Fredag 18. januar 2013

From the head of department

The faculty has now sent the budget frameworks to all the departments and there are no surprises on IFT’s part. We are now working on completing the annual budget so it can be discussed and approved at the department’s council meeting on January 31. At that meeting, we also intend to take up a couple of practical issues of the recently started work on rationalizing the department space. To make it quite clear: the final decisions on sharing out the professors’ offices – that is the only measure which will contribute significantly to availing the space we need. Additionally, the working groups are asked to plan solutions for their meeting rooms, in order for all such needs to be taken care of. This takes time and we shall come with more information on work schedule in the nearest future.

Have a great weekend,

Geir Anton

news and general information



We would like to remind you that the department amployees should use PagaWeb for submitting Travel Expenses claim and refund of disbursements. The filled out forms should be sent electronically, but also need to be printed out and submitted along with original bills to the administrative basket in the administrative office. It would be nice if you could also submit the accounting for your own projects, but the most important thing is that the project number is applied either electronically or by hand. If the bill has to be approved by one of the project leaders, it would be nice that he or she sign directly on the print-out or sends an e-mail about their approval to Jan Halvard og Kristine.

We would also like to remind you that absence, holidays and applications for maternity or paternity leave should also be submitted to PagaWeb. User guide in Norwegian is to be found here.

  Registration in Cristin

Deadline for registering in Cristin is February 1 for publications which are to be reported to the Norwegian Ministry of Science, and Februrary 15 for magazine articles which are available on the Internet. So, all you have to do is find some time to upload your last year’s achievements in Cristin where one has to log in as UoB-employee. In addition to the scientific articles, this also applies to newspapers columns, discussions, media appearances – both on radio and TV, etc. In case of several authors from UoB, the first named author is responsible for uploading the data.

Stipend Day 2013

Norwegian Research Council (NFR) and UoB invite you all to the "Stipend Day 2013" which will take place in the "Egget" at the Student Centre on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, from 10:00-14:00. The intended audience for the Stipend Day are primarily PhDk candidates and post-docs, but other interested researchers and research administrators are also welcome to attend. Stipend Day 2013 has two main goals:


  • To present the most important stipend programmes and financial support arrangements which are available for PhD candidates and post-docs planning a research stay abroad.
  • To stimulate more PhD candidates to take a research stay abroad in connection with their PhD work.


The programme for the Stipend Day 2013 can be found here. We hope that as many as possible will use this opportunity to sign up for the Stipend Day 2013. For registration, see page 2 of the programme.


Student evening with FMC at VilVite January 24, 2013

FMC Technologies er i vekst og søker nyutdannede medarbeidere i avdelinger som for eksempel
innkjøp, logistikk, planlegging, finans og ingeniøryrket.

Studenter inviteres til en spennende aften på VilVite Senteret!
• Presentation of FMC’s departments + meet the leaders of different departments in FMC Technologies Bergen
• Food & drinks
• Competitions with great prizes
• Concert by Casa Murilo

All is free of charge! 

Informasjon om arrangementet



Seminar on self-chosen topic

PhD – candidate Sigrid Ina Simonsen will hold a seminar on the self-chosen topic:

  • Nuclear fusion power - always the energy source of the future

On Friday, January 18, at 10:15 in room 292, IFT


PhD – candidate Pilvi-Helinä Kivelä will hold a seminar on a self-chosen topic:

  • Physics in Fine Arts – Gravitational Effects and Acoustics behind the Installation ‘Tide’ by Luke Jerram

Tuesday, January 22, at 10:15 in room 546, IFT



  Pub lecture at ħ

Everyone is invited to Pub Lecture held by research fellow Dr. Spiros Kotopoulis

  • Therapeutic Ultrasound- from the lab to the clinic

Tuesday,  22 January, at  19.00 at H-bar

IFT in the media

Publikacations registered in ISI Web of Science


o   ALICE Collaboration: Altinpinar S, Djuvsland O, Fehlker D, Haaland O, Huang M, Kanaki K, Langoy R, Lien J, Liu L, Loenne PI, Nystrand J, Roed K, Rohrich D, Skjerdal K, Ullaland K, Ovrebekk G, Wagner B, Yang B et al.: Pion, Kaon, and Proton Production in Central Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 109   Issue: 25     Article Number: 252301   DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.252301  




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Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Allégaten 55
Postboks 7803, 5020 Bergen
Redaktør: Instituttleder


Er eller har du vært master eller PhD-student ved Institutt for fysikk og teknologi? Registrer deg på IFT Alumni, så har vi muligheten for å holde kontakt, se her for mer informasjon.