
Norwegian Citizen Panel

Round 29

v-102 - 2024-06-27

Produced by ideas2evidence


Researchers responsible

Name Affiliation
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten UiB
Stefan Dahlberg UiB
Sina Storelv UiB
Erla Løvseth UiB
Lise Lund Bjånesøy UiB
Troy Saghaug Broderstad UiT
Hege Høivik Bye UiB
Gisela Böhm UiB
Marta Rekdal Eidheim UiB
Thea Gregersen NORCE
Erik Knudsen UiB
Åsta Dyrnes Nordø NORCE
Arjan Schakel UiB
Endre Tvinnereim UiB

Coordinating team

Erla Løvseth
Sina Storelv


Name Affiliation Role
Øivind Skjervheim ideas2evidence Coordinator
Olav Bjørnebekk ideas2evidence Project team member
Joachim Wettergreen ideas2evidence Project team member
Ola Grendal ideas2evidence Project team member
Georg Stokke ideas2evidence Project team member
Asle Høgestøl ideas2evidence Quality assurance

Study Description


The Norwegian Citizen Panel is a platform for internet surveys of public opinion in important areas of society and politics in Norway. Participants are randomly recruited from the Norwegian population register, and they are encouraged to participate over time. The panel was fielded for the first time in the fall of 2013, and as of 2017 the survey is carried out three times a year. The University of Bergen owns and is responsible for the Citizen panel. The company ideas2evidence recruits respondents, produces the survey, and provides documentation of the data. Data is stored and shared by the Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research. The Norwegian Citizen Panel welcomes research proposals for survey content. More information about calls and other updates are available at


Geographic coverage: National geographic coverage. Counties as geographic coding.
Unit of analysis: Individuals
Universe: Norwegian citizens 18 years or older.


Sampling procedure

Members of the Norwegian Citizen Panel have been recruited in the following waves:

Round Sample size Recruited
1 25 000 4 870
3 25 000 5 623
8 22 000 4 245
11 14 000 2 069
14 14 000 2 036
16 34 000 5 163
18 14 000 2 048
22 23 000 3 221
25 18 000 2 405

All samples are drawn from the Norwegian National Population Registry. This National Population Registry includes everyone born in Norway as well as former and current inhabitants. The Norwegian Tax Administration is responsible for the register.

The extracted data was a) last name, b) first name, c) address, d) gender, e) age, and f) phone number. The sample excluded people with no current home address in Norway.

Mode of Data Collection

The survey is based on a web-based questionnaire with postal recruitment. Please refer to documentation and other information from previous waves: Screenshots of the questions are available on request from DIGSSCORE.

In wave 29, email invitations were sent out on 15th of January 2024 for softlaunch, and on the 15th of January for the main launch.

An email with reminder was sent out three times; 19th of January, 24th of January, and 29th of January to respondents who: a) had not logged in to the survey, or b) had not completed the survey. Panel members with registered mobile numbers received the last reminder via text message. Panel members without registered phone number were reminded by email.

Wave 29 ended on the 5th of February 2024.


To compensate for observed bias, a weight has been calculated. The weight equal the relation between a given strata in the population and the total population, divided by the relation between a given strata in the net sample and the total net sample. This procedure returns values around 1, but above 0. Respondents who are underrepresented will receive a weight above 1 and respondents who are overrepresented a weight below 1.

When calculating the weight, the information regarding the respondent’s geographical location, gender and age are based on registry data. These attributes were included in the sample file we received from the Norwegian Population Register. Information regarding the level of education is provided by the respondents when answering the questionnaire. Respondents with missing data on the education variable are only weighted on demography (the education component of the weight is set to 1 in these cases).

One weight have been calculated:

When applied, the weight will provide a weighted N equal to the number of cases in the dataset. In other words, the weight are calculated using the whole dataset. NCP has an extensive use of (randomized) sub-groups, which might alter the demographic profile of the sub-group compared to the whole dataset. If custom weights are necessary, data is included in the dataset which indicates the proportion size of strata in the population.

Note: In 2018 NCP changed the age variables in the datasets in order to make the respondents less identifiable. The weights are calculated with the old age variables, which no longer are publically available.

Change Log

Version Release date / Date changed Variable Changes and notes
v-102 2024-06-27 NA Revised release of round 29
NA 2024-06-27 c26_bginc Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 c26_bgchi Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 c27_bgoily_decade Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29_pcmipo_1_coded1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29_pcmipo_2_coded1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29_pcmipo_3_coded1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P2 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P3 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P3_2 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P4_1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P4_2 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P5_1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P5_2 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29_Weight4 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29_Weight4_stratapop Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29_generic_stratapop Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P_moved Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-27 r29P5_3 Variable documentation updated
v-101 2024-06-21 NA Revised release of round 29
NA 2024-06-18 c26_pcipe Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 c26_pcepe Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpsv Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_rekruttert Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpk Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldph Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpf Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpv Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpsp Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpm Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpa Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcldpr Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcmipo_1_coded1 Variable documentation inserted
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcmipo_2_coded1 Variable documentation inserted
NA 2024-06-18 r29_pcmipo_3_coded1 Variable documentation inserted
NA 2024-06-13 r29_pcmipo_1_coded1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_pcmipo_2_coded1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_pcmipo_3_coded1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgciv Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_pcpar Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgedu Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgday Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgsct Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgscp Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_2 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_3 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_4 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_5 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_6 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_7 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_8 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_9 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_10 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_11 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_12 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_13 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_14 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_15 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_16 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_17 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_18 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_19 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_20 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_21 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_mobil Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_dvase_4 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_pcmsc Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_pcmsc_txt Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_pcpar_14_other Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgedu_12_other Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgday_12_other Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgsct_6_other Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgscp_6_other Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_bgind_21_other Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29_hewor_1_other Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29P5_1 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29P5_2 Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-06-13 r29P5_3 Variable documentation inserted
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgciv Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgciv_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_pcpar Added variable: Coded version of r29_pcpar_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgedu Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgedu_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgday Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgday_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgsct Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgsct_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgscp Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgscp_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_1 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_1_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_2 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_2_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_3 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_3_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_4 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_4_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_5 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_5_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_6 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_6_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_7 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_7_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_8 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_8_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_9 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_9_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_10 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_10_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_11 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_11_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_12 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_12_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_13 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_13_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_14 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_14_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_15 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_15_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_16 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_16_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_17 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_17_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_18 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_18_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_19 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_19_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_20 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_20_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_bgind_21 Added variable: Coded version of r29_bgind_21_raw
NA 2024-06-12 r29_pcmipo_1_coded1 Added variable: Coded version of r29_pcmipo_1
NA 2024-06-12 r29_pcmipo_2_coded1 Added variable: Coded version of r29_pcmipo_2
NA 2024-06-12 r29_pcmipo_3_coded1 Added variable: Coded version of r29_pcmipo_3
v-100 2024-03-26 NA Initial release of round 29
NA 2024-03-12 r28_pcvot23m Updated variable: New versions of r28_pcvot23m that includes coded other-statements
NA 2024-03-12 r28_pcvot23c Updated variable: New versions of r28_pcvot23c that includes coded other-statements
NA 2024-03-12 r28_pcvot23m Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-03-12 r28_pcvot23c Variable documentation updated
NA 2024-01-23 r28_pcvot23m Variable documentation updated

Dataset contents

File name Norwegian Citizen Panel - round 29 - v-102-O.sav
Distribution type Public
# Cases 10099
# Variables 254

Variable Documentation


Variable label: responseid
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: The wave the respondent was recruited
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: The wave the respondent was recruited
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-25]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Wave 1 1279 12.7% 0.12664620
3 Wave 3 1326 13.1% 0.13130013
8 Wave 8 1239 12.3% 0.12268541
11 Wave 11 669 6.6% 0.06624418
14 Wave 14 698 6.9% 0.06911575
16 Wave 16 1798 17.8% 0.17803743
18 Wave 18 712 7.1% 0.07050203
22 Wave 22 1284 12.7% 0.12714130
25 Wave 25 1094 10.8% 0.10832756


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent first opened the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [Date and time of when the respondent first opened the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Date and time of when the respondent completed the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [Date and time of when the respondent completed the questionnaire. Excel-format.]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9345] [Invalid:754] [Range:-]


Variable label: Browertype used by respondent
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: Browertype used by respondent
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Browser version used by respondent
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: Browser version used by respondent
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Determines if the respondents uses mobile/tablet
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: Determines if the respondents uses mobile/tablet
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 Other 5311 52.6% 0.5258937
1 Mobile 4788 47.4% 0.4741063


Variable label: Screen resolution of the applied device
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: Screen resolution of the applied device
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Determines respondents device type
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: Determines respondents device type
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 PC 5311 52.6% 0.525893653
2 Touch 4736 46.9% 0.468957323
3 Generic 52 0.5% 0.005149025


Variable label: Determine whether the respondent’s browser supports Advanced WI Features that require client side scripts, such as sliders, drag-n-drop ranking, images instead of radio-buttons/check-boxes etc.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: Determine whether the respondent’s browser supports Advanced WI Features that require client side scripts, such as sliders, drag-n-drop ranking, images instead of radio-buttons/check-boxes etc.
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Detects the browsers rendering mode
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: Detects the browsers rendering mode
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Open: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally? (1)
Pre-question text: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally?
Literal question: 1:
Post-question: Please list the three most important issues where 1 is the most important, 2 the second most important and 3 is the third most important.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Open: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally? (2)
Pre-question text: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally?
Literal question: 2:
Post-question: Please list the three most important issues where 1 is the most important, 2 the second most important and 3 is the third most important.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Open: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally? (3)
Pre-question text: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally?
Literal question: 3:
Post-question: Please list the three most important issues where 1 is the most important, 2 the second most important and 3 is the third most important.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Christian Democratic party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Christian Democratic Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 1213 12.0% 0.12011090
2 Really dislike 1793 17.8% 0.17754233
3 Dislike somewhat 2261 22.4% 0.22388355
4 Neither like nor dislike 2452 24.3% 0.24279632
5 Like somewhat 1721 17.0% 0.17041291
6 Really like 443 4.4% 0.04386573
7 Intensely like 114 1.1% 0.01128825
97 Not answered 102 1.0% 0.01010001


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Conservative Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Conservative Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 558 5.5% 0.055252995
2 Really dislike 1421 14.1% 0.140707001
3 Dislike somewhat 1858 18.4% 0.183978612
4 Neither like nor dislike 1149 11.4% 0.113773641
5 Like somewhat 2380 23.6% 0.235666898
6 Really like 1969 19.5% 0.194969799
7 Intensely like 675 6.7% 0.066838301
97 Not answered 89 0.9% 0.008812754


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Progress Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Progress Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 2684 26.6% 0.26576889
2 Really dislike 2081 20.6% 0.20606001
3 Dislike somewhat 1416 14.0% 0.14021190
4 Neither like nor dislike 934 9.2% 0.09248440
5 Like somewhat 1650 16.3% 0.16338251
6 Really like 898 8.9% 0.08891970
7 Intensely like 335 3.3% 0.03317160
97 Not answered 101 1.0% 0.01000099


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Liberal Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Liberal Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 556 5.5% 0.05505496
2 Really dislike 1043 10.3% 0.10327755
3 Dislike somewhat 1919 19.0% 0.19001881
4 Neither like nor dislike 2629 26.0% 0.26032280
5 Like somewhat 2705 26.8% 0.26784830
6 Really like 944 9.3% 0.09347460
7 Intensely like 200 2.0% 0.01980394
97 Not answered 103 1.0% 0.01019903


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Socialist Left Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Socialist Left Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 1070 10.6% 0.10595108
2 Really dislike 1420 14.1% 0.14060798
3 Dislike somewhat 1528 15.1% 0.15130211
4 Neither like nor dislike 1498 14.8% 0.14833152
5 Like somewhat 2232 22.1% 0.22101198
6 Really like 1636 16.2% 0.16199624
7 Intensely like 608 6.0% 0.06020398
97 Not answered 107 1.1% 0.01059511


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Centre Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Centre Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 1162 11.5% 0.115060897
2 Really dislike 1952 19.3% 0.193286464
3 Dislike somewhat 2445 24.2% 0.242103179
4 Neither like nor dislike 2020 20.0% 0.200019804
5 Like somewhat 1898 18.8% 0.187939400
6 Really like 448 4.4% 0.044360828
7 Intensely like 77 0.8% 0.007624517
97 Not answered 97 1.0% 0.009604911


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Green Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Green Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 1829 18.1% 0.181107040
2 Really dislike 1531 15.2% 0.151599168
3 Dislike somewhat 1658 16.4% 0.164174671
4 Neither like nor dislike 1456 14.4% 0.144172690
5 Like somewhat 2212 21.9% 0.219031587
6 Really like 1043 10.3% 0.103277552
7 Intensely like 282 2.8% 0.027923557
97 Not answered 88 0.9% 0.008713734


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Labour Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Labour Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 712 7.1% 0.070502030
2 Really dislike 1212 12.0% 0.120011882
3 Dislike somewhat 1826 18.1% 0.180809981
4 Neither like nor dislike 1349 13.4% 0.133577582
5 Like somewhat 2980 29.5% 0.295078721
6 Really like 1656 16.4% 0.163976631
7 Intensely like 281 2.8% 0.027824537
97 Not answered 83 0.8% 0.008218636


Variable label: Like or dislike party: The Red Party
Pre-question text: We would like you to rate how much you like or dislike the various Norwegian political parties.
Literal question: The Red Party
Post-question: Click on your desired answer
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 1924 19.1% 0.19051391
2 Really dislike 1609 15.9% 0.15932271
3 Dislike somewhat 1505 14.9% 0.14902466
4 Neither like nor dislike 1425 14.1% 0.14110308
5 Like somewhat 2145 21.2% 0.21239727
6 Really like 1025 10.1% 0.10149520
7 Intensely like 365 3.6% 0.03614219
97 Not answered 101 1.0% 0.01000099


Variable label: Assessment of: The financial situation in Norway in a year
Literal question: What do you think about the financial situation in Norway in a year?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
5 Much better than today 71 0.7% 0.007030399
4 Better than today 2965 29.4% 0.293593425
3 Neither worse nor better than today 4683 46.4% 0.463709278
2 Worse than today 2112 20.9% 0.209129617
1 Much worse than today 206 2.0% 0.020398059
97 Not answered 62 0.6% 0.006139222


Variable label: Experiment: Conditional randomization: 3/5 of the respondents get [r29_dvase], 1/5 gets [r29_ceinjo], and 1/5 gets [r29_dmptrx].
Literal question: Experiment: Conditional randomization: 3/5 of the respondents get [r29_dvase], 1/5 gets [r29_ceinjo], and 1/5 gets [r29_dmptrx].
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [Randomized for all respondents]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 [r29_dvase] 6214 61.5% 0.6153084
2 [r29_ceinjo] 1923 19.0% 0.1904149
3 [r29_dmptrx] 1962 19.4% 0.1942767


Variable label: Your experience with asylum seekers: Greeted some of the asylum seekers.
Pre-question text: Norway has received many asylum seekers recently. People have had different experiences of this. What have your experiences been? I have:
Literal question: Greeted some of the asylum seekers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 1)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 2409 38.8% 0.38767300
2 No 2939 47.3% 0.47296427
3 Not relevant 780 12.6% 0.12552301
97 Not answered 86 1.4% 0.01383972
98 Not asked 3885 NA


Variable label: Your experience with asylum seekers: Had contact via the internet with asylum seekers
Pre-question text: Norway has received many asylum seekers recently. People have had different experiences of this. What have your experiences been? I have:
Literal question: Had contact via the internet with asylum seekers (for example Facebook or Finn).
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 1)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 688 11.1% 0.11071773
2 No 4392 70.7% 0.70679112
3 Not relevant 1015 16.3% 0.16334084
97 Not answered 119 1.9% 0.01915031
98 Not asked 3885 NA


Variable label: Your experience with asylum seekers: Become friends with some of the asylum seekers.
Pre-question text: Norway has received many asylum seekers recently. People have had different experiences of this. What have your experiences been? I have:
Literal question: Become friends with some of the asylum seekers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 1)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 754 12.1% 0.12133891
2 No 4804 77.3% 0.77309302
3 Not relevant 548 8.8% 0.08818796
97 Not answered 108 1.7% 0.01738011
98 Not asked 3885 NA


Variable label: Your experience with asylum seekers: Become a member of a support group for asylum seekers
Pre-question text: Norway has received many asylum seekers recently. People have had different experiences of this. What have your experiences been? I have:
Literal question: Become a member of a support group for asylum seekers (for example on the internet).
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 1)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 187 3.0% 0.03009334
2 No 4745 76.4% 0.76359833
3 Not relevant 1158 18.6% 0.18635340
97 Not answered 124 2.0% 0.01995494
98 Not asked 3885 NA


Variable label: Your experience with asylum seekers: Expressed scepticism towards asylum seekers to others.
Pre-question text: Norway has received many asylum seekers recently. People have had different experiences of this. What have your experiences been? I have:
Literal question: Expressed scepticism towards asylum seekers to others.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 1)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes 2316 37.3% 0.37270679
2 No 3175 51.1% 0.51094303
3 Not relevant 623 10.0% 0.10025748
97 Not answered 100 1.6% 0.01609269
98 Not asked 3885 NA


Variable label: I have other experiences. Please write:
Pre-question text: I have other experiences.
Literal question: Please write:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 1)]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Injustice in relation to climate change: What do you think might be unfair?
Literal question: There is sometimes talk of injustice in relation to climate change. What, if anything, do you think might be unjust?
Post-question: Please write down the first thing you think of. All types of responses are welcome, preferably a couple of sentences, or just a few words if you prefer.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 2)]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Experiment: Decides random element for text piping in [r29_dmptrx].
Literal question: Experiment: Decides random element for text piping in [r29_dmptrx].
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [Randomized if (r29_dcd_ran = 3)]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1962] [Invalid:8137] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 , for example The Labour Party, 972 49.5% 0.4954128
2 , for example The Conservative Party, 990 50.5% 0.5045872
Sysmiss 8137 NA


Variable label: Experiment: Decides random element for text piping in [r29_dmptrx].
Literal question: Experiment: Decides random element for text piping in [r29_dmptrx].
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [Randomized if (r29_dcd_ran = 3)]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1962] [Invalid:8137] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 male politician 658 33.5% 0.3353721
2 female politician 635 32.4% 0.3236493
3 politician 669 34.1% 0.3409786
Sysmiss 8137 NA


Variable label: Able to become a minister after: given fraudulent information about commuter expenses/commuter accommodation
Pre-question text: We want to know what Norwegian citizens think about the political future of politicians who break ethical guidelines. How much do you agree or disagree that a [r29_dmptrx_ran1] allows a [r29_dmptrx_ran2] to become a minister after having …
Literal question: … given fraudulent information about commuter expenses/commuter accommodation
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 3)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree 62 3.2% 0.03160041
2 Agree somewhat 75 3.8% 0.03822630
3 Neither agree nor disagree 140 7.1% 0.07135576
4 Slightly disagree 453 23.1% 0.23088685
5 Completely disagree 1212 61.8% 0.61773700
97 Not answered 20 1.0% 0.01019368
98 Not asked 8137 NA


Variable label: Able to become a minister after: given friends an advantage in awarding public office
Pre-question text: We want to know what Norwegian citizens think about the political future of politicians who break ethical guidelines. How much do you agree or disagree that a [r29_dmptrx_ran1] allows a [r29_dmptrx_ran2] to become a minister after having …
Literal question: … given friends an advantage in awarding public office
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 3)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree 60 3.1% 0.030581040
2 Agree somewhat 52 2.7% 0.026503568
3 Neither agree nor disagree 102 5.2% 0.051987768
4 Slightly disagree 418 21.3% 0.213047910
5 Completely disagree 1311 66.8% 0.668195719
97 Not answered 19 1.0% 0.009683996
98 Not asked 8137 NA


Variable label: Able to become a minister after: failed to assess their own impartiality when buying shares
Pre-question text: We want to know what Norwegian citizens think about the political future of politicians who break ethical guidelines. How much do you agree or disagree that a [r29_dmptrx_ran1] allows a [r29_dmptrx_ran2] to become a minister after having …
Literal question: … failed to assess their own impartiality when buying shares
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 3)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree 70 3.6% 0.035677880
2 Agree somewhat 76 3.9% 0.038735984
3 Neither agree nor disagree 165 8.4% 0.084097859
4 Slightly disagree 521 26.6% 0.265545362
5 Completely disagree 1116 56.9% 0.568807339
97 Not answered 14 0.7% 0.007135576
98 Not asked 8137 NA


Variable label: Able to become a minister after: exposed younger colleagues in politics to unwanted sexual harassment
Pre-question text: We want to know what Norwegian citizens think about the political future of politicians who break ethical guidelines. How much do you agree or disagree that a [r29_dmptrx_ran1] allows a [r29_dmptrx_ran2] to become a minister after having …
Literal question: … exposed younger colleagues in politics to unwanted sexual harassment
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 3)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree 56 2.9% 0.02854230
2 Agree somewhat 54 2.8% 0.02752294
3 Neither agree nor disagree 114 5.8% 0.05810398
4 Slightly disagree 234 11.9% 0.11926606
5 Completely disagree 1484 75.6% 0.75637105
97 Not answered 20 1.0% 0.01019368
98 Not asked 8137 NA


Variable label: Able to become a minister after: spread false rumors about a party colleague in the public
Pre-question text: We want to know what Norwegian citizens think about the political future of politicians who break ethical guidelines. How much do you agree or disagree that a [r29_dmptrx_ran1] allows a [r29_dmptrx_ran2] to become a minister after having …
Literal question: … spread false rumors about a party colleague in the public
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_dcd_ran = 3)]

[Display order of questions in grid: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Completely agree 52 2.7% 0.02650357
2 Agree somewhat 49 2.5% 0.02497452
3 Neither agree nor disagree 174 8.9% 0.08868502
4 Slightly disagree 432 22.0% 0.22018349
5 Completely disagree 1234 62.9% 0.62895005
97 Not answered 21 1.1% 0.01070336
98 Not asked 8137 NA


Variable label: How satisfied are you with the way in which democracy works in Norway?
Literal question: How satisfied are you with the way in which democracy works in Norway?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very satisfied 1041 10.3% 0.103079513
2 Satisfied 4846 48.0% 0.479849490
3 Somewhat satisfied 2736 27.1% 0.270917913
4 Dissatisfied 1106 11.0% 0.109515794
5 Not satisfied at all 351 3.5% 0.034755916
97 Not answered 19 0.2% 0.001881374


Variable label: How satisfied are you with the present government in Norway?
Literal question: How satisfied are you with the present government in Norway?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very satisfied 143 1.4% 0.01415982
2 Satisfied 1691 16.7% 0.16744232
3 Somewhat satisfied 3332 33.0% 0.32993366
4 Dissatisfied 3203 31.7% 0.31716011
5 Not satisfied at all 1534 15.2% 0.15189623
97 Not answered 196 1.9% 0.01940786


Variable label: Most people in general can be trusted
Literal question: Would you say that most people in general can be trusted, or do you think that one cannot be careful enough when dealing with others?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-10]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 - Cannot be careful enough 40 0.4% 0.003960788
1 1 81 0.8% 0.008020596
2 2 169 1.7% 0.016734330
3 3 380 3.8% 0.037627488
4 4 405 4.0% 0.040102980
5 5 810 8.0% 0.080205961
6 6 1055 10.4% 0.104465789
7 7 2554 25.3% 0.252896326
8 8 3187 31.6% 0.315575800
9 9 1067 10.6% 0.105654025
10 10 – Most people can be trusted 315 3.1% 0.031191207
97 Not answered 36 0.4% 0.003564709


Variable label: How much safer or more unsafe has your local environment become
Literal question:

Think about your local environment and how it has evolved over the past couple of years.

How much safer or more unsafe has it become?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Much safer 80 0.8% 0.007921576
2 Somewhat safer 429 4.2% 0.042479453
3 No change in safety 7319 72.5% 0.724725220
4 Somewhat more unsafe 2036 20.2% 0.201604119
5 Much more unsafe 214 2.1% 0.021190217
97 Not answered 21 0.2% 0.002079414


Variable label: Assessment of: Your own financial situation today
Literal question: How would you assess your own financial situation today?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very good 1058 10.5% 0.104762848
2 Good 4404 43.6% 0.436082780
3 Quite good 1956 19.4% 0.193682543
4 Neither good nor bad 1453 14.4% 0.143875631
5 Quite bad 803 8.0% 0.079512823
6 Bad 301 3.0% 0.029804931
7 Very bad 83 0.8% 0.008218636
97 Not answered 41 0.4% 0.004059808


Variable label: Assessment of: Your own financial situation in a year
Literal question: How would you assess your own financial situation in a year?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Much worse than today 75 0.7% 0.007426478
2 Worse than today 1296 12.8% 0.128329538
3 Neither worse nor better than today 6900 68.3% 0.683235964
4 Better than today 1701 16.8% 0.168432518
5 Much better than today 89 0.9% 0.008812754
97 Not answered 38 0.4% 0.003762749


Variable label: How often do you read about, think or talk about something related to 22. july?
Literal question:

It’s now been more than ten years since the attacks of 22 July 2011.

When it comes to you personally, how often would you say that you now think about, read or talk about something that is related to 22 July?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Daily 45 0.4% 0.004455887
2 Weekly 377 3.7% 0.037330429
3 A couple of times a month 1904 18.9% 0.188533518
4 Less often, but it happens 6672 66.1% 0.660659471
5 Never 1062 10.5% 0.105158927
97 Not answered 39 0.4% 0.003861768


Variable label: Generally speaking, how much confidence do you have in Norwegian politicians?
Literal question: Generally speaking, how much confidence do you have in Norwegian politicians?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A very high degree 166 1.6% 0.016437271
2 A high degree 2990 29.6% 0.296068918
3 Some degree 4551 45.1% 0.450638677
4 A low degree 1825 18.1% 0.180710961
5 Not at all 517 5.1% 0.051193187
97 Not answered 50 0.5% 0.004950985


Variable label: What degree of confidence do you have in the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget)?
Literal question: What degree of confidence do you have in the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget)?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A very high degree 511 5.1% 0.05059907
2 A high degree 4089 40.5% 0.40489157
3 Some degree 3829 37.9% 0.37914645
4 A low degree 1186 11.7% 0.11743737
5 Not at all 376 3.7% 0.03723141
97 Not answered 108 1.1% 0.01069413


Variable label: What degree of confidence do you have in the Norwegian news media?
Literal question: What degree of confidence do you have in the Norwegian news media?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A very high degree 444 4.4% 0.043964749
2 A high degree 4063 40.2% 0.402317061
3 Some degree 4047 40.1% 0.400732746
4 A low degree 1140 11.3% 0.112882464
5 Not at all 324 3.2% 0.032082384
97 Not answered 81 0.8% 0.008020596


Variable label: Perception of current economic situation
Literal question:

How do you perceive the current economic situation to be in Norway?

Do you think it is:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very good 786 7.8% 0.07782949
2 Good 3590 35.5% 0.35548074
3 Quite good 2398 23.7% 0.23744925
4 Neither good nor bad 1137 11.3% 0.11258540
5 Quite bad 1575 15.6% 0.15595604
6 Bad 466 4.6% 0.04614318
7 Very bad 112 1.1% 0.01109021
97 Not answered 35 0.3% 0.00346569


Variable label: Agree/Disagree: Large gaps in income are necessary in order to reward talent and effort
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Large differences in people’s incomes are necessary in order to reward talent and effort.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 170 1.7% 0.01683335
2 Agree 863 8.5% 0.08545401
3 Agree somewhat 2652 26.3% 0.26260026
4 Neither agree nor disagree 955 9.5% 0.09456382
5 Disagree somewhat 2006 19.9% 0.19863353
6 Disagree 2107 20.9% 0.20863452
7 Strongly disagree 1313 13.0% 0.13001287
97 Not answered 33 0.3% 0.00326765


Variable label: Agree/disagree: Economic growth should be secured through development of industry, despite conflict with environmental interests.
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following assertion:

Economic growth should be safeguarded through the development of industry, even if it comes into conflict with environmental interests.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 409 4.0% 0.040499059
2 Agree 1044 10.3% 0.103376572
3 Agree somewhat 2231 22.1% 0.220912962
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1040 10.3% 0.102980493
5 Disagree somewhat 2258 22.4% 0.223586494
6 Disagree 1928 19.1% 0.190909991
7 Strongly disagree 1125 11.1% 0.111397168
97 Not answered 64 0.6% 0.006337261


Variable label: In general, which of the statements to do agree the most with?
Literal question: Generally speaking, which of the following statements do you agree with the most:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomized]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 There should be larger and fewer public institutions, such as municipalities, hospitals, educational institutions and police districts. 3591 35.6% 0.35557976
2 There should be smaller and more public institutions, such as municipalities, hospitals, educational institutions and police districts. 6264 62.0% 0.62025943
97 Not answered 244 2.4% 0.02416081


Variable label: Agree/Disagree: Citizens of rich countries should reduce their consumption
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

The inhabitants of rich countries such as Norway should reduce their consumption in order to help solve our climate challenges.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1925 19.1% 0.190612932
2 Agree 2756 27.3% 0.272898307
3 Agree somewhat 2837 28.1% 0.280918903
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1002 9.9% 0.099217744
5 Disagree somewhat 653 6.5% 0.064659867
6 Disagree 522 5.2% 0.051688286
7 Strongly disagree 353 3.5% 0.034953956
97 Not answered 51 0.5% 0.005050005


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The authorities should introduce more measures to protect citizens from potential terrorist threats, even though this may be at the expense of privacy.
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following proposition:

The authorities should introduce more measures to protect citizens from potential terrorist threats, even though this may be at the expense of privacy.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 802 7.9% 0.079413803
2 Agree 2338 23.2% 0.231508070
3 Agree somewhat 3217 31.9% 0.318546391
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1281 12.7% 0.126844242
5 Disagree somewhat 1257 12.4% 0.124467769
6 Disagree 785 7.8% 0.077730468
7 Strongly disagree 337 3.3% 0.033369641
97 Not answered 82 0.8% 0.008119616


Variable label: Development of the oil and gas industry in Norway. In 10 to 15 years, the industry should be…
Literal question:

There is frequent debate about how the oil and gas industry in Norway should be developed over the next 10 to 15 years. Which of the following options is closest to your view?

In 10 to 15 years, the industry should be …
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 As large as possible 558 5.5% 0.055252995
2 Larger than today 598 5.9% 0.059213784
3 Just as large as today 3433 34.0% 0.339934647
4 Smaller than today 3695 36.6% 0.365877810
5 As small as possible 1730 17.1% 0.171304090
97 Not answered 85 0.8% 0.008416675


Variable label: Agree/disagree: Financial resources should be transferred from the rich parts of the country to parts that are not so rich, to ensure that everyone receives public services of the same quality.
Literal question: To what extent do you agree or disgree with the following statement: Financial resources should be transferred from the rich parts of the country to parts that are not so rich, to ensure that everyone receives public services of the same quality.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1272 12.6% 0.125953065
2 Agree 3262 32.3% 0.323002277
3 Agree somewhat 3318 32.9% 0.328547381
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1104 10.9% 0.109317754
5 Disagree somewhat 669 6.6% 0.066244183
6 Disagree 296 2.9% 0.029309833
7 Strongly disagree 103 1.0% 0.010199030
97 Not answered 75 0.7% 0.007426478


Variable label: Agree/disagree: It should be possible for parents to send their children to Muslim schools.
Literal question:

Today, it is possible for parents to send their children to Christian schools that follow the national curriculum, but also teach the Christian faith.

How much do you agree or disagree that it should be possible for parents to send their children to Muslim schools that follow the national curriculum, but also teach the Islamic faith?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 227 2.2% 0.022477473
2 Agree 997 9.9% 0.098722646
3 Agree somewhat 1275 12.6% 0.126250124
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1742 17.2% 0.172492326
5 Disagree somewhat 1377 13.6% 0.136350134
6 Disagree 2002 19.8% 0.198237449
7 Strongly disagree 2393 23.7% 0.236954154
97 Not answered 86 0.9% 0.008515695


Variable label: Open: Comments to [r29_pcmsc]. Showed on the same page as [r29_pcmsc].
Literal question: If you have comments to the question, you can write them here.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:numeric] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Agree/Disagree: The wealth tax should be abolished
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following proposition:

The wealth tax should be abolished.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1448 14.3% 0.143380533
2 Agree 1442 14.3% 0.142786414
3 Agree somewhat 1698 16.8% 0.168135459
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1424 14.1% 0.141004060
5 Disagree somewhat 1429 14.1% 0.141499158
6 Disagree 1722 17.1% 0.170511932
7 Strongly disagree 842 8.3% 0.083374592
97 Not answered 94 0.9% 0.009307852


Variable label: Agree/disagree: More onshore wind power should be developed in Norway.
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements
Literal question: More onshore wind power should be developed in Norway.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 708 7.0% 0.07010595
2 Agree 1415 14.0% 0.14011288
3 Agree somewhat 2185 21.6% 0.21635806
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1144 11.3% 0.11327854
5 Disagree somewhat 1324 13.1% 0.13110209
6 Disagree 1392 13.8% 0.13783543
7 Strongly disagree 1824 18.1% 0.18061194
97 Not answered 107 1.1% 0.01059511


Variable label: Agree/disagree: More offshore wind power should be developed in Norway.
Pre-question text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements
Literal question: More offshore wind power should be developed in Norway.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1323 13.1% 0.13100307
2 Agree 2645 26.2% 0.26190712
3 Agree somewhat 2438 24.1% 0.24141004
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1119 11.1% 0.11080305
5 Disagree somewhat 686 6.8% 0.06792752
6 Disagree 695 6.9% 0.06881869
7 Strongly disagree 1076 10.7% 0.10654520
97 Not answered 117 1.2% 0.01158531


Variable label: Agree/disagree: The Government should work to reduce income inequality in society
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following suggestion:

The Government should work to reduce income inequality in society to greater extent.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 2384 23.6% 0.236062977
2 Agree 2818 27.9% 0.279037528
3 Agree somewhat 2417 23.9% 0.239330627
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1040 10.3% 0.102980493
5 Disagree somewhat 772 7.6% 0.076443212
6 Disagree 437 4.3% 0.043271611
7 Strongly disagree 145 1.4% 0.014357857
97 Not answered 86 0.9% 0.008515695


Variable label: Advantage/disadvantage for Norway that immigrants come to live here
Literal question: In your opinion how great an advantage or disadvantage is it for Norway that immigrants come to live here?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A very great advantage 370 3.7% 0.036637291
2 A great advantage 1811 17.9% 0.179324686
3 A slight advantage 4275 42.3% 0.423309239
4 Neither an advantage nor a disadvantage 1313 13.0% 0.130012873
5 A slight disadvantage 1506 14.9% 0.149123676
6 A great disadvantage 490 4.9% 0.048519655
7 A very great disadvantage 250 2.5% 0.024754926
97 Not answered 84 0.8% 0.008317655


Variable label: Like/dislike: immigrants in Norway
Literal question: In general, how much do you like or dislike immigrants in Norway?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Intensely dislike 108 1.1% 0.01069413
2 Really dislike 240 2.4% 0.02376473
3 Dislike somewhat 916 9.1% 0.09070205
4 Neither dislike nor like 3343 33.1% 0.33102287
5 Like somewhat 2798 27.7% 0.27705713
6 Really like 2187 21.7% 0.21655609
7 Intensely like 383 3.8% 0.03792455
97 Not answered 124 1.2% 0.01227844


Variable label: Your opinion on refugees who come to Norway and seek asylum.
Literal question: What is your opinion on refugees who come to Norway and seek asylum and their opportunity to be granted residence here? Compared to how it is today, do you mean it should be:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Much easier 145 1.4% 0.014357857
2 Easier 698 6.9% 0.069115754
3 Somewhat easier 1439 14.2% 0.142489355
4 Same as today 4151 41.1% 0.411030795
5 Slightly more difficult 1967 19.5% 0.194771760
6 More difficult 917 9.1% 0.090801069
7 Much more difficult 688 6.8% 0.068125557
97 Not answered 94 0.9% 0.009307852


Variable label: As you see it, how good or poor are the preconditions in Norwegian society for integrating refugees?
Literal question: As you see it, how good or poor are the preconditions in Norwegian society for integrating refugees?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very good 430 4.3% 0.04257847
2 Good 2599 25.7% 0.25735221
3 Somewhat good 2385 23.6% 0.23616200
4 Neither good nor bad 1191 11.8% 0.11793247
5 Somewhat poor 2003 19.8% 0.19833647
6 Poor 1034 10.2% 0.10238637
7 Very poor 343 3.4% 0.03396376
97 Not answered 114 1.1% 0.01128825


Variable label: How positive or negative are you towards Norwegian EU membership?
Literal question: How positive or negative are you towards Norwegian EU membership?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very positive 1139 11.3% 0.112783444
2 Positive 1669 16.5% 0.165263888
3 Somewhat positive 1474 14.6% 0.145955045
4 Neither positive nor negative 1138 11.3% 0.112684424
5 Somewhat negative 1447 14.3% 0.143281513
6 Negative 1589 15.7% 0.157342311
7 Very negative 1567 15.5% 0.155163878
97 Not answered 76 0.8% 0.007525498


Variable label: How great advantage or disadvantage is the EEA Agreement for Norway?
Literal question: How great advantage or disadvantage is the EEA Agreement for Norway?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A very great advantage 1300 12.9% 0.12872562
2 A great advantage 2534 25.1% 0.25091593
3 A slight advantage 2977 29.5% 0.29478166
4 Neither an advantage nor a disadvantage 1031 10.2% 0.10208932
5 A slight disadvantage 1215 12.0% 0.12030894
6 A great disadvantage 558 5.5% 0.05525300
7 A very great disadvantage 335 3.3% 0.03317160
97 Not answered 149 1.5% 0.01475394


Variable label: How do you rate the increased military presence of NATO in Eastern Europe?
Literal question: NATO has recently increased its military forces and military equipment in Eastern Europe considerably. How do you rate the increased military presence in Eastern Europe?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very positively 2898 28.7% 0.286959105
2 Somewhat positively 3471 34.4% 0.343697396
3 Neither positively, nor negatively 1276 12.6% 0.126349143
4 Somewhat negatively 1126 11.1% 0.111496188
5 Very negatively 626 6.2% 0.061986335
6 Don't know 604 6.0% 0.059807902
97 Not answered 98 1.0% 0.009703931


Variable label: Norways membership status in NATO
Literal question: Which of the following alternatives is closest to your point of view:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Norway should continue to be a member of NATO. 9656 95.6% 0.95613427
2 Norway should opt out of NATO. 332 3.3% 0.03287454
97 Not answered 111 1.1% 0.01099119


Variable label: Current gross annual income?
Literal question: What is your current income? Gross annual income is:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-10]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Less than 300 000 NOK 828 8.2% 0.08198832
2 300 001 - 400 000 NOK 1474 14.6% 0.14595505
3 400 001 - 500 000 NOK 1561 15.5% 0.15456976
4 500 001 - 600 000 NOK 1367 13.5% 0.13535994
5 600 001 - 700 000 NOK 1286 12.7% 0.12733934
6 700 001 - 800 000 NOK 1034 10.2% 0.10238637
7 800 001 - 900 000 NOK 676 6.7% 0.06693732
8 900 001 - 1 000 000 NOK 543 5.4% 0.05376770
9 1 000 001 - 1 300 000 NOK 647 6.4% 0.06406575
10 More than 1 300 000 NOK 476 4.7% 0.04713338
97 Not answered 207 2.0% 0.02049708


Variable label: In general, how would you say your health is?
Literal question: In general, how would you say your health is?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Excellent 1058 10.5% 0.104762848
2 Very good 2957 29.3% 0.292801267
3 Good 3947 39.1% 0.390830775
4 Somewhat good 1628 16.1% 0.161204080
5 Poor 414 4.1% 0.040994158
97 Not answered 95 0.9% 0.009406872


Variable label: Other: Marital status
Pre-question text: What is your marital status? Select the most appropriate
Literal question: Other:
Post-question: Select the most appropriate
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Would vote for which party if there were a parliamentary election tomorrow: Other
Pre-question text: Which party would you vote for if there were a parliamentary election tomorrow?
Literal question: Other:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomized]

[The order for the alternatives ‘Would not vote’, ‘Would cast a blank vote’, ‘Not entitled to vote’, and ‘Other’ was not randomized, but kept at the bottom after the other alternatives.]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Open: Highest completed education: None of the above
Pre-question text: What is the highest level of completed education?
Literal question: None of the above
Post-question: If you have obtained multiple qualifications of the same level, select the one that is the most relevant to you.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if respondent has not answered (r25_bgedu), (r26_bgedu) or (r27_bgedu)]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Open: Which of the following descriptions best applies to what you have been doing for the last seven days: Other
Pre-question text: Which of the following descriptions best applies to what you have been doing for the last seven days?
Literal question: Other:
Post-question: Select one alternative.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if respondent has not answered one or both of (r27_bgsct/r27_bgscp) and (r27_bgind)]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Open: Which type of business do you work in: Other
Pre-question text: Which type of business do you work in?
Literal question: Other:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3)]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Experiment: Decides text piping for [r29_bgscp].
Literal question: Experiment: Decides text piping for [r29_bgscp].
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:941] [Invalid:9158] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 a student 50 5.3% 0.053134963
2 unemployed 31 3.3% 0.032943677
3 permanently ill or disabled 118 12.5% 0.125398512
4 retired 740 78.6% 0.786397450
5 a stay-at-home parent or caregiver 2 0.2% 0.002125399
Sysmiss 9158 NA


Variable label: Open: What type of business did you work for before you became [r29_bgscp_mask]: Other
Pre-question text: What type of business did you work for before you became [r29_bgscp_mask]?
Literal question: Other:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 5,6,7,8,9,11)]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Open: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Other
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Other
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Do you work or have you previously worked as a healthcare professional?
Literal question: Do you work or have you previously worked as a healthcare professional?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes, as: 1881 18.6% 0.18625606
2 No 8114 80.3% 0.80344589
97 Not answered 104 1.0% 0.01029805


Variable label: Open: Do you work or have you previously worked as a healthcare professional: Other
Pre-question text: Do you work or have you previously worked as a healthcare professional?
Literal question: Other:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single - Other] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Which description best fits the area you live in?
Literal question: Which description best fits the area you live in?
Post-question: We are thinking about Norwegian conditions here.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [Asked if respondent has not answered (r26k2_bgurb) or (r27_bgurb)]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A city 439 24.8% 0.24830317
2 A suburb or the outskirts of a city 310 17.5% 0.17533937
3 A small or medium sized town 475 26.9% 0.26866516
4 A village 308 17.4% 0.17420814
5 A sparsely inhabited area 201 11.4% 0.11368778
97 Not answered 35 2.0% 0.01979638
98 Not asked 8331 NA


Variable label: Personal placement on political left and right wing scale
Pre-question text: In politics people often talk about the “left wing” and the “right wing.” Below is a scale where 0 represents those who are on the far left politically, while 10 represents those who are on the far right.
Literal question: Where would you place yourself on such a scale?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [Asked if respondent has not answered (r25_bglrs), (r26k2_bglrs) or (r28_bglrs)]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric] [Format:numeric] [Valid:647] [Invalid:9452] [Range:0-10]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 - Left wing 17 2.6% 0.02627512
1 1 51 7.9% 0.07882535
2 2 66 10.2% 0.10200927
3 3 78 12.1% 0.12055641
4 4 44 6.8% 0.06800618
5 5 109 16.8% 0.16846986
6 6 76 11.7% 0.11746522
7 7 96 14.8% 0.14837713
8 8 69 10.7% 0.10664606
9 9 25 3.9% 0.03863988
10 10 - Right wing 16 2.5% 0.02472952
Sysmiss 9452 NA


Variable label: Social class, personal placement.
Pre-question text: We sometimes talk about whether or not there are different social groups or classes.
Literal question: If you were to place yourself in such a social class, which one would it be?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Lower class 123 1.2% 0.01217942
2 Working class 1419 14.1% 0.14050896
3 Lower middle class 1125 11.1% 0.11139717
4 Middle class 5564 55.1% 0.55094564
5 Upper middle class 1426 14.1% 0.14120210
6 Upper class 35 0.3% 0.00346569
7 Don't know 297 2.9% 0.02940885
97 Not answered 110 1.1% 0.01089217


Variable label: Closing comments:
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Text data witheld due to privacy considerations. However, data can be made available for researchers after contacting DIGSSCORE/University of Bergen.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:character] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Change in home municipality
Literal question:

Respondents were asked what county and municipality they live in.

Respondents who moved abroad are assigned the value 1, and exposed to a follow-up question on what their registered address in Norway is.

Respondents who moved to Svalbard/Jan Mayen are assigned the value 1, and exposed to a follow-up question on what their mainland address is.
Technical description: [Asked if respondent has not answered (r27_bgmov) or has a registered address in Ålesund, due to the municipality changes of 2024]
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:1829] [Invalid:8270] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The respondent has changed home municipality 196 10.7% 0.1071624
0 The respondent has not changed home municipality 1633 89.3% 0.8928376
Sysmiss 8270 NA


Variable label: Gender
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Male 5248 52.0% 0.5196554
2 Female 4851 48.0% 0.4803446


Variable label: Region
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Oslo 1549 15.3% 0.15338152
2 Østlandet 3691 36.5% 0.36548173
3 Sørlandet 491 4.9% 0.04861868
4 Vestlandet 2792 27.6% 0.27646302
5 Trøndelag 815 8.1% 0.08070106
6 Nord-Norge 761 7.5% 0.07535400


Variable label: County
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:3-56]

Value Label Cases Percentage
3 Oslo 1549 15.3% 0.153381523
11 Rogaland 978 9.7% 0.096841271
15 Møre og Romsdal 390 3.9% 0.038617685
18 Nordland 381 3.8% 0.037726508
31 Østfold 473 4.7% 0.046836320
32 Akershus 1403 13.9% 0.138924646
33 Buskerud 447 4.4% 0.044261808
34 Innlandet 560 5.5% 0.055451035
39 Vestfold 529 5.2% 0.052381424
40 Telemark 279 2.8% 0.027626498
42 Agder 491 4.9% 0.048618675
46 Vestland 1424 14.1% 0.141004060
50 Trøndelag 815 8.1% 0.080701060
55 Troms 294 2.9% 0.029111793
56 Finnmark 86 0.9% 0.008515695


Variable label: Constituencies parliament election 2021
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-19]

Value Label Cases Percentage
3 Østfold 473 4.7% 0.046836320
1 Akershus 1389 13.8% 0.137538370
2 Oslo 1549 15.3% 0.153381523
5 Hedmark 292 2.9% 0.028913754
6 Oppland 268 2.7% 0.026537281
7 Buskerud 461 4.6% 0.045648084
4 Vestfold 529 5.2% 0.052381424
8 Telemark 279 2.8% 0.027626498
10 Aust-Agder 163 1.6% 0.016140212
9 Vest-Agder 328 3.2% 0.032478463
11 Rogaland 978 9.7% 0.096841271
12 Hordaland 1251 12.4% 0.123873651
13 Sogn og Fjordane 173 1.7% 0.017130409
14 Møre og Romsdal 390 3.9% 0.038617685
16 Sør-Trøndelag 655 6.5% 0.064857907
15 Nord-Trøndelag 160 1.6% 0.015843153
17 Nordland 381 3.8% 0.037726508
18 Troms 294 2.9% 0.029111793
19 Finnmark 86 0.9% 0.008515695


Variable label: Highest completed education
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:integer] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No education/elementary school 427 4.2% 0.042281414
2 Upper secondary education 2955 29.3% 0.292603228
3 University/University college 6679 66.1% 0.661352609
97 Not answered 38 0.4% 0.003762749


Variable label: Highest completed education
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No completed education 22 0.2% 0.0021784335
2 Primary and lower secondary school (completed either the first part of compulsory education (elementary school), primary and lower secondary school, 7-year elementary school, secondary modern school or lower secondary school) 405 4.0% 0.0401029805
3 Secondary education-general studies/programme for general studies, one-year supplementary study for university and college admission certification (VK2, VG3, High School) 864 8.6% 0.0855530251
4 Secondary education-vocational line of study/education programme (VK2, VK3, VG3, apprenticeship examination, apprentices’ final exam ) 1172 11.6% 0.1160510942
5 Diploma from supplementary programme for general university and college admissions certification (tertiary vocational education, vocational technical college) 919 9.1% 0.0909991088
6 University/College, less than 3 years, but at least 2 years (university college graduate 2 and 2½ years) 882 8.7% 0.0873353797
7 College-3-4 year education (Bachelor-, cand.mag., teacher training college, school of nursing, preschool teacher, engineer, business graduate, etc.) 2112 20.9% 0.2091296168
8 University-3-4 year education (Bachelor, cand.mag.) 698 6.9% 0.0691157540
9 College-5-6 year education (Master, major) 786 7.8% 0.0778294881
10 University 5-6 year education (Master, majors (longer professional education (MA in Theology., MA in Psychology., Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, chartered engineer, graduate in architecture, Master of Science in Business and Economic 1883 18.6% 0.1864541044
11 Researcher level (Doctorate, Ph.d.) 318 3.1% 0.0314882662
12 None of the above (please enter): 32 0.3% 0.0031686306
97 Not answered 6 0.1% 0.0005941182


Variable label: Year of birth (expanded, from 1939)
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1939 or earlier 180 1.8% 0.01782355
2 1940-1949 1590 15.7% 0.15744133
3 1950-1959 2711 26.8% 0.26844242
4 1960-1969 2384 23.6% 0.23606298
5 1970-1979 1541 15.3% 0.15258937
6 1980-1989 1000 9.9% 0.09901970
7 1990 or later 693 6.9% 0.06862066


Variable label: Year of birth (condensed)
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1959 or earlier 4481 44.4% 0.44370730
2 1960-1989 4925 48.8% 0.48767205
3 1990 or later 693 6.9% 0.06862066


Variable label: Weight based on variables P1, P2, P4_1 (Note! recoded to two-level: 1) upper secondary and lower, and 2) University/University college), and age.
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-5]


Variable label: Indicates the proportion size of strata in the population. Strata constructed with P1, P2, P4_1 (Note! recoded to two-level: 1) upper secondary and lower, and 2) University/University college), and age.
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10058] [Invalid:41] [Range:0-0]


Variable label: Indicates the proportion size of strata in the population. Strata constructed with P1, P2, and age.
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-0]


Variable label: Marital status
Literal question: What is your marital status?
Post-question: Select the most appropriate.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Single 1197 11.9% 0.118526587
2 Non-domestic relationship 497 4.9% 0.049212793
3 Cohabitant 1480 14.7% 0.146549163
4 Married/legally registered partner 5807 57.5% 0.575007426
5 Divorced/separated/formerly legally registered partner 551 5.5% 0.054559857
6 Widow/widower 452 4.5% 0.044756907
7 Other: 22 0.2% 0.002178434
97 Not answered 93 0.9% 0.009208833


Variable label: Would vote for which party if there were a parliamentary election tomorrow
Literal question: Which party would you vote for if there were a parliamentary election tomorrow?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomized]

[The order for the alternatives ‘Would not vote’, ‘Would cast a blank vote’, ‘Not entitled to vote’, and ‘Other’ was not randomized, but kept at the bottom after the other alternatives.]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-14]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Christian Democrats 317 3.1% 0.03138925
2 The Conservative Party 2387 23.6% 0.23636004
3 The Progress Party 781 7.7% 0.07733439
4 The Liberal Party 630 6.2% 0.06238241
5 The Socialist Left Party 1362 13.5% 0.13486484
6 The Centre Party 351 3.5% 0.03475592
7 The Green Party 495 4.9% 0.04901475
8 The Labour Party 1623 16.1% 0.16070898
9 The Red Party 580 5.7% 0.05743143
10 The Industry and Business Party 404 4.0% 0.04000396
11 Would not vote 215 2.1% 0.02128924
12 Would cast a blank vote 357 3.5% 0.03535003
13 Not entitled to vote 149 1.5% 0.01475394
14 Other: 326 3.2% 0.03228042
97 Not answered 122 1.2% 0.01208040


Variable label: Highest completed education
Literal question: What is the highest level of completed education?
Post-question: If you have obtained multiple qualifications of the same level, select the one that is the most relevant to you.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if respondent has not answered (r25_bgedu), (r26_bgedu) or (r27_bgedu)]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No completed education 3 0.1% 0.001497753
2 Primary and lower secondary school (completed either the first part of compulsory education (elementary school), primary and lower secondary school, 7- year elementary school, secondary modern school or lower secondary school) 84 4.2% 0.041937094
3 Secondary education-general studies/programme for general studies, one-year supplementary study for university and college admission certification (VK2, VG3, High School) 160 8.0% 0.079880180
4 Secondary education-vocational line of study/education programme (VK2, VK3, VG3, apprenticeship examination, apprentices’ final exam ) 245 12.2% 0.122316525
5 Diploma from supplementary programme for general university and college admissions certification (tertiary vocational education, vocational technical college) 173 8.6% 0.086370444
6 University/College, less than 3 years, but at least 2 years (university college graduate 2 and 2½ years) 162 8.1% 0.080878682
7 College-3-4 year education (Bachelor-, cand.mag., teacher training college, school of nursing, preschool teacher, engineer, business graduate, etc.) 433 21.6% 0.216175736
8 University-3-4 year education (Bachelor, cand.mag.) 126 6.3% 0.062905642
9 College-5-6 year education (Master, major) 150 7.5% 0.074887668
10 University 5-6 year education (Master, majors, or longer professional education (e.g. MA in Theology., MA in Psychology., Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, chartered engineer, graduate in architecture, Master of Science in Business and Economics)) 357 17.8% 0.178232651
11 Researcher level (Doctorate, Ph.d.) 49 2.4% 0.024463305
12 None of the above (please enter): 6 0.3% 0.002995507
97 Not answered 55 2.7% 0.027458812
98 Not asked 8096 NA


Variable label: Which of the following descriptions best applies to what you have been doing for the last seven days?
Literal question: Which of the following descriptions best applies to what you have been doing for the last seven days?
Post-question: Select one alternative.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if respondent has not answered one or both of (r27_bgsct/r27_bgscp) and (r27_bgind)]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 In full-time paid work (or on temporary leave such as vacation leave or leave of absence/maternity leave) 960 43.2% 0.431848853
2 In part-time paid work (or on temporary leave such as vacation leave or leave of absence/maternity leave) with working hours of 30 hours per week or more 78 3.5% 0.035087719
3 In part-time paid work (or on temporary leave such as vacation leave or leave of absence/maternity leave) with working hours of less than 30 hours per week 75 3.4% 0.033738192
4 Self-employed 86 3.9% 0.038686460
5 In education (not paid by an employer) 53 2.4% 0.023841655
6 Unemployed and actively seeking a job 24 1.1% 0.010796221
7 Unemployed and not actively seeking a job 6 0.3% 0.002699055
8 Permanently ill or disabled 126 5.7% 0.056680162
9 Retired 754 33.9% 0.339181287
10 In military service 0 0.0% 0.000000000
11 Working at home, minding children or providing care to other persons 3 0.1% 0.001349528
12 Other: 12 0.5% 0.005398111
97 Not answered 46 2.1% 0.020692758
98 Not asked 7876 NA


Variable label: Which type of business do you work in?
Literal question: Which type of business do you work in?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3)]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 State, county or municipal administration 177 16.0% 0.160326087
2 Other public sector (e.g. school and health services) 317 28.7% 0.287137681
3 Publicly owned enterprise 84 7.6% 0.076086957
4 Private business 505 45.7% 0.457427536
5 Self-employed 5 0.5% 0.004528986
6 Other: 16 1.4% 0.014492754
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.000000000
98 Not asked 8995 NA


Variable label: What type of business did you work for before you became [r29_bgscp_mask]?
Literal question: What type of business did you work for before you became [r29_bgscp_mask]?
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 5,6,7,8,9,11)]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 State, county or municipal administration 108 11.5% 0.115138593
2 Other public sector (e.g. school and health services) 267 28.5% 0.284648188
3 Publicly owned enterprise 87 9.3% 0.092750533
4 Private business 385 41.0% 0.410447761
5 Self-employed 63 6.7% 0.067164179
6 Other: 6 0.6% 0.006396588
7 Have not previously been working 20 2.1% 0.021321962
97 Not answered 2 0.2% 0.002132196
98 Not asked 9161 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Public central administration
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Public central administration
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 182 8.7% 0.08658421
0 Not selected 1920 91.3% 0.91341579
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Kindergarten/school/teaching
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Kindergarten/school/teaching
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 356 16.9% 0.1693625
0 Not selected 1746 83.1% 0.8306375
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Health services
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Health services
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 268 12.7% 0.1274976
0 Not selected 1834 87.3% 0.8725024
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Social services/child protection
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Social services/child protection
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 43 2.0% 0.02045671
0 Not selected 2059 98.0% 0.97954329
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Nursing and care services
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Nursing and care services
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 110 5.2% 0.05233111
0 Not selected 1992 94.8% 0.94766889
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Defence/police/judicial system/security
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Defence/police/judicial system/security
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 58 2.8% 0.02759277
0 Not selected 2044 97.2% 0.97240723
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Agriculture/forestry/fishing
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Agriculture/forestry/fishing
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 61 2.9% 0.02901998
0 Not selected 2041 97.1% 0.97098002
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Industry/technology
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Industry/technology
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 189 9.0% 0.08991437
0 Not selected 1913 91.0% 0.91008563
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Building/construction
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Building/construction
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 153 7.3% 0.07278782
0 Not selected 1949 92.7% 0.92721218
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Retailing/shop
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Retailing/shop
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 118 5.6% 0.05613701
0 Not selected 1984 94.4% 0.94386299
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Transport/communications
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Transport/communications
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 132 6.3% 0.06279734
0 Not selected 1970 93.7% 0.93720266
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Culture/sport/organisations
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Culture/sport/organisations
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 101 4.8% 0.04804948
0 Not selected 2001 95.2% 0.95195052
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Media/advertising/PR/information
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Media/advertising/PR/information
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 66 3.1% 0.03139867
0 Not selected 2036 96.9% 0.96860133
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Research/analysis
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Research/analysis
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 80 3.8% 0.03805899
0 Not selected 2022 96.2% 0.96194101
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Travel/hotels
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Travel/hotels
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 32 1.5% 0.0152236
0 Not selected 2070 98.5% 0.9847764
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Restaurants/catering
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Restaurants/catering
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 23 1.1% 0.01094196
0 Not selected 2079 98.9% 0.98905804
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Telecommunications/IT
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Telecommunications/IT
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 103 4.9% 0.04900095
0 Not selected 1999 95.1% 0.95099905
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Banking/insurance/finance
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Banking/insurance/finance
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 63 3.0% 0.02997146
0 Not selected 2039 97.0% 0.97002854
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Commercial services
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Commercial services
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 107 5.1% 0.0509039
0 Not selected 1995 94.9% 0.9490961
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.0000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Oil/gas
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Oil/gas
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 140 6.7% 0.06660324
0 Not selected 1962 93.3% 0.93339676
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Other
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Other
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[Asked if (r29_bgday = 1,2,3,4 | r29_bgscp = 1,2,3,4,5,6)]

[Answer list display order: Randomize]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 143 6.8% 0.06803045
0 Not selected 1959 93.2% 0.93196955
97 Not answered 0 0.0% 0.00000000
98 Not asked 7997 NA


Variable label: Open: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally? (1)
Pre-question text: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally?
Literal question: 1:
Post-question: Please list the three most important issues where 1 is the most important, 2 the second most important and 3 is the third most important.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[This question is asked as an open text answer, where the respondent can write in three boxes, one for each issue. Here, the issues are manually coded into higher-level categories, according to a coding scheme. Contact us if you want to know more.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9626] [Invalid:473] [Range:1001-9797]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1001 Health 2023 21.0% 0.2101599834
2002 Environment 1703 17.7% 0.1769166840
3003 Education 545 5.7% 0.0566174943
4004 Public infrastructure 188 2.0% 0.0195304384
5005 Immigration 238 2.5% 0.0247247039
6006 Economy (private and societal) 1250 13.0% 0.1298566383
7007 Labour 187 1.9% 0.0194265531
8008 Welfare 840 8.7% 0.0872636609
9009 Equality 79 0.8% 0.0082069395
1010 Culture 18 0.2% 0.0018699356
1111 Defence 272 2.8% 0.0282568045
1212 Justice 152 1.6% 0.0157905672
1313 Industry and trade 427 4.4% 0.0443590276
1414 Foreign affairs 495 5.1% 0.0514232288
1515 Regional / urban-rural 86 0.9% 0.0089341367
1616 International 224 2.3% 0.0232703096
1717 Senior citizen policies 101 1.0% 0.0104924164
1818 Family 308 3.2% 0.0319966757
1919 Tradition 18 0.2% 0.0018699356
2020 Democracy 81 0.8% 0.0084147102
2121 Ideology 6 0.1% 0.0006233119
2222 Freedom and responsibility) 62 0.6% 0.0064408893
2323 Public and private sector 49 0.5% 0.0050903802
2424 Ethics 97 1.0% 0.0100768751
3030 Other 152 1.6% 0.0157905672
9696 Incomplete answers / Do not know 19 0.2% 0.0019738209
9797 Unanswered 6 0.1% 0.0006233119
Sysmiss 473 NA


Variable label: Open: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally? (2)
Pre-question text: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally?
Literal question: 2:
Post-question: Please list the three most important issues where 1 is the most important, 2 the second most important and 3 is the third most important.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[This question is asked as an open text answer, where the respondent can write in three boxes, one for each issue. Here, the issues are manually coded into higher-level categories, according to a coding scheme. Contact us if you want to know more.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9552] [Invalid:547] [Range:1001-9797]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1001 Health 1670 17.5% 0.1748324958
2002 Environment 1444 15.1% 0.1511725293
3003 Education 1073 11.2% 0.1123324958
4004 Public infrastructure 467 4.9% 0.0488902848
5005 Immigration 262 2.7% 0.0274288107
6006 Economy (private and societal) 1052 11.0% 0.1101340034
7007 Labour 218 2.3% 0.0228224456
8008 Welfare 755 7.9% 0.0790410385
9009 Equality 77 0.8% 0.0080611390
1010 Culture 48 0.5% 0.0050251256
1111 Defence 225 2.4% 0.0235552764
1212 Justice 229 2.4% 0.0239740369
1313 Industry and trade 438 4.6% 0.0458542714
1414 Foreign affairs 392 4.1% 0.0410385260
1515 Regional / urban-rural 123 1.3% 0.0128768844
1616 International 164 1.7% 0.0171691792
1717 Senior citizen policies 117 1.2% 0.0122487437
1818 Family 332 3.5% 0.0347571189
1919 Tradition 11 0.1% 0.0011515913
2020 Democracy 74 0.8% 0.0077470687
2121 Ideology 13 0.1% 0.0013609715
2222 Freedom and responsibility) 55 0.6% 0.0057579564
2323 Public and private sector 111 1.2% 0.0116206030
2424 Ethics 75 0.8% 0.0078517588
3030 Other 112 1.2% 0.0117252931
9696 Incomplete answers / Do not know 7 0.1% 0.0007328308
9797 Unanswered 8 0.1% 0.0008375209
Sysmiss 547 NA


Variable label: Open: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally? (3)
Pre-question text: What are the most important political issues or areas for you personally?
Literal question: 3:
Post-question: Please list the three most important issues where 1 is the most important, 2 the second most important and 3 is the third most important.
Field period: 15.01.2024 - 05.02.2024
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[This question is asked as an open text answer, where the respondent can write in three boxes, one for each issue. Here, the issues are manually coded into higher-level categories, according to a coding scheme. Contact us if you want to know more.]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open Text List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9351] [Invalid:748] [Range:1001-9797]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1001 Health 1349 14.4% 0.144262646
2002 Environment 1251 13.4% 0.133782483
3003 Education 955 10.2% 0.102128115
4004 Public infrastructure 624 6.7% 0.066730831
5005 Immigration 409 4.4% 0.043738638
6006 Economy (private and societal) 914 9.8% 0.097743557
7007 Labour 231 2.5% 0.024703240
8008 Welfare 681 7.3% 0.072826436
9009 Equality 93 1.0% 0.009945460
1010 Culture 97 1.0% 0.010373222
1111 Defence 220 2.4% 0.023526896
1212 Justice 295 3.2% 0.031547428
1313 Industry and trade 493 5.3% 0.052721634
1414 Foreign affairs 355 3.8% 0.037963854
1515 Regional / urban-rural 149 1.6% 0.015934125
1616 International 202 2.2% 0.021601968
1717 Senior citizen policies 130 1.4% 0.013902256
1818 Family 274 2.9% 0.029301679
1919 Tradition 20 0.2% 0.002138809
2020 Democracy 128 1.4% 0.013688376
2121 Ideology 10 0.1% 0.001069404
2222 Freedom and responsibility) 45 0.5% 0.004812320
2323 Public and private sector 162 1.7% 0.017324350
2424 Ethics 69 0.7% 0.007378890
3030 Other 176 1.9% 0.018821516
9696 Incomplete answers / Do not know 7 0.1% 0.000748583
9797 Unanswered 12 0.1% 0.001283285
Sysmiss 748 NA


Variable label: Year of birth (expanded, from 1949)
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1949 or earlier 1770 17.5% 0.175264878
2 1950-1959 2711 26.8% 0.268442420
3 1960-1969 2384 23.6% 0.236062977
4 1970-1979 1541 15.3% 0.152589365
5 1980-1989 1000 9.9% 0.099019705
6 1990-1999 605 6.0% 0.059906921
7 2000 or later 88 0.9% 0.008713734


Variable label: I see myself as: Reserved
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: …is reserved
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_1, r16bfi10_1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6482] [Invalid:3617] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 1153 18.8% 0.188491090
2 Disagree a little 1491 24.4% 0.243746935
3 Neither agree nor disagree 998 16.3% 0.163151872
4 Agree a little 2049 33.5% 0.334968122
5 Agree strongly 384 6.3% 0.062775871
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006866111
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3617 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Generally trusting
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: …is generally trusting
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_2, r16bfi10_2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6524] [Invalid:3575] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 136 2.2% 0.022081507
2 Disagree a little 508 8.2% 0.082480922
3 Neither agree nor disagree 713 11.6% 0.115765546
4 Agree a little 2998 48.7% 0.486767332
5 Agree strongly 1762 28.6% 0.286085403
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006819289
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3575 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Tends to be lazy
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: …tends to be lazy
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_3, r16bfi10_3]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6521] [Invalid:3578] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 2133 34.6% 0.346491228
2 Disagree a little 1696 27.6% 0.275503574
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1013 16.5% 0.164554906
4 Agree a little 1068 17.3% 0.173489279
5 Agree strongly 204 3.3% 0.033138402
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006822612
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3578 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Relaxed, handles stress well
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: … is relaxed, handles stress well
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_4, r16bfi10_4]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6520] [Invalid:3579] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 252 4.1% 0.040942323
2 Disagree a little 1136 18.5% 0.184565394
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1003 16.3% 0.162956946
4 Agree a little 2511 40.8% 0.407961007
5 Agree strongly 1211 19.7% 0.196750609
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006823721
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3579 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Has few artistic interests
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: … has few artistic interests
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_5, r16bfi10_5]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6522] [Invalid:3577] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 1813 29.4% 0.294461588
2 Disagree a little 1949 31.7% 0.316550268
3 Neither agree nor disagree 975 15.8% 0.158356342
4 Agree a little 1054 17.1% 0.171187267
5 Agree strongly 324 5.3% 0.052623031
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006821504
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3577 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Outgoing, sociable
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: … is outgoing, sociable
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_6, r16bfi10_6]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6535] [Invalid:3564] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 266 4.3% 0.043111831
2 Disagree a little 975 15.8% 0.158022690
3 Neither agree nor disagree 997 16.2% 0.161588331
4 Agree a little 2283 37.0% 0.370016207
5 Agree strongly 1607 26.0% 0.260453809
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006807131
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3564 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Tends to find fault with others
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: … tends to find fault with others
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_7, r16bfi10_7]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6528] [Invalid:3571] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 1050 17.0% 0.170371572
2 Disagree a little 1833 29.7% 0.297420088
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1784 28.9% 0.289469414
4 Agree a little 1307 21.2% 0.212072043
5 Agree strongly 147 2.4% 0.023852020
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006814863
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3571 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Does a thorough job
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: … does a thorough job
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_8, r16bfi10_8]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6533] [Invalid:3566] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 95 1.5% 0.015402075
2 Disagree a little 121 2.0% 0.019617380
3 Neither agree nor disagree 536 8.7% 0.086900130
4 Agree a little 2552 41.4% 0.413748379
5 Agree strongly 2822 45.8% 0.457522698
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006809339
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3566 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Get nervous easily
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: … get nervous easily
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_9, r16bfi10_9]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6527] [Invalid:3572] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 1901 30.9% 0.308503733
2 Disagree a little 1843 29.9% 0.299091204
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1082 17.6% 0.175592340
4 Agree a little 1059 17.2% 0.171859786
5 Agree strongly 235 3.8% 0.038136969
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006815969
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3572 NA


Variable label: I see myself as: Has an active imagination
Pre-question text: How well do the following statements describe your personality? I see myself as someone who…
Literal question: … has an active imagination
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 15 and 16.

[Source variables: r15bfi10_10, r16bfi10_10]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6527] [Invalid:3572] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Disagree strongly 398 6.5% 0.064589419
2 Disagree a little 847 13.7% 0.137455372
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1568 25.4% 0.254462837
4 Agree a little 2110 34.2% 0.342421292
5 Agree strongly 1197 19.4% 0.194255112
97 Not answered 42 0.7% 0.006815969
98 Not asked 365 NA
Sysmiss 3572 NA


Variable label: Source for c16_bgbfi
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:6569] [Invalid:3530] [Range:-]


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: An ideal society requires some groups to be on top and others to be on the bottom
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: An ideal society requires some groups to be on top and others to be on the bottom
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_1, r23sdo7_1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8423] [Invalid:1676] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 2751 35.1% 0.350892857
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 1418 18.1% 0.180867347
3 3 – Slightly oppose 944 12.0% 0.120408163
4 4 - Neutral 1012 12.9% 0.129081633
5 5 – Slightly favor 945 12.1% 0.120535714
6 6 – Somewhat favor 599 7.6% 0.076403061
7 7 – Strongly favor 140 1.8% 0.017857143
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003954082
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1676 NA


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: Some groups of people are simply inferior to other groups
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: Some groups of people are simply inferior to other groups
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_2, r23sdo7_2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8420] [Invalid:1679] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 4796 61.2% 0.611968866
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 869 11.1% 0.110884267
3 3 – Slightly oppose 434 5.5% 0.055378334
4 4 - Neutral 858 10.9% 0.109480669
5 5 – Slightly favor 509 6.5% 0.064948322
6 6 – Somewhat favor 259 3.3% 0.033048360
7 7 – Strongly favor 81 1.0% 0.010335588
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003955595
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1679 NA


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: No one group should dominate in society.
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: No one group should dominate in society.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_3, r23sdo7_3]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8427] [Invalid:1672] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 441 5.6% 0.056221316
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 370 4.7% 0.047169811
3 3 – Slightly oppose 420 5.4% 0.053544110
4 4 - Neutral 779 9.9% 0.099311576
5 5 – Slightly favor 745 9.5% 0.094977053
6 6 – Somewhat favor 1576 20.1% 0.200917899
7 7 – Strongly favor 3482 44.4% 0.443906170
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003952065
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1672 NA


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: Groups at the bottom are just as deserving as groups at the top.
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: Groups at the bottom are just as deserving as groups at the top.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_4, r23sdo7_4]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8405] [Invalid:1694] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 334 4.3% 0.042700077
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 570 7.3% 0.072871388
3 3 – Slightly oppose 765 9.8% 0.097801074
4 4 - Neutral 1064 13.6% 0.136026592
5 5 – Slightly favor 887 11.3% 0.113398108
6 6 – Somewhat favor 1687 21.6% 0.215673741
7 7 – Strongly favor 2484 31.8% 0.317565840
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003963181
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1694 NA


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: Equality between groups should not be our main goal.
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: Equality between groups should not be our main goal.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_5, r23sdo7_5]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8410] [Invalid:1689] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 1633 20.9% 0.208636770
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 1639 20.9% 0.209403347
3 3 – Slightly oppose 896 11.4% 0.114475533
4 4 - Neutral 1333 17.0% 0.170307909
5 5 – Slightly favor 1074 13.7% 0.137217325
6 6 – Somewhat favor 793 10.1% 0.101315958
7 7 – Strongly favor 428 5.5% 0.054682509
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003960649
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1689 NA


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: It is unjust to try to make groups equal.
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: It is unjust to try to make groups equal.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_6, r23sdo7_6]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8388] [Invalid:1711] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 1866 23.9% 0.239077514
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 1418 18.2% 0.181678411
3 3 – Slightly oppose 862 11.0% 0.110442024
4 4 - Neutral 1664 21.3% 0.213196669
5 5 – Slightly favor 970 12.4% 0.124279308
6 6 – Somewhat favor 689 8.8% 0.088276746
7 7 – Strongly favor 305 3.9% 0.039077514
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003971813
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1711 NA


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: We should do what we can to equalize conditions for different groups.
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: We should do what we can to equalize conditions for different groups.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_7, r23sdo7_7]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8415] [Invalid:1684] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 71 0.9% 0.009065373
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 214 2.7% 0.027323800
3 3 – Slightly oppose 397 5.1% 0.050689479
4 4 - Neutral 763 9.7% 0.097420838
5 5 – Slightly favor 1386 17.7% 0.176966292
6 6 – Somewhat favor 1888 24.1% 0.241062308
7 7 – Strongly favor 3082 39.4% 0.393513790
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003958121
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1684 NA


Variable label: Degree of support/opposition: We should work to give all groups an equal chance to succeed.
Pre-question text: Indicate how strongly you support or oppose the following assertions by selecting a number from 1 to 7 on the scale. You can look through the assertions quickly, your first assessment is usually the best.
Literal question: We should work to give all groups an equal chance to succeed.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17 and 23.

[Source variables: r17sdo7_8, r23sdo7_8]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8432] [Invalid:1667] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1 – Strongly oppose 41 0.5% 0.005223595
2 2 – Somewhat oppose 35 0.4% 0.004459167
3 3 – Slightly oppose 76 1.0% 0.009682762
4 4 - Neutral 321 4.1% 0.040896930
5 5 – Slightly favor 697 8.9% 0.088801121
6 6 – Somewhat favor 1558 19.8% 0.198496624
7 7 – Strongly favor 5090 64.8% 0.648490254
97 Not answered 31 0.4% 0.003949548
98 Not asked 583 NA
Sysmiss 1667 NA


Variable label: Source for c23_bgsdo
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:8451] [Invalid:1648] [Range:-]


Variable label: Citizenship
Literal question: Citizenship. Are you:
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question has been asked during new recruitment.

[Source variables: w01_k28, w03_r3k28, r4k28, r5k28, r8k28, r11bk28, r14bk28, r16bk28, r18bk28, r22bk28, r25_bgcit]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10086] [Invalid:13] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Norwegian citizen 9473 94.7% 0.946826587
2 Citizen of a different country. Please indicate which country: 477 4.8% 0.047676162
97 Not answered 55 0.5% 0.005497251
98 Not asked 81 NA
Sysmiss 13 NA


Variable label: Source for c25_bgcit
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10086] [Invalid:13] [Range:-]


Variable label: Have you or your parents (mother, father, or both parents) immigrated to Norway?
Literal question: Have you or your parents (mother, father, or both parents) immigrated to Norway?
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question has been asked during new recruitment.

[Source variables: w01_k29, w03_r3k29, r4k29, r5k29, r11bk29, r14bk29, r16bk29, r18bk29, r22bk29, r25_bgimm]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10060] [Invalid:39] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No 8961 90.9% 0.909100132
2 I myself have immigrated to Norway 537 5.4% 0.054479050
3 Both my parents have immigrated to Norway, but I was born in Norway 34 0.3% 0.003449325
4 My mother has immigrated to Norway, but myself and my father have not immigrated 161 1.6% 0.016333570
5 My father has immigrated to Norway, but myself and my mother have not immigrated 114 1.2% 0.011565385
97 Not answered 50 0.5% 0.005072537
98 Not asked 203 NA
Sysmiss 39 NA


Variable label: Source for c25_bgimm
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10060] [Invalid:39] [Range:-]


Variable label: Belongs to a religion or a religious denomination
Literal question: Do you belong to a religion or a religious denomination?
Technical description: [Source variables: r25_bgrel]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Church of Norway 0 NaN
2 The Catholic Church 0 NaN
3 The Orthodox Church (Greek, Russian, others) 0 NaN
4 Other Protestant religious communities (e.g. free churches, Anglican churches, Pentecostal church and others) 0 NaN
5 Other Christian denominations (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses, The Latter-day Saints and others) 0 NaN
6 Mosaic Religious Community (Jewish) 0 NaN
7 Islamic (Muslim) 0 NaN
8 Eastern religions (e.g. Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikh, Shintoism, Taoism, Confucianism) 0 NaN
9 Other religions 0 NaN
10 Do not belong to any religion or religious denominations 0 NaN
Sysmiss 10099 NA


Variable label: Belongs to a religion or a religious denomination [Recoded]
Literal question: Do you belong to a religion or a religious denomination?
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question at least once, some have been asked several times. Here you will find the respondent’s most recent value. The variable is aggregated, see “c25_bgrel” for original response options.

[Source variables: r4k40_recode, r5k40_recode, r11bk40_recode, r14bk40_recode, r16bk40_recode, r18bk40_recode, r22bk40_recode, r25_bgrelrecode]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10039] [Invalid:60] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Church of Norway 6165 63.1% 0.630884159
2 The Catholic Church 105 1.1% 0.010744986
3 Other Christian faiths (Orthodox church, and other christian faiths, e.g. free churches, Anglican church, Pentecostalists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons) 340 3.5% 0.034793287
4 Other non-Christian religions (The Mosaic faith, eastern religions (e.g. Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikh, Shintoism, Taoism, Confucianism), and others) 66 0.7% 0.006753991
5 Islam 43 0.4% 0.004400327
6 Do not belong to any religion or religious denominations 2991 30.6% 0.306078592
97 Not answered 62 0.6% 0.006344658
98 Not asked 267 NA
Sysmiss 60 NA


Variable label: Source for c25_bgrel_recode
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10039] [Invalid:60] [Range:-]


Variable label: How often have you participated in religious meetings during the last 12 months?
Literal question: Apart from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, how often have you participated in religious meetings during the last 12 months?
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question at least once. The question was first asked this way in r16, most recently in r25. Here you will find the respondent’s most recent value.

[Source variables: r16bk41, r18bk41, r22bk41, r25_bgrem]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9934] [Invalid:165] [Range:1-8]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Every day 1 0.0% 0.0002065262
2 More than once a week 50 1.0% 0.0103263114
3 Once a week 82 1.7% 0.0169351508
4 Once or a few times a month 167 3.4% 0.0344898802
5 Several times a year 466 9.6% 0.0962412226
6 Once a year 645 13.3% 0.1332094176
7 Less than once a year 820 16.9% 0.1693515076
8 Never 2581 53.3% 0.5330441966
97 Not answered 30 0.6% 0.0061957869
98 Not asked 5092 NA
Sysmiss 165 NA


Variable label: Source for c25_bgrem
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9934] [Invalid:165] [Range:-]


Variable label: Resembles you: Respect for parents and for older people is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: [He/She] believes that [he/she] should always show respect for [him/her] parents and for older people. It’s important to [his/hers] to be obedient.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_1, r17bktivi_1, r21bktivi_1, r22bktivi_1, r25_bgtiv_1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9895] [Invalid:204] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 675 7.4% 0.073577502
5 5 Resembles me 2056 22.4% 0.224111620
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 3464 37.8% 0.377588838
3 3 Slightly resembles me 1762 19.2% 0.192064530
2 2 Does not resemble me 848 9.2% 0.092435143
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 316 3.4% 0.034445171
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005777196
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 204 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: Religious faith is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: Religious faith is important to [him/her]. [He/She] endeavours to do what [him/her] religion requires.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_2, r17bktivi_2, r21bktivi_2, r22bktivi_2, r25_bgtiv_2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9910] [Invalid:189] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 160 1.7% 0.017412123
5 5 Resembles me 336 3.7% 0.036565459
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 821 8.9% 0.089345957
3 3 Slightly resembles me 1212 13.2% 0.131896833
2 2 Does not resemble me 1824 19.8% 0.198498204
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 4783 52.1% 0.520513658
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005767766
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 189 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To help people around you is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: It’s very important to [him/her] to help the people around him. [He/She] wants to do something to make sure they are doing well.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_3, r17bktivi_3, r21bktivi_3, r22bktivi_3, r25_bgtiv_3]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9903] [Invalid:196] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 1543 16.8% 0.168046177
5 5 Resembles me 3470 37.8% 0.377913309
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 3447 37.5% 0.375408408
3 3 Slightly resembles me 552 6.0% 0.060117621
2 2 Does not resemble me 97 1.1% 0.010564147
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 20 0.2% 0.002178175
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005772163
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 196 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To have all people in the world be treated equally is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: [He/She] thinks it’s important that all people in the world be treated equally. [He/She] thinks everyone should have equal opportunities in life.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_4, r17bktivi_4, r21bktivi_4, r22bktivi_4, r25_bgtiv_4]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9916] [Invalid:183] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 2345 25.5% 0.255029908
5 5 Resembles me 3426 37.3% 0.372593801
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 2517 27.4% 0.273735726
3 3 Slightly resembles me 555 6.0% 0.060358891
2 2 Does not resemble me 227 2.5% 0.024687330
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 72 0.8% 0.007830343
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005764002
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 183 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To be interested in things and to be curious is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: [He/She] thinks it’s important to be interested in things. [He/She] likes to be curious and tries to understand all sorts of issues.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_5, r17bktivi_5, r21bktivi_5, r22bktivi_5, r25_bgtiv_5]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9905] [Invalid:194] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 1894 20.6% 0.206228223
5 5 Resembles me 3218 35.0% 0.350391986
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 3091 33.7% 0.336563589
3 3 Slightly resembles me 734 8.0% 0.079921603
2 2 Does not resemble me 160 1.7% 0.017421603
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 34 0.4% 0.003702091
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005770906
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 194 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To take risks and look for new experiences is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: [He/She] likes to take risks. [He/She]’s always looking for new experiences.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_6, r17bktivi_6, r21bktivi_6, r22bktivi_6, r25_bgtiv_6]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9907] [Invalid:192] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 163 1.8% 0.017744394
5 5 Resembles me 660 7.2% 0.071848465
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 2292 25.0% 0.249510124
3 3 Slightly resembles me 3110 33.9% 0.338558676
2 2 Does not resemble me 2010 21.9% 0.218811234
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 898 9.8% 0.097757457
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005769649
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 192 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To seek out opportunites to have fun is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: [He/She] seeks out any opportunity to have fun. It is important for [his/hers] to do things that give [his/hers] pleasure.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_7, r17bktivi_7, r21bktivi_7, r22bktivi_7, r25_bgtiv_7]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9908] [Invalid:191] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 272 3.0% 0.029607053
5 5 Resembles me 1093 11.9% 0.118972461
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 3422 37.2% 0.372482856
3 3 Slightly resembles me 2823 30.7% 0.307282029
2 2 Does not resemble me 1160 12.6% 0.126265375
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 364 4.0% 0.039621204
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005769021
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 191 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To be sucessful and to impress other people is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: It’s important to [him/her] to be successful. [He/She] likes to impress other people.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_8, r17bktivi_8, r21bktivi_8, r22bktivi_8, r25_bgtiv_8]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9909] [Invalid:190] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 140 1.5% 0.015237266
5 5 Resembles me 663 7.2% 0.072159338
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 2258 24.6% 0.245755333
3 3 Slightly resembles me 3103 33.8% 0.337723117
2 2 Does not resemble me 1973 21.5% 0.214736613
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 998 10.9% 0.108619939
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005768394
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 190 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To take the lead and tell others what to do is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: It’s important for [him/her] to take the lead and tell others what to do. [He/She] wants people to do as he says.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_9, r17bktivi_9, r21bktivi_9, r22bktivi_9, r25_bgtiv_9]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9905] [Invalid:194] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 84 0.9% 0.009146341
5 5 Resembles me 609 6.6% 0.066310976
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 2450 26.7% 0.266768293
3 3 Slightly resembles me 2974 32.4% 0.323824042
2 2 Does not resemble me 1976 21.5% 0.215156794
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 1038 11.3% 0.113022648
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005770906
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 194 NA


Variable label: Resembles you: To have things tidy and clean is important
Pre-question text: Here we briefly describe some people. Read each description, and think about how much this person resembles you. For each person described, check the form for how much this person resembles or does not resemble you.
Literal question: It’s important to [him/her] that things are tidy and clean. [He/She] really doesn’t like things to be messy.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 11, 17, 21, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r11bktivi_10, r17bktivi_10, r21bktivi_10, r22bktivi_10, r25_bgtiv_10]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Grid] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9908] [Invalid:191] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
6 6 Very much resembles me 1271 13.8% 0.138347665
5 5 Resembles me 2558 27.8% 0.278436922
4 4 Somewhat resembles me 3309 36.0% 0.360182867
3 3 Slightly resembles me 1343 14.6% 0.146184826
2 2 Does not resemble me 514 5.6% 0.055948623
1 1 Does not resemble me at all 139 1.5% 0.015130075
97 Not answered 53 0.6% 0.005769021
98 Not asked 721 NA
Sysmiss 191 NA


Variable label: Source for c25_bgtiv
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9935] [Invalid:164] [Range:-]


Variable label: Respondents home county at 15 years of age
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in round 17, 18, 22 and 25.

[Source variables: r17oppvekstfylke, r18oppvekstfylke, r22oppvekstfylke, r25_bgupc]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:integer] [Valid:8085] [Invalid:2014] [Range:-]

Value Label Cases Percentage
3 Oslo 844 10.4% 0.10439085
11 Rogaland 763 9.4% 0.09437229
15 Møre og Romsdal 461 5.7% 0.05701917
18 Nordland 494 6.1% 0.06110080
30 Viken 1604 19.8% 0.19839208
34 Innlandet 561 6.9% 0.06938776
38 Vestfold og Telemark 631 7.8% 0.07804576
42 Agder 411 5.1% 0.05083488
46 Vestland 1258 15.6% 0.15559678
50 Trøndelag 690 8.5% 0.08534323
54 Troms og Finnmark 368 4.6% 0.04551639
Sysmiss 2014 NA


Variable label: Source for c25_bgupc
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:8085] [Invalid:2014] [Range:-]


Variable label: Which party did you vote for in the previous parliamentary elections in 2021
Literal question: Which party did you vote for in the previous parliamentary elections in 2021
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question once. The question is asked in r22 and r25, for the 2021 parliamentary election.

Text from the “other”-field has been coded into the response categories where possible.

[Source variables: r22k3_kodet, r25_pcvot21]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9618] [Invalid:481] [Range:1-13]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Christian Democrats 320 3.5% 0.035064650
2 The Conservative Party 1776 19.5% 0.194608810
3 The Progress Party 635 7.0% 0.069581416
4 The Liberal Party 448 4.9% 0.049090511
5 The Socialist Left Party 920 10.1% 0.100810870
6 The Centre Party 973 10.7% 0.106618453
7 The Green Party 500 5.5% 0.054788516
8 The Labour Party 2111 23.1% 0.231317116
9 The Red Party 594 6.5% 0.065088757
10 Other: 242 2.7% 0.026517642
11 Did not vote 191 2.1% 0.020929213
12 Not entitled to vote 343 3.8% 0.037584922
13 Voted blank 38 0.4% 0.004163927
97 Not answered 35 0.4% 0.003835196
98 Not asked 492 NA
Sysmiss 481 NA


Variable label: Source for c25_pcvot21
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9618] [Invalid:481] [Range:-]


Variable label: Living with children under 16 years
Literal question: Do you have any children under the age of 16 who live at home with you, most of or part of the time, and if so, how many?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r4, most recently in r26. Most respondents have values from the last two years, but it is possible to have values back to r4. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r4k42, r5k42, r8k42, r11bk42, r16bk42, r17bk42, r18bk42, r22bk42, r23bk42, r25_bgchi, r26k2_bgchi]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10067] [Invalid:32] [Range:0-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 None 8218 81.9% 0.8190969800
1 1 770 7.7% 0.0767467358
2 2 758 7.6% 0.0755506827
3 3 218 2.2% 0.0217282966
4 4 26 0.3% 0.0025914482
5 5 2 0.0% 0.0001993422
6 6 or more 5 0.0% 0.0004983554
97 Not answered 36 0.4% 0.0035881591
98 Not asked 34 NA
Sysmiss 32 NA


Variable label: Source for c26_bgchi
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10067] [Invalid:32] [Range:-]


Variable label: Gross annual income
Literal question: What is your current income? Gross annual income is:
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked this way in r8, most recently in r26. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r8. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values. If you only want to use newest data, use r29_bginc_v2. If you want data on as many as possible, recode and combine c26_bginc with r29_bginc_v2

[Source variables: r8k25, r9k25, r11bk25, r14bk25, r16bk25, r18bk25, r20bk25, r22bk25, r23bk25, r25_bginc, r26k2_bginc]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10060] [Invalid:39] [Range:1-8]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Less than 150 000 282 2.8% 0.028098844
2 150 001 - 300 000 1041 10.4% 0.103726584
3 300 001 - 400 000 1488 14.8% 0.148266242
4 400 001 - 500 000 1581 15.8% 0.157532882
5 500 001 - 600 000 1449 14.4% 0.144380231
6 600 001 - 700 000 1435 14.3% 0.142985253
7 700 001 - 1 000 000 1762 17.6% 0.175567955
8 More than 1 000000 934 9.3% 0.093064966
97 Not answered 64 0.6% 0.006377043
98 Not asked 24 NA
Sysmiss 39 NA


Variable label: Source for c26_bginc
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10060] [Invalid:39] [Range:-]


Variable label: How much would you say the political system in Norway allows people like you to have a say in what the government does?
Literal question: How much would you say the political system in Norway allows people like you to have a say in what the government does?
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question at least once, some have been asked several times, first in r8, most recently in r26. Here you will find the respondent’s most recent value. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r8k13, r10kmini13, r14pk13, r17pk13, r20pk13, r23pk13, r26_pcepe]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9864] [Invalid:235] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 To a very great extent 88 0.9% 0.009343810
2 To a great extent 1113 11.8% 0.118177957
3 Somewhat 4169 44.3% 0.442662986
4 Slightly 3208 34.1% 0.340624336
5 Not at all 797 8.5% 0.084625186
97 Not answered 43 0.5% 0.004565725
98 Not asked 446 NA
Sysmiss 235 NA


Variable label: Source for c26_pcepe
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9864] [Invalid:235] [Range:-]


Variable label: Agree/disagree: Sometimes politics is so complicated that people like me do not understand what it’s about.
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Sometimes politics is so complicated that people like me do not understand what it’s about.
Technical description:

Combined variable. Each respondent has been asked this question at least once, some have been asked several times. The question was first asked in r1, most recently in r26. Here you will find the respondent’s most recent value. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: w01_k14_1, w03_r3k14_1, r8k14, r14pk14, r17pk14, r20pk14, r23pk14, r26_pcipe]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9910] [Invalid:189] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 365 3.8% 0.037941788
2 Agree 977 10.2% 0.101559252
3 Agree somewhat 2657 27.6% 0.276195426
4 Neither agree nor disagree 913 9.5% 0.094906445
5 Disagree somewhat 1256 13.1% 0.130561331
6 Disagree 2472 25.7% 0.256964657
7 Strongly disagree 959 10.0% 0.099688150
97 Not answered 21 0.2% 0.002182952
98 Not asked 290 NA
Sysmiss 189 NA


Variable label: Source for c26_pcipe
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9910] [Invalid:189] [Range:-]


Variable label: How interested are you in politics?
Literal question: In general, how interested are you in politics?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r1, most recently in r26. Most respondents have values from the last three years, but it is possible to have values back to r1. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: w01_k1, w03_r3k1, r5k1, r8k1, r9k1, r10k1, r11pk1, r14pk1, r20pk1, r22pk1, r25_pcpin, r26_pcpin]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10032] [Invalid:67] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very interested 1614 16.4% 0.163708287
2 Interested 4787 48.6% 0.485546201
3 Somewhat interested 2760 28.0% 0.279947256
4 Not very interested 607 6.2% 0.061568110
5 Not interested at all 79 0.8% 0.008012983
97 Not answered 12 0.1% 0.001217162
98 Not asked 173 NA
Sysmiss 67 NA


Variable label: Source for c26_pcpin
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10032] [Invalid:67] [Range:-]


Variable label: How satisfied are you with life
Literal question: All in all, how satisfied are you with life?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r11, most recently in r26. Most respondents have values from the last two years, but it is possible to have values back to r11. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r11pktilfreds1, r14pktilfreds1, r17pktilfreds1, r18pktilfreds1, ft1covid14, r20pktilfreds1, r22pktilfreds1, r23pktilfreds1, r26_pcsal]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9946] [Invalid:153] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Very satisfied 2703 27.2% 0.2724523738
2 Satisfied 5738 57.8% 0.5783691160
3 Somewhat satisfied 1179 11.9% 0.1188388267
4 Dissatisfied 249 2.5% 0.0250982764
5 Not satisfied at all 48 0.5% 0.0048382220
97 Not answered 4 0.0% 0.0004031852
98 Not asked 25 NA
Sysmiss 153 NA


Variable label: Source for c26_pcsal
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9946] [Invalid:153] [Range:-]


Variable label: [Do/did] you work in the oil or gas industry, or is your job closely associated with it?
Literal question: [Do/did] you work in the oil or gas industry, or is your job closely associated with it?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked this way in r9, most recently in r27. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r9. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values. It can also be relevant to combine with c29_bgind_20.

[Source variables: r9k24a, r12arbeidolje_1, r15arbeidolje1, r16arbeidolje1, r26_bgoil, r27_bgoil]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:9799] [Invalid:300] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Yes, I [work/worked] in the oil or gas industry 363 4.3% 0.042902730
2 Yes, my job [is/was] closely associated with the oil or gas industry 322 3.8% 0.038056967
3 No, but previously I have worked in the oil/gas industry, or have been closely associated with it 243 2.9% 0.028720009
4 No 7512 88.8% 0.887838317
97 Not answered 21 0.2% 0.002481976
98 Not asked 1338 NA
Sysmiss 300 NA


Variable label: Source for c27_bgoil
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:9799] [Invalid:300] [Range:-]


Variable label: When did you start your first job in the oil or gas industry?
Literal question:

When did you start your first job in the oil or gas industry (or your first job closely associated with the oil and gas industry)?

Enter the approximate year as best you can remember.
Technical description: [Source variables: r26_bgoily, r27_bgoily]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Open] [Format:numeric] [Valid:0] [Invalid:10099] [Range:-]


Variable label: Recoded version of [c27_bgoily].
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked this way in r12, most recently in r27. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r12. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r12arbeidolje_2_1, r15_arbeidolje2, r16_arbeidolje2, r26_bgoily, r27_bgoily_decade]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:6809] [Invalid:3290] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1960 - 1969 10 1.1% 0.011049724
2 1970 - 1979 149 16.5% 0.164640884
3 1980 - 1989 262 29.0% 0.289502762
4 1990 - 1999 191 21.1% 0.211049724
5 2000 - 2009 186 20.6% 0.205524862
6 2010 - 2019 93 10.3% 0.102762431
7 2020 or later 8 0.9% 0.008839779
97 Not answered 6 0.7% 0.006629834
98 Not asked 5904 NA
Sysmiss 3290 NA


Variable label: Source for c27_bgoily_decade
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:6809] [Invalid:3290] [Range:-]


Variable label: Marital status
Literal question: What is your marital status?
Post-question: Select the most appropriate.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked this way in r14, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last two years, but it is possible to have values back to r14. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

Text from the “other”-field has been coded into the response categories where possible.

[Source variables: r14bk27_kodet, r16bk27_kodet, r18bk27, r22bk27_kodet, r23bk27_kodet, r25_bgciv, r26_bgciv, r27_bgciv, r29_bgciv]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Single 1214 12.0% 0.1202099218
2 Non-domestic relationship 508 5.0% 0.0503020101
3 Cohabitant 1495 14.8% 0.1480344589
4 Married/legally registered partner 5846 57.9% 0.5788691950
5 Divorced/separated/formerly legally registered partner 552 5.5% 0.0546588771
6 Widow/widower 453 4.5% 0.0448559263
7 Other: 22 0.2% 0.0021784335
97 Not answered 9 0.1% 0.0008911773


Variable label: Source for c29_bgciv
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Social class, personal placement.
Pre-question text: We sometimes talk about whether or not there are different social groups or classes.
Literal question: If you were to place yourself in such a social class, which one would it be?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r10, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last two years, but it is possible to have values back to r10. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r10pad13, r11pkklasse, r14pkklasse, r16pkklasse, r18pkklasse, r22pkklasse, r23pkklasse, r25_bgcla, r29_bgcla]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Lower class 125 1.2% 0.012377463
2 Working class 1429 14.1% 0.141499158
3 Lower middle class 1133 11.2% 0.112189326
4 Middle class 5621 55.7% 0.556589761
5 Upper middle class 1440 14.3% 0.142588375
6 Upper class 36 0.4% 0.003564709
7 Don't know 303 3.0% 0.030002971
97 Not answered 12 0.1% 0.001188236


Variable label: Source for c29_bgcla
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Which of the following descriptions best applies to what you have been doing for the last seven days?
Literal question: Which of the following descriptions best applies to what you have been doing for the last seven days?
Post-question: Select one alternative.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked this way in r14, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r14. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

Text from the “other”-field has been coded into the response categories where possible.

[Source variables: r14bk33_kodet, r16bk33_kodet, r17bk33_kodet, r18bk33_kodet, r22bk33_kodet, r25_bgday, r26_bgday, r27_bgday, r29_bgday]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 In full-time paid work (or on temporary leave such as vacation leave or leave of absence/maternity leave) 4404 43.6% 0.4360827805
2 In part-time paid work (or on temporary leave such as vacation leave or leave of absence/maternity leave) with working hours of 30 hours per week or more 302 3.0% 0.0299039509
3 In part-time paid work (or on temporary leave such as vacation leave or leave of absence/maternity leave) with working hours of less than 30 hours per week 308 3.0% 0.0304980691
4 Self-employed 412 4.1% 0.0407961184
5 In education (not paid by an employer) 180 1.8% 0.0178235469
6 Unemployed and actively seeking a job 67 0.7% 0.0066343202
7 Unemployed and not actively seeking a job 40 0.4% 0.0039607882
8 Permanently ill or disabled 614 6.1% 0.0607980988
9 Retired 3667 36.3% 0.3631052579
10 In military service 1 0.0% 0.0000990197
11 Working at home, minding children or providing care to other persons 45 0.4% 0.0044558867
12 Other: 53 0.5% 0.0052480444
97 Not answered 6 0.1% 0.0005941182
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Source for c29_bgday
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Highest completed education
Literal question: What is the highest level of completed education?
Post-question: If you have obtained multiple qualifications of the same level, select the one that is the most relevant to you.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question has been asked regularly since r11. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r11. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

Text from the “other”-field is coded into the answer categories where possible.

[Source variables: r11bk26_kodet, r14bk26_kodet, r16bk26_kodet, r17bk26_kodet, r18bk26_kodet, r20bk26, r22bk26_kodet, r25_bgedu, r26k2_bgedu, r27_bgedu, r29_bgedu]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No completed education 22 0.2% 0.0021784335
2 Primary and lower secondary school (completed either the first part of compulsory education (elementary school), primary and lower secondary school, 7- year elementary school, secondary modern school or lower secondary school) 405 4.0% 0.0401029805
3 Secondary education-general studies/programme for general studies, one-year supplementary study for university and college admission certification (VK2, VG3, High School) 864 8.6% 0.0855530251
4 Secondary education-vocational line of study/education programme (VK2, VK3, VG3, apprenticeship examination, apprentices’ final exam ) 1171 11.6% 0.1159520745
5 Diploma from supplementary programme for general university and college admissions certification (tertiary vocational education, vocational technical college) 919 9.1% 0.0909991088
6 University/College, less than 3 years, but at least 2 years (university college graduate 2 and 2½ years) 881 8.7% 0.0872363600
7 College-3-4 year education (Bachelor-, cand.mag., teacher training college, school of nursing, preschool teacher, engineer, business graduate, etc.) 2112 20.9% 0.2091296168
8 University-3-4 year education (Bachelor, cand.mag.) 698 6.9% 0.0691157540
9 College-5-6 year education (Master, major) 786 7.8% 0.0778294881
10 University 5-6 year education (Master, majors, or longer professional education (e.g. MA in Theology., MA in Psychology., Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, chartered engineer, graduate in architecture, Master of Science in Business and Economics)) 1883 18.6% 0.1864541044
11 Researcher level (Doctorate, Ph.d.) 318 3.1% 0.0314882662
12 None of the above (please enter): 31 0.3% 0.0030696109
97 Not answered 9 0.1% 0.0008911773
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Source for c29_bgedu
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Highest completed education
Literal question: What is the highest level of completed education?
Post-question: If you have obtained multiple qualifications of the same level, select the one that is the most relevant to you.
Technical description:

Aggregated variable, based on c29_bgedu

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question has been asked regularly since r11. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r11. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

Text from the “other”-field is coded into the answer categories where possible.

[Source variables: r11bk26_kodet, r14bk26_kodet, r16bk26_kodet, r17bk26_kodet, r18bk26_kodet, r20bk26, r22bk26_kodet, r25_bgedu, r26k2_bgedu, r27_bgedu, r29_bgedu]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-3]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 No education/elementary school 427 4.2% 0.042281414
2 Upper secondary education 2954 29.3% 0.292504208
3 University/University college 6678 66.1% 0.661253589
97 Not answered 40 0.4% 0.003960788


Variable label: Source for c29_bgedu3
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: In general, how would you say your health is?
Literal question: In general, how would you say your health is?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r2, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last two years, but it is possible to have values back to r2. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: w02_hp1, w03_r3hp1, r8hp1, r9hp1, r11bkhelse, r14bkhelse, r16bkhelse, r18bkhelse, r20bkhelse, r22bkhelse, r23bkhelse, r25_bghea, r26_bghea, r27_bghea, r29_bghea]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Excellent 1069 10.6% 0.1058520646
2 Very good 2993 29.6% 0.2963659768
3 Good 3983 39.4% 0.3943954847
4 Somewhat good 1636 16.2% 0.1619962373
5 Poor 416 4.1% 0.0411921972
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0001980394


Variable label: Source for c29_bghea
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Public central administration
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Public central administration
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_1, r8k34_1, r9k34_1, r27_bgind_1, r29_bgind_1]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 842 8.6% 0.0864387640
0 Not selected 8897 91.3% 0.9133559183
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Kindergarten/school/teaching
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Kindergarten/school/teaching
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_2, r8k34_2, r9k34_2, r27_bgind_2, r29_bgind_2]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 1632 16.8% 0.1675392670
0 Not selected 8107 83.2% 0.8322554153
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Health services
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Health services
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_3, r8k34_3, r9k34_3, r27_bgind_3, r29_bgind_3]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 1209 12.4% 0.1241145673
0 Not selected 8530 87.6% 0.8756801150
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Social services/child protection
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Social services/child protection
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_4, r8k34_4, r9k34_4, r27_bgind_4, r29_bgind_4]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 228 2.3% 0.0234062211
0 Not selected 9511 97.6% 0.9763884611
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Nursing and care services
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Nursing and care services
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_5, r8k34_5, r9k34_5, r27_bgind_5, r29_bgind_5]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 468 4.8% 0.0480443486
0 Not selected 9271 95.2% 0.9517503336
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Defence/police/judicial system/security
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Defence/police/judicial system/security
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_6, r8k34_6, r9k34_6, r27_bgind_6, r29_bgind_6]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 334 3.4% 0.0342880608
0 Not selected 9405 96.6% 0.9655066215
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Agriculture/forestry/fishing
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Agriculture/forestry/fishing
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_7, r8k34_7, r9k34_7, r27_bgind_7, r29_bgind_7]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 281 2.9% 0.0288471410
0 Not selected 9458 97.1% 0.9709475413
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Industry/technology
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Industry/technology
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_8, r8k34_8, r9k34_8, r27_bgind_8, r29_bgind_8]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 810 8.3% 0.0831536803
0 Not selected 8929 91.7% 0.9166410020
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Building/construction
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Building/construction
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_9, r8k34_9, r9k34_9, r27_bgind_9, r29_bgind_9]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 693 7.1% 0.0711425932
0 Not selected 9046 92.9% 0.9286520891
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Retailing/shop
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Retailing/shop
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_10, r8k34_10, r9k34_10, r27_bgind_10, r29_bgind_10]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 532 5.5% 0.0546145160
0 Not selected 9207 94.5% 0.9451801663
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Transport/communications
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Transport/communications
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_11, r8k34_11, r9k34_11, r27_bgind_11, r29_bgind_11]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 535 5.5% 0.0549224926
0 Not selected 9204 94.5% 0.9448721897
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Culture/sport/organisations
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Culture/sport/organisations
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_12, r8k34_12, r9k34_12, r27_bgind_12, r29_bgind_12]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 417 4.3% 0.0428087465
0 Not selected 9322 95.7% 0.9569859357
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Media/advertising/PR/information
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Media/advertising/PR/information
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_13, r8k34_13, r9k34_13, r27_bgind_13, r29_bgind_13]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 301 3.1% 0.0309003182
0 Not selected 9438 96.9% 0.9688943640
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Research/analysis
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Research/analysis
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_14, r8k34_14, r9k34_14, r27_bgind_14, r29_bgind_14]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 462 4.7% 0.0474283954
0 Not selected 9277 95.2% 0.9523662868
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Travel/hotels
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Travel/hotels
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_15, r8k34_15, r9k34_15, r27_bgind_15, r29_bgind_15]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 147 1.5% 0.0150908531
0 Not selected 9592 98.5% 0.9847038292
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Restaurants/catering
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Restaurants/catering
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_16, r8k34_16, r9k34_16, r27_bgind_16, r29_bgind_16]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 104 1.1% 0.0106765219
0 Not selected 9635 98.9% 0.9891181604
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Telecommunications/IT
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Telecommunications/IT
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_17, r8k34_17, r9k34_17, r27_bgind_17, r29_bgind_17]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 549 5.6% 0.0563597167
0 Not selected 9190 94.3% 0.9434349656
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Banking/insurance/finance
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Banking/insurance/finance
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_18, r8k34_18, r9k34_18, r27_bgind_18, r29_bgind_18]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 386 4.0% 0.0396263217
0 Not selected 9353 96.0% 0.9601683605
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Commercial services
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Commercial services
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_19, r8k34_19, r9k34_19, r27_bgind_19, r29_bgind_19]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 551 5.7% 0.0565650344
0 Not selected 9188 94.3% 0.9432296479
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Oil/gas
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Oil/gas
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_20, r8k34_20, r9k34_20, r27_bgind_20, r29_bgind_20]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 616 6.3% 0.0632378606
0 Not selected 9123 93.7% 0.9365568217
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in: Other
Pre-question text: What industry [do/did] you (your company) work in?
Literal question: Other
Post-question: It is possible to select up to three answers.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k34_21, r8k34_21, r9k34_21, r27_bgind_21, r29_bgind_21]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 799 8.2% 0.0820244328
0 Not selected 8940 91.8% 0.9177702495
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0002053177
98 Not asked 358 NA


Variable label: Source for c29_bgind
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Personal placement on political left and right wing scale
Pre-question text: In politics people often talk about the “left wing” and the “right wing.” Below is a scale where 0 represents those who are on the far left politically, while 10 represents those who are on the far right.
Literal question: Where would you place yourself on such a scale?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r1, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r1. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: w01_k8_1, w02_k207_1, w03_r3k8_1, r4k8_1, r5k8_1, r8k8_1, r9k8_1, r10k8_1, r11pk8_1, r14pk8_1, r16pk8_1, r18pk8, r20pk8, r22pk8, r25_bglrs, r26k2_bglrs, r28_bglrs, r29_bglrs]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10096] [Invalid:3] [Range:0-10]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 - Left wing 228 2.3% 0.022583201
1 1 604 6.0% 0.059825674
2 2 1182 11.7% 0.117076070
3 3 1382 13.7% 0.136885895
4 4 1088 10.8% 0.107765452
5 5 1339 13.3% 0.132626783
6 6 1019 10.1% 0.100931062
7 7 1347 13.3% 0.133419176
8 8 1211 12.0% 0.119948494
9 9 479 4.7% 0.047444532
10 10 - Right wing 209 2.1% 0.020701268
97 Not answered 8 0.1% 0.000792393
Sysmiss 3 NA


Variable label: Source for c29_bglrs
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10096] [Invalid:3] [Range:-]


Variable label: What type of business did you work for before you became [r29_bgscp_mask]?
Literal question: What type of business did you work for before you became [r29_bgscp_mask]?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked like this in r27, most recently in r29. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

Text from the “other”-field has been coded into the response categories where possible.

[Source variables: r27_bgscp, r29_bgscp]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 State, county or municipal administration 510 11.4% 0.114349776
2 Other public sector (e.g. school and health services) 1416 31.7% 0.317488789
3 Publicly owned enterprise 355 8.0% 0.079596413
4 Private business 1718 38.5% 0.385201794
5 Self-employed 325 7.3% 0.072869955
6 Other: 31 0.7% 0.006950673
7 Have not previously been working 84 1.9% 0.018834081
97 Not answered 21 0.5% 0.004708520
98 Not asked 5639 NA


Variable label: Source for c29_bgscp
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Which type of business do you work in?
Literal question: Which type of business do you work in?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r18, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r18. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

Text from the “other”-field has been coded into the response categories where possible.

[Source variables: r18bk21_kodet, r22bk21_kodet, r23bk21_kodet, r25_bgwor, r26_bgsct, r27_bgsct, r29_bgsct]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 State, county or municipal administration 818 14.8% 0.1477334297
2 Other public sector (e.g. school and health services) 1604 29.0% 0.2896875564
3 Publicly owned enterprise 371 6.7% 0.0670037927
4 Private business 2643 47.7% 0.4773342966
5 Self-employed 58 1.0% 0.0104749865
6 Other: 42 0.8% 0.0075853350
97 Not answered 1 0.0% 0.0001806032
98 Not asked 4562 NA


Variable label: Source for c29_bgsct
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Which description best fits the area you live in?
Literal question: Which description best fits the area you live in?
Post-question: We are thinking about Norwegian conditions here.
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked in r6, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r6. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

[Source variables: r6k35, r7k35, r11bk35, r14bk35, r16bk35, r18bk35, r20bk35, r22bk35, r23bk35, r25_bgurb, r26k2_bgurb, r27_bgurb, r29_bgurb]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A city 2481 24.6% 0.2456678879
2 A suburb or the outskirts of a city 2053 20.3% 0.2032874542
3 A small or medium sized town 2861 28.3% 0.2832953758
4 A village 1580 15.6% 0.1564511338
5 A sparsely inhabited area 1122 11.1% 0.1111001089
97 Not answered 2 0.0% 0.0001980394
98 Not asked 0 NA


Variable label: Source for c29_bgurb
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Would vote for which party if there were a parliamentary election tomorrow
Literal question: Which party would you vote for if there were a parliamentary election tomorrow?
Technical description:

Combined variable, with the respondent’s most recent value. The question was first asked this way in r14, most recently in r29. Most respondents have values from the last year, but it is possible to have values back to r14. You can filter using the source-variabel if you only want respondents with the newer values.

Text from the “other”-field has been coded into the response categories where possible.

[Source variables: r14pk204, r16pk204_kodet, r17pk204_kodet, r18pk204, r19pk204_kodet, r20pk204_kodet, r21pk204, r23pk204_kodet, r24_pcpar, r26k2_pcpar, r27_pcpar, r28_pcpar, r29_pcpar]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:1-13]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Christian Democrats 321 3.2% 0.0317853253
2 The Conservative Party 2409 23.9% 0.2385384692
3 The Progress Party 790 7.8% 0.0782255669
4 The Liberal Party 633 6.3% 0.0626794732
5 The Socialist Left Party 1375 13.6% 0.1361520943
6 The Centre Party 356 3.5% 0.0352510150
7 The Green Party 502 5.0% 0.0497078919
8 The Labour Party 1641 16.2% 0.1624913358
9 The Red Party 590 5.8% 0.0584216259
10 Would not vote 220 2.2% 0.0217843351
11 Would cast a blank vote 365 3.6% 0.0361421923
12 Not entitled to vote 150 1.5% 0.0148529557
13 Other: 740 7.3% 0.0732745816
97 Not answered 7 0.1% 0.0006931379


Variable label: Source for c29_pcpar
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:character] [Valid:10099] [Invalid:0] [Range:-]


Variable label: Recoded version of [r27_bgoily].
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description: Recoded version of [r27_bgoily].
Technical attributes: [Question type: -] [Format:numeric] [Valid:261] [Invalid:9838] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 1960 - 1969 6 2.3% 0.02298851
2 1970 - 1979 42 16.1% 0.16091954
3 1980 - 1989 71 27.2% 0.27203065
4 1990 - 1999 56 21.5% 0.21455939
5 2000 - 2009 53 20.3% 0.20306513
6 2010 - 2019 26 10.0% 0.09961686
7 2020 or later 7 2.7% 0.02681992
Sysmiss 9838 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: It is women’s own responsibility to avoid unwanted sexual attention?
Literal question: To what extent do you agree or disagree that it is women’s own responsibility to avoid unwanted sexual attention?
Field period: 12.01.2022 - 31.01.2022
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:7923] [Invalid:2176] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 86 1.1% 0.010854474
2 Agree 238 3.0% 0.030039127
3 Somewhat agree 939 11.9% 0.118515714
4 Neither agree nor disagree 757 9.6% 0.095544617
5 Somewhat disagree 838 10.6% 0.105768017
6 Disagree 2254 28.4% 0.284488199
7 Strongly disagree 2771 35.0% 0.349741260
97 Not answered 40 0.5% 0.005048593
Sysmiss 2176 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: It is women’s own responsibility to avoid unwanted sexual attention?
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree with the following assertion:

It is women’s own responsibility to avoid unwanted sexual attention.
Field period: 16.02.2023 - 14.03.2023
Technical description: [Asked if (r26_group = 1,2)]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8854] [Invalid:1245] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 74 1.3% 0.01302358
2 Agree 141 2.5% 0.02481521
3 Agree somewhat 583 10.3% 0.10260472
4 Neither agree nor disagree 438 7.7% 0.07708553
5 Disagree somewhat 555 9.8% 0.09767687
6 Disagree 1614 28.4% 0.28405491
7 Strongly disagree 2254 39.7% 0.39669131
97 Not answered 23 0.4% 0.00404787
98 Not asked 3172 NA
Sysmiss 1245 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: It is women’s own responsibility to avoid unwanted sexual attention?
Literal question:

To what extent do you agree with the following assertion:

It is women’s own responsibility to avoid unwanted sexual attention.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description: [Asked if (r27_group = 3)]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:7960] [Invalid:2139] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 14 0.9% 0.008968610
2 Agree 44 2.8% 0.028187060
3 Agree somewhat 165 10.6% 0.105701473
4 Neither agree nor disagree 116 7.4% 0.074311339
5 Disagree somewhat 193 12.4% 0.123638693
6 Disagree 502 32.2% 0.321588725
7 Strongly disagree 524 33.6% 0.335682255
97 Not answered 3 0.2% 0.001921845
98 Not asked 6399 NA
Sysmiss 2139 NA


Variable label: Number of children: I do not have any children
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: I do not have any children
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_1 - r27_bgcha_7], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Multi] [Format:numeric] [Valid:7960] [Invalid:2139] [Range:0-1]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Selected 1582 19.9% 0.198743719
0 Not selected 6311 79.3% 0.792839196
97 Not answered 67 0.8% 0.008417085
Sysmiss 2139 NA


Variable label: Number of children: 0-5 years old
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: 0-5 years old
Post-question: If you have children, please enter how many children you have in the age categories below. If you don’t have any children, the fields may be left empty. Use whole numbers, not letters.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_0 - r27_bgcha_7], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:479] [Invalid:9620] [Range:0-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 20 4.2% 0.041753653
1 1 311 64.9% 0.649269311
2 2 134 28.0% 0.279749478
3 3 10 2.1% 0.020876827
4 4 3 0.6% 0.006263048
5 5 1 0.2% 0.002087683
Sysmiss 9620 NA


Variable label: Number of children: 6-10 years old
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: 6-10 years old
Post-question: If you have children, please enter how many children you have in the age categories below. If you don’t have any children, the fields may be left empty. Use whole numbers, not letters.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_0 - r27_bgcha_7], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:522] [Invalid:9577] [Range:0-10]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 21 4.0% 0.040229885
1 1 375 71.8% 0.718390805
2 2 112 21.5% 0.214559387
3 3 11 2.1% 0.021072797
6 6 1 0.2% 0.001915709
10 10 2 0.4% 0.003831418
Sysmiss 9577 NA


Variable label: Number of children: 11-15 years old
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: 11-15 years old
Post-question: If you have children, please enter how many children you have in the age categories below. If you don’t have any children, the fields may be left empty. Use whole numbers, not letters.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_0 - r27_bgcha_7], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:718] [Invalid:9381] [Range:0-12]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 19 2.6% 0.026462396
1 1 512 71.3% 0.713091922
2 2 168 23.4% 0.233983287
3 3 14 1.9% 0.019498607
4 4 2 0.3% 0.002785515
5 5 2 0.3% 0.002785515
12 12 1 0.1% 0.001392758
14 14 0 0.0% 0.000000000
Sysmiss 9381 NA


Variable label: Number of children: 16-20 years old
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: 16-20 years old
Post-question: If you have children, please enter how many children you have in the age categories below. If you don’t have any children, the fields may be left empty. Use whole numbers, not letters.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_0 - r27_bgcha_7], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:821] [Invalid:9278] [Range:0-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 21 2.6% 0.025578563
1 1 617 75.2% 0.751522533
2 2 171 20.8% 0.208282582
3 3 8 1.0% 0.009744214
4 4 4 0.5% 0.004872107
10 10 0 0.0% 0.000000000
Sysmiss 9278 NA


Variable label: Number of children: 21-30 years old
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: 21-30 years old
Post-question: If you have children, please enter how many children you have in the age categories below. If you don’t have any children, the fields may be left empty. Use whole numbers, not letters.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_0 - r27_bgcha_7], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:2008] [Invalid:8091] [Range:0-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 18 0.9% 0.008964143
1 1 1036 51.6% 0.515936255
2 2 731 36.4% 0.364043825
3 3 178 8.9% 0.088645418
4 4 37 1.8% 0.018426295
5 5 7 0.3% 0.003486056
6 6 1 0.0% 0.000498008
8 8 0 0.0% 0.000000000
Sysmiss 8091 NA


Variable label: Number of children: 31-50 years old
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: 31-50 years old
Post-question: If you have children, please enter how many children you have in the age categories below. If you don’t have any children, the fields may be left empty. Use whole numbers, not letters.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_0 - r27_bgcha_7], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:3539] [Invalid:6560] [Range:0-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 13 0.4% 0.003673354
1 1 1092 30.9% 0.308561741
2 2 1574 44.5% 0.444758406
3 3 700 19.8% 0.197795988
4 4 128 3.6% 0.036168409
5 5 22 0.6% 0.006216445
6 6 6 0.2% 0.001695394
7 7 4 0.1% 0.001130263
Sysmiss 6560 NA


Variable label: Number of children: 51 years old and above
Pre-question text: If you have children (your own children, stepchildren, adopted children, foster children, the children of a partner, etc.), how old are the children?
Literal question: 51 years old and above
Post-question: If you have children, please enter how many children you have in the age categories below. If you don’t have any children, the fields may be left empty. Use whole numbers, not letters.
Field period: 02.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Shown on the same page as [r27_bgcha_0 - r27_bgcha_6], and [r27_bgchao].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Numeric List] [Format:numeric] [Valid:800] [Invalid:9299] [Range:0-6]

Value Label Cases Percentage
0 0 20 2.5% 0.02500
1 1 359 44.9% 0.44875
2 2 306 38.2% 0.38250
3 3 95 11.9% 0.11875
4 4 18 2.2% 0.02250
5 5 1 0.1% 0.00125
6 6 1 0.1% 0.00125
Sysmiss 9299 NA


Variable label: Which political party/party list did you vote for in the municipal elections this autumn?
Literal question: Which political party/party list did you vote for in the municipal elections this autumn?
Field period: 23.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomized]

[The order for the alternatives ‘A joint party list’, ‘A local list’, ‘’Would cast a blank vote’, ‘Did not vote’, ‘Not entitled to vote’, and ‘Other’ was not randomized, but kept at the bottom after the other alternatives.]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8273] [Invalid:1826] [Range:1-17]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Christian Democrats 275 3.3% 0.033240662
2 The Conservative Party 1938 23.4% 0.234256014
3 The Progress Party 575 7.0% 0.069503203
4 The Liberal Party 475 5.7% 0.057415690
5 The Socialist Left Party 825 10.0% 0.099721987
6 The Centre Party 446 5.4% 0.053910311
7 The Green Party 480 5.8% 0.058020065
8 The Labour Party 1648 19.9% 0.199202224
9 The Red Party 391 4.7% 0.047262178
10 People's Party FNB 13 0.2% 0.001571377
11 The Industry and Business Party 267 3.2% 0.032273661
12 A joint party list 17 0.2% 0.002054877
13 A local list 168 2.0% 0.020307023
14 Would cast a blank vote 104 1.3% 0.012571014
15 Did not vote 407 4.9% 0.049196180
16 Not entitled to vote 12 0.1% 0.001450502
17 Other: 196 2.4% 0.023691527
97 Not answered 36 0.4% 0.004351505
Sysmiss 1826 NA


Variable label: Which political party/party list did you vote for in the county council election this autumn?
Literal question: Which political party/party list did you vote for in the county council election this autumn?
Field period: 23.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[Answer list display order: Randomized]

[The order for the alternatives ‘A joint party list’, ‘A local list’, ‘’Would cast a blank vote’, ‘Did not vote’, ‘Not entitled to vote’, and ‘Other’ was not randomized, but kept at the bottom after the other alternatives.]

[Added recoded values from _other-variables]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8273] [Invalid:1826] [Range:1-17]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 The Christian Democrats 257 3.1% 0.0310649099
2 The Conservative Party 1872 22.6% 0.2262782546
3 The Progress Party 544 6.6% 0.0657560740
4 The Liberal Party 406 4.9% 0.0490753052
5 The Socialist Left Party 796 9.6% 0.0962166082
6 The Centre Party 431 5.2% 0.0520971836
7 The Green Party 483 5.8% 0.0583826907
8 The Labour Party 1556 18.8% 0.1880817116
9 The Red Party 427 5.2% 0.0516136831
10 People's Party FNB 13 0.2% 0.0015713768
11 The Industry and Business Party 340 4.1% 0.0410975462
12 A joint party list 4 0.0% 0.0004835005
13 A local list 72 0.9% 0.0087030098
14 Would cast a blank vote 141 1.7% 0.0170433942
15 Did not vote 604 7.3% 0.0730085821
16 Not entitled to vote 36 0.4% 0.0043515049
17 Other: 232 2.8% 0.0280430315
97 Not answered 59 0.7% 0.0071316330
Sysmiss 1826 NA


Variable label: To what extent do you fear that there will be a new terrorist attack in Norway?
Literal question: To what extent do you fear that there will be a new terrorist attack in Norway?
Field period: 23.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8273] [Invalid:1826] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 A very high degree 343 4.1% 0.04146017
2 A high degree 1194 14.4% 0.14432491
3 Some degree 3811 46.1% 0.46065514
4 A low degree 2534 30.6% 0.30629759
5 Not at all 308 3.7% 0.03722954
97 Not answered 83 1.0% 0.01003264
Sysmiss 1826 NA


Variable label: Agree/disagree: Government authorities show little consideration for non-urban/rural Norway.
Literal question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following assertion?: Government authorities show little consideration for non-urban/rural Norway.
Field period: 23.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8273] [Invalid:1826] [Range:1-7]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Strongly agree 1132 13.7% 0.136830654
2 Agree 1822 22.0% 0.220234498
3 Agree somewhat 2051 24.8% 0.247914904
4 Neither agree nor disagree 1386 16.8% 0.167532938
5 Disagree somewhat 824 10.0% 0.099601112
6 Disagree 723 8.7% 0.087392723
7 Strongly disagree 257 3.1% 0.031064910
97 Not answered 78 0.9% 0.009428261
Sysmiss 1826 NA


Variable label: Based on what you know, which of the following assertions best describes your view on climate change?
Literal question: Based on what you know, which of the following assertions best describes your view on climate change?
Field period: 23.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8273] [Invalid:1826] [Range:1-4]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 I don’t believe that the climate is changing. 59 0.7% 0.007131633
2 I don't know whether the climate is changing or not. 271 3.3% 0.032757162
3 I believe that the climate is changing, but that it is only to a small extent due to human action 1750 21.2% 0.211531488
4 I believe that the climate is changing, and that it is to a large extent due to human action. 6111 73.9% 0.738667956
97 Not answered 82 1.0% 0.009911761
Sysmiss 1826 NA


Variable label: How worried are you about climate change?
Literal question: How worried are you about climate change?
Field period: 23.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
Technical description:

[All respondents asked]

[The question was exposed to respondents in order dependent on [r28_group]. If [r28_group] == 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 it was displayed after [r28_pcscc]. If [r28_group] == 2 it was displayed after [r28_cehfu].]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8273] [Invalid:1826] [Range:1-5]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 Not at all worried 393 4.8% 0.047503928
2 Not very worried 1133 13.7% 0.136951529
3 Somewhat worried 2307 27.9% 0.278858939
4 Worried 2770 33.5% 0.334824127
5 Very worried 1588 19.2% 0.191949716
97 Not answered 82 1.0% 0.009911761
Sysmiss 1826 NA


Variable label: Proposal that all new private vehicles should either be electric or run on hydrogen with effect from 2025.
Literal question:

The National Transport Plan for 2018-29 proposes that all new private vehicles should either be electric or run on hydrogen with effect from 2025.

Which of the following statements most closely reflects your views:
Post-question: See National Transport Plan 2018-2029, p. 16, available here:
Field period: 23.10.2023 - 12.11.2023
Technical description: [All respondents asked]
Technical attributes: [Question type:Single] [Format:numeric] [Valid:8273] [Invalid:1826] [Range:1-2]

Value Label Cases Percentage
1 In 2025 all new private vehicles that are sold should either be electric or run on hydrogen. 2557 30.9% 0.30907772
2 In 2025, people should still have the opportunity to purchase new private cars which run on diesel or petrol. 5613 67.8% 0.67847214
97 Not answered 103 1.2% 0.01245014
Sysmiss 1826 NA