Update-course in LAS

Everyone involved in animal studies must maintain and document competence through continuous practice and education.



If you took the basic LAS course before July 1 2015 or if you did your basic LAS training more than 5 years ago, you should participate in an update course as a new regulation went into force from that day.


The Norwegian Regulation on the use of animals in research (§24) say

“Users must be continuously updated by practical work and education”.



The Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) say:

“3R improvements develop fast nowadays and the modern scientist must be aware of latest developments, whether they concern animal care, experimental design or model refinements and alternatives.”






The update courses at University of Bergen are organized as a

1.       preparation/self-study of material covering the curriculum

2.       a ¾ day of lectures and Q&A session and

3.       a final MCQ-course test


 Topics to be included

·         Norwegian legislation and regulations

·         Ethics

·         Health and safety

·         Pain recognition - (facial grimace score)

·         Humane endpoints and Severity classification

·         Euthanasia

·         Alternatives and 3Rs

·         The animal welfare body  




Active participation in the seminar and passing the MCQ-test.



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Target audience for this course:

Researchers at UiB that took their education in LAS equivalent to FELASA C in Norway more than 5 years ago.




Upcoming courses and registration


Next course is planned in Q1 week 8 - 2025 - you can register  here





Persons performing procedures.


Practical training and skills must be documented for persons performing procedures.


If not, people performing procedures shall be supervised when they perform tasks until they have demonstrated that they have mastered the necessary skills.


For more information see Documentation of practical skills | The Laboratory Animal Facility | UiB



More information about LAS training UiB
