The 2nd International Workshop on

Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA)


Boolean functions and more generally all the discrete structures used in error correcting coding, cryptography or communications, are highly active areas of research. The workshop Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA) is to provide a forum for researchers who are working on discrete functions and structures, particularly on Boolean functions, to exchange ideas and interests in open problems, and to further explore their applications in cryptography, error correcting codes and communications.

This workshop is organized by Selmer Center, University of Bergen. It will take place at the Sosltrand Hotel, Os, Norway during July 3-8, 2017.

General Chairs

Organizing Committee

Invited Speakers (Confirmed)

Anne Canteaut
Inria Paris, France

Marco Calderini
University of Trento, Italy

Alla Levina
ITMO University, Russia

Chunlei Li
University of Bergen, Norway

Nian Li
Hubei Univ., China, Univ. of Bergen, Norway

Pierrick Méaux
ENS and PSL Research University, France

Sihem Mesnager
University of Paris VIII, France

Ashley Montanaro
University of Bristol, UK

Kaisa Nyberg
Aalto University, Finland

Matthew G. Parker
University of Bergen, Norway

Léo Paul Perrin
Univ. of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Alexander Pott
Otto-von-Guericke-University, Germany

Patrick Solé
Telecom ParisTech, France

Pante Stanica
Naval Postgraduate School, USA

Natalia Tokareva
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Yue Zhou
National Univ. of Defense Technology, China

Call for Papers (Abstract)

The program will be constructed around a series of 10-12 tutorial talks by the invited speakers. All participants who wish to contribute a talk of 20 minutes are invited to submit an abstract of at most 1 page. We request previously unpublished results on all aspects of discrete structures, particularly on Boolean functions and their applications in cryptography, coding theory, combinatorics, quantum computing, etc. Topics include but are not limited to:

After the workshop all participants will be invited to submit a paper to a special issue on Boolean Functions and their Applications in the journal

Communication and Cryptography

At least one of authors of each accepted abstract must be registered by the early registration deadline: 01-04-2017

Important Dates

Submission Deadline March 1st, 2017
Acceptance Notification March 15th, 2017
Early Registration Deadline April 1st, 2017
Workshop July 03-08, 2017

Group Photo

Group Photo

More photos can be found here.
