24.3% 0.24329325
4 Important 348 32.2% 0.32192414
5 Very important 202 18.7% 0.18686401
97 Not answered 17 1.6% 0.01572618
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: In the local council, how important for you to promote: All voters who voted for your party
Pre-question text: We would like to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you are acting in the local council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

All the voters who voted for your party.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 8 0.7% 0.007400555
2 Not very important 40 3.7% 0.037002775
3 Somewhat important 163 15.1% 0.150786309
4 Important 535 49.5% 0.494912118
5 Very important 322 29.8% 0.297872340
97 Not answered 13 1.2% 0.012025902
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: In the local council, how important for you to promote: All the members of your party in your municipality
Pre-question text: We would like to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you are acting in the local council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

All the members of your party in your municipality.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 14 1.3% 0.01295097
2 Not very important 66 6.1% 0.06105458
3 Somewhat important 225 20.8% 0.20814061
4 Important 500 46.3% 0.46253469
5 Very important 258 23.9% 0.23866790
97 Not answered 18 1.7% 0.01665125
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: In the local council, how important for you to promote: All members of your party nationally
Pre-question text: We would like to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you are acting in the local council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

All members of your party nationally.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 74 6.8% 0.06845513
2 Not very important 208 19.2% 0.19241443
3 Somewhat important 372 34.4% 0.34412581
4 Important 314 29% 0.29047179
5 Very important 75 6.9% 0.06938020
97 Not answered 38 3.5% 0.03515264
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: In the local council, how important for you to promote: A specific group in society
Pre-question text: We would like to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you are acting in the local council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

A specific group in society, e.g. youth, older people, women, local business, ethnic minorities.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 32 3% 0.02960222
2 Not very important 134 12.4% 0.12395930
3 Somewhat important 285 26.4% 0.26364477
4 Important 412 38.1% 0.38112858
5 Very important 197 18.2% 0.18223867
97 Not answered 21 1.9% 0.01942646
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: In the local council, how important for you to promote: All residents of your municipality
Pre-question text: We would like to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you are acting in the local council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question: All residents of your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 5 0.5% 0.004625347
2 Not very important 12 1.1% 0.011100833
3 Somewhat important 107 9.9% 0.098982424
4 Important 449 41.5% 0.415356152
5 Very important 501 46.3% 0.463459759
97 Not answered 7 0.6% 0.006475486
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: In the local council, how important for you to promote: All residents from a specific geographical area
Pre-question text: We would like to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you are acting in the local council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question: All residents from a specific geographical area, e.g. an area of your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 127 11.7% 0.11748381
2 Not very important 269 24.9% 0.24884366
3 Somewhat important 282 26.1% 0.26086957
4 Important 257 23.8% 0.23774283
5 Very important 124 11.5% 0.11470860
97 Not answered 22 2% 0.02035153
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: In the county council, how important for you to promote: All who voted for you personally
Pre-question text: We want to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you act in the county council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question: All voters who voted for you personally (personal votes).
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 8 7.7% 0.07692308
2 Not very important 18 17.3% 0.17307692
3 Somewhat important 29 27.9% 0.27884615
4 Important 29 27.9% 0.27884615
5 Very important 18 17.3% 0.17307692
97 Not answered 2 1.9% 0.01923077
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: In the county council, how important for you to promote: All voters who voted for your party
Pre-question text: We want to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you act in the county council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

All the voters who voted for your party.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 0 0% 0.00000000
2 Not very important 3 2.9% 0.02884615
3 Somewhat important 18 17.3% 0.17307692
4 Important 42 40.4% 0.40384615
5 Very important 39 37.5% 0.37500000
97 Not answered 2 1.9% 0.01923077
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: In the county council, how important for you to promote: All the members of your party in your county
Pre-question text: We want to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you act in the county council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

All the members of your party in your county.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 0 0% 0.00000000
2 Not very important 4 3.8% 0.03846154
3 Somewhat important 17 16.3% 0.16346154
4 Important 44 42.3% 0.42307692
5 Very important 37 35.6% 0.35576923
97 Not answered 2 1.9% 0.01923077
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: In the county council, how important for you to promote: All members of your party nationally
Pre-question text: We want to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you act in the county council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

All members of your party nationally.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 2 1.9% 0.01923077
2 Not very important 9 8.7% 0.08653846
3 Somewhat important 39 37.5% 0.37500000
4 Important 44 42.3% 0.42307692
5 Very important 8 7.7% 0.07692308
97 Not answered 2 1.9% 0.01923077
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: In the county council, how important for you to promote: A specific group in society
Pre-question text: We want to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you act in the county council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

A specific group in society, e.g. youth, older people, women, local business, ethnic minorities.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 2 1.9% 0.01923077
2 Not very important 8 7.7% 0.07692308
3 Somewhat important 31 29.8% 0.29807692
4 Important 41 39.4% 0.39423077
5 Very important 19 18.3% 0.18269231
97 Not answered 3 2.9% 0.02884615
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: In the county council, how important for you to promote: All residents of your county
Pre-question text: We want to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you act in the county council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question: All residents of your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 0 0% 0.000000000
2 Not very important 6 5.8% 0.057692308
3 Somewhat important 18 17.3% 0.173076923
4 Important 43 41.3% 0.413461538
5 Very important 36 34.6% 0.346153846
97 Not answered 1 1% 0.009615385
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: In the county council, how important for you to promote: All residents from a specific geographical area
Pre-question text: We want to ask you a question about who you represent and on whose behalf you act in the county council. How important is it for you personally to promote the views and interests of the following groups of people?
Literal question:

All residents from a specific geographical area, e.g. a municipality in your county.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 4 3.8% 0.03846154
2 Not very important 19 18.3% 0.18269231
3 Somewhat important 41 39.4% 0.39423077
4 Important 30 28.8% 0.28846154
5 Very important 8 7.7% 0.07692308
97 Not answered 2 1.9% 0.01923077
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: Should representatives vote in accordance to the party’s view or their own conviction?
Pre-question text: The views of an elected representative and their party can sometimes differ from each other.
Literal question: How do you think the elected representatives should vote in such a situation?
Post-question: According to…
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 ... the party's view 1289 54.8% 0.548277329
2 ... their own conviction 1047 44.5% 0.445342407
97 Not answered 15 0.6% 0.006380264


Variable label: Should representatives vote in accordance to the views of the party’s voters or their own conviction?
Pre-question text: The views of an elected representative and his party may sometimes differ from one another.
Literal question: How do you think the elected representatives should vote in such a situation?
Post-question: According to…
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 ... the views of the party’s voters 1200 51% 0.510421097
2 ... their own conviction 1128 48% 0.479795832
97 Not answered 23 1% 0.009783071


Variable label: Should representatives vote in accordance to the views of the party’s voters or the party’s view?
Pre-question text: The views of the party’s voters and the party can sometimes differ from each other.
Literal question: How do you think the elected representatives should vote in such a situation?
Post-question: According to…
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 ... the views of the party’s voters 966 41.1% 0.41088898
2 ... the party's view 1355 57.6% 0.57635049
97 Not answered 30 1.3% 0.01276053


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Control the decisions of the [chairmanship/city council] of your municipality
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Control and monitor the decisions and actions of the [chairmanship/city council] of your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 9 0.8% 0.008325624
2 Not very important 75 6.9% 0.069380204
3 Somewhat important 255 23.6% 0.235892692
4 Important 501 46.3% 0.463459759
5 Very important 234 21.6% 0.216466235
97 Not answered 7 0.6% 0.006475486
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Monitor the decisions of your county authority
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Monitor the decisions and actions of your county authority.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 28 2.6% 0.026070764
2 Not very important 191 17.8% 0.177839851
3 Somewhat important 475 44.2% 0.442271881
4 Important 304 28.3% 0.283054004
5 Very important 70 6.5% 0.065176909
97 Not answered 6 0.6% 0.005586592
98 Not asked 1277 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Monitor the decision the national government
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Monitor the decisions and actions of the national government.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 40 3.7% 0.037002775
2 Not very important 194 17.9% 0.179463460
3 Somewhat important 426 39.4% 0.394079556
4 Important 323 29.9% 0.298797410
5 Very important 89 8.2% 0.082331175
97 Not answered 9 0.8% 0.008325624
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Influence the political priorities of the [chairmanship/city council] of your municipality
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the main political priorities of the [chairmanship/city council] of your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 6 0.6% 0.005550416
2 Not very important 19 1.8% 0.017576318
3 Somewhat important 146 13.5% 0.135060130
4 Important 547 50.6% 0.506012951
5 Very important 357 33% 0.330249769
97 Not answered 6 0.6% 0.005550416
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Propose new policies for your municipality
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Propose new policies for your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 6 0.6% 0.005550416
2 Not very important 33 3.1% 0.030527290
3 Somewhat important 198 18.3% 0.183163737
4 Important 550 50.9% 0.508788159
5 Very important 288 26.6% 0.266419981
97 Not answered 6 0.6% 0.005550416
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Influence municipal policy with the views of your municipal party
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of municipal policy so that it is more in line with the views of your municipal party.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 1 0.1% 0.0009250694
2 Not very important 7 0.6% 0.0064754857
3 Somewhat important 110 10.2% 0.1017576318
4 Important 551 51% 0.5097132285
5 Very important 406 37.6% 0.3755781684
97 Not answered 6 0.6% 0.0055504163
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Influence municipal policy with the views of your national party
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of municipal policy so that it is more in line with the views of your national party.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 37 3.4% 0.03422757
2 Not very important 103 9.5% 0.09528215
3 Somewhat important 469 43.4% 0.43385754
4 Important 376 34.8% 0.34782609
5 Very important 82 7.6% 0.07585569
97 Not answered 14 1.3% 0.01295097
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Influence municipal policy with the preferences of the inhabitants in your municipality
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of municipal policy so that it is more in line with the preferences of the inhabitants in your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 2 0.2% 0.001850139
2 Not very important 5 0.5% 0.004625347
3 Somewhat important 181 16.7% 0.167437558
4 Important 598 55.3% 0.553191489
5 Very important 287 26.5% 0.265494912
97 Not answered 8 0.7% 0.007400555
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a municipal council representative: Influence national government policy with the preferences of inhabitants in your municipality
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a municipal council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of national government policy so that it is more in line with the preferences of inhabitants in your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 17 1.6% 0.015726179
2 Not very important 111 10.3% 0.102682701
3 Somewhat important 415 38.4% 0.383903793
4 Important 403 37.3% 0.372802960
5 Very important 131 12.1% 0.121184089
97 Not answered 4 0.4% 0.003700278
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Check the decisions of the [county executive board/county council] in your county
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Check and monitor the decisions and actions of the [county executive board/county council] in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 5 4.8% 0.04807692
2 Not very important 11 10.6% 0.10576923
3 Somewhat important 28 26.9% 0.26923077
4 Important 42 40.4% 0.40384615
5 Very important 15 14.4% 0.14423077
97 Not answered 3 2.9% 0.02884615
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Monitor the decisions of the municipalities in your county
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Monitor the decisions and actions of the municipalities in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 5 4.8% 0.048076923
2 Not very important 28 26.9% 0.269230769
3 Somewhat important 38 36.5% 0.365384615
4 Important 26 25% 0.250000000
5 Very important 6 5.8% 0.057692308
97 Not answered 1 1% 0.009615385
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Monitor the decisions of the national government
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Monitor the decisions and actions of the national government.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 4 3.8% 0.038461538
2 Not very important 16 15.4% 0.153846154
3 Somewhat important 32 30.8% 0.307692308
4 Important 39 37.5% 0.375000000
5 Very important 12 11.5% 0.115384615
97 Not answered 1 1% 0.009615385
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Influence the political priorities of the [county executive board/county council] in your county
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the main political priorities of the [county executive board/county council] in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 3 2.9% 0.02884615
2 Not very important 6 5.8% 0.05769231
3 Somewhat important 12 11.5% 0.11538462
4 Important 55 52.9% 0.52884615
5 Very important 26 25% 0.25000000
97 Not answered 2 1.9% 0.01923077
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Propose new policies for your county
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Propose new policies for your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:3-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 0 0% 0.00000000
2 Not very important 0 0% 0.00000000
3 Somewhat important 8 7.7% 0.07692308
4 Important 49 47.1% 0.47115385
5 Very important 45 43.3% 0.43269231
97 Not answered 2 1.9% 0.01923077
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Influence county policy with the views of your county party
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of county policy so that it is more in line with the views of your county party.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 0 0% 0.000000000
2 Not very important 3 2.9% 0.028846154
3 Somewhat important 7 6.7% 0.067307692
4 Important 51 49% 0.490384615
5 Very important 42 40.4% 0.403846154
97 Not answered 1 1% 0.009615385
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Influence county policy with the views of your national party
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of county policy so that it is more in line with the views of your national party.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 0 0% 0.000000000
2 Not very important 7 6.7% 0.067307692
3 Somewhat important 26 25% 0.250000000
4 Important 55 52.9% 0.528846154
5 Very important 15 14.4% 0.144230769
97 Not answered 1 1% 0.009615385
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Influence county policy with the preferences of the inhabitants in your county
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of county policy so that it is more in line with the preferences of the inhabitants in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 0 0% 0.000000000
2 Not very important 3 2.9% 0.028846154
3 Somewhat important 29 27.9% 0.278846154
4 Important 52 50% 0.500000000
5 Very important 19 18.3% 0.182692308
97 Not answered 1 1% 0.009615385
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: How important for you as a county council representative: Influence national government policy with the preferences of inhabitants in your county
Pre-question text: Below you will find a list of tasks that can be part of your job as a county council representative. How important are the following tasks for you?
Literal question: Influence the implementation of national government policy so that it is more in line with the preferences of inhabitants in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not important at all 1 1% 0.009615385
2 Not very important 6 5.8% 0.057692308
3 Somewhat important 33 31.7% 0.317307692
4 Important 49 47.1% 0.471153846
5 Very important 14 13.5% 0.134615385
97 Not answered 1 1% 0.009615385
98 Not asked 2247 NA


Variable label: Advantage/disadvantage of a government comprising three levels: Power divided between the different levels
Pre-question text: Norway has a system of government comprising of three levels – the national, the regional (counties) and the municipal (municipality) level of government. We want to know how advantageous or disadvantageous you find the following aspects of having multiple levels of government.
Literal question: That power is divided between the different levels of government.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very advantageous 613 50.5% 0.50535862
2 A little advantageous 385 31.7% 0.31739489
3 A little disadvantageous 117 9.6% 0.09645507
4 Very disadvantageous 51 4.2% 0.04204452
97 Not answered 47 3.9% 0.03874691
98 Not asked 1138 NA


Variable label: Advantage/disadvantage of a government comprising three levels: To adapt laws to varying needs in different parts of Norway
Pre-question text: Norway has a system of government comprising of three levels – the national, the regional (counties) and the municipal (municipality) level of government. We want to know how advantageous or disadvantageous you find the following aspects of having multiple levels of government.
Literal question:

To allow different laws to be adapted to varying needs and conditions in different parts of Norway.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very advantageous 376 31% 0.30997527
2 A little advantageous 494 40.7% 0.40725474
3 A little disadvantageous 171 14.1% 0.14097279
4 Very disadvantageous 124 10.2% 0.10222589
97 Not answered 48 4% 0.03957131
98 Not asked 1138 NA


Variable label: Advantage/disadvantage of a government comprising three levels: Levels of government hold each other accountable
Pre-question text: Norway has a system of government comprising of three levels – the national, the regional (counties) and the municipal (municipality) level of government. We want to know how advantageous or disadvantageous you find the following aspects of having multiple levels of government.
Literal question: That different levels of government can hold each other accountable for problems.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very advantageous 301 24.8% 0.24814509
2 A little advantageous 487 40.1% 0.40148392
3 A little disadvantageous 267 22% 0.22011542
4 Very disadvantageous 101 8.3% 0.08326463
97 Not answered 57 4.7% 0.04699093
98 Not asked 1138 NA


Variable label: Advantage/disadvantage of a government comprising three levels: That different parts of Norway can be involved national decisionmaking
Pre-question text: Norway has a system of government comprising of three levels – the national, the regional (counties) and the municipal (municipality) level of government. We want to know how advantageous or disadvantageous you find the following aspects of having multiple levels of government.
Literal question: Allowing governments in different parts of Norway to be involved in decisions concerning national issues.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very advantageous 515 42.5% 0.42456719
2 A little advantageous 509 42% 0.41962077
3 A little disadvantageous 96 7.9% 0.07914262
4 Very disadvantageous 44 3.6% 0.03627370
97 Not answered 49 4% 0.04039571
98 Not asked 1138 NA


Variable label: Advantage/disadvantage of a government comprising three levels: Levels of government can discuss how to best solve specific problems
Pre-question text: Norway has a system of government comprising of three levels – the national, the regional (counties) and the municipal (municipality) level of government. We want to know how advantageous or disadvantageous you find the following aspects of having multiple levels of government.
Literal question: That different levels of government can discuss how to best solve specific problems.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very advantageous 634 52.3% 0.52267106
2 A little advantageous 430 35.4% 0.35449299
3 A little disadvantageous 73 6% 0.06018137
4 Very disadvantageous 25 2.1% 0.02061006
97 Not answered 51 4.2% 0.04204452
98 Not asked 1138 NA


Variable label: Advantage/disadvantage of a government comprising three levels: Levels of government are forced to respect each other’s roles and responsibilities
Pre-question text: Norway has a system of government comprising of three levels – the national, the regional (counties) and the municipal (municipality) level of government. We want to know how advantageous or disadvantageous you find the following aspects of having multiple levels of government.
Literal question: That different levels of government are forced to respect each other’s roles and responsibilities when dealing with problems.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very advantageous 515 42.5% 0.42456719
2 A little advantageous 476 39.2% 0.39241550
3 A little disadvantageous 141 11.6% 0.11624073
4 Very disadvantageous 33 2.7% 0.02720528
97 Not answered 48 4% 0.03957131
98 Not asked 1138 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: Municipal council representatives from your party in your municipality
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Municipal county representatives from your own party in your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 15 1.4% 0.01387604
2 1-6 times per year 16 1.5% 0.01480111
3 7-12 times per year 39 3.6% 0.03607771
4 At least once a month 322 29.8% 0.29787234
5 At least once a week 641 59.3% 0.59296947
97 Not answered 48 4.4% 0.04440333
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: Municipal council representatives from other parties in your municipality
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Municipal county representatives from other parties in your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 10 0.9% 0.009250694
2 1-6 times per year 74 6.8% 0.068455134
3 7-12 times per year 192 17.8% 0.177613321
4 At least once a month 523 48.4% 0.483811286
5 At least once a week 241 22.3% 0.222941721
97 Not answered 41 3.8% 0.037927845
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: County council representatives from your party in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: County council representatives from your own party in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 175 16.8% 0.16794626
2 1-6 times per year 406 39% 0.38963532
3 7-12 times per year 184 17.7% 0.17658349
4 At least once a month 179 17.2% 0.17178503
5 At least once a week 79 7.6% 0.07581574
97 Not answered 19 1.8% 0.01823417
98 Not asked 1309 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: County council representatives from other parties in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: County council representatives from other parties in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 472 45.3% 0.45297505
2 1-6 times per year 378 36.3% 0.36276392
3 7-12 times per year 103 9.9% 0.09884837
4 At least once a month 67 6.4% 0.06429942
5 At least once a week 11 1.1% 0.01055662
97 Not answered 11 1.1% 0.01055662
98 Not asked 1309 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: Members of parliament from your party
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of parliament from your own party.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 218 20.2% 0.20166512
2 1-6 times per year 460 42.6% 0.42553191
3 7-12 times per year 169 15.6% 0.15633673
4 At least once a month 150 13.9% 0.13876041
5 At least once a week 38 3.5% 0.03515264
97 Not answered 46 4.3% 0.04255319
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: Members of parliament from other parties
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of parliament from other parties.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 598 55.3% 0.553191489
2 1-6 times per year 355 32.8% 0.328399630
3 7-12 times per year 57 5.3% 0.052728955
4 At least once a month 27 2.5% 0.024976873
5 At least once a week 4 0.4% 0.003700278
97 Not answered 40 3.7% 0.037002775
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: The mayor of your municipality
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: The mayor of your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 16 1.5% 0.01480111
2 1-6 times per year 79 7.3% 0.07308048
3 7-12 times per year 170 15.7% 0.15726179
4 At least once a month 441 40.8% 0.40795560
5 At least once a week 325 30.1% 0.30064755
97 Not answered 50 4.6% 0.04625347
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: The county mayor of your county
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: The county mayor of your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 701 67.3% 0.672744722
2 1-6 times per year 249 23.9% 0.238963532
3 7-12 times per year 43 4.1% 0.041266795
4 At least once a month 35 3.4% 0.033589251
5 At least once a week 5 0.5% 0.004798464
97 Not answered 9 0.9% 0.008637236
98 Not asked 1309 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: The county governor in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: The county governor in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 645 59.7% 0.596669750
2 1-6 times per year 311 28.8% 0.287696577
3 7-12 times per year 41 3.8% 0.037927845
4 At least once a month 36 3.3% 0.033302498
5 At least once a week 6 0.6% 0.005550416
97 Not answered 42 3.9% 0.038852914
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: Members of [the chairmanship/city government] in your municipality
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of [the chairmanship/city council] in your municipality.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 6 0.6% 0.005550416
2 1-6 times per year 43 4% 0.039777983
3 7-12 times per year 106 9.8% 0.098057354
4 At least once a month 467 43.2% 0.432007401
5 At least once a week 415 38.4% 0.383903793
97 Not answered 44 4.1% 0.040703053
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: Members of [the county executive board/county government] in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of [the county executive board/county council] in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 404 38.8% 0.38771593
2 1-6 times per year 373 35.8% 0.35796545
3 7-12 times per year 117 11.2% 0.11228407
4 At least once a month 106 10.2% 0.10172745
5 At least once a week 26 2.5% 0.02495202
97 Not answered 16 1.5% 0.01535509
98 Not asked 1309 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a municipal council representative: Ministers from the national government
Pre-question text: In your role as a municipal council representative, how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Ministers from the national government.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 1 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 677 62.6% 0.6262719704
2 1-6 times per year 284 26.3% 0.2627197040
3 7-12 times per year 54 5% 0.0499537465
4 At least once a month 21 1.9% 0.0194264570
5 At least once a week 1 0.1% 0.0009250694
97 Not answered 44 4.1% 0.0407030527
98 Not asked 1270 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Municipal councillors from your party in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Municipal county representatives from your own party in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 2 1.5% 0.01526718
2 1-6 times per year 9 6.9% 0.06870229
3 7-12 times per year 20 15.3% 0.15267176
4 At least once a month 45 34.4% 0.34351145
5 At least once a week 49 37.4% 0.37404580
97 Not answered 6 4.6% 0.04580153
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Municipal councillors from other parties in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Municipal county representatives from other parties in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 12 9.2% 0.09160305
2 1-6 times per year 31 23.7% 0.23664122
3 7-12 times per year 37 28.2% 0.28244275
4 At least once a month 34 26% 0.25954198
5 At least once a week 10 7.6% 0.07633588
97 Not answered 7 5.3% 0.05343511
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: County council representatives from your party in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question:

County council representatives from your own party in your county.

Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 3 2.3% 0.02290076
2 1-6 times per year 4 3.1% 0.03053435
3 7-12 times per year 4 3.1% 0.03053435
4 At least once a month 40 30.5% 0.30534351
5 At least once a week 72 55% 0.54961832
97 Not answered 8 6.1% 0.06106870
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: County council representatives from other parties in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: County council representatives from other parties in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 4 3.1% 0.03053435
2 1-6 times per year 18 13.7% 0.13740458
3 7-12 times per year 30 22.9% 0.22900763
4 At least once a month 47 35.9% 0.35877863
5 At least once a week 25 19.1% 0.19083969
97 Not answered 7 5.3% 0.05343511
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Members of parliament from your own party
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of parliament from your own party.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 4 3.1% 0.03053435
2 1-6 times per year 23 17.6% 0.17557252
3 7-12 times per year 26 19.8% 0.19847328
4 At least once a month 34 26% 0.25954198
5 At least once a week 37 28.2% 0.28244275
97 Not answered 7 5.3% 0.05343511
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Members of parliament from other parties
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of parliament from other parties.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 20 15.3% 0.15267176
2 1-6 times per year 56 42.7% 0.42748092
3 7-12 times per year 17 13% 0.12977099
4 At least once a month 16 12.2% 0.12213740
5 At least once a week 15 11.5% 0.11450382
97 Not answered 7 5.3% 0.05343511
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Mayors of municipalities in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Mayors of municipalities in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 6 4.6% 0.04580153
2 1-6 times per year 33 25.2% 0.25190840
3 7-12 times per year 27 20.6% 0.20610687
4 At least once a month 39 29.8% 0.29770992
5 At least once a week 20 15.3% 0.15267176
97 Not answered 6 4.6% 0.04580153
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: The county mayor of your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: The county mayor of your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 11 8.4% 0.08396947
2 1-6 times per year 23 17.6% 0.17557252
3 7-12 times per year 34 26% 0.25954198
4 At least once a month 32 24.4% 0.24427481
5 At least once a week 25 19.1% 0.19083969
97 Not answered 6 4.6% 0.04580153
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: The county governor in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: The county governor in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 49 37.4% 0.37404580
2 1-6 times per year 55 42% 0.41984733
3 7-12 times per year 13 9.9% 0.09923664
4 At least once a month 5 3.8% 0.03816794
5 At least once a week 3 2.3% 0.02290076
97 Not answered 6 4.6% 0.04580153
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Members of the chairmanships (or city councils) of the municipalities in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of the chairmanships (or city councils) of the municipalities in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 12 9.2% 0.09160305
2 1-6 times per year 24 18.3% 0.18320611
3 7-12 times per year 26 19.8% 0.19847328
4 At least once a month 40 30.5% 0.30534351
5 At least once a week 22 16.8% 0.16793893
97 Not answered 7 5.3% 0.05343511
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Members of [the county executive board/county government] in your county
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Members of [the county executive board/county government] in your county.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 15 11.5% 0.11450382
2 1-6 times per year 13 9.9% 0.09923664
3 7-12 times per year 19 14.5% 0.14503817
4 At least once a month 48 36.6% 0.36641221
5 At least once a week 24 18.3% 0.18320611
97 Not answered 12 9.2% 0.09160305
98 Not asked 2220 NA


Variable label: How often in contact with, as a [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative]: Ministers from the national government
Pre-question text: In your role as [county council representative/parliamentary representative/Sami Parliamentary Representative], how often have you had contact with the following representatives in the past year?
Literal question: Ministers from the national government.
Technical description:

[Asked if p5P6 = 2,3,4 & p5group = 1]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]

[Not posed to respondents from Oslo.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2351] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No contact 44 33.6% 0.33587786
2 1-6 times per year 40