Curriculum vitae of Nikolay Kaleyski


PhD in Mathematical Cryptography — 2017 - 2021

University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Dissertation: “Towards a deeper understanding of APN functions and related longstanding problems”

Supervisor: Lilya Budaghyan

Co-supervisors: Claude Carlet, Marco Calderini

Master’s degree in Theoretical computer science — 2014 - 2016 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Thesis: “Boolean methods in knowledge compilation”

Supervisor: Ondřej Čepek

Average grade: 1.00 (1 being the highest and 3 being the lowest passing grade)

Graduated with honours

Bachelor’s degree in General computer science — 2011 - 2014 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Thesis: “Eigenvalues of symmetric interval matrices”

Supervisor: Milan Hladík

Average grade: 1.09 (1 being the highest and 3 being the lowest passing grade)

Graduated with honours

Participation in research projects and grants

Constructions of Optimal Boolean Functions (23.5 MNOK), 06.2017 – 04.2021

Bergen Research Foundation Recruitment Program Grant

Principal Investigator: Lilya Budaghyan

Modern Methods and Tools for Theoretical and Applied Cryptology (23.1 MNOK), 06.2017 – 12. 2020

Norwegian Research Council (NFR – IKTPLUSS)

Principal Investigator: Tor Helleseth

Development of a new joint educational program in Information Security and Cryptography at the UiB and Novosibirsk State University (0.3 MNOK), 02.2019 – 02.2021

In cooperation with the Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Education

Principal Investigators: Lilya Budaghyan and Natalia Tokareva

Recipient of Meltzer travel grant for research visit to Paris, 2019

Recipient of COINS funding for attending 7 conferences between 2017 and 2019


See here for a complete list

Invited talks

  1. Three lectures at the Summer school in Cryptography and information security 2021, Novosibirsk State University
  2. Bounding the Hamming distance between APN functions, mini-symposium at CanaDAM 2021
  3. The minimum distance between APN functions, Discrete Mathematics Seminar, University of Delaware, 2021
  4. Invariants for equivalence relations on APN functions, the 5th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2020), Loen, Norway
  5. Representative for the Department of Informatics of UiB at the Christie Conference 2021, Bergen, Norway

Presentations at conferences

  1. M. H. Aleksandersen, L. Budaghyan, N. S. Kaleyski, Searching for APN functions by polynomial expansion, the Norwegian Information Security Conference (NISK 2021)
  2. N. S. Kaleyski, Deciding EA-equivalence via invariants, the 11th International Conference on Sequences and Their Applications (SETA 2020)
  3. L. Budaghyan, M. Calderini, C. Carlet, D. Davidova, N. S. Kaleyski, On a Relationship between Gold and Kasami Functions and other Power APN Functions, the 11th International Conference on Sequences and Their Applications (SETA 2020)
  4. N. S. Kaleyski, An Update on Known Invariants of Vectorial Boolean Functions, 2019, the Ninth International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications (IWSDA), Dongguan, China
  5. L. Budaghyan, N. S. Kaleyski, Generalized Binomial APN Functions, the 4th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2019), Florence, Italy
  6. L. Budaghyan, M. Calderini, C. Carlet, N. S. Kaleyski, On a Relationship between Gold and Kasami Functions and other Power APN Functions, the 4th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2019), Florence, Italy
  7. L. Budaghyan, C. Carlet, T. Helleseth, N. S. Kaleyski, Changing points in APN functions, the 3rd International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2018), Loen, Norway
  8. N. S. Kaleyski, Changing APN functions at two points, 2018, the 10th International Conference on Sequences and Their Applications (SETA 2018), Hong Kong, China
  9. N. S. Kaleyski, Changing Points of APN Functions, 2018, Emil Artin International Conference, Yerevan, Armenia
  10. N. S. Kaleyski, PI is not at least as succinct as MODS, the 2nd International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2017), Loen, Norway
  11. N. S. Kaleyski, PI is not at least as succinct as MODS, Boolean Seminar Liblice 2017, Liblice, Czech Republic

Peer review

  • 58 journal papers:
    • 29 for Cryptography and Communications
    • 23 for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
    • 1 for Discrete Applied Mathematics
    • 3 for Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
    • 2 for Designs, Codes and Cryptography
  • 12 conference papers:
    • 5 for BFA 2022
    • 1 for LATIN 2022
    • 4 for BFA 2021
    • 1 for C2SI 2019
    • 1 for SETA 2018

Participation in organizing and program committees

  1. The 7th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2022) - PC, OC
  2. The 6th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2021) - PC, OC
  3. The 15th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications (Fq15), 2021 - OC
  4. The Ernst Selmer International Workshop, 2020 - OC
  5. The Ernst Selmer National Event, 2020 - OC
  6. The 5th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2020) - OC
  7. The 4th International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA 2019) - OC
  8. The International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI) 2018 - OC

Propagational and miscellaneous talks

  1. Representative at information meeting for master students, August 2022
  2. Representative at information meeting for master students, January 2022
  3. Representative at information meeting for potential master students, October 2021
  4. Representative at information meeting for master students, August 2021
  5. Presenter on "Digital teaching -- sharing experiences" at the department seminar, February 2021
  6. Representative at information meeting for master students, January 2021
  7. Representative at information meeting for master students, August 2020
  8. Introduction to cryptography for high school pupils, 2019
  9. Side-channel attacks, ICT Research School annual meeting, 2019
  10. Introduction to cryptography at an information meeting for potential master students, 2019
  11. Introduction to computer security for a visiting class of students from Voss Folkehøyskole, 2019
  12. “Speed talk” on Boolean functions in cryptography, department seminar, 2019

Teaching and supervision

  1. Lecturer for INF242 (Information Theory), University of Bergen, autumn semester, 2022
  2. Lecturer for INF143A (Applied Cryptography), University of Bergen, spring semester, 2022
  3. Lecturer for INF242 (Information Theory), University of Bergen, autumn semester, 2021
  4. Lecturer for INF242 (Information Theory), University of Bergen, autumn semester, 2020
  5. Lecturer for INF240 (Basic Codes), University of Bergen, autumn semester, 2019
  6. Teaching assistant for INF240 (Basic Tools for Coding theory and Cryptography), spring semester, 2020
  7. Main supervisor of PhD student Nadiia Ichanska
  8. Main supervisor of master students Vegard Jensløkken and Simon Berg
  9. Co-supervisor of master students Maren Aleksandersen (graduated), Alise Haukenes (graduated), Marie Heggebakk (graduated), Ivana Ivkovic, and Kjetil Amundsen Nesheim (graduated), with Lilya Budaghyan as main supervisor

Other activities

  1. Poster design for the Ernst Selmer National Event and the Ernst Selmer International Workshop, 2020
  2. Main developer of the online Encyclopaedia of Boolean functions
  3. Main developer of the website of the Boolean functions research group


Date of birth: April 11, 1990

Place of birth: Varna, Bulgaria

Nationality: Bulgarian