Friday November 2, 2012

From the head of department

During last week, we participated in two seminars at IFT with the purpose of stimulating research and education across the boundaries among research groups and departments. The first seminar was within nanoscience with the Department of Chemistry and Department of Molecular Biology, and with the Department of Geoscience and Christian Michelsen Research within underground monitoring. It is very interesting to see how enhanced knowledge on each other’s fields, facilities and interests leads to enthusiasm and stimulates to new multidisciplinary opportunities. This is needed in order to contribute with new knowledge, meet global challenges and get new funding. IFT would like to host such seminars which could lead to such possibilities – locally within the department, with other departments at UiB as well as outside UiB – you just need to contact us !!

Have a great week,
Geir Anton

News and general information


Election of safety representatives and deputy safety representatives for 2013-2014

UiB’s safety representatives will complete their duties by the end of 2012. We will therefore elect new representatives for the period of 2013-2014.


The safety representatives have an important function in the work environment at UiB. They will make sure that the employer does everything to provide all employees with a satisfactory working environment. The safety representatives will participate in the planning and execution of the systematic HMS-work in cooperation with the board.


Employees can propose candidates to the chief of administration on a separate form until November 7. Read also the letter from the Personnel- and organization department about the election for more comprehensive information, and about the election of the chief safety representative.


  Open meeting by the Norwegian Technical Science Academy

NTVA invites to a meeting in Bergenb with Tore Li, senior consultant, Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon (The Business Union), NHO:

Tuesday, November 13, at 19.00 at Nansensenteret, Marineholmen, Thormøhlens gate 47.

After the meeting there will be dinner with fish soup and social gathering. The price is 100,- NOK per person. Registration until 15.00 Thursday, November 8. Registration is required only for those joining the dinner.

  Dannelseskonferanse - Education for Innovation?

Dannelsesutvalget invites to The Bildung Conference for Higher Education 2012: The Future of the University Seminar Series:

  • Education for Innovation?

Monday, November 8., 10.00 - 17.00 at "Egget", Studentsenteret.

More information and registration. Professor Bodil Holst from IFT will contribute during the panel debate “If innovation is the only answer to The Grand Challenges of our Time, what is the question?.

    Petroleumstudentene top the league

The soccer team Petroleumstudentene have done a great job this year by winning all of their 10 games and are guaranteed to finish their league at the top. Congratulations!

All players are students from petroleum and process technology, including first year BSc students and last year MSc students. Behind from left: Lars Korbøl Nordtveit, Stig Winter Langlo, Tor Aksel Lystad, Snorre Vasshus, Håkon Juliussen and Stig Holme Lie. Front from left:  Eirik Ilden, Håkon Kyte Haugland, Vidar Nordaker, Jon Endre Seljeset Mjøs and Vegard Aarsheim.

   Can Machines Be Creative Enough To Invent Their Own Language?

All are welcome to the Horizon-lecture where Luc Steels, Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF) in Barcelona and the director of Sony Computer Science Laboratory in Paris,  and Terje Lohndal, "the Mozart of linguistics", will give lectures:

Monday November 5, at 18.00 at Egget, Studentsenteret



  Trial lectures

MSc Attiq ur Rehman will hold a trial lecture with the following title:

Thursday November 8, at 13.15 in room 546, IFT




H-bar is open every Friday, 19.00-01.00.

On Tuesdays, every even-numbered week, there will be pub-lectures at H-bar. More info at H-bar’s facebook page.

H-bar is managed by the Scientific Committee at the department and is primarily for our students – employees are also welcome!

  Christmas dinner

All are welcome to the traditional Christmas dinner organized by the scientific committee!

Friday November 23 at 20.00 in the canteen and the BSc-room, IFT. The doors will open at 19.00.

The participation price will be 200 NOK which will cover pinnekjøtt, riskrem, gløgg and 1 unit drink. Registration should be sent by e-mail before November 16, 12.00 o’clock. The dress code is Black tie. There will be live music throughout the evening.

Since permanent employees at IFT are invited to Christmas dinner in connection with the HMS- and strategy gathering on November 26, this will be the only Christmas dinner at our department this year. Therefore, we encourage all employees and students to attend this traditional and fun event on November 23.

IFT in the media

Publications registered in ISI Web of Science


o   ATLAS Collaboration: Buanes T, Burgess T, Eigen G, Johansen LG, Kastanas A, Leibig W, Lipniacka A, Mohn B, Rosendahl PL, Sandaker H, Sjursen TB, Stugu B, Tonyan A, Ugland M et al.: Measurement of the b-hadron production cross section using decays to D*(+)mu X- final states in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector NUCLEAR PHYSICS B  Volume: 864   Issue: 3   Pages: 341-381   DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2012.07.009  

o   Reisinger, Thomas; Greve, Martin M.; Eder, Sabrina D.; Bracco, Gianangelo; Holst, Bodil; Brightness and virtual source size of a supersonic deuterium beam PHYSICAL REVIEW A  Volume: 86   Issue: 4     Article Number: 043804   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.

o   Bergfjord, C.; Holst, B.; Mannering, U.; Frei, K. M.; et al. Nettle as a distinct Bronze Age textile plant SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  Volume: 2     Article Number: 664   DOI: 10.1038/



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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder


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