Investigating giardiasis and long term complications

Bergen Giardia Research Group



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Involved Researchers

Professor Trygve Hausken

Consultant at the Section for gastrointestinal disease, Medical department, Haukeland University Hospital. Research focus on mechanisms for development of functional gastrointestinal diseases, visceral hypersensitivity and ultrasound.

Professor Guri Rørtveit

Head of Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care at University of Bergen. Also affiliated with the Research Unit for General Practice at Uni Research Health.

Involved in epidemiological studies of long term complications after the epidemic with a focus on abdominal symptoms and fatigue.

PhD student Vernesa dizdar

Physician specialising in gastroenterology. Has undertaken a treatment trial and measurements of meal induced changes in duodenal signalling substances. Now focuses on importance of duodenal mucosal lymphocyte in development of abdominal sequels after giardiasis.

Researcher Kurt Hanevik

Specialist in infectious diseases. PhD on characterisation of post-giardiasis functional gastrointestinal disorders as well as the immune response to Giardia infection. Now involved in whole genome sequencing studies of Giardia and serological response profiles.

Professor Nina Langeland

Professor of infectious diseases at UiB, and consultant at Haukeland University Hospital and Haraldsplass Hospital. Involved in studies around the Giardia outbreak in 2004, the genotyping of the parasite, treatment studies and follow-up studies on the long term sequelae.

Consultant Kristine Mørch

Head of Centre for Tropical Infectious Diseases and consultant at Section for Infectious diseases, Haukeland University Hospital. Defended her PhD thesis in 2010 on anti-Giardia treatment efficacy, as well as epidemiological follow-up studies of all Giardia cases with regard to persistent symptoms and risk factors for these.


General practitioner and specialist in family medicine. Senior researcher at the Research Unit for General Practice, Uni Research Health, and associate professor at Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care. PhD-thesis in 2011 on a cohort-study focusing on treatment and prognosis during a 12-months follow-up period, and an epidemiological study of complications three years after the outbreak.

professor Lucy Robertson

Veterinærhøyskolen, Norges miljø- og biovitenskaplige universitet (NMBU)

Professor Staffan Svärd

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Dr. RER. NAT. Beate Niesler


International partners

Webansvarlig: Kurt Hanevik

BIOstatistician/Professor geir Egil Eide

Centre for Clinical Research

Western Norway Regional Health Authority

PHD Student Knut Erik Emberland

GP trainee and PhD candidate at Dept of Global Public Health & Primary Care, UiB and affiliated with Research Unit for General Practice in Bergen, Uni Research Health.  PhD project: Gastro-enteritis in primary care, Norway: encounters in general practice & out-of-hours services, antibiotics use & infectious disease control.

PHD student Christina Skår Saghaug

Master of pharmacy thesis on T cell memory cytokine responses against Giardia. Now PhD-candidate studying genetic variation in metronidazole activation pathways in clinical Giardia isolates.

PhD student Sverre Litleskare

PhD student and specializing as general practitioner. Working on perceived food intolerance 3 years after the outbreak, prevalence over time (3, 6, 10 years) of chronic fatigue (CF) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and quality of life in respondents after 10 years.