
The Panel of Elected Representatives


Round 4

v-100 - 2020-12-17

Produced by ideas2evidence


Scientific committee for KODEM

Name Affiliaton
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten UiB
Anne Lise Fimreite UiB
Rune Karlsen UiO
Åsta Dyrnes Nordø NORCE
Johannes Bergh ISF
Jarle Trondal UiA

Responsible for KODEM-panels

Panel Name
NMP Elisabeth Ivarsflaten
NRP Yvette Peters
NJP Erik Knudsen
NFP Jarle Trondal, Tobias Bach, Jacob Aars

Coordinating team

Erla Løvseth
Ingrid Kvåle Faleide
Soran Hajo Dahl


Name Affiliation Role
Øivind Skjervheim ideas2evidence Coordinator
Olav Bjørnebekk ideas2evidence Project team member
Amund Eikrem ideas2evidence Project team member
Joachim Wettergreen ideas2evidence Project team member
Asle Høgestøl ideas2evidence Quality assurance

Study Description


The Panel of Elected Representatives is an internet-based survey of elected representatives, at all political levels in Norway. The survey considers topics that are important to society, representation, and democracy. All elected representatives are invited to participate. The first survey was fielded in spring 2018, the second in winter 2019, the third in february 2020, and the fourth in fall of 2020. It is planned for the survey to continue annualy or biannualy.

Data collection in wave 4 differs slightly from previous waves of the survey. Some of the questions are part of a coordinated system of surveys (“KODEM”) which also gathers information about beliefs and convictions of citizens (, government employees (, and from journalists and editors ( This mode of data collection enables innovative research of groups that together comprise the political body in Norway.

The Panel of Elected Representatives is part of the Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) at the University of Bergen (UiB). The Panel of elected Representatives is also affiliated with the Norwegian citizen Panel, the Norwegian Journalist Panel, and the Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators. The University of Bergen is the owner and treatment manager of the Panel of Elected Representatives. Ideas2Evidence executes the practical implementation of the survey, and are responsible for recruting participants, as well as sending and receiving surveys to and from respondents. The data is stored encrypted and secure in UiB's infrastructure for for safe processing of sensitive personal data in research, ‘SAFE’. The panel has been reported to and processed by the Data Protection Official for Research at the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) pursuant to the Personal Data Act. More information can be found at


Geographic coverage: National.
Unit of analysis: Elected representatives. Universe: All elected representatives in Norway.


Sampling procedure

Elected representatives at all political levels in Norway - municipal councils, county councils, the Storting (parliament) and the Sami Parliament of Norway - are invited to participate in the Panel of Elected Representatives. Contact information has been collected through Kommuneforlaget AS' registers, as well as public information from websites of municipalities, county municipalitites, the Storting, and the Sami Parliament of Norway.

Mode of Data Collection

The survey is based on an online questionnaire where the panel members are invited by email. Panel members were recruited to the panel in wave 1, and due to the municipal election in 2019, recruitment of newly elected representatives was conducted in wave 3. Representatives who were not re-elected were omitted from the panel, whilst newly elected and re-elected representatives were invited to participate.

For a more detailed description on recruitment of panel members, please see the documentation reports from wave 1 and wave 3.

Wave 4 was fielded from 2nd of November to the 27th of November 2020.

Change Log

No changes registred.

Dataset contents

File name The Panel of Elected Representatives - round 4k1 - v-100.sav
# Cases 2344
# Variables 188

Variable Documentation


Variable label: responseid
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [The wave the respondent was recruited]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Round 1 965 41.2% 0.4116894
3 Round 3 1379 58.8% 0.5883106


Variable label: [Randomized sub-group]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Randomized for all respondents]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Group 1 1193 50.9% 0.508959
2 Group 2 1151 49.1% 0.491041


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent first opened the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent completed the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:2207] [Invalid:137] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Browertype used by respondent]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Browser version used by respondent]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Determines if the respondents uses mobile ]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Mobile 689 29.4% 0.293942
0 Other 1655 70.6% 0.706058


Variable label: [Screen resolution of the applied device]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Determines respondents device type]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 PC 1660 70.8% 0.708191126
2 Touch 676 28.8% 0.288395904
3 Generic 8 0.3% 0.003412969


Variable label: [Determine whether the respondent’s browser supports Advanced WI Features that require client side scripts, such as sliders, drag-n-drop ranking, images instead of radio-buttons/check-boxes etc.]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Detects the browsers rendering mode]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The media plays an important role in highlighting the fates of individuals 
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the role of news media in Norwegian society:
Literal question: The media plays an important role in highlighting the fates of individuals 
Question owner: Tine Ustad Figenschou (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1media_1;j1k1media_1;r19k1media_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 291 24.4% 0.243922883
2 Agree 590 49.5% 0.494551551
3 Somewhat agree 228 19.1% 0.191114837
4 Neither agree nor disagree 44 3.7% 0.036881811
5 Somewhat disagree 23 1.9% 0.019279128
6 Disagree 11 0.9% 0.009220453
7 Strongly disagree 5 0.4% 0.004191115
97 Not answered 1 0.1% 0.000838223
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The media plays an important role in revealing matters worthy of criticism 
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the role of news media in Norwegian society:
Literal question: The media plays an important role in revealing matters worthy of criticism 
Question owner: Tine Ustad Figenschou (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1media_2;j1k1media_2;r19k1media_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 576 48.3% 0.482816429
2 Agree 504 42.2% 0.422464376
3 Somewhat agree 92 7.7% 0.077116513
4 Neither agree nor disagree 12 1% 0.010058676
5 Somewhat disagree 3 0.3% 0.002514669
6 Disagree 4 0.3% 0.003352892
7 Strongly disagree 2 0.2% 0.001676446
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.000000000
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The media is conflict-oriented 
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the role of news media in Norwegian society:
Literal question: The media is conflict-oriented 
Question owner: Tine Ustad Figenschou (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1media_3;j1k1media_3;r19k1media_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 309 25.9% 0.259010897
2 Agree 427 35.8% 0.357921207
3 Somewhat agree 325 27.2% 0.272422464
4 Neither agree nor disagree 80 6.7% 0.067057837
5 Somewhat disagree 29 2.4% 0.024308466
6 Disagree 16 1.3% 0.013411567
7 Strongly disagree 2 0.2% 0.001676446
97 Not answered 5 0.4% 0.004191115
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The media sensationalises 
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the role of news media in Norwegian society:
Literal question: The media sensationalises 
Question owner: Tine Ustad Figenschou (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1media_4;j1k1media_4;r19k1media_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 455 38.1% 0.381391450
2 Agree 416 34.9% 0.348700754
3 Somewhat agree 254 21.3% 0.212908634
4 Neither agree nor disagree 39 3.3% 0.032690696
5 Somewhat disagree 18 1.5% 0.015088013
6 Disagree 6 0.5% 0.005029338
7 Strongly disagree 1 0.1% 0.000838223
97 Not answered 4 0.3% 0.003352892
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The media conveys complicated issues in an understandable way 
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the role of news media in Norwegian society:
Literal question: The media conveys complicated issues in an understandable way 
Question owner: Tine Ustad Figenschou (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1media_5;j1k1media_5;r19k1media_5
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 32 2.7% 0.026823135
2 Agree 266 22.3% 0.222967309
3 Somewhat agree 493 41.3% 0.413243923
4 Neither agree nor disagree 172 14.4% 0.144174350
5 Somewhat disagree 148 12.4% 0.124056999
6 Disagree 61 5.1% 0.051131601
7 Strongly disagree 20 1.7% 0.016764459
97 Not answered 1 0.1% 0.000838223
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: News coverage is angled in a way that runs contrary to my own views
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the role of news media in Norwegian society:
Literal question: News coverage is angled in a way that runs contrary to my own views
Question owner: Tine Ustad Figenschou (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1media_6;j1k1media_6;r19k1media_6
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 35 2.9% 0.029337804
2 Agree 93 7.8% 0.077954736
3 Somewhat agree 280 23.5% 0.234702431
4 Neither agree nor disagree 541 45.3% 0.453478625
5 Somewhat disagree 114 9.6% 0.095557418
6 Disagree 110 9.2% 0.092204526
7 Strongly disagree 19 1.6% 0.015926236
97 Not answered 1 0.1% 0.000838223
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: The past year, how often how you received requests from: Business organisations
Pre-question text: How often have you received written or oral requests from the following types of organisations or their representatives during the past year?
Literal question: Business organisations
Post-question: Tick each relevant organisation.
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1lobby1_1;j1k1lobby1_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Weekly 130 10.9% 0.108968986
2 Monthly 347 29.1% 0.290863370
3 Less frequently 516 43.3% 0.432523051
4 Never 199 16.7% 0.166806370
97 Not answered 1 0.1% 0.000838223
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: The past year, how often how you received requests from: Trade unions/professional organisations
Pre-question text: How often have you received written or oral requests from the following types of organisations or their representatives during the past year?
Literal question: Trade unions and professional organisations
Post-question: Tick each relevant organisation.
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1lobby1_2;j1k1lobby1_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Weekly 114 9.6% 0.095557418
2 Monthly 375 31.4% 0.314333613
3 Less frequently 525 44% 0.440067058
4 Never 172 14.4% 0.144174350
97 Not answered 7 0.6% 0.005867561
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: The past year, how often how you received requests from: Environmental protection organisations
Pre-question text: How often have you received written or oral requests from the following types of organisations or their representatives during the past year?
Literal question: Environmental protection organisations
Post-question: Tick each relevant organisation.
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1lobby1_3;j1k1lobby1_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Weekly 54 4.5% 0.045264040
2 Monthly 250 21% 0.209555742
3 Less frequently 620 52% 0.519698240
4 Never 267 22.4% 0.223805532
97 Not answered 2 0.2% 0.001676446
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: The past year, how often how you received requests from: Health/welfare organisations
Pre-question text: How often have you received written or oral requests from the following types of organisations or their representatives during the past year?
Literal question: Health/welfare organisations
Post-question: Tick each relevant organisation.
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1lobby1_4;j1k1lobby1_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Weekly 60 5% 0.050293378
2 Monthly 278 23.3% 0.233025985
3 Less frequently 634 53.1% 0.531433361
4 Never 214 17.9% 0.179379715
97 Not answered 7 0.6% 0.005867561
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: The past year, how often how you received requests from: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Pre-question text: How often have you received written or oral requests from the following types of organisations or their representatives during the past year?
Literal question: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Post-question: Tick each relevant organisation.
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1lobby1_5;j1k1lobby1_5
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Weekly 98 8.2% 0.082145851
2 Monthly 355 29.8% 0.297569153
3 Less frequently 576 48.3% 0.482816429
4 Never 160 13.4% 0.134115675
97 Not answered 4 0.3% 0.003352892
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: The past year, how often how you received requests from: PR agencies/communications agencies
Pre-question text: How often have you received written or oral requests from the following types of organisations or their representatives during the past year?
Literal question: PR agencies/communications agencies
Post-question: Tick each relevant organisation.
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1lobby1_6;j1k1lobby1_6
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Weekly 27 2.3% 0.022632020
2 Monthly 109 9.1% 0.091366303
3 Less frequently 492 41.2% 0.412405700
4 Never 560 46.9% 0.469404862
97 Not answered 5 0.4% 0.004191115
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: How often are municipal policy decision influenced by: Business organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that municipal policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Business organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 1 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 75 6.8% 0.067628494
2 Quite often 294 26.5% 0.265103697
3 Sometimes 520 46.9% 0.468890893
4 Rarely 125 11.3% 0.112714157
5 Very rarely 70 6.3% 0.063119928
6 Never 14 1.3% 0.012623986
97 Not answered 11 1% 0.009918846
98 Not asked 1235 NA


Variable label: How often are municipal policy decision influenced by: Trade unions/professional organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that municipal policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Trade unions and professional organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 1 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 34 3.1% 0.030658251
2 Quite often 305 27.5% 0.275022543
3 Sometimes 526 47.4% 0.474301172
4 Rarely 152 13.7% 0.137060415
5 Very rarely 68 6.1% 0.061316501
6 Never 11 1% 0.009918846
97 Not answered 13 1.2% 0.011722272
98 Not asked 1235 NA


Variable label: How often are municipal policy decision influenced by: Environmental protection organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that municipal policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Environmental protection organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 1 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 25 2.3% 0.022542831
2 Quite often 209 18.8% 0.188458070
3 Sometimes 466 42% 0.420198377
4 Rarely 255 23% 0.229936880
5 Very rarely 119 10.7% 0.107303877
6 Never 27 2.4% 0.024346258
97 Not answered 8 0.7% 0.007213706
98 Not asked 1235 NA


Variable label: How often are municipal policy decision influenced by: Heath/welfare organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that municipal policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Health/welfare organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 1 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 24 2.2% 0.021641118
2 Quite often 248 22.4% 0.223624887
3 Sometimes 534 48.2% 0.481514878
4 Rarely 178 16.1% 0.160504959
5 Very rarely 102 9.2% 0.091974752
6 Never 13 1.2% 0.011722272
97 Not answered 10 0.9% 0.009017133
98 Not asked 1235 NA


Variable label: How often are municipal policy decision influenced by: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that municipal policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 1 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 39 3.5% 0.035166817
2 Quite often 310 28% 0.279531109
3 Sometimes 525 47.3% 0.473399459
4 Rarely 158 14.2% 0.142470694
5 Very rarely 60 5.4% 0.054102795
6 Never 9 0.8% 0.008115419
97 Not answered 8 0.7% 0.007213706
98 Not asked 1235 NA


Variable label: How often are municipal policy decision influenced by: PR agencies/communications agencies
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that municipal policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: PR agencies/communications agencies
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 1 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 29 2.6% 0.02614968
2 Quite often 113 10.2% 0.10189360
3 Sometimes 244 22% 0.22001803
4 Rarely 279 25.2% 0.25157800
5 Very rarely 290 26.1% 0.26149684
6 Never 136 12.3% 0.12263300
97 Not answered 18 1.6% 0.01623084
98 Not asked 1235 NA


Variable label: How often are county policy decision influenced by: Business organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that county policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Business organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 2 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 6 9.7% 0.09677419
2 Quite often 25 40.3% 0.40322581
3 Sometimes 27 43.5% 0.43548387
4 Rarely 4 6.5% 0.06451613
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.00000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2282 NA


Variable label: How often are county policy decision influenced by: Trade unions/professional organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that county policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Trade unions and professional organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 2 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 5 8.1% 0.08064516
2 Quite often 34 54.8% 0.54838710
3 Sometimes 22 35.5% 0.35483871
4 Rarely 1 1.6% 0.01612903
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.00000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2282 NA


Variable label: How often are county policy decision influenced by: Environmental protection organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that county policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Environmental protection organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 2 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 2 3.2% 0.03225806
2 Quite often 17 27.4% 0.27419355
3 Sometimes 31 50% 0.50000000
4 Rarely 9 14.5% 0.14516129
5 Very rarely 3 4.8% 0.04838710
6 Never 0 0% 0.00000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2282 NA


Variable label: How often are county policy decision influenced by: Heath/welfare organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that county policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Health/welfare organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 2 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00000000
2 Quite often 20 32.3% 0.32258065
3 Sometimes 24 38.7% 0.38709677
4 Rarely 15 24.2% 0.24193548
5 Very rarely 1 1.6% 0.01612903
6 Never 1 1.6% 0.01612903
97 Not answered 1 1.6% 0.01612903
98 Not asked 2282 NA


Variable label: How often are county policy decision influenced by: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that county policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 2 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 2 3.2% 0.03225806
2 Quite often 24 38.7% 0.38709677
3 Sometimes 28 45.2% 0.45161290
4 Rarely 8 12.9% 0.12903226
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.00000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2282 NA


Variable label: How often are county policy decision influenced by: PR agencies/communications agencies
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that county policy decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: PR agencies/communications agencies
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 2 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 1 1.6% 0.01612903
2 Quite often 4 6.5% 0.06451613
3 Sometimes 18 29% 0.29032258
4 Rarely 18 29% 0.29032258
5 Very rarely 17 27.4% 0.27419355
6 Never 3 4.8% 0.04838710
97 Not answered 1 1.6% 0.01612903
98 Not asked 2282 NA


Variable label: How often are the Storting’s decisions influenced by: Business organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Storting’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Business organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 3 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 4 22.2% 0.2222222
2 Quite often 4 22.2% 0.2222222
3 Sometimes 10 55.6% 0.5555556
4 Rarely 0 0% 0.0000000
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.0000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.0000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 2326 NA


Variable label: How often are the Storting’s decision influenced by: Trade unions/professional organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Storting’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Trade unions and professional organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 3 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 3 16.7% 0.1666667
2 Quite often 5 27.8% 0.2777778
3 Sometimes 10 55.6% 0.5555556
4 Rarely 0 0% 0.0000000
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.0000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.0000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 2326 NA


Variable label: How often are the Storting’s decision influenced by: Environmental protection organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Storting’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Environmental protection organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 3 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 1 5.6% 0.05555556
2 Quite often 2 11.1% 0.11111111
3 Sometimes 14 77.8% 0.77777778
4 Rarely 1 5.6% 0.05555556
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.00000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2326 NA


Variable label: How often are the Storting’s decision influenced by: Heath/welfare organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Storting’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Health/welfare organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 3 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.0000000
2 Quite often 5 27.8% 0.2777778
3 Sometimes 13 72.2% 0.7222222
4 Rarely 0 0% 0.0000000
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.0000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.0000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 2326 NA


Variable label: How often are the Storting’s decision influenced by: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Storting’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 3 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00000000
2 Quite often 3 16.7% 0.16666667
3 Sometimes 14 77.8% 0.77777778
4 Rarely 1 5.6% 0.05555556
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00000000
6 Never 0 0% 0.00000000
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2326 NA


Variable label: How often are the Storting’s decision influenced by: PR agencies/communications agencies
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Storting’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: PR agencies/communications agencies
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 3 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00000000
2 Quite often 1 5.6% 0.05555556
3 Sometimes 9 50% 0.50000000
4 Rarely 4 22.2% 0.22222222
5 Very rarely 3 16.7% 0.16666667
6 Never 1 5.6% 0.05555556
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2326 NA


Variable label: How often are the Sámi Parliament’s decisions influenced by: Business organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Sámi Parliament’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Business organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 4 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00
2 Quite often 3 75% 0.75
3 Sometimes 1 25% 0.25
4 Rarely 0 0% 0.00
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00
6 Never 0 0% 0.00
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00
98 Not asked 2340 NA


Variable label: How often are the Sámi Parliament’s decision influenced by: Trade unions/professional organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Sámi Parliament’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Trade unions and professional organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 4 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00
2 Quite often 1 25% 0.25
3 Sometimes 3 75% 0.75
4 Rarely 0 0% 0.00
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00
6 Never 0 0% 0.00
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00
98 Not asked 2340 NA


Variable label: How often are the Sámi Parliament’s decision influenced by: Environmental protection organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Sámi Parliament’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Environmental protection organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 4 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00
2 Quite often 1 25% 0.25
3 Sometimes 2 50% 0.50
4 Rarely 1 25% 0.25
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00
6 Never 0 0% 0.00
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00
98 Not asked 2340 NA


Variable label: How often are the Sámi Parliament’s decision influenced by: Heath/welfare organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Sámi Parliament’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Health/welfare organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 4 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00
2 Quite often 1 25% 0.25
3 Sometimes 3 75% 0.75
4 Rarely 0 0% 0.00
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.00
6 Never 0 0% 0.00
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00
98 Not asked 2340 NA


Variable label: How often are the Sámi Parliament’s decision influenced by: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Sámi Parliament’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: Cultural/sports/leisure organisations
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 4 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:2-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.0
2 Quite often 2 50% 0.5
3 Sometimes 2 50% 0.5
4 Rarely 0 0% 0.0
5 Very rarely 0 0% 0.0
6 Never 0 0% 0.0
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.0
98 Not asked 2340 NA


Variable label: How often are the Sámi Parliament’s decision influenced by: PR agencies/communications agencies
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, how often would you say that the Sámi Parliament’s decisions are influenced by the following actors?
Literal question: PR agencies/communications agencies
Question owner: Rommetvedt (NORCE); Ketil Raknes (Høyskolen Kristiania); Bernard Enjolras (ISF); Kristin Strømsnes (UiB/NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4P6 = 4 & p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:3-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very often 0 0% 0.00
2 Quite often 0 0% 0.00
3 Sometimes 1 25% 0.25
4 Rarely 2 50% 0.50
5 Very rarely 1 25% 0.25
6 Never 0 0% 0.00
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00
98 Not asked 2340 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Respondents are randomly assigned into four groups. Tre experiment groups and one control group.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1selvstyre1_ran1;r19k1selvstyre1_ran1;f1k1selvstyre1_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. Respondents are randomly assigned into four groups. Tre experiment groups and one control group.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1193] [Invalid:1151] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A 295 24.7% 0.2472758
2 B 281 23.6% 0.2355407
3 C 305 25.6% 0.2556580
4 D 312 26.2% 0.2615256
Sysmiss 1151 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: Whether schools must close during a pandemic
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide whether schools must close during a pandemic?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1a_1;j1k1selvstyre1a_1;r19k1selvstyre1a_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 47 15.9% 0.15932203
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 98 33.2% 0.33220339
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 80 27.1% 0.27118644
4 Mostly up to the state 55 18.6% 0.18644068
5 Totally up to the state 15 5.1% 0.05084746
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2049 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: On the development of wind power in municipalities
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide on the development of wind power in individual municipalities?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1a_2;j1k1selvstyre1a_2;r19k1selvstyre1a_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 120 40.7% 0.40677966
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 91 30.8% 0.30847458
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 56 19% 0.18983051
4 Mostly up to the state 21 7.1% 0.07118644
5 Totally up to the state 7 2.4% 0.02372881
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2049 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: How close to the shoreline building can take place
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide how close to the shoreline building can take place?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1a_3;j1k1selvstyre1a_3;r19k1selvstyre1a_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 57 19.3% 0.193220339
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 85 28.8% 0.288135593
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 48 16.3% 0.162711864
4 Mostly up to the state 76 25.8% 0.257627119
5 Totally up to the state 28 9.5% 0.094915254
97 Not answered 1 0.3% 0.003389831
98 Not asked 2049 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: How large primary school classes should be
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide how large primary school classes should be?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1a_4;j1k1selvstyre1a_4;r19k1selvstyre1a_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 43 14.6% 0.14576271
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 87 29.5% 0.29491525
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 72 24.4% 0.24406780
4 Mostly up to the state 65 22% 0.22033898
5 Totally up to the state 28 9.5% 0.09491525
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2049 NA


Variable label: Should it be up to the municipalities or the state to decide whether schools must close during a pandemic?
Pre-question text: Imagine that there is a severe pandemic outbreak in Norway. Infection control experts disagree on whether closing schools will slow the pandemic.
Literal question: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to decide whether schools must be closed during a pandemic?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1b_primer;j1k1selvstyre1b_primer;r19k1selvstyre1b_primer
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 2]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 30 10.7% 0.1067616
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 60 21.4% 0.2135231
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 66 23.5% 0.2348754
4 Mostly up to the state 90 32% 0.3202847
5 Totally up to the state 35 12.5% 0.1245552
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 2063 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: On the development of wind power in municipalities
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide on the development of wind power in individual municipalities?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1b_1;j1k1selvstyre1b_1;r19k1selvstyre1b_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 2]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 100 35.6% 0.35587189
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 99 35.2% 0.35231317
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 50 17.8% 0.17793594
4 Mostly up to the state 28 10% 0.09964413
5 Totally up to the state 4 1.4% 0.01423488
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2063 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: How close to the shoreline building can take place
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide how close to the shoreline building can take place?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1b_2;j1k1selvstyre1b_2;r19k1selvstyre1b_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 2]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 65 23.1% 0.23131673
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 87 31% 0.30960854
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 52 18.5% 0.18505338
4 Mostly up to the state 55 19.6% 0.19572954
5 Totally up to the state 22 7.8% 0.07829181
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2063 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: How large primary school classes should be
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide how large primary school classes should be?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1b_3;j1k1selvstyre1b_3;r19k1selvstyre1b_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 2]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 43 15.3% 0.153024911
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 63 22.4% 0.224199288
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 56 19.9% 0.199288256
4 Mostly up to the state 91 32.4% 0.323843416
5 Totally up to the state 27 9.6% 0.096085409
97 Not answered 1 0.4% 0.003558719
98 Not asked 2063 NA


Variable label: Should it be up to the municipalities or up to the state to decide on the size of primary school classes?
Pre-question text: Imagine that the issue regarding the size of primary school classes is to be decided. The pedagogical community does not agree on which class size is best regarding the learning and well-being of pupils.
Literal question: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to decide on the size of primary school classes?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1c_primer;j1k1selvstyre1c_primer;r19k1selvstyre1c_primer
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 3]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 54 17.7% 0.17704918
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 110 36.1% 0.36065574
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 44 14.4% 0.14426230
4 Mostly up to the state 69 22.6% 0.22622951
5 Totally up to the state 28 9.2% 0.09180328
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2039 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: On the development of wind power in municipalities
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide on the development of wind power in individual municipalities?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1c_1;j1k1selvstyre1c_1;r19k1selvstyre1c_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 3]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 149 48.9% 0.488524590
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 83 27.2% 0.272131148
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 41 13.4% 0.134426230
4 Mostly up to the state 28 9.2% 0.091803279
5 Totally up to the state 3 1% 0.009836066
97 Not answered 1 0.3% 0.003278689
98 Not asked 2039 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: How close to the shoreline building can take place
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide how close to the shoreline building can take place?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1c_2;j1k1selvstyre1c_2;r19k1selvstyre1c_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 3]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 86 28.2% 0.281967213
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 86 28.2% 0.281967213
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 49 16.1% 0.160655738
4 Mostly up to the state 56 18.4% 0.183606557
5 Totally up to the state 26 8.5% 0.085245902
97 Not answered 2 0.7% 0.006557377
98 Not asked 2039 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the get state to decide: Whether schools must close during a pandemic
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide whether schools must close during a pandemic?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1c_3;j1k1selvstyre1c_3;r19k1selvstyre1c_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 3]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 61 20% 0.200000000
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 103 33.8% 0.337704918
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 79 25.9% 0.259016393
4 Mostly up to the state 44 14.4% 0.144262295
5 Totally up to the state 17 5.6% 0.055737705
97 Not answered 1 0.3% 0.003278689
98 Not asked 2039 NA


Variable label: Should it be up to the municipalities or to the state to decide on the development of wind power in individual municipalities?
Pre-question text: Imagine that a committee proposes significant wind power development in Norway. Environmental management experts disagree on whether the value of climate-friendly energy can justify the damage to nature that will result from the development.
Literal question: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to decide on the development of wind power in individual municipalities?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1d_primer;j1k1selvstyre1d_primer;r19k1selvstyre1d_primer
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 4]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 109 34.9% 0.34935897
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 124 39.7% 0.39743590
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 55 17.6% 0.17628205
4 Mostly up to the state 20 6.4% 0.06410256
5 Totally up to the state 4 1.3% 0.01282051
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2032 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: Whether schools must close during a pandemic
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide whether schools must close during a pandemic?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1d_1;j1k1selvstyre1d_1;r19k1selvstyre1d_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 4]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 46 14.7% 0.14743590
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 109 34.9% 0.34935897
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 83 26.6% 0.26602564
4 Mostly up to the state 58 18.6% 0.18589744
5 Totally up to the state 16 5.1% 0.05128205
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 2032 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: How close to the shoreline building can take place
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide how close to the shoreline building can take place?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1d_2;j1k1selvstyre1d_2;r19k1selvstyre1d_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 4]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 71 22.8% 0.227564103
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 88 28.2% 0.282051282
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 47 15.1% 0.150641026
4 Mostly up to the state 72 23.1% 0.230769231
5 Totally up to the state 33 10.6% 0.105769231
97 Not answered 1 0.3% 0.003205128
98 Not asked 2032 NA


Variable label: Should the municipalities or the state get to decide: How large primary school classes should be
Pre-question text: Do you think it should be up to the municipalities or up to the state to…
Literal question: decide how large primary school classes should be?
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre1d_3;j1k1selvstyre1d_3;r19k1selvstyre1d_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1 & p4k1selvstyre1_ran1 = 4]

[Experiment. Asked to one of the groups, dependent on the randomisation in p4k1selvstyre1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Totally up to the municipalities 47 15.1% 0.1506410
2 Mostly up to the municipalities 76 24.4% 0.2435897
3 As much up to the municipalities as it is up to the state 68 21.8% 0.2179487
4 Mostly up to the state 81 26% 0.2596154
5 Totally up to the state 40 12.8% 0.1282051
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 2032 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: Norwegian democracy could have worked just as well without local self-government
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement:
Literal question: Norwegian democracy could have worked just as well without local self-government.
Question owner: Jan Erling Klausen (UiO); Marte Winsvold (IFS)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1selvstyre2;j1k1selvstyre2;r19k1selvstyre2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 20 1.7% 0.016764459
2 Agree 11 0.9% 0.009220453
3 Somewhat agree 33 2.8% 0.027661358
4 Neither agree nor disagree 15 1.3% 0.012573345
5 Somewhat disagree 71 6% 0.059513831
6 Disagree 283 23.7% 0.237217100
7 Strongly disagree 759 63.6% 0.636211232
97 Not answered 1 0.1% 0.000838223
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: To what extent appointment of Supreme Court justices should take into account social and cultural diversity
Pre-question text: Provided that applicants to the Supreme Court of Norway’s judicial offices have the necessary professional qualifications, applicant assessments may also take into account that the Supreme Court should reflect Norway both socially and culturally.
Literal question: To what extent do you think that the appointment of Supreme Court justices should take into account the social and cultural diversity found in society?
Question owner: Gunnar Grendstad (UiB); Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB); Marta R. Eidheim (UiB); Jon Kåre Skiple (NORCE); Henrik Litlere Bentsen (NORCE); Ingvild Misje (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1dommere1;j1k1dommere1;r19k1dommere1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 190 15.9% 0.159262364
2 To a large extent 422 35.4% 0.353730092
3 To some extent 367 30.8% 0.307627829
4 To a small extent 106 8.9% 0.088851635
5 Not at all 102 8.5% 0.085498743
97 Not answered 6 0.5% 0.005029338
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: To what extent Supreme Court justices must have ‘insight and involvement in general societal issues’
Pre-question text: The assessment of applicants to the judicial offices must follow the applicable guidelines.
Literal question: To what extent do you agree with the guidelines that say Supreme Court justices must have ‘insight and involvement in general societal issues’?
Question owner: Gunnar Grendstad (UiB); Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB); Marta R. Eidheim (UiB); Jon Kåre Skiple (NORCE); Henrik Litlere Bentsen (NORCE); Ingvild Misje (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1dommere2;j1k1dommere2;r19k1dommere2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 380 31.9% 0.31852473
2 To a large extent 554 46.4% 0.46437552
3 To some extent 201 16.8% 0.16848282
4 To a small extent 26 2.2% 0.02179380
5 Not at all 18 1.5% 0.01508801
97 Not answered 14 1.2% 0.01173512
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1dommere3.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1dommere3_ran1;r19k1dommere3_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1dommere3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1188] [Invalid:1156] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 [BLANK] 591 49.7% 0.4974747
2 14 out of 20 justices are born in the Oslo area, 18 out of 20 justices have been educated in Oslo, and 17 of the justices have spent at least 80 percent of their working lives in Oslo. 597 50.3% 0.5025253
Sysmiss 1156 NA


Variable label: How important that the Supreme Court of Norway has a composition of justices that reflects Norway geographically
Pre-question text:

The Supreme Court of Norway is the judicial branch and makes an increasing number of decisions that bring the court of law closer to the Storting which is the legislative branch. [k1dommere3_ran1]

Literal question: How important do you think it is that the Supreme Court of Norway has a composition of justices that reflects Norway geographically?
Question owner: Gunnar Grendstad (UiB); Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB); Marta R. Eidheim (UiB); Jon Kåre Skiple (NORCE); Henrik Litlere Bentsen (NORCE); Ingvild Misje (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1dommere3;j1k1dommere3;r19k1dommere3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1dommere3_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very important 473 39.6% 0.396479464
2 Important 387 32.4% 0.324392288
3 Somewhat important 228 19.1% 0.191114837
4 Not very important 63 5.3% 0.052808047
5 Not important at all 31 2.6% 0.025984912
97 Not answered 11 0.9% 0.009220453
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ansvar1_1.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1ansvar1_ran1;r19k1ansvar1_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ansvar1_1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1187] [Invalid:1157] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 [BLANK] 577 48.6% 0.4860994
2 Primary and lower secondary school results are very important for many people, and they have been shown to play a significant role regarding which political party people vote for. 610 51.4% 0.5139006
Sysmiss 1157 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ansvar1_1.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1ansvar1_ran2;r19k1ansvar1_ran2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ansvar1_1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1187] [Invalid:1157] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 better 590 49.7% 0.4970514
2 worse 597 50.3% 0.5029486
Sysmiss 1157 NA


Variable label: Important explanation regarding school results in your municipality: Committed headteachers/school staff
Pre-question text:

Primary and lower secondary schools in Norway are required to report detailed annual results regarding a number of factors. These include graduating grades (Year 10), and the percentage of pupils at the lowest level of mastery in national tests. [k1ansvar1_ran1] Imagine that new municipal level data show that the results from primary and lower secondary schools in your municipality are [k1ansvar1_ran2] than in comparable neighbouring municipalities regarding a number of important indicators.

In your opinion, what are the most important explanations regarding the primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Committed headteachers and school staff.
Post-question: Select all the alternatives that apply.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar1_1;r19k1ansvar1_1;j1k1ansvar1_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1ansvar1_ran1 and p4k1ansvar_ran2. Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar2 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 180 15.1% 0.15088013
1 Selected 989 82.9% 0.82900251
97 Not answered 24 2% 0.02011735
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Important explanation regarding school results in your municipality: Parents who take responsibility
Pre-question text:

Primary and lower secondary schools in Norway are required to report detailed annual results regarding a number of factors. These include graduating grades (Year 10), and the percentage of pupils at the lowest level of mastery in national tests. [k1ansvar1_ran1] Imagine that new municipal level data show that the results from primary and lower secondary schools in your municipality are [k1ansvar1_ran2] than in comparable neighbouring municipalities regarding a number of important indicators.

In your opinion, what are the most important explanations regarding the primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Parents who take responsibility for their children’s education.
Post-question: Select all the alternatives that apply.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar1_2;r19k1ansvar1_2;j1k1ansvar1_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar2 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 473 39.6% 0.39647946
1 Selected 696 58.3% 0.58340319
97 Not answered 24 2% 0.02011735
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Important explanation regarding school results in your municipality: Commitment among the parties in power/the mayor’s political party
Pre-question text:

Primary and lower secondary schools in Norway are required to report detailed annual results regarding a number of factors. These include graduating grades (Year 10), and the percentage of pupils at the lowest level of mastery in national tests. [k1ansvar1_ran1] Imagine that new municipal level data show that the results from primary and lower secondary schools in your municipality are [k1ansvar1_ran]] than in comparable neighbouring municipalities regarding a number of important indicators.

In your opinion, what are the most important explanations regarding the primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Commitment to educational policy among the parties in power / the mayor’s political party.
Post-question: Select all the alternatives that apply.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar1_3;r19k1ansvar1_3;j1k1ansvar1_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar2 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 739 61.9% 0.61944677
1 Selected 430 36% 0.36043588
97 Not answered 24 2% 0.02011735
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Important explanation regarding school results in your municipality: Commitment among the opposition
Pre-question text:

Primary and lower secondary schools in Norway are required to report detailed annual results regarding a number of factors. These include graduating grades (Year 10), and the percentage of pupils at the lowest level of mastery in national tests. [k1ansvar1_ran1] Imagine that new municipal level data show that the results from primary and lower secondary schools in your municipality are [k1ansvar1_ran2] than in comparable neighbouring municipalities regarding a number of important indicators.

In your opinion, what are the most important explanations regarding the primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Commitment to educational policy among the opposition / municipal councillors who are not members of the mayor’s political party.
Post-question: Select all the alternatives that apply.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar1_4;r19k1ansvar1_4;j1k1ansvar1_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar2 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 912 76.4% 0.76445935
1 Selected 257 21.5% 0.21542330
97 Not answered 24 2% 0.02011735
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Important explanation regarding school results in your municipality: Policies and funding from the County Authority/Government
Pre-question text:

Primary and lower secondary schools in Norway are required to report detailed annual results regarding a number of factors. These include graduating grades (Year 10), and the percentage of pupils at the lowest level of mastery in national tests. [k1ansvar1_ran1] Imagine that new municipal level data show that the results from primary and lower secondary schools in your municipality are [k1ansvar1_ran2] than in comparable neighbouring municipalities regarding a number of important indicators.

In your opinion, what are the most important explanations regarding the primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Policies and funding from the County Authority/Government.
Post-question: Select all the alternatives that apply.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar1_5;r19k1ansvar1_5;j1k1ansvar1_5
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar2 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 663 55.6% 0.55574183
1 Selected 506 42.4% 0.42414082
97 Not answered 24 2% 0.02011735
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Most responsible for school results in your municipality: Headteachers and school staff
Pre-question text: In what order would you rank the following actors in terms of who you think is most responsible for these primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Headteachers and school staff
Post-question: Please rank three actors. The alternative that you consider most important should be ranked as number 1. To rank the alternatives, click on them in the preferred order. If you change your mind, you can click on them again to remove the ticks.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar2_1;j1k1ansvar2_1;r19k1ansvar2_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar1 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Ranking] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 739 61.9% 0.61944677
2 2 265 22.2% 0.22212909
3 3 94 7.9% 0.07879296
97 Not answered 95 8% 0.07963118
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Most responsible for school results in your municipality: Public sector employees/municipal administration
Pre-question text: In what order would you rank the following actors in terms of who you think is most responsible for these primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Public sector employees / municipal administration
Post-question: Please rank three actors. The alternative that you consider most important should be ranked as number 1. To rank the alternatives, click on them in the preferred order. If you change your mind, you can click on them again to remove the ticks.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar2_2;j1k1ansvar2_2;r19k1ansvar2_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar1 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Ranking] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 65 5.4% 0.05448449
2 2 156 13.1% 0.13076278
3 3 278 23.3% 0.23302598
97 Not answered 694 58.2% 0.58172674
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Most responsible for school results in your municipality: Parents
Pre-question text: In what order would you rank the following actors in terms of who you think is most responsible for these primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: Parents
Post-question: Please rank three actors. The alternative that you consider most important should be ranked as number 1. To rank the alternatives, click on them in the preferred order. If you change your mind, you can click on them again to remove the ticks.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar2_3;j1k1ansvar2_3;r19k1ansvar2_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar1 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Ranking] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 164 13.7% 0.1374686
2 2 453 38% 0.3797150
3 3 195 16.3% 0.1634535
97 Not answered 381 31.9% 0.3193630
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Most responsible for school results in your municipality: The parties in power/The mayor’s political party
Pre-question text: In what order would you rank the following actors in terms of who you think is most responsible for these primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: The parties in power/ The mayor’s political party
Post-question: Please rank three actors. The alternative that you consider most important should be ranked as number 1. To rank the alternatives, click on them in the preferred order. If you change your mind, you can click on them again to remove the ticks.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar2_4;j1k1ansvar2_4;r19k1ansvar2_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar1 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Ranking] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 74 6.2% 0.0620285
2 2 131 11% 0.1098072
3 3 240 20.1% 0.2011735
97 Not answered 748 62.7% 0.6269908
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Most responsible for school results in your municipality: The opposition/Municipal councillors who are not members of the mayor’s political party
Pre-question text: In what order would you rank the following actors in terms of who you think is most responsible for these primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: The opposition / Municipal councillors who are not members of the mayor’s political party
Post-question: Please rank three actors. The alternative that you consider most important should be ranked as number 1. To rank the alternatives, click on them in the preferred order. If you change your mind, you can click on them again to remove the ticks.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar2_5;j1k1ansvar2_5;r19k1ansvar2_5
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar1 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Ranking] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 7 0.6% 0.005867561
2 2 17 1.4% 0.014249790
3 3 47 3.9% 0.039396479
97 Not answered 1122 94% 0.940486169
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Most responsible for school results in your municipality: The county authority/ National government
Pre-question text: In what order would you rank the following actors in terms of who you think is most responsible for these primary and lower secondary school results in your municipality?
Literal question: The county authority/ National government
Post-question: Please rank three actors. The alternative that you consider most important should be ranked as number 1. To rank the alternatives, click on them in the preferred order. If you change your mind, you can click on them again to remove the ticks.
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar2_6;j1k1ansvar2_6;r19k1ansvar2_6
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar1 and p4k1ansvar3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Ranking] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 113 9.5% 0.09471920
2 2 106 8.9% 0.08885163
3 3 226 18.9% 0.18943839
97 Not answered 748 62.7% 0.62699078
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Whether new results for schools would have affected the voter turnout for the mayor’s political party
Literal question: Do you think these new results for primary and lower secondary schools in your municipality would have affected the voter turnout for the mayor’s political party at the next local election?
Question owner: Nanna Lauritz Schönhage (VUB); Martin Bækgaard (AU); Benny Geys (BI)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ansvar3;j1k1ansvar3;r19k1ansvar3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1ansvar1 and p4k1ansvar2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Highly unlikely 107 9% 0.08968986
2 Quite unlikely 154 12.9% 0.12908634
3 Unlikely 233 19.5% 0.19530595
4 Neutral 311 26.1% 0.26068734
5 Likely 282 23.6% 0.23637888
6 Quite likely 59 4.9% 0.04945516
7 Highly likely 18 1.5% 0.01508801
97 Not answered 29 2.4% 0.02430847
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1udidir1.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1udidir1_ran1;r19k1udidir1_ran1;f1k1udidir1_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1udidir1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1167] [Invalid:1177] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The new director has several years of experience in the field of immigration. Hansen has extensive political experience and has recently been a state secretary (deputy minister) in the Ministry of Justice and Public Security. 269 23.1% 0.2305056
2 The new director does not have experience in the field of immigration. Hansen has extensive political experience and has recently been a state secretary (deputy minister) in the Ministry of Transport. 302 25.9% 0.2587832
3 The new director has several years of experience in the field of immigration. Hansen arrives after leaving his position as Director General (administrative deputy) in the Ministry of Justice and Public Security. He has also held several other positions in central administration. 283 24.3% 0.2425021
4 The new director does not have experience in the field of immigration. Hansen arrives after leaving his position as Director General (administrative deputy) in the Ministry of Transport. He has also held several other positions in central administration. 313 26.8% 0.2682091
Sysmiss 1177 NA


Variable label: How well qualified is Jan Hansen regarding the position of director at the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration?
Pre-question text: Imagine a case where a person, Jan Hansen, is employed as the new director of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration is governed by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and implements the Government’s refugee and immigration policies. [k1udidir1_ran1]
Literal question: How well qualified do you think Jan Hansen is regarding the position of director at the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration?
Question owner: Jostein Askim (UiO); Tobias Bach (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: r19k1udidir1;j1k1udidir1;f1k1udidir1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1udidir1_ran1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very well qualified 54 4.5% 0.04526404
2 Well qualified 304 25.5% 0.25481978
3 Somewhat qualified 230 19.3% 0.19279128
4 Neither well nor poorly qualified 255 21.4% 0.21374686
5 Somewhat poorly qualified 170 14.2% 0.14249790
6 Poorly qualified 110 9.2% 0.09220453
7 Very poorly qualified 39 3.3% 0.03269070
97 Not answered 31 2.6% 0.02598491
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: What advice do you think UDI’s Director Hansen will give the minister on how the case should be handled politically?
Pre-question text: Imagine a case emerging where government policy is clearly in violation of a recommendation set out by experts from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration. The Minister of Justice and Public Security is aware of the professional recommendation, but still asks UDI’s Director Jan Hansen for advice on how the case should be handled politically.
Literal question: What advice do you think Hansen will give the minister?
Question owner: Jostein Askim (UiO); Tobias Bach (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1udidir2;j1k1udidir2;r19k1udidir2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To fully follow the professional recommendation 170 14.2% 0.14249790
2 To follow the professional recommendation to a large extent 431 36.1% 0.36127410
3 To follow the professional recommendation to some extent 182 15.3% 0.15255658
4 Follow both in equal measures 91 7.6% 0.07627829
5 To follow the Government’s original policy to some extent 94 7.9% 0.07879296
6 To follow the Government’s original policy to a large extent 134 11.2% 0.11232188
7 To fully follow the Government’s original policy 37 3.1% 0.03101425
97 Not answered 54 4.5% 0.04526404
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: How do you think UDI’s Director Hansen will resolve this case practically?
Pre-question text: The Minister of Justice and Public Security decides to disregard the professional recommendation. As Director of UDI, Jan Hansen can still influence how the case is practically resolved.  
Literal question: How do you think Hansen will resolve this case?
Post-question: He will…:
Question owner: Jostein Askim (UiO); Tobias Bach (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1udidir3;j1k1udidir3;r19k1udidir3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Fully follow the professional recommendation 55 4.6% 0.04610226
2 Follow the professional recommendation to a large extent 185 15.5% 0.15507125
3 Follow the professional recommendation to some extent 166 13.9% 0.13914501
4 Follow the professional recommendation and the political decision in equal measures 215 18% 0.18021794
5 Follow government policy to some extent 156 13.1% 0.13076278
6 Follow government policy to a large extent 230 19.3% 0.19279128
7 Fully follow government policy 113 9.5% 0.09471920
97 Not answered 73 6.1% 0.06119028
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: How UDI’s Director Hansen will manage the new government’s less restrictive refugee and immigration policy
Pre-question text: Imagine that there is a change of government and the new government has a new, less restrictive refugee and immigration policy.  
Literal question: How do you think Hansen as UDI’s Director will manage the new government policy?
Post-question: He will…
Question owner: Jostein Askim (UiO); Tobias Bach (UiO); Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1udidir4;j1k1udidir4;r19k1udidir4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Fully implement the new government policy 224 18.8% 0.187761945
2 Implement the new government policy to a large extent 348 29.2% 0.291701593
3 Implement the new government policy to some extent 192 16.1% 0.160938810
4 Try to find solutions that are halfway between the new government policy and the old, more restrictive policy 254 21.3% 0.212908634
5 Retain the old, restrictive policy to some extent 60 5% 0.050293378
6 Retain the old, restrictive policy to a large extent 28 2.3% 0.023470243
7 Fully retain the old, restrictive policy 5 0.4% 0.004191115
97 Not answered 82 6.9% 0.068734283
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Do their job without being influenced by their own political views: Public sector bureaucrats
Pre-question text: To what extent do you think you can trust people in the following professions to do their job without being influenced by their own political views?
Literal question: Public sector bureaucrats
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech1_1;j1k1demtech1_1;r19k1demtech1_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 96 8% 0.08046940
2 To a large extent 478 40.1% 0.40067058
3 To some extent 419 35.1% 0.35121542
4 To a small extent 132 11.1% 0.11064543
5 Not at all 16 1.3% 0.01341157
97 Not answered 52 4.4% 0.04358759
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Do their job without being influenced by their own political views: Teachers
Pre-question text: To what extent do you think you can trust people in the following professions to do their job without being influenced by their own political views?
Literal question: Teachers
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech1_2;j1k1demtech1_2;r19k1demtech1_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 168 14.1% 0.14082146
2 To a large extent 529 44.3% 0.44341995
3 To some extent 329 27.6% 0.27577536
4 To a small extent 101 8.5% 0.08466052
5 Not at all 14 1.2% 0.01173512
97 Not answered 52 4.4% 0.04358759
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Do their job without being influenced by their own political views: Journalists
Pre-question text: To what extent do you think you can trust people in the following professions to do their job without being influenced by their own political views?
Literal question: Journalists
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech1_3;j1k1demtech1_3;r19k1demtech1_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 48 4% 0.04023470
2 To a large extent 249 20.9% 0.20871752
3 To some extent 470 39.4% 0.39396479
4 To a small extent 281 23.6% 0.23554065
5 Not at all 93 7.8% 0.07795474
97 Not answered 52 4.4% 0.04358759
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Do their job without being influenced by their own political views: Researchers
Pre-question text: To what extent do you think you can trust people in the following professions to do their job without being influenced by their own political views?
Literal question: Researchers
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech1_4;j1k1demtech1_4;r19k1demtech1_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 217 18.2% 0.18189438
2 To a large extent 503 42.2% 0.42162615
3 To some extent 294 24.6% 0.24643755
4 To a small extent 106 8.9% 0.08885163
5 Not at all 21 1.8% 0.01760268
97 Not answered 52 4.4% 0.04358759
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Do their job without being influenced by their own political views: Judges
Pre-question text: To what extent do you think you can trust people in the following professions to do their job without being influenced by their own political views?
Literal question: Judges
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech1_5;j1k1demtech1_5;r19k1demtech1_5
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 352 29.5% 0.29505448
2 To a large extent 514 43.1% 0.43084661
3 To some extent 194 16.3% 0.16261526
4 To a small extent 57 4.8% 0.04777871
5 Not at all 24 2% 0.02011735
97 Not answered 52 4.4% 0.04358759
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Should experts or politicians have the most influence on: Crisis management
Pre-question text: The amount of influence that experts and elected politicians have on different areas of society varies. In some areas, experts have the most influence, while in other areas, politicians have the most influence. Who do you think should have the most influence on the following areas?
Literal question: Crisis management
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech2_1;j1k1demtech2_1;r19k1demtech2_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Politicians should have full influence over the issue 34 2.8% 0.02849958
2 Politicians should have much more influence than experts 44 3.7% 0.03688181
3 Politicians should have more influence than experts 192 16.1% 0.16093881
4 Politicians and experts should have the same amount of influence 316 26.5% 0.26487846
5 Experts should have more influence than politicians 343 28.8% 0.28751048
6 Experts should have much more influence than politicians 172 14.4% 0.14417435
7 Experts should have full influence over the issue 38 3.2% 0.03185247
97 Not answered 54 4.5% 0.04526404
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Should experts or politicians have the most influence on: Finance
Pre-question text: The amount of influence that experts and elected politicians have on different areas of society varies. In some areas, experts have the most influence, while in other areas, politicians have the most influence. Who do you think should have the most influence on the following areas?
Literal question: Finance
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech2_2;j1k1demtech2_2;r19k1demtech2_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Politicians should have full influence over the issue 98 8.2% 0.082145851
2 Politicians should have much more influence than experts 178 14.9% 0.149203688
3 Politicians should have more influence than experts 383 32.1% 0.321039396
4 Politicians and experts should have the same amount of influence 289 24.2% 0.242246438
5 Experts should have more influence than politicians 148 12.4% 0.124056999
6 Experts should have much more influence than politicians 37 3.1% 0.031014250
7 Experts should have full influence over the issue 3 0.3% 0.002514669
97 Not answered 57 4.8% 0.047778709
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Should experts or politicians have the most influence on: Immigration
Pre-question text: The amount of influence that experts and elected politicians have on different areas of society varies. In some areas, experts have the most influence, while in other areas, politicians have the most influence. Who do you think should have the most influence on the following areas?
Literal question: Immigration
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech2_3;j1k1demtech2_3;r19k1demtech2_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Politicians should have full influence over the issue 148 12.4% 0.124056999
2 Politicians should have much more influence than experts 238 19.9% 0.199497066
3 Politicians should have more influence than experts 354 29.7% 0.296730930
4 Politicians and experts should have the same amount of influence 303 25.4% 0.253981559
5 Experts should have more influence than politicians 67 5.6% 0.056160939
6 Experts should have much more influence than politicians 20 1.7% 0.016764459
7 Experts should have full influence over the issue 8 0.7% 0.006705784
97 Not answered 55 4.6% 0.046102263
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Should experts or politicians have the most influence on: Criminal policy
Pre-question text: The amount of influence that experts and elected politicians have on different areas of society varies. In some areas, experts have the most influence, while in other areas, politicians have the most influence. Who do you think should have the most influence on the following areas?
Literal question: Criminal policy
Question owner: Jonas Linde (UiB); Lars Erik Berntzen (UiB); Andrej Kokkonen (GU)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1demtech2_4;j1k1demtech2_4;r19k1demtech2_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Politicians should have full influence over the issue 88 7.4% 0.07376362
2 Politicians should have much more influence than experts 133 11.1% 0.11148365
3 Politicians should have more influence than experts 281 23.6% 0.23554065
4 Politicians and experts should have the same amount of influence 313 26.2% 0.26236379
5 Experts should have more influence than politicians 208 17.4% 0.17435038
6 Experts should have much more influence than politicians 92 7.7% 0.07711651
7 Experts should have full influence over the issue 23 1.9% 0.01927913
97 Not answered 55 4.6% 0.04610226
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1poladm.]
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1poladm_ran
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1poladm.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1145] [Invalid:1199] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 One alternative appears to be by far the best in a professional sense, but it is an alternative the political leadership does not want. 571 49.9% 0.49869
2 Although there is considerable professional disagreement, one alternative appears to be the best in a professional sense, but it is an alternative the political leadership does not want. 574 50.1% 0.50131
Sysmiss 1199 NA


Variable label: What the administration should do when their proposal is unlikely to be adopted
Pre-question text:

Imagine that the political leadership has asked the administration to study and promote a proposed resolution in a difficult case related to the development and financing of roads. The case involves a number of aspects (natural areas, pollution, road tolls) about which there is considerable political conflict. The study is based on expertise from internal administration and from external experts (researchers). [k1poladm_ran]

It is unlikely that the proposal will be adopted.
Literal question: What do you think is the most correct thing for the administration to do in such a situation?
Post-question: You may only tick one of the alternatives.
Question owner: Dag Ingvar Jacobsen (UiA)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1poladm
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 1]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1poladm_ran.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Promote the alternative which the professional expertise believes is the best in a professional sense. 448 37.6% 0.37552389
3 Discuss the case with the political leadership to see if it is possible to approve the case if minor changes are made. 651 54.6% 0.54568315
4 Promote the alternative that is most likely to be politically adopted. 36 3% 0.03017603
97 Not answered 58 4.9% 0.04861693
98 Not asked 1151 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: Central authorities show little consideration for non-urban/rural Norway
Pre-question text:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Literal question: Central authorities show little consideration for non-urban/rural Norway.
Question owner: Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB); Kiran Auerbach (UiB); Marta R. Eidheim (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1sentral1;j1k1sentral1;r19k1sentral1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 397 34.5% 0.3449174631
2 Agree 294 25.5% 0.2554300608
3 Somewhat agree 242 21% 0.2102519548
4 Neither agree nor disagree 36 3.1% 0.0312771503
5 Somewhat disagree 61 5.3% 0.0529973936
6 Disagree 79 6.9% 0.0686359687
7 Strongly disagree 41 3.6% 0.0356211990
97 Not answered 1 0.1% 0.0008688097
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Where do you think it is best for children to grow up? 
Literal question: Where do you think it is best for children to grow up? 
Question owner: Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB); Kiran Auerbach (UiB); Marta R. Eidheim (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1sentral2;j1k1sentral2;r19k1sentral2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A big city 6 0.5% 0.005212858
2 A suburb or the outskirts of a big city 68 5.9% 0.059079062
3 A small or medium-sized city 348 30.2% 0.302345786
4 A village 335 29.1% 0.291051260
5 A sparsely populated area 117 10.2% 0.101650738
6 It does not matter 269 23.4% 0.233709818
97 Not answered 8 0.7% 0.006950478
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1sentral3.]
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1sentral3_ran1;j1k1sentral3_ran1;r19k1sentral3_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1sentral3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1150] [Invalid:1194] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selects k1sentral3a 579 50.3% 0.5034783
2 Selects k1sentral3b 571 49.7% 0.4965217
Sysmiss 1194 NA


Variable label: What do you agree with the most: Public institutions should be A) larger/fewer or B) smaller/several
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, which of the following statements do you agree with the most:
Literal question:

A: There should be larger and fewer public institutions, such as municipalities, hospitals, educational institutions and police districts.

B: There should be smaller and more public institutions, such as municipalities, hospitals, educational institutions and police districts.
Question owner: Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB); Kiran Auerbach (UiB); Marta R. Eidheim (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1sentral3a;j1k1sentral3a;r19k1sentral3a
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 6 & p4k1sentral3_ran1 = 1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree with A 39 6.7% 0.06735751
2 Agree much more with A 67 11.6% 0.11571675
3 Agree somewhat more with A 81 14% 0.13989637
4 Equally agree with A and B 62 10.7% 0.10708117
5 Agree somewhat more with B 125 21.6% 0.21588946
6 Agree much more with B 116 20% 0.20034542
7 Completely agree with B 89 15.4% 0.15371330
97 Not answered 0 0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 1765 NA


Variable label: What do you agree with the most: Public institutions should be A) smaller/several or B) larger/fewer
Pre-question text: Generally speaking, which of the following statements do you agree with the most:
Literal question:

A: There should be smaller and more public institutions, such as municipalities, hospitals, educational institutions and police districts.

B: There should be larger and fewer public institutions, such as municipalities, hospitals, educational institutions and police districts.
Question owner: Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB); Kiran Auerbach (UiB); Marta R. Eidheim (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1sentral3b;j1k1sentral3b;r19k1sentral3b
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 6 & p4k1sentral3_ran1 = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree with A 99 17.3% 0.173380035
2 Agree much more with A 146 25.6% 0.255691769
3 Agree somewhat more with A 108 18.9% 0.189141856
4 Equally agree with A and B 63 11% 0.110332750
5 Agree somewhat more with B 83 14.5% 0.145359019
6 Agree much more with B 48 8.4% 0.084063047
7 Completely agree with B 23 4% 0.040280210
97 Not answered 1 0.2% 0.001751313
98 Not asked 1773 NA


Variable label: To what extent fair that a person has high level of wealth due to: Hard work
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree that it is fair that a person has a high level of wealth due to the following reasons?
Literal question: Hard work
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ulikhet1_1;j1k1ulikhet1_1;r19k1ulikhet1_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 531 46.1% 0.461337967
2 Agree 394 34.2% 0.342311034
3 Somewhat agree 132 11.5% 0.114682884
4 Neither agree nor disagree 53 4.6% 0.046046916
5 Somewhat disagree 17 1.5% 0.014769765
6 Disagree 9 0.8% 0.007819288
7 Strongly disagree 11 1% 0.009556907
97 Not answered 4 0.3% 0.003475239
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent fair that a person has high level of wealth due to: Luck
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree that it is fair that a person has a high level of wealth due to the following reasons?
Literal question: Luck
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ulikhet1_2;j1k1ulikhet1_2;r19k1ulikhet1_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 140 12.2% 0.12163336
2 Agree 224 19.5% 0.19461338
3 Somewhat agree 159 13.8% 0.13814075
4 Neither agree nor disagree 350 30.4% 0.30408341
5 Somewhat disagree 97 8.4% 0.08427454
6 Disagree 89 7.7% 0.07732407
7 Strongly disagree 59 5.1% 0.05125977
97 Not answered 33 2.9% 0.02867072
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent fair that a person has high level of wealth due to: Talent
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree that it is fair that a person has a high level of wealth due to the following reasons?
Literal question: Talent
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ulikhet1_3;j1k1ulikhet1_3;r19k1ulikhet1_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 300 26.1% 0.26064292
2 Agree 447 38.8% 0.38835795
3 Somewhat agree 224 19.5% 0.19461338
4 Neither agree nor disagree 101 8.8% 0.08774978
5 Somewhat disagree 23 2% 0.01998262
6 Disagree 13 1.1% 0.01129453
7 Strongly disagree 15 1.3% 0.01303215
97 Not answered 28 2.4% 0.02432667
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent fair that a person has high level of wealth due to: Family
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree that it is fair that a person has a high level of wealth due to the following reasons?
Literal question: Family
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ulikhet1_4;j1k1ulikhet1_4;r19k1ulikhet1_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 164 14.2% 0.14248480
2 Agree 253 22% 0.21980886
3 Somewhat agree 195 16.9% 0.16941790
4 Neither agree nor disagree 217 18.9% 0.18853171
5 Somewhat disagree 131 11.4% 0.11381407
6 Disagree 94 8.2% 0.08166811
7 Strongly disagree 68 5.9% 0.05907906
97 Not answered 29 2.5% 0.02519548
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ulikhet2.]
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1ulikhet2_ran1;r19k1ulikhet2_ran1;f1k1ulikhet2_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ulikhet2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1150] [Invalid:1194] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 [BLANK] 408 35.5% 0.3547826
2 In Norway, the richest 10 percent of households own half of Norway’s private wealth. 387 33.7% 0.3365217
3 In Norway today, the poorest 50 percent of households own 5 percent of Norway’s private wealth. 355 30.9% 0.3086957
Sysmiss 1194 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ulikhet2.]
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1ulikhet2_ran2;r19k1ulikhet2_ran2;f1k1ulikhet2_ran2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ulikhet2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1150] [Invalid:1194] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 unequal political influence and power 277 24.1% 0.2408696
2 unequal life opportunities 295 25.7% 0.2565217
3 increased crime 261 22.7% 0.2269565
4 greater economic differences between men and women 317 27.6% 0.2756522
Sysmiss 1194 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ulikhet2.]
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1ulikhet2_ran3;r19k1ulikhet2_ran3;f1k1ulikhet2_ran3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1ulikhet2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1150] [Invalid:1194] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Reintroducing inheritance tax 305 26.5% 0.2652174
2 Increasing wealth tax 295 25.7% 0.2565217
3 Raising taxes on very high incomes 259 22.5% 0.2252174
4 State capital transfers of approximately NOK 1 million to all Norwegian citizens when they turn 27 years old 291 25.3% 0.2530435
Sysmiss 1194 NA


Variable label: Your opinion on political propsal aimed at reducing wealth inequality
Pre-question text:

We would like to know your opinion on a political proposal aimed at reducing wealth inequality. [k1ulikhet2_ran1] Although wealth inequality may be fair for various reasons, it may lead to [k1ulikhet2_ran2].

[k1ulikhet2_ran3] may reduce wealth inequality.
Literal question: To what extent would you oppose or support such a proposal?
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ulikhet2;j1k1ulikhet2;f1k1ulikhet2;r19k1ulikhet2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1ulikhet2_ran1-p4k1ulikhet2_ran3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very strongly oppose 182 15.8% 0.158123371
2 Strongly oppose 166 14.4% 0.144222415
3 Somewhat oppose 148 12.9% 0.128583840
4 Neither oppose nor support 82 7.1% 0.071242398
5 Somewhat support 208 18.1% 0.180712424
6 Support strongly 200 17.4% 0.173761946
7 Very strongly support 161 14% 0.139878367
97 Not answered 4 0.3% 0.003475239
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Overall, what do you think about the efforts being made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Norway?
Pre-question text: Norway has set itself the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to prevent harmful climate change. In order to achieve the objective of reducing emissions, a number of measures have been initiated.
Literal question: Overall, what do you think about the efforts being made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Norway?
Question owner: Gisle Andersen (NORCE); Christine Merk (IFW); Åsta D. Nordø, (NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1miljo2;j1k1miljo2;r19k1miljo2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Flip]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The efforts are too small 529 46% 0.459600348
2 The efforts are appropriate 480 41.7% 0.417028671
3 The efforts are too great 139 12.1% 0.120764553
97 Not answered 3 0.3% 0.002606429
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: What do you think about the technology used to limit climate change?
Pre-question text: One of the measures that Norway has worked on to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the capture and storage of CO2 (carbon dioxide). On a large scale, the technology can play an important role in limiting climate change.
Literal question: What do you think about this technology?
Question owner: Gisle Andersen (NORCE); Christine Merk (IFW); Åsta D. Nordø, (NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1miljo3;j1k1miljo3;r19k1miljo3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Flip]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very negative 60 5.2% 0.052128584
2 Slightly negative 77 6.7% 0.066898349
3 Slightly positive 351 30.5% 0.304952215
4 Very positive 573 49.8% 0.497827976
5 No opinion / do not know 88 7.6% 0.076455256
97 Not answered 2 0.2% 0.001737619
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1polkan1_profil1 and p4k1polkan1_profil2.]
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1polkan1_profil1 and p4k1polkan1_profil2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1150] [Invalid:1194] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Kristian Hansen 362 31.5% 0.3147826
2 Malik Nadeem 360 31.3% 0.3130435
3 Warsame Abdi 428 37.2% 0.3721739
Sysmiss 1194 NA


Variable label: To what extent the candidate is competent for a place on the political party list
Pre-question text:

We would now like you to consider two current candidate profiles for a place on your political party’s list at the next municipal council election. Read the description of the candidate thoroughly and then answer the questions regarding your assessment of the profile.

Profile 1 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member for 2 years, has participated in member meetings and a few election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: None.
Literal question: To what extent do you consider the candidate competent for a place on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_2, p4k1polkan2profil1_1, p4k1polkan2profil1_2 and p4k1polkan3profil1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 316 27.5% 0.274543875
2 To a large extent 548 47.6% 0.476107732
3 To some extent 227 19.7% 0.197219809
4 To a small extent 45 3.9% 0.039096438
5 Not at all 5 0.4% 0.004344049
97 Not answered 10 0.9% 0.008688097
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent the candidate have the necessary qualifications for a place on the political party list
Pre-question text:

We would now like you to consider two current candidate profiles for a place on your political party’s list at the next municipal council election. Read the description of the candidate thoroughly and then answer the questions regarding your assessment of the profile.

Profile 1 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member for 2 years, has participated in member meetings and a few election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: None.
Literal question: To what extent do you consider the candidate to have the necessary qualifications for a place on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_1, p4k1polkan2profil1_1, p4k1polkan2profil1_2 and p4k1polkan3profil1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 273 23.7% 0.237185056
2 To a large extent 589 51.2% 0.511728931
3 To some extent 247 21.5% 0.214596003
4 To a small extent 31 2.7% 0.026933102
5 Not at all 4 0.3% 0.003475239
97 Not answered 7 0.6% 0.006081668
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How likely are you to place this candidate on the political party list?
Pre-question text:

We would now like you to consider two current candidate profiles for a place on your political party’s list at the next municipal council election. Read the description of the candidate thoroughly and then answer the questions regarding your assessment of the profile.

Profile 1 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member for 2 years, has participated in member meetings and a few election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: None.
Literal question: How likely are you to place this candidate on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_1, p4k1polkan1_2, p4k1polkan2profil1_2 and p4k1polkan3profil1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Highly likely 374 32.5% 0.32493484
2 Likely 530 46% 0.46046916
3 Somewhat likely 157 13.6% 0.13640313
4 Not very likely 59 5.1% 0.05125977
5 Not at all likely 19 1.7% 0.01650738
97 Not answered 12 1% 0.01042572
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How likely are you to place this candidate in a guaranteed position on the political party list?
Pre-question text:

We would now like you to consider two current candidate profiles for a place on your political party’s list at the next municipal council election. Read the description of the candidate thoroughly and then answer the questions regarding your assessment of the profile.

Profile 1 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member for 2 years, has participated in member meetings and a few election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: None.
Literal question: How likely are you to place this candidate in a guaranteed position on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_1, p4k1polkan1_2, p4k1polkan2profil1_1 and p4k1polkan3profil1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Highly likely 114 9.9% 0.099044309
2 Likely 378 32.8% 0.328410078
3 Somewhat likely 372 32.3% 0.323197220
4 Not very likely 206 17.9% 0.178974805
5 Not at all likely 71 6.2% 0.061685491
97 Not answered 10 0.9% 0.008688097
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent do you think the candidate is electable?
Pre-question text:

We would now like you to consider two current candidate profiles for a place on your political party’s list at the next municipal council election. Read the description of the candidate thoroughly and then answer the questions regarding your assessment of the profile.

Profile 1 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member for 2 years, has participated in member meetings and a few election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: None.
Literal question: To what extent do you think the candidate is electable?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_1, p4k1polkan1_2, p4k1polkan2profil1_1 and p4k1polkan2profil1_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 209 18.2% 0.181581234
2 To a large extent 546 47.4% 0.474370113
3 To some extent 312 27.1% 0.271068636
4 To a small extent 62 5.4% 0.053866203
5 Not at all 17 1.5% 0.014769765
97 Not answered 5 0.4% 0.004344049
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent the candidate is competent for a place on the political party list
Pre-question text: Profile 2 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member of the political party for 15 years, has been active at member meetings and election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: Has held minor positions in the political party, but hasn’t had time to hold central positions. Political profile: Involved with health policy and senior citizen policy. Belongs to the centre of the political party. Media experience: Some work-related media experience. Personal qualities: Good references and referred to as being sociable.
Literal question: To what extent do you consider the candidate competent for a place on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_4, p4k1polkan2profil2_1, p4k1polkan2profil2_2 and p4k1polkan3profil2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 439 38.1% 0.381407472
2 To a large extent 558 48.5% 0.484795830
3 To some extent 122 10.6% 0.105994787
4 To a small extent 18 1.6% 0.015638575
5 Not at all 4 0.3% 0.003475239
97 Not answered 10 0.9% 0.008688097
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent the candidate have the necessary qualifications for a place on the political party list
Pre-question text: Profile 2 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member of the political party for 15 years, has been active at member meetings and election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: Has held minor positions in the political party, but hasn’t had time to hold central positions. Political profile: Involved with health policy and senior citizen policy. Belongs to the centre of the political party. Media experience: Some work-related media experience. Personal qualities: Good references and referred to as being sociable.
Literal question: To what extent do you consider the candidate to have the necessary qualifications for a place on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_3, p4k1polkan2profil2_1, p4k1polkan2profil2_2 and p4k1polkan3profil2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 394 34.2% 0.342311034
2 To a large extent 595 51.7% 0.516941790
3 To some extent 136 11.8% 0.118158123
4 To a small extent 15 1.3% 0.013032146
5 Not at all 3 0.3% 0.002606429
97 Not answered 8 0.7% 0.006950478
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How likely are you to place this candidate (with little experience) on the political party list?
Pre-question text: Profile 2 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member of the political party for 15 years, has been active at member meetings and election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: Has held minor positions in the political party, but hasn’t had time to hold central positions. Political profile: Involved with health policy and senior citizen policy. Belongs to the centre of the political party. Media experience: Some work-related media experience. Personal qualities: Good references and referred to as being sociable.
Literal question: How likely are you to place this candidate on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_3, p4k1polkan1_4, p4k1polkan2profil2_2 and p4k1polkan3profil2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Highly likely 422 36.7% 0.36663771
2 Likely 537 46.7% 0.46655083
3 Somewhat likely 116 10.1% 0.10078193
4 Not very likely 47 4.1% 0.04083406
5 Not at all likely 14 1.2% 0.01216334
97 Not answered 15 1.3% 0.01303215
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How likely are you to place this candidate in a guaranteed position on the political party list?
Pre-question text: Profile 2 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member of the political party for 15 years, has been active at member meetings and election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: Has held minor positions in the political party, but hasn’t had time to hold central positions. Political profile: Involved with health policy and senior citizen policy. Belongs to the centre of the political party. Media experience: Some work-related media experience. Personal qualities: Good references and referred to as being sociable.
Literal question: How likely are you to place this candidate in a guaranteed position on the political party list?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_3, p4k1polkan1_4, p4k1polkan2profil2_1 and p4k1polkan3profil2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Highly likely 249 21.6% 0.216333623
2 Likely 490 42.6% 0.425716768
3 Somewhat likely 266 23.1% 0.231103388
4 Not very likely 110 9.6% 0.095569070
5 Not at all likely 27 2.3% 0.023457863
97 Not answered 9 0.8% 0.007819288
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: To what extent do you think the candidate is electable?
Pre-question text: Profile 2 Name: [p4k1polkan_ran1] Age: 35 years old. Civil status: Married, two children. Education: 3-year economic-administrative education. Work: Case manager in the municipality. Affiliation with the municipality: Born and raised in the municipality, lives in the main town of the municipality. Activity in the local organisation: Member of the political party for 15 years, has been active at member meetings and election campaign events. Positions in the local organisation: Has held minor positions in the political party, but hasn’t had time to hold central positions. Political profile: Involved with health policy and senior citizen policy. Belongs to the centre of the political party. Media experience: Some work-related media experience. Personal qualities: Good references and referred to as being sociable.
Literal question: To what extent do you think the candidate is electable?
Question owner: Henning Finseraas (NTNU); Magnus Carlsson (Lnu); Arnfinn Midtbøen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1polkan1_3, p4k1polkan1_4, p4k1polkan2profil2_1 and p4k1polkan2profil2_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very large extent 326 28.3% 0.283231972
2 To a large extent 553 48% 0.480451781
3 To some extent 203 17.6% 0.176368375
4 To a small extent 43 3.7% 0.037358818
5 Not at all 19 1.7% 0.016507385
97 Not answered 7 0.6% 0.006081668
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Do politicians or the media primarily decide which issues are put on the agenda?
Pre-question text: In your opinion…
Literal question: do politicians or the media primarily decide which issues are put on the agenda?
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1sm1;r19k1sm1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Primarily politicians 111 9.6% 0.096437880
2 Politicians, to a greater extent 139 12.1% 0.120764553
3 Politicians, to a somewhat greater extent 207 18% 0.179843614
4 The media and politicians have equal influence 225 19.5% 0.195482189
5 The media, to a somewhat greater extent 276 24% 0.239791486
6 The media, to a greater extent 137 11.9% 0.119026933
7 Primarily the media 49 4.3% 0.042571677
97 Not answered 7 0.6% 0.006081668
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Does traditional media or social media matter most regarding which issues are put on the agenda?
Pre-question text: In your opinion…
Literal question: does traditional media or social media matter most regarding which issues are put on the agenda?
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1sm2;r19k1sm2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Primarily traditional media 128 11.1% 0.111207646
2 Traditional media, to a greater extent 226 19.6% 0.196350999
3 Traditional media, to a somewhat greater extent 329 28.6% 0.285838401
4 Traditional and social media have equal influence 234 20.3% 0.203301477
5 Social media, to a somewhat greater extent 160 13.9% 0.139009557
6 Social media, to a greater extent 49 4.3% 0.042571677
7 Primarily social media 8 0.7% 0.006950478
97 Not answered 17 1.5% 0.014769765
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Politicians’ agenda in social media, to brag about themselves and their own policies or to make contact/dialogue?
Pre-question text: In your opinion…
Literal question: are politicians who post issues on social media mostly just concerned with bragging about themselves and their own policies, or do you think they want to make contact and create a dialogue?
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1sm3;r19k1sm3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Primarily concerned with bragging about themselves and their own policies 132 11.5% 0.11468288
2 Concerned to a greater extent with bragging about themselves and their own policies 204 17.7% 0.17723719
3 Concerned to a somewhat greater extent with bragging about themselves and their own policies 298 25.9% 0.25890530
4 Equally concerned with bragging about themselves and their own policies as wanting to make contact and create a dialogue 269 23.4% 0.23370982
5 To a somewhat greater extent, want to make contact and create a dialogue 141 12.3% 0.12250217
6 To a greater extent, want to make contact and create a dialogue 63 5.5% 0.05473501
7 Primarily, want to make contact and create a dialogue 26 2.3% 0.02258905
97 Not answered 18 1.6% 0.01563858
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Social media as enriching or detrimental to the public debate?
Pre-question text: In your opinion…
Literal question: is social media essentially enriching the public political debate, or is social media essentially detrimental to the public political debate?
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1sm4;r19k1sm4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Social media is very enriching 29 2.5% 0.02519548
2 Social media is quite enriching 152 13.2% 0.13205908
3 Social media is somewhat enriching 278 24.2% 0.24152911
4 Equally enriching as it is detrimental to the public political debate 278 24.2% 0.24152911
5 Social media is somewhat detrimental 252 21.9% 0.21894005
6 Social media is quite detrimental 119 10.3% 0.10338836
7 Social media is very detrimental 31 2.7% 0.02693310
97 Not answered 12 1% 0.01042572
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Sharing news stories on social media to reach out to my own followers or to the traditional media
Pre-question text: Which of the statements below best describes your own use of social media as a political tool?
Literal question:

A: When I share news stories on social media, it is to reach out to my own followers

B: When I share news stories on social media, it is to get attention in traditional media
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree with A 237 20.6% 0.205907906
2 Agree much more with A 335 29.1% 0.291051260
3 Agree somewhat more with A 231 20.1% 0.200695048
4 Equally agree with A and B 215 18.7% 0.186794092
5 Agree somewhat more with B 54 4.7% 0.046915725
6 Agree much more with B 32 2.8% 0.027801911
7 Completely agree with B 8 0.7% 0.006950478
97 Not answered 39 3.4% 0.033883579
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How often do you: Share news on social media
Pre-question text: How often would you say you…
Literal question: share news stories on social media
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-8]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Never 71 6.2% 0.061685491
2 Very rarely 166 14.4% 0.144222415
3 Rarely 198 17.2% 0.172024327
4 Sometimes 407 35.4% 0.353605560
5 Often 206 17.9% 0.178974805
6 Very often 69 6% 0.059947871
7 Not relevant 5 0.4% 0.004344049
8 Do not share/comment on news stories 12 1% 0.010425717
97 Not answered 17 1.5% 0.014769765
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How often do you: Comment on news stories you share on social media
Pre-question text: How often would you say you…
Literal question: comment on news stories you share on social media
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-8]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Never 115 10% 0.099913119
2 Very rarely 228 19.8% 0.198088619
3 Rarely 248 21.5% 0.215464813
4 Sometimes 345 30% 0.299739357
5 Often 138 12% 0.119895743
6 Very often 40 3.5% 0.034752389
7 Not relevant 5 0.4% 0.004344049
8 Do not share/comment on news stories 14 1.2% 0.012163336
97 Not answered 18 1.6% 0.015638575
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How often do you: Comment on news stories you share on social media to emphasise the angle
Pre-question text: How often would you say you…
Literal question: comment on news stories you share on social media to emphasise the angle of the news story
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-8]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Never 108 9.4% 0.093831451
2 Very rarely 173 15% 0.150304083
3 Rarely 213 18.5% 0.185056473
4 Sometimes 375 32.6% 0.325803649
5 Often 169 14.7% 0.146828844
6 Very often 73 6.3% 0.063423110
7 Not relevant 9 0.8% 0.007819288
8 Do not share/comment on news stories 14 1.2% 0.012163336
97 Not answered 17 1.5% 0.014769765
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How often do you: Comment on news stories you share on social media so that the angle better suits your political views
Pre-question text: How often would you say you…
Literal question: comment on news stories you share on social media so that the angle better suits your political views
Question owner: Kari Steen-Johnsen (ISF); Audun Beyer (ISF); Rune Karlsen (UiO)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-8]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Never 182 15.8% 0.15812337
2 Very rarely 187 16.2% 0.16246742
3 Rarely 215 18.7% 0.18679409
4 Sometimes 330 28.7% 0.28670721
5 Often 144 12.5% 0.12510860
6 Very often 47 4.1% 0.04083406
7 Not relevant 13 1.1% 0.01129453
8 Do not share/comment on news stories 15 1.3% 0.01303215
97 Not answered 18 1.6% 0.01563858
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: [Image drawn randomly for “News story 1”. Used i p4k1fb1.]
Question owner: Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO), Rune Karlsen (UiO), Erik Knudsen (UiB/DIGSSCORE), Damian Trilling (University of Amsterdam)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1fb1_imgnames_1;r19k1fb1_imgnames_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Image drawn randomly for “News story 1”. Used i p4k1fb1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:character] [Valid:1138] [Invalid:1206] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Image drawn randomly for “News story 2”. Used i p4k1fb1.]
Question owner: Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO), Rune Karlsen (UiO), Erik Knudsen (UiB/DIGSSCORE), Damian Trilling (University of Amsterdam)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1fb1_imgnames_2;r19k1fb1_imgnames_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Image drawn randomly for “News story 2”. Used i p4k1fb1.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:character] [Valid:1138] [Invalid:1206] [Range:-]


Variable label: Which of two news stories you most likely would share on Facebook
Pre-question text:

Below, we will present two imaginary news stories similar to those one comes across on Facebook. Please look closely at each of the two imaginary news stories.

[Simulert Facebook-innlegg]
Literal question: If you had to choose one of them, which news story would you have chosen to share on Facebook?
Post-question: We are interested in responses from everyone, including those who do not usually share content on Facebook or do not have a Facebook account.
Question owner: Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO), Rune Karlsen (UiO), Erik Knudsen (UiB/DIGSSCORE), Damian Trilling (University of Amsterdam)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1fb1;r19k1fb1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Experiment where the respondent is exposed to two unique images of simulated Facebook posts. See background variables. Please contact Erik Knudsen () for more information. Asked on the same page as p4k1fb2 and p4k1fb3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 I would share news story 1 521 45.3% 0.4526499
2 I would share news story 2 510 44.3% 0.4430930
97 Not answered 120 10.4% 0.1042572
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How likely is it that you would have shared News story 1 on Facebook?
Literal question: On a scale from 1 to 5, how likely is it that you would have shared News story 1 on Facebook?
Question owner: Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO); Rune Karlsen (UiO); Erik Knudsen (UiB); Damian Trilling (UvA)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1fb2;r19k1fb2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1fb1 and p4k1fb3.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 - Not at all likely 446 38.7% 0.38748914
2 2 - Not very likely 380 33% 0.33014770
3 3 - Somewhat likely 175 15.2% 0.15204170
4 4 - Likely 86 7.5% 0.07471764
5 5 - Highly likely 23 2% 0.01998262
97 Not answered 41 3.6% 0.03562120
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: How likely is it that you would have shared News story 2 on Facebook?
Literal question: Using the same scale, how likely is it that you would have shared News story 2 on Facebook?
Question owner: Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO); Rune Karlsen (UiO); Erik Knudsen (UiB); Damian Trilling (UvA)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1fb3;r19k1fb3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Asked on the same page as p4k1fb1 and p4k1fb2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 - Not at all likely 463 40.2% 0.40225891
2 2 - Not very likely 338 29.4% 0.29365769
3 3 - Somewhat likely 173 15% 0.15030408
4 4 - Likely 104 9% 0.09035621
5 5 - Highly likely 33 2.9% 0.02867072
97 Not answered 40 3.5% 0.03475239
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi1_1 and p4k1mi1_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi1_ran1;r19k1mi1_ran1;f1k1mi1_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi1_1 and p4k1mi1_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Islamic values 572 51% 0.5102587
2 conservative notions about the position of women in Islam 549 49% 0.4897413
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi1_1 and p4k1mi1_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi1_ran2;r19k1mi1_ran2;f1k1mi1_ran2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi1_1 and p4k1mi1_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 k1mi1_1 574 51.2% 0.5120428
2 k1mi1_2 547 48.8% 0.4879572
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: Should Norwegian Muslims be allowed to hold an event to proclaim [Islamic values/ conservative notions about the position of women in Islam]?
Pre-question text: Some Norwegian Muslims have asked for permission to hold a public event in order to proclaim [Islamic values/ conservative notions about the position of women in Islam].
Literal question: Do you think they should be allowed to hold such an event?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi1_1;j1k1mi1_1;r19k1mi1_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi1_ran2 = 1 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi1_ran1 and p4k1mi1_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 389 67.8% 0.677700348
2 No 181 31.5% 0.315331010
97 Not answered 4 0.7% 0.006968641
98 Not asked 1770 NA


Variable label: Does a majority/minority in Norway that muslims should be allowed to hold an event to proclaim [Islamic values/ conservative notions about the position of women in Islam]?
Pre-question text: Some Norwegian Muslims have asked for permission to hold a public event in order to proclaim [Islamic values/ conservative notions about the position of women in Islam]. What is your assessment:
Literal question: Is there a majority or a minority in Norway who thinks that they should be allowed to hold such an event?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi1_2;j1k1mi1_2;r19k1mi1_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi1_ran2 = 2 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi1_ran1 and p4k1mi1_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A majortiy 217 39.7% 0.396709324
2 A minority 326 59.6% 0.595978062
97 Not answered 4 0.7% 0.007312614
98 Not asked 1797 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi2_1 and p4k1mi2_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi2_ran1;r19k1mi2_ran1;f1k1mi2_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi2_1 and p4k1mi2_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 be publicly recognised 554 49.4% 0.4942016
2 receive support from the state 567 50.6% 0.5057984
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi2_1 and p4k1mi2_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi2_ran2;r19k1mi2_ran2;f1k1mi2_ran2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi2_1 and p4k1mi2_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 k1mi2_1 572 51% 0.5102587
2 k1mi2_2 549 49% 0.4897413
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: Do you think that Muslim traditions should [be publicly recognised/receive support from the state] in this country?
Literal question: Do you think that Muslim traditions and cultures should [be publicly recognised/receive support from the state] in this country?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi2_1;j1k1mi2_1;r19k1mi2_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi2_ran2 = 1 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi2_ran1 og p4k1mi2_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 363 63.5% 0.63461538
2 No 203 35.5% 0.35489510
97 Not answered 6 1% 0.01048951
98 Not asked 1772 NA


Variable label: Does a majority/minority think that Muslim traditions should [be publicly recognised/receive support from the state]in this country?
Pre-question text: What is your assessment:
Literal question: Is there a majority or a minority in Norway who thinks that Muslim traditions and cultures should [be publicly recognised/receive support from the state]in this country?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi2_2;j1k1mi2_2;r19k1mi2_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi2_ran2 = 2 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi2_ran1 og p4k1mi2_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A majortiy 247 45% 0.449908925
2 A minority 297 54.1% 0.540983607
97 Not answered 5 0.9% 0.009107468
98 Not asked 1795 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi3_1 and p4k1mi3_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi3_ran1;r19k1mi3_ran1;f1k1mi3_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi3_1 and p4k1mi3_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Muslim local politicians 570 50.8% 0.5084746
2 Muslim religious leaders 551 49.2% 0.4915254
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi3_1 and p4k1mi3_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi3_ran2;r19k1mi3_ran2;f1k1mi3_ran2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi3_1 and p4k1mi3_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 k1mi3_1 567 50.6% 0.5057984
2 k1mi3_2 554 49.4% 0.4942016
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: Trust/distrust Muslim [local politicians/religious leaders] when they say they want to be part of Norwegian society?
Literal question: Do you trust or distrust [Muslim local politicians/Muslim religious leaders] when they say they want to be part of Norwegian society?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi3_1;j1k1mi3_1;r19k1mi3_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi3_ran2 = 1 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi3_ran1 and p4k1mi3_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Trust 437 77.1% 0.77072310
2 Distrust 122 21.5% 0.21516755
97 Not answered 8 1.4% 0.01410935
98 Not asked 1777 NA


Variable label: Does majority/minority trust/distrust [Muslim local politicians/Muslim religious leaders] when they say they want to be part of Norwegian society?
Pre-question text: What is your assessment:
Literal question: Does the majority in Norway trust or distrust [Muslim local politicians/Muslim religious leaders] when they say they want to be part of Norwegian society?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi3_2;j1k1mi3_2;r19k1mi3_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi3_ran2 = 2 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi3_ran1 and p4k1mi3_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The majority trusts 339 61.2% 0.61191336
2 The majority distrusts 207 37.4% 0.37364621
97 Not answered 8 1.4% 0.01444043
98 Not asked 1790 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi4_1 and p4k1mi4_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi4_ran1;r19k1mi4_ran1;f1k1mi4_ran1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi4_1 and p4k1mi4_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 reflect 588 52.5% 0.5245317
2 place less emphasis on 533 47.5% 0.4754683
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: [Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi4_1 and p4k1mi4_2.]
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1mi4_ran2;r19k1mi4_ran2;f1k1mi4_ran2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Randomized if p4group = 2]

[Experiment. Randomly chooses an alternative for text piping in p4k1mi4_1 and p4k1mi4_2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1121] [Invalid:1223] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 k1mi4_1 537 47.9% 0.4790366
2 k1mi4_2 584 52.1% 0.5209634
Sysmiss 1223 NA


Variable label: Should school textbooks [reflect/place less emphasis on] the religious/cultural diversity in Norway?
Literal question: Do you think primary and lower secondary school textbooks should be written so that they [reflect/place less emphasis on] the religious and cultural diversity in Norway?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi4_1;j1k1mi4_1;r19k1mi4_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi4_ran2 = 1 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi4_ran1 and p4k1mi4_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 271 50.5% 0.50465549
2 No 262 48.8% 0.48789572
97 Not answered 4 0.7% 0.00744879
98 Not asked 1807 NA


Variable label: Does a majority/minority think that school textbooks should [reflect/place less emphasis on] religious/cultural diversity?
Pre-question text: What is your assessment:
Literal question: Is there a majority or a minority in Norway who thinks that primary and lower secondary school textbooks should be written so that they [reflect/place less emphasis on] the religious and cultural diversity in Norway?
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1mi4_2;j1k1mi4_2;r19k1mi4_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4k1mi4_ran2 = 2 & p4group = 2]

[Experiment. The wording of the question depends on randomized /assigned values in p4k1mi4_ran1 and p4k1mi4_ran2.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A majortiy 293 50.2% 0.5017123
2 A minority 284 48.6% 0.4863014
97 Not answered 7 1.2% 0.0119863
98 Not asked 1760 NA


Variable label: Describes you how well: Important for me to be unprejudiced towards immigrants
Pre-question text: How well or poorly would you say the following descriptions apply to you:
Literal question: It is important for me personally to be unprejudiced towards immigrants.
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1imcp_1;j1k1imcp_1;r19k1imcp_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very well 447 38.8% 0.388357950
2 Good 453 39.4% 0.393570808
3 Somewhat well 103 8.9% 0.089487402
4 Neither well nor poorly 83 7.2% 0.072111208
5 Somewhat poorly 11 1% 0.009556907
6 Poorly 10 0.9% 0.008688097
7 Very poorly 6 0.5% 0.005212858
97 Not answered 38 3.3% 0.033014770
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Describes you how well: Don’t want to appear racist, not even to myself
Pre-question text: How well or poorly would you say the following descriptions apply to you:
Literal question: I don’t want to appear racist, not even to myself.
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1imcp_2;j1k1imcp_2;r19k1imcp_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very well 477 41.4% 0.414422242
2 Good 396 34.4% 0.344048653
3 Somewhat well 77 6.7% 0.066898349
4 Neither well nor poorly 104 9% 0.090356212
5 Somewhat poorly 29 2.5% 0.025195482
6 Poorly 14 1.2% 0.012163336
7 Very poorly 11 1% 0.009556907
97 Not answered 43 3.7% 0.037358818
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Describes you how well: Feel guilty if I think negatively about immigrants
Pre-question text: How well or poorly would you say the following descriptions apply to you:
Literal question: I feel guilty if I think negatively about immigrants.
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1imcp_3;j1k1imcp_3;r19k1imcp_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very well 131 11.4% 0.11381407
2 Good 273 23.7% 0.23718506
3 Somewhat well 147 12.8% 0.12771503
4 Neither well nor poorly 337 29.3% 0.29278888
5 Somewhat poorly 64 5.6% 0.05560382
6 Poorly 94 8.2% 0.08166811
7 Very poorly 62 5.4% 0.05386620
97 Not answered 43 3.7% 0.03735882
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Describes you how well: Try to be unprejudiced towards immigrants because of own convictions
Pre-question text: How well or poorly would you say the following descriptions apply to you:
Literal question: I try to be unprejudiced towards immigrants because of my own convictions.
Question owner: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB); Paul Sniderman (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1imcp_4;j1k1imcp_4;r19k1imcp_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very well 406 35.3% 0.352736751
2 Good 466 40.5% 0.404865334
3 Somewhat well 99 8.6% 0.086012163
4 Neither well nor poorly 114 9.9% 0.099044309
5 Somewhat poorly 15 1.3% 0.013032146
6 Poorly 8 0.7% 0.006950478
7 Very poorly 6 0.5% 0.005212858
97 Not answered 37 3.2% 0.032145960
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Statement: People have the right to change the natural environment so that it satisfies their needs
Pre-question text: Below are some statements about climate and environmental issues. We would like to know your opinion regarding these statements.
Literal question: People have the right to change the natural environment so that it satisfies their needs
Question owner: Gisle Andersen (NORCE); Christine Merk (IFW); Åsta D. Nordø, (NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1miljo1_1;j1k1miljo1_1;r19k1miljo1_1
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 22 1.9% 0.01911381
2 Agree 98 8.5% 0.08514335
3 Somewhat agree 310 26.9% 0.26933102
4 Do not agree that much 425 36.9% 0.36924414
5 Do not agree at all 258 22.4% 0.22415291
97 Not answered 38 3.3% 0.03301477
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Statement: We must take environmental considerations into account, even if it reduces economic growth
Pre-question text: Below are some statements about climate and environmental issues. We would like to know your opinion regarding these statements.
Literal question: We must take environmental considerations into account, even if it reduces economic growth
Question owner: Gisle Andersen (NORCE); Christine Merk (IFW); Åsta D. Nordø, (NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1miljo1_2;j1k1miljo1_2;r19k1miljo1_2
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 303 26.3% 0.26324935
2 Agree 410 35.6% 0.35621199
3 Somewhat agree 269 23.4% 0.23370982
4 Do not agree that much 96 8.3% 0.08340573
5 Do not agree at all 36 3.1% 0.03127715
97 Not answered 37 3.2% 0.03214596
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Statement: Norwegian environmental policy needs the same kind of urgent response as shown in the coronavirus crisis
Pre-question text: Below are some statements about climate and environmental issues. We would like to know your opinion regarding these statements.
Literal question: Norwegian environmental policy needs to see the same kind of urgent response that was shown in relation to the coronavirus crisis
Question owner: Gisle Andersen (NORCE); Christine Merk (IFW); Åsta D. Nordø, (NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1miljo1_3;j1k1miljo1_3;r19k1miljo1_3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 246 21.4% 0.21372719
2 Agree 322 28% 0.27975673
3 Somewhat agree 300 26.1% 0.26064292
4 Do not agree that much 144 12.5% 0.12510860
5 Do not agree at all 100 8.7% 0.08688097
97 Not answered 39 3.4% 0.03388358
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Statement: Technological innovations will solve climate problems
Pre-question text: Below are some statements about climate and environmental issues. We would like to know your opinion regarding these statements.
Literal question: Technological innovations will solve climate problems
Question owner: Gisle Andersen (NORCE); Christine Merk (IFW); Åsta D. Nordø, (NORCE)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1miljo1_4;j1k1miljo1_4;r19k1miljo1_4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[Asked if p4group = 2]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 113 9.8% 0.09817550
2 Agree 314 27.3% 0.27280626
3 Somewhat agree 521 45.3% 0.45264987
4 Do not agree that much 124 10.8% 0.10773241
5 Do not agree at all 41 3.6% 0.03562120
97 Not answered 38 3.3% 0.03301477
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: The main reason why some people are poor in Norway
Literal question: The main reason why some people are poor in Norway is…
Post-question: Please select the reason that you think is most important.
Question owner: Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB); Cornelius Cappelen (UiB); Yvette Peters (UiB)
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1ulikhet3;j1k1ulikhet3;r19k1ulikhet3
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 ... that some of them are generally lazy and work-shy 71 6.2% 0.06168549
2 ... that some of them are unfortunate 226 19.6% 0.19635100
3 ... that some of them come from an underprivileged family 428 37.2% 0.37185056
4 ... that some of them are underpaid 260 22.6% 0.22589053
5 ... that some of them lack innate abilities that are important in working life 114 9.9% 0.09904431
97 Not answered 52 4.5% 0.04517811
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Your opinion about refugees who seek asylum in Norway and their opportunity to be granted residence here
Literal question: What is your opinion about refugees who come to Norway and seek asylum and their opportunity to be granted residence here? Compared to how it is today, do you think it should be:
Question owner: Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO); Rune Karlsen (UiO); Erik Knudsen (UiB); Damian Trilling (UvA)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1fb4;r19k1fb4
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if r01per11besvart != 1 & p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Much easier 54 7.8% 0.07780980
2 Easier 128 18.4% 0.18443804
3 Somewhat easier 149 21.5% 0.21469741
4 Same as today 214 30.8% 0.30835735
5 Slightly more difficult 51 7.3% 0.07348703
6 More difficult 34 4.9% 0.04899135
7 Much more difficult 42 6.1% 0.06051873
97 Not answered 22 3.2% 0.03170029
98 Not asked 1650 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The Government should work to reduce income inequality in society
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following suggestion:
Literal question: The Government should work to reduce income inequality in society to greater extent.
Question owner: Kristoffer Kolltveit (UiO); Rune Karlsen (UiO); Erik Knudsen (UiB); Damian Trilling (UvA)
Equivalent in others panels: j1k1fb5;r19k1fb5
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if r01per2besvart != 1 & p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 317 45.7% 0.457431457
2 Agree 154 22.2% 0.222222222
3 Somewhat agree 96 13.9% 0.138528139
4 Neither agree nor disagree 50 7.2% 0.072150072
5 Somewhat disagree 34 4.9% 0.049062049
6 Disagree 13 1.9% 0.018759019
7 Strongly disagree 5 0.7% 0.007215007
97 Not answered 24 3.5% 0.034632035
98 Not asked 1651 NA


Variable label: Placement political left-right scale
Pre-question text: People often talk about right-wing economics and left-wing economics.
Literal question: Where would you place yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means left-wing in relation to economic issues and 10 means right-wing in relation to economic issues?
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1kj5;j1k1kj5
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-10]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 Left wing 68 2.9% 0.02901024
1 1 112 4.8% 0.04778157
2 2 263 11.2% 0.11220137
3 3 383 16.3% 0.16339590
4 4 303 12.9% 0.12926621
5 5 361 15.4% 0.15401024
6 6 220 9.4% 0.09385666
7 7 263 11.2% 0.11220137
8 8 177 7.6% 0.07551195
9 9 56 2.4% 0.02389078
10 10 Right wing 43 1.8% 0.01834471
97 Not answered 95 4.1% 0.04052901
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Work, trade and industry
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Work, trade and industry
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 1111 47.4% 0.47397611
1 Selected 1141 48.7% 0.48677474
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Environment and energy
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Environment and energy
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 1398 59.6% 0.59641638
1 Selected 854 36.4% 0.36433447
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Culture
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Culture
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 1366 58.3% 0.58276451
1 Selected 886 37.8% 0.37798635
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Heathcare
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Healthcare
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 1110 47.4% 0.47354949
1 Selected 1142 48.7% 0.48720137
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Financial issues
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Financial issues
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 1619 69.1% 0.69069966
1 Selected 633 27% 0.27005119
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Justice and crime
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Justice and crime
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 2107 89.9% 0.89889078
1 Selected 145 6.2% 0.06186007
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Transport and communication
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Transport and communication
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 1508 64.3% 0.64334471
1 Selected 744 31.7% 0.31740614
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Education and research
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Education and research
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 1335 57% 0.56953925
1 Selected 917 39.1% 0.39121160
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Your fields of work as an elected official: Foreign service and defence
Pre-question text: What field(s) do you work in as an elected official?
Literal question: Foreign service and defence
Question owner: Andersen (NORCE); Nordø (NORCE)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Not selected 2172 92.7% 0.92662116
1 Selected 80 3.4% 0.03412969
97 Not answered 92 3.9% 0.03924915
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Gross annual income
Literal question: What is your current income? Gross annual income is:
Equivalent in others panels: f1k1kj112;j1k1kj112;r19k1kj112
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description: [Asked if p4group = 2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-11]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Less than 150 000 25 2.2% 0.02172024
2 150 001 – 300 000 52 4.5% 0.04517811
3 300 001 – 400 000 80 7% 0.06950478
4 400 001 – 500 000 141 12.3% 0.12250217
5 500 001 – 600 000 211 18.3% 0.18331885
6 600 001 – 700 000 184 16% 0.15986099
7 700 001 – 800 000 122 10.6% 0.10599479
8 800 001 – 900 000 101 8.8% 0.08774978
9 900 001 – 1 000 000 76 6.6% 0.06602954
10 1 000 001 – 1 100 000 41 3.6% 0.03562120
11 More than 1 100 000 71 6.2% 0.06168549
97 Not answered 47 4.1% 0.04083406
98 Not asked 1193 NA


Variable label: Open: Feedback about the survey
Literal question: Do you wish to provide feedback about the survey?
Post-question: If so, write below.
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data will not be distributed due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting The Norwegian Citizen Panel at University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:2344] [Range:-]


Variable label: Gender
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Male 1442 61.5% 0.6151877
2 Female 902 38.5% 0.3848123


Variable label: Region where the representative is elected
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-99]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Oslo 20 0.9% 0.008532423
2 Østlandet 886 37.8% 0.377986348
3 Sørlandet 164 7% 0.069965870
4 Vestlandet 717 30.6% 0.305887372
5 Trøndelag 206 8.8% 0.087883959
6 Nord-Norge 346 14.8% 0.147610922
99 Not relevant 5 0.2% 0.002133106


Variable label: County where the representative is elected
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:3-99]

Value Label Cases Percentage
3 Oslo 20 0.9% 0.008532423
11 Rogaland 194 8.3% 0.082764505
15 Møre og Romsdal 194 8.3% 0.082764505
18 Nordland 174 7.4% 0.074232082
30 Viken 454 19.4% 0.193686007
34 Innlandet 240 10.2% 0.102389078
38 Vestfold og Telemark 192 8.2% 0.081911263
42 Agder 164 7% 0.069965870
46 Vestland 329 14% 0.140358362
50 Trøndelag 206 8.8% 0.087883959
54 Troms og Finnmark 172 7.3% 0.073378840
99 Not relevant 5 0.2% 0.002133106


Variable label: Municipality where the representative is elected
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:301-99999]


Variable label: Highest level of completed education (condensed)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:integer] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No education/elementary school 79 3.4% 0.03370307
2 Upper secondary education 641 27.3% 0.27346416
3 University/University college 1589 67.8% 0.67790102
97 Not answered 35 1.5% 0.01493174


Variable label: Highest level of completed education (expanded)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No completed education 2 0.1% 0.0008532423
2 Primary and lower secondary school (completed either the first part of compulsory education (elementary school), primary and lower secondary school, 7- year elementary school, secondary modern school or lower secondary school) 77 3.3% 0.0328498294
3 Secondary education-general studies/programme for general studies, one-year supplementary study for university and college admission certification (VK2, VG3, High School) 177 7.6% 0.0755119454
4 Secondary education-vocational line of study/education programme (VK2, VK3, VG3, apprenticeship examination, apprentices’ final exam ) 257 11% 0.1096416382
5 Diploma from supplementary programme for general university and college admissions certification (tertiary vocational education, vocational technical college) 207 8.8% 0.0883105802
6 University/College, less than 3 years, but at least 2 years (university college graduate 2 and 2½ years) 245 10.5% 0.1045221843
7 College-3-4 year education (Bachelor-, cand.mag., teacher training college, school of nursing, preschool teacher, engineer, business graduate, etc.) 498 21.2% 0.2124573379
8 University-3-4 year education (Bachelor, cand.mag.) 189 8.1% 0.0806313993
9 College-5-6 year education (Master, major) 243 10.4% 0.1036689420
10 University 5-6 year education (Master, majors (longer professional education (MA in Theology., MA in Psychology., Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, chartered engineer, graduate in architecture, Master of Science in Business and Economic 368 15.7% 0.1569965870
11 Researcher level (Doctorate, Ph.d.) 46 2% 0.0196245734
12 None of the above (please enter): 16 0.7% 0.0068259386
97 Not answered 19 0.8% 0.0081058020


Variable label: Year of birth (expanded)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2320] [Invalid:24] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1939 or earlier 4 0.2% 0.001724138
2 1940-1949 168 7.2% 0.072413793
3 1950-1959 572 24.7% 0.246551724
4 1960-1969 691 29.8% 0.297844828
5 1970-1979 496 21.4% 0.213793103
6 1980-1989 242 10.4% 0.104310345
7 1990 or later 147 6.3% 0.063362069
Sysmiss 24 NA


Variable label: Year of birth (condensed)
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2320] [Invalid:24] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1959 or earlier 744 32.1% 0.32068966
2 1960-1989 1429 61.6% 0.61594828
3 1990 or later 147 6.3% 0.06336207
Sysmiss 24 NA


Variable label: Administrative level to which the representative is elected
Field period: 02.11.2020 - 27.11.2020
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2344] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Municipality 2209 94.2% 0.942406143
2 County 103 4.4% 0.043941980
3 Parliament 27 1.2% 0.011518771
4 The Sami Parliament 5 0.2% 0.002133106