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Welcome to the Student Chaplains!

If you need someone to share your thoughts with, the Student Chaplains have time, to listen and to talk. We offer free individual counselling to all students regardless of faith or creed.

What we'll be talking about is up to you. Whether it is love and friendship, faith or doubt, something painful or something good, grief, studies, important choices or something else on your mind. As Chaplains we are bound by confidentiality, so you can freely speak your mind.

Would you like to talk to someone about what it's like to be you right now? Don´t hesitate to contact us.

Do you want to make an appointment?

Inge Høyland
+47 55 58 47 14
+47 415 63 972

Marie Grindheim
+47 55 58 94 45
+47 976 04 558

The Student Chaplaincy Office is located in the middle of the University Campus. Address: Harald Hårfagresgate 1 - 5th floor.

At the Student Chaplaincy Office you can also find:

  • Help finding a church or community of a different denomination.

The Student Chaplains are employed by The Church of Norway.

Inge Høyland Inge Høyland
Phone:55 58 47 14
Mobile:415 63 972

Marie Grindheim Marie Grindheim
Phone:55 58 94 45
Mobile:976 04 558